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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinants of online leisure travelers loyalty intentions : the role of consumers perceptions and satisfaction applied to the B to C travel web sites / Les déterminants de fidélité intentionnelle de voyageurs de loisirs en ligne : le rôle des perceptions et la satisfaction-application aux sites web de voyage B to C

Amir, Christine 28 September 2012 (has links)
La compréhension de la façon dont les consommateurs interagissent avec le site Web d’une entreprise s’avère primordiale pour sa survie à l’heure actuelle. En effet, elle aide les gestionnaires de sites Web à améliorer la performance du site de manière à développer la satisfaction des consommateurs et ainsi leurs comportements d’achat et de fidélité. Le but de ce travail de recherche est double. Il vise dans un premier temps à développer un modèle conceptuel expliquant la fidélité intentionnelle des consommateurs, pour dans un deuxième temps, le tester empiriquement dans le cas des sites Web de voyage. Plus précisément, cette étude examine le rôle des perceptions des consommateurs sur leur satisfaction et leur fidélité. Cette dernière est appréhendée au travers des intentions d’achat, de recommandation et de visite du site. En outre, le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction des consommateurs entre la perception des consommateurs des attributs de site et la fidélité intentionnelle est examiné. Un cadre théorique est établi qui est soutenu par des preuves empiriques dans le contexte de voyage en ligne. Ce cadre théorique se penche essentiellement sur la théorie du choix raisonné de Fishbein et Ajzen (1975), Oliver (1999) et autres travaux majeurs dans le domaine du comportement du consommateur en ligne. Notre étude s’appuie sur une approche quantitative fondée sur les données recueillies auprès des consommateurs par le biais d’un questionnaire ciblant les voyageurs en ligne. Notre analyse est fondée sur des réponses d'un échantillon de 200 voyageurs.En ce qui concerne les résultats empiriques, la recherche apporte plus d’éclairage sur le lien entre les perceptions des consommateurs et leur intention de fidélité. Par conséquent, les résultats montrent l'impact direct de la perception sur les intentions de fidélité. Plus précisément, les résultats suggèrent que la perception du consommateur liée aux attributs fonctionnels et hédoniques du site Web de voyage est susceptible d'affecter son intention de fidélité.Les résultats empiriques montrent également que les deux dimensions de la perception des consommateurs à savoir les attributs hédoniques et fonctionnels peuvent potentiellement améliorer la satisfaction du consommateur. Cependant, la satisfaction est plus déterminée par les perceptions liées aux attributs fonctionnels que celles liées aux aspects hédoniques. En outre, bien que la satisfaction du consommateur est reconnue d’influencer les intentions de fidélité des consommateurs, mais seul ne suffit pas pour conduire les intentions de fidélité des consommateurs. L'étude se termine par une conclusion générale qui résume les principaux résultats mis en évidence dans cette recherche. Il aborde les contributions théoriques, méthodologiques, les implications managériales et les contributions de résultats empiriques de recherche. Enfin, cette recherche conclut sur des voies de recherche futures. / A better comprehension of how consumers interact with travel web site is primordial for its survival as it helps managers improve web site performance to levels that satisfy online travel purchaser, and thus create loyalty intentions resulting in a positive word of mouth and repurchasing behavior. Drawing upon the foundations of marketing literature and particularly the theory of reasoned action of Fishbein and Ajzen (1975), Oliver (1999) and other relevant major works regarding online consumer behavior, this research work aims at developing and test empirically a conceptual model that explains how online leisure traveler develops loyalty intentions towards travel web site. Specifically, this research study investigates the role of consumer’s perceptions and satisfaction on loyalty intentions. In addition, the mediating role of consumer satisfaction between web site attributes perceptions-loyalty intentions relationship is examined. The established theoretical framework is supported by empirical evidence in the online travel settings. Our research study uses quantitative approach leaning on data collected by consumer-based survey targeting online travelers. Our analysis is based from responses of a sample of 200 e-travelers.With regard to the empirical findings, the research brings more knowledge about the consumer’s perceptions-loyalty intentions relationship. Hence, findings indicate the direct impact of perception on loyalty intentions. More precisely, results suggest that consumer’s perception of functional-related and hedonic related attributes of travel web site is likely to affect his loyalty intentions. The empirical findings show as well that the two dimensions of consumers’ perceptions (hedonic and functional-relevant attributes) can potentially enhance consumer satisfaction. However, satisfaction is more driven by functional-related attributes than hedonic-related ones. Furthermore, though consumer satisfaction is deemed to influence consumer loyalty intentions but alone is not sufficient to drive consumer loyalty intentions. Finally, the research study ends with a general conclusion that summarizes the key findings highlighted in this research. It addresses the theoretical, methodological, managerial marketing implications and contributions of empirical findings. Then, it provides a basis for identifying several fruitful directions for future research.

Living in Harmony: Health Perspectives of Hispanics in Rural East Tennessee.

Bailey, Erin E. 01 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose is to promote culturally competent care among healthcare providers by identifying and describing how Hispanics in East Tennessee view health and what they do to prevent illness. A focus group of six to ten Hispanics of mixed genders over age eighteen moderated by a native Spanish-speaking interpreter. Questions explored how Hispanics define health and sickness, health maintenance practices, and alternative medicines and practices. Results were interpreted from Spanish to English to be analyzed. The Circle in Which You Live was described by members as consisting of relationships, physical health, and peace of the mind and soul. In Shutting Themselves in Their Stress, group members described Hispanic women specifically as experiencing stress most often. Members explored how the mind attracts illness, types of pain, and nonpharmacological remedies in The Problems Do Not End. Stress is a major concern for health. Hispanics have a very holistic view of health. Pain relief methods mentioned by participants include distraction, bags of ice, and relaxation. Healthcare providers need to take time to ask about specific stressors in patient’s lives, collaborate with the patient, and explore ways to decrease and manage stress in a culturally sensitive manner.

Utilité et utilisation de la traduction automatique dans l’environnement de traduction : une évaluation axée sur les traducteurs professionnels

Rémillard, Judith 19 June 2018 (has links)
L’arrivée de la traduction automatique (TA) bouleverse les pratiques dans l’industrie de la traduction et soulève par le fait même des questions sur l’utilité et l’utilisation de cette technologie. Puisque de nombreuses études ont déjà porté sur son utilisation dans un contexte où elle est imposée aux traducteurs, nous avons choisi d’adopter la perspective toute particulière des traducteurs pour examiner son utilité et son utilisation volontaire dans l’environnement de traduction (ET). Notre recherche visait à répondre à trois grandes questions : les traducteurs utilisent-ils la TA dans leurs pratiques? Les traducteurs croient-ils que les données de sortie sont utiles et utilisables? Les traducteurs utilisent-ils concrètement ces données de sortie dans le processus de traduction? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons d’abord diffusé un sondage à grande échelle afin de mesurer l’utilisation de la TA en tant qu’outil, de recueillir des données sur le profil des répondants et d’évaluer leur perception d’utilité par rapport aux données de sortie et aux divers types de phénomènes que nous avions identifiés au préalable avec l’aide de deux traducteurs professionnels. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé une expérience avec d’autres traducteurs professionnels où nous leur avons demandé de procéder à la traduction de courts segments et avons examiné s’ils utilisaient ou non ces données de sortie pour produire leur traduction. Notre analyse était fondée sur le principe que, dans un contexte d’utilisation volontaire, l’utilisation d’une donnée de sortie permet d’induire une perception d’utilité et d’examiner, par le fait même, l’utilité de la TA. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons trouvé que la TA n’est habituellement pas utilisée de façon volontaire, que les perceptions des traducteurs sont peu favorables à une telle utilisation, que la perception des traducteurs quant à l’utilité des données de sortie est aussi plutôt négative, mais que les données de sortie semblent être beaucoup plus utiles et utilisables que ce que ne pourraient le croire les traducteurs, car ils les ont généralement utilisées dans le processus de traduction. Nous avons aussi examiné les facteurs déterminants de l’utilité et de l’utilisation de la TA et des données de sortie.

Parent and Provider Perceptions of Use of the NIH We Can! Curriculum for Group Visits In Primary Care to Treat Child Overweight and Obesity

Schetzina, Karen E., Dalton, William T., Flannery, Alicia, Holt, Nicole, Aiken, Meagan, Tudiver, Fred 14 October 2011 (has links)
As part of a cluster randomized controlled trial of a parent-mediated approach to treating overweight and obese children ages 5-11 years in Southern Appalachia, feedback on use of the NIH We Can! curriculum for parent group visit sessions in primary care was obtained from parents and providers in two intervention clinics. Parents/caregivers of 28 children in two primary care clinics were randomized to the intervention group to participate in four on-site 1.5 hour group sessions held every other week during an 8-10 week period. Five primary care providers (PCPs) in the two clinics were trained to lead the group sessions using the NIH We Can! online training and an additional 1-hour face-to-face training conducted by the project team. The Project Coordinator and one project team clinician (Pediatrician, Pediatric Psychologist, or Registered Dietician (RD)) was present during each group visit to answer any questions about the study protocol, behavior (Pediatric Psychologist) or nutrition/eating (RD). The Project Coordinator or RD called each parent during the week following each group visit to discuss the family’s progress and answer questions. Written feedback surveys were completed by parents and focus groups were conducted with providers following the last group session. Provider focus groups were recorded and later transcribed and coded to indentify themes. Among 22 (79%) parents/caregivers who completed group sessions and a feedback survey, 91% agreed/strongly agreed that “this program was very useful to me as a parent.” In addition, 95% said that they would “recommend We Can! to a friend” citing benefiting from information received from healthcare providers and parents as well as the opportunity for “fellowship” with other parents. All five PCPs led at least 1 or 2 group sessions and participated in focus groups. Most PCPs agreed that the We Can! leader’s guide and training prepared them to lead the group sessions. All providers reported that preparation time to lead a session (15-90 minutes) was reasonable. On average, providers perceived the group sessions to be moderately effective in promoting healthier eating, physical activity, and reducing screen time in their patients. Some providers were interested in continuing to offer a monthly group session for long-term support. These findings suggest parent and healthcare provider acceptability of using NIH We Can! parent group sessions to treat child overweight in primary care.


Alderson, Courtney J 01 January 2018 (has links)
The overarching goal of this study was to examine whether perceptions of others’ free will would differ depending on perceiver race as well as target race. The current study proposed that such a racial bias may be one mechanism by which racial disparities in medical treatment recommendations arise. By bridging findings from four different lines of research (i.e., the literatures on racial health and medical treatment disparities, racial bias, free will beliefs, and social identity), it was hypothesized that: (1) participants would perceive greater amounts of free will for a hypothetical racial ingroup patient than an outgroup patient; (2) such effect would be moderated by participant racial identity and/or racial bias, such that greater racial identity and/or ingroup racial bias would result in greater differences in racial ingroup vs. racial outgroup members’ free will; and (3) greater perception of the patient free will would indirectly affect treatment recommendation for the patient through increased perceived patient self-control. In order to test these hypotheses, the study used a 2 (Participant race: Black vs. White) x 2 (Target race: Black vs. White) x Continuous (Racial Identity/Racial Attitudes) between-subjects design, in which target race was manipulated experimentally. The results indicated that Black participants’ perceptions of patient free will was moderated by both racial identity and racial bias. Specifically, those who weakly identified with their racial group perceived a greater amount of free will in the White target patient than the Black target patient. Also, Black participants who displayed pro-White racial bias, a greater amount of free in the White target patient than the Black target patient. These moderating effects of racial identity/racial bias were not found for the White participants. Also, patient free will had an indirect effect on treatment recommendation by way of perceived patient self-control, such that perceived free positively predicted the more rigorous of two treatments. Limitations of the current research include the undergraduate college student sample, the use of a general measure of racial identity, and the use of the old IAT algorithm. Future work should examine empirically whether findings from the present study can be generalized to provider samples.

Parents' and Teachers' Perceptions of Parental Involvement

Patton, Sebrina Rochell 01 January 2019 (has links)
Lack of parental involvement is an issue in the educational system because parents and teachers do not understand each other's views. Research has shown that when parents and teachers provide students with support, student achievement increases. The problem of teachers' and parents' lack of common understanding of parental involvement was addressed in this study. Epstein's model of parental involvement and the theory of planned behavior served as the theoretical framework of this qualitative, exploratory, phenomenological study to explore the perceptions of 5 teachers and 10 parents who were purposefully sampled. The research questions were focused on parents' and teachers' perceptions on parental involvement in supporting students' achievement. Data were analyzed using of Moustakas's steps for phenomenological model. Trustworthiness was ensured through peer review, member checking, and descriptive research notes. Findings from the data collected from face-to-face interviews identified 3 themes: parenting and learning at home, volunteering and decision making, and communicating and collaborating with the community. The 3 themes overlapped with components of Epstein's model of parental involvement and were evident in the participants' answers to the interview questions. The resulting project was a white paper designed to educate the community about problems with parental involvement, provide solutions to the issue, and help parents and teachers to work collaboratively to improve student achievement. The project contributes to social change through formative feedback for the major stakeholders regarding ways to promote efficient and effective practices for both parents and teachers to promote student learning.

Perceptions of Residents in Rural Areas Toward Law Enforcement

Wagner, Joseph James 01 January 2019 (has links)
Negative public perceptions toward law enforcement officers (LEOs) have increased in recent years as the result of police shootings of unarmed men. Researchers have focused on urban residents' perceptions toward LEOs, but have not examined the perceptions of rural residents. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between the dependent variable (DV) of rural citizens' perceptions toward LEOs and the independent variables (IVs) of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, income, employment status, educational attainment, and immigration status. The social judgment theory and the primary socialization theory were used as the theoretical foundations to determine how the IVs affected the DV. A sample of 282 residents from southeastern Colorado completed the Perceptions of Police Scale and a demographics questionnaire. Multiple linear regressions were conducted to examine the relationship between the DV and the IVs. Results indicated that as educational attainment increased, perceptions toward LEOs increased. Residents had a positive perception toward LEOs on a number of scale items: Residents agreed that the police were helpful, provided safety, and protected them. Findings may be used to develop interventions to improve relationships between LEOs and residents living in rural areas who continue to have negative perceptions of the police.

Wasted Visits? Ecotourism in Theory vs. Practice, at Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Meletis, Zoë Angela 14 December 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, I contemplate the ecotourism in theory and in practice. I use the case study of a solid waste crisis (2002-2004) in Tortuguero, Costa Rica, a turtle tourism destination, to explore: the consumptive nature of ecotourism, tourist perceptions of the environment, ecotourism aesthetics, local resistance to ecotourism development, local perceptions of ecotourism's environmental impacts, and the future of ecotourism. I used mixed methods including participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and on-site surveys to collect data. I conducted mainly qualitative analysis (thematic coding; adapted grounded theory) influenced by political ecology, environmental justice, resistance studies, tourism studies, and the geography of tourism. My use of environmental justice concepts to frame the solid waste crisis in Tortuguero, and the application of key concepts from Scott's (1981) Weapons of the Weak to local behavior and narratives both represent fairly novel applications in an ecotourism context. I attempted to move beyond a restricted case study by emphasizing characteristics shared between Tortuguero and other sites, in the hopes of contributing towards efforts to inject new theoretical applications into tourism studies. This case study reveals the consumptive side of ecotourism, and the analysis of tourist survey responses highlights the central role of aesthetics in ecotourism. This project challenges simplistic portrayals of ecotourism as 'benevolent and benign' (e.g. by highlighting its consumptive impacts and related injustices), and of ecotourists as more aware and altruistic than mass tourists (e.g. by presenting a heterogeneous group of respondents who none the less, stress aesthetics). It updates existing literature on Tortuguero by presenting data on tourist and local perceptions of Tortuguero, and by suggesting explanations for divergent perceptions of the park's role in ecotourism, for example. The evidence that I present of local resistance and waste-related injustices suggest that despite its high profile reputation, multimillion dollar annual revenues, improved local standards of living, and green turtle conservation successes, critical details and key voices have largely been 'left out of the story of ecotourism in Tortuguero'. I hope that his study contributes to encouraging the culture of 'greater ecotourism realism' that is needed in order to move forward. / Dissertation

High School Science Teacher Induction in Texas: Implications for Policy

Ivey, Toni Ann 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Texas public high schools induct beginning science teachers each year; yet, little is known about how schools induct beginning teachers. The three studies included in this dissertation use a mixed methods approach to explore data collected by the Policy Research Initiative in Science Education (PRISE) Research Group during the 2007-2008 academic year. The first study focused on principals' perceptions of teacher induction. A content analysis of interviews collected from 50 principals examined principals' perceptions of teacher induction. Analyses indicated that high school principals had an overwhelmingly narrow focus of mentoring and provided mentor teachers with little support or training. Findings indicated that induction activities for beginning teachers were front-loaded before the school year began and were left in the hands of unprepared mentors during the school year. Further analyses indicated that the primary purpose of mentoring and induction for beginning teachers in Texas high schools revolved around orientation to campus policies and procedures. Beginning teachers' instructional needs appeared to be an afterthought. The second study explored beginning high school science teachers' evaluations of their induction experiences. Beginning teachers identified the best school-level induction supports received and recommended improvements for school-level induction. Teachers identified mentoring as one of the best received supports, yet also made recommendations for more structure in the mentoring experience. A comparison of beginning teachers' responses with teacher turnover found that: (a) Stayers (i.e., teachers retained at a campus) were most likely to report that they received induction support from other science teachers; (b) Movers (i.e., teachers who transferred to another campus) less frequently reported working conditions as a positive induction support; and (c) Leavers, (i.e., teachers not retained in the profession) most frequently did not identify induction support from the school. The final study compared principals' perceptions of induction and beginning teacher Movers and Leavers' evaluations of their induction experiences. Findings from this study indicated that principals were aware of induction components that were considered helpful by both Movers and Leavers. However, principals did not acknowledge what Movers and Leavers recommended for improvements to current induction practices. The final chapter provides a summary of all three studies. Recommendations are made for improving induction practices for high school science teachers. In particular, high school principals should discard their current "hands-off" approach to teacher induction and become more active in their induction experiences. Additionally, types of induction practices should increase to include more than mentoring. Moreover, policy makers should reform mentoring policies so that current practices, which have a narrow focus on school policies and procedures, are abandoned.

Influence of Newspaper Images on Student Perceptions of Agricultural Issues

Dromgoole, Amy 2012 May 1900 (has links)
In today's technological environment, there is constant competition for audience readership and viewership between various media outlets. News media provides a great deal of information to the general public through television, print, and web sources, especially in terms of agriculture. This study aimed to discover audience perceptions of two different natural disasters by examining the effects of photographic inclusion in print news articles including agricultural perceptions and content recall. Additionally, differences between self-perceived milk industry advocacy and a milk campaign story are also examined. Newspaper articles about the effects of the 2010-2011 drought in Texas and the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene were also used. Students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University were surveyed in online pre and posttests. Student responses displayed a moderate relationship between photos and article content in regards to the Hurricane Irene article. A significant relationship was present between self-perceived non-advocates and their outlook on milk consumption and the dairy industry with the inclusion of photographs. There were differences seen between students who have family who work in agriculture, claim membership in an agriculture association, live on a farm or ranch, and were members of FFA as they viewed the drought article to be more positive than those who did not have these agricultural backgrounds. Furthermore, student responses show a relationship between the milk industry article in the pretest (photos included) and posttest (photos not included) by viewing the photos as positive, humorous, and shocking. This study found student perceptions of the two news articles related to the drought as well as the tropical storm to be the same regardless of photographic presence. This leads the researcher to conclude that photos had no effect on the overall perceptions of the news stories. However, students who received photographs did see a relationship between the photos associated with the flood article and the content presented in the story. This effect was not seen with the photographs of the drought story. Since the photos associated with the flood story were the original photos printed with the news story, it is probable to conclude that students properly associated photographic elements with that of the story's content.

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