Spelling suggestions: "subject:"”digitalization”"" "subject:"”digitalizations”""
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Tillämpningar av digitalisering på last mile logistics : En multifallstudieSolomon, Nahom, Georges, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
Over two decades, digitalization has grown considerably and gained momentum around the world. The majority of the world's population uses digital services such as Internet, smartphones and computers. The growth has changed the market, which has led to increased delivery of packages to customers or to wholesalers. Last mile Logistics has had a major impact in digitalization as the purpose is how efficiently packages are delivered to the customer.The purpose of this study was to understand the applications of digitalization on last mile logistics through e-commerce in different industries.For the purpose of the study, data collection of scientific articles and interviews was accomplished. The study consists of five interviews with five different case companies that works with digitalization focusing on the last mile logistics.These interviews highlighted how dependent companies are currently out of digitization in last mile logistics, it was also emphasized how large investments companies make regarding jobs with constant improvements in order to meet customers' needs.In the study's conclusions, it was possible to understand how different businesses implement digitization in different ways, and how these different companies apply digitization on their last mile logistics through e-commerce.
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Value co-creation within the digital divide : how organizations can co-create value to maintain and attract older adults as their customersKamel, Carola, Olausson, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Digitalization has made it possible for organizations to propose value to their customers through digital services. Meanwhile, due to digital development, the digital divide has increased in society, since many older adults do not know how to use the proposed digital services. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and dilemmas that older adults face within digital services and how organizations can co-create value with older adults to maintain them and attract them as their customers. This study aimed to analyze existing data, but also to embrace new findings, therefore, an abductive approach has been used. Seven interviews were accomplished, one with the head of sales development at our case organization Skånetrafiken, and six interviews with older adults, who contributed with their thoughts about the digitalization, digital services, and value. The digital divide does not only depend on the digitalization but also that older adults feel forgotten as customers since they do not follow with the digital development, which leads to older adults not knowing how to use digital services. Organizations may co-create value with older adults through a change of mindset, education, information, and interaction. Moreover, this may lead to that organizations attract and maintain older adults as their customers, meanwhile minimize the digital divide. The context of this study has a few limitations that may affect trustworthiness. Firstly, only one region was taken into consideration. Secondly, this study could have contained more participants in interviews with older adults. Lastly, due to Covid-19, there was no possibility of having physical interviews, which set limits for reading body language and facial expressions. However, future researchers may consider these limitations and hopefully can contribute to more research on this widespread topic. Although the findings are related to the cases of older adults and Skånetrafiken, this study contributes with original insights into the field of the digital divide, older adults, and value co-creation.
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The Potential of Blockchain in Supply Chain LogisticsMichalak, Robert, Micklin, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Today, it is important to understand how logistic systems can become more efficient and effective through increased digitalization and information sharing, as the exponential development in technological advancements during the recent decade has opened up new opportunities for digitalization of businesses. Blockchain is considered to be one of the most disruptive technologies of modern times. (Dinh & Thai, 2018) Information generation and information sharing are important for integration of partners in a supply chain, and for the logistics in a supply chain to function efficiently. To understand how blockchain can impact information sharing through supply chains and logistics, the purpose is to explore the potential of blockchain in supply chain logistics. The thesis focuses on explaining blockchain to make it approachable and easy to understand. The thesis is divided into two parts, the technological part, with comparisons to other digital technologies in order to pinpoint how blockchain relates to other technologies, and the information sharing part of the supply chain. With that foundation, the analyses look into the contributions blockchain can provide, how it compares to traditional IT-systems for information sharing and what to consider before and during an implementation of a blockchain protocol in a supply chain. To categorize information sharing, important aspects were chosen from literature and validated through a survey sent to supply chain managers from companies operating at different parts of supply chains and different industries. In order to evaluate the actual potential of blockchain, interviews with four highly experienced blockchain experts were conducted. The research resulted in the conclusion of how important it is to conduct an investigation of what blockchain is intended for, and what value it adds to all parties involved, before starting the technical implementation. Furthermore, this research concluded that the possibility to use blockchain both independently and in combination with other technologies in a chain to provide fully automated processes of disseminating and storing information provides a greater potential for further use. Through the characteristics the technology possesses, such as, consensus, traceability (provenance), immutability, finality, decentralisation and persistency, blockchain can have a big impact on information handling in many industries. Companies should however consider whether a blockchain solution is necessary, since its complicated, demands involvement from multiple parties and comes at a substantial cost. A supply chain aims to maximise added value, which correlates well with the opportunity blockchain presents of eliminating the need for unnecessary intermediaries, streamlining the information flow, while simultaneously building trust.
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Construction Supply Chain Management : Kan SCM koncept och metoder från tillverkningsindustrin användas i CSCM? / Construction Supply Chain Management : Can SCM concepts and methods from the manufacturing industry be used in CSCM?Sosnowski, Dennis, Ternemo, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka CSCM och om etablerade SCM koncept och metoder från tillverkningsindustrin kan användas inom CSCM. För att besvara syftet har frågeställningarna “hur skiljer sig förutsättningarna för SCM och CSCM?”, “är SCM koncept och metoder överförbara från tillverkningsindustrin till byggnadsindustrin?”, “vilka SCM koncept och metoder verkar inte lämpliga för CSCM?” och “vilka koncept och metoder från traditionell SCM framstår som användbara för CSCM?”. Den teoretiska referensramen består av ett urval vedertagna SCM koncept och metoder som har sitt ursprung i tillverkande industri och teori om CSCM. Teorierna har använts för att analysera empirin som är av kvalitativ karaktär för att uttömmande presentera sex respondenters verkliga bild av CSCM och användning av SCM koncept och metoder. Studien kommer fram till slutsatsen att SCM koncept och metoder från tillverkande industri kan användas inom byggnadsindustrin, men att det krävs modifikationer för att bättre passa byggindustrins unika karaktär. Ett koncept och som inte rakt av lämpar sig för CSCM är JIT eftersom byggarbetsplatser inte är anpassade för att ta emot stora antal leveranser som ofta är konsekvensen av JIT. Men om JIT anpassas till CSCM genom användning av samlastningsterminaler för att minska antalet transporter visar det sig vara en omtyckt metod av respondenterna. Analysen visar även att det sker en omställning inom CSCM där användning av IT blir allt vanligare, men är fortfarande inte helt etablerad. Utifrån analyser verkar det finnas ett behov av mer utvecklade samarbeten inom CSCM där direkt leverantörsutveckling inte var vanligt enligt respondenterna. Detta tycks bero på byggindustrins tidsbegränsade och decentraliserade projektkaraktär som inte låter samarbeten utmynna i något större. Respondenterna upplever en hög supply risk inom sin CSCM och använder bland annat terminaler för att minska denna. Outsourcing av logistik till en tredje part är ett koncept som används inom CSCM för att öka effektivitet genom möjliggörande av fokus på kärnkompetenser. / This study aims to investigate CSCM and whether established SCM concepts and methods from the manufacturing industry can be used in CSCM. To answer the purpose, we asked the research questions "how do the conditions for SCM and CSCM differ?", "are SCM concepts and methods transferable from the manufacturing industry to the construction industry?", "which SCM concepts and methods do not seem suitable for CSCM?" and "which concepts and methods from traditional SCM appear to be useful for CSCM?". The theoretical framework consists of a selection of well-known SCM concepts and methods originating from the manufacturing industry and CSCM theory. The theories have been used to analyze the empirical data, which is qualitative in nature, in order to comprehensively present six interviewees' real picture of CSCM and the use of SCM concepts and methods. The study concludes that SCM concepts and methods from the manufacturing industry can be used in the construction industry, but that modifications are required to better suit the unique nature of the construction industry. One concept that is not directly suitable for CSCM is JIT, because construction sites are not adapted to receive large numbers of deliveries as JIT often implies. However, adapting JIT to CSCM through the use of co-loading terminals to reduce the number of transports proves to be a popular approach by the interviewees. The analysis also shows that there is a transition in CSCM where the use of IT is becoming more common but is still not fully established. Based on the analysis, there seems to be a need for more developed collaborations in CSCM where direct supplier development was not common according to the interviewees. This seems to be due to the time-limited and decentralized project nature of the construction industry, which does not allow collaborations to lead to anything major. The interviewees perceive a high supply risk in CSCM. Terminals, among other things, are used to reduce the supply risk. Outsourcing of logistics to a third party is a concept used in CSCM to increase efficiency by enabling a focus on core competencies.
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Digitala ledarskapet : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringens påverkan på organisationen och dess ledarskap. / The digital leadership : A qualitative research about the effect’s digitalization have on the organization and its leadership.Månsson, Anton, Fredriksson, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Nyligen genomförda studier angående digitalisering visar att det kan nyttjas och spela en viktig roll när det kommer till förändringsprocesser inom organisationer. Den rådandepandemin har bidragit till en kraftigt ökad utvecklingshastighet där flertalet teknologiskt, drivna projekt initieras. Dock har det visat sig att flertalet av dessa projekt misslyckas med att väsentligt förändra företagen, detta då integreringen i samspråk med operationella och organisatoriska förändringsstrategier inte går hand i hand. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur organisationer har påverkats av digitaliseringen med särskilt fokus på organisationsstruktur samt förändringsledarskap. Utöver det är vår ambition att undersöka ifall det existerar någon skillnad när det kommer till ledarskap mellan mer traditionella banker jämfört med nykomlingar inom branschen. Studien görs med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där vi har genomfört intervjuer med chefer i högt uppsatt position samt mellanchefer på två olika företag. För att till fullo förstådigitaliseringens påverkan har vi konstruerat ett teoretiskt ramverk som inkluderar relevanta teorier. Vår studie avslöjade att digitalisering är ett högst adekvat område, däremot skiftardess betydelse av olika orsaker. Digitaliseringen kan placeras i två olika kontexter, inre samt yttre. Den inre kontexten är att digitalisering utav de existerande interna systemen och processerna rationaliseras, medan den yttre baseras, i mångt och mycket, utefter vad kunder efterfrågar samt till att säkerställa en högre grad av nöjdhet när det kommer till digitala affärer med banker. Sammanfattningsvis har pandemin, känd som COVID-19, påskyndat digitaliseringen inom banker för att möta diverse förväntningar där den digitala förändringen ses som normativ. Den finansiella branschen är i konstant förändring, även om regleringar representerar ett hinder för den digitala utvecklingen. Därav har den här studien kommit fram till att digitalisering kraftigt påverkar förändringsledarskapet på organisatorisk och operationell nivågenom konkurrens, kundmöten samt rättsliga faktorer. Framtida forskning behövs för att vidare analysera vår forskningsfråga och huruvida fenomenet är unikt för studiens valda bransch, och inkluderandet av medarbetsperspektivet. / In light of recent research regarding digitalization, it shows how it can be utilized and play an important role in both the organizational change process and content. The technological change indicates a rapidly increasing rate, even so during the occurrent pandemic, and more technology driven projects are being initiated. However, numerous of them fail to institutionalize significant change, instead of being integrated within the operational nor organizational change strategy. The purpose of this study is to examine how organizations have been affected by digitalization, with a focus on the organizational structure and its change management. Additionally, we intend to examine if there is a difference in leadership between traditional bank institutions and the new bank entrants. This study is based on a qualitative research method, where we executed interviews with top to middle management, in two different companies. To fully comprehend the impact of digitalization, we constructed a theoretical reference of frame that incorporates appropriate theories. The findings of this study revealed that digitalization is a highly relevant subject. However, we find that the focus differs for various reasons. The desired future state of digitalization separates into two contextual factors, internal and external. The internal factor is that digitalization rationalizes the existing internal processes and systems. The external factor is mainly based on the customers’ expectations and ensuring greater satisfaction regarding digital banking. In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalization of banking due to meeting various expectations, this digital change is being a normative response. Even thought he banking industry is in constant change, legislation is one of many factors hindering the development. Thus, this study concludes that digitalization heavily influences the change managements’ strategy through rivalry, customer service and legal factors. Future research is needed to further explore our research question and whether our results reflect a phenomenon unique to the banking industry, and also include the employee perspective. This thesis is written in Swedish.
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Digitalisering inom mindre revisionsbyråer : Drivande faktorer bakom förändring och dess påverkanSperens, Hanna, Wallfors, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för digitaliseringens påverkan på mindre revisionsbyråer. Studien undersöker hur den professionella och kommersiella logiken påverkar företagets och de anställdas syn på förändringar drivna av digitalisering. Metod: Den genomförda studien är en fallstudie med deduktiv ansats. Insamlingen av data har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och resultat har sammanställts i en tematisk analys. Resultat & Slutsats: Digitaliseringen har bidragit till ett skifte från den professionella logiken till den kommersiella genom att branschen har behövt bli mer kundorienterad och servicemedveten genom digitaliseringen. Däremot finns det aspekter i revisionsbranschen som fortfarande håller sig inom den professionella logiken på grund av bland annat lagar, etikkoder och praxis. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien visar att det finns en kontextuell skillnad mellan teori och praktik. Mindre revisionsbyråer ser inte på framtiden inom revisionsbranschen så som den befintliga teorin har visat. Studiens praktiska bidrag lyfter detta gap som en risk. Skiftet från professionell till kommersiell logik har påbörjats inom branschen och företag som inte investerar i digitalisering för att hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga riskerar att tappa kunder och inkomst. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier kan förslagsvis vara att titta på ytterligare revisionsbyråer för en jämförande studie. Även en jämförelse mellan små och stora revisionsbyråer gällande den digitala mognadsgraden. Framför allt om kunder gått från mindre byråer till större byråer när digitalisering möjliggjort samarbete på distans.
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"Jag hoppade av i precis rätt tid" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ex-journalister om anledningarna till att de lämnade yrket. / " I jumped off at just the right time” : A qualitative interview study with ex-journalists about the reasons they left the profession.Khoshaba, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
The newspaper industry, among other forms of journalism and media, has changed rapidly and fundamentally in the last 15-20 years due to technological and economical transformations as well as a shift in media consumption among the general public. The aim of this study is therefore to examine to what degree and how these changes and developments have affected journalists, to the extent that they exit the profession, as well as whether or not the ex-journalists still identify with the profession's ideals and democratic role in a society. The analysis is based on qualitative, semi structured interviews with eight Swedish ex-journalists, all who at some point in their journalistic careers have worked for a daily newspaper. To analyze the results, a theoretical framework consisting of parts of the role exit theory, push-pull-factors, theories of the professionalization of the journalism profession and theories of the democratic role of journalism, has been applied. One main finding in this thesis is that the main driving force in leaving journalism, for the majority of the interviewees, was based on the economy of the newspapers they were working for and that some of the newspapers were forced to shut down or slim their production. This led to job insecurity for the journalists, less employees having to do more work and, for some, even being laid off. One other finding is that all of the interviewed ex-journalists state that they still identify with the way of working and the democratic ideals in the journalism profession to a high degree, despite working in other professions outside of journalism. This result indicates that the journalism profession, at least for the interviewed ex-newspaper-journalists, consists of shared ideals, behavior and ways of conducting the work.
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Digitalisering och verksamhetsstyrning inom byggbranschen / Digitalization and Business Management in the Construction IndustryNguyen, Alice, Nguyen, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how and when digital tools are used in business management in the construction industry. With a focus on which opportunities digitalization can contribute to creating cohesive business management from a management perspective. Method: In this study, the abductive research approach has been used. Further, it is a qualitative methodology characterized throughout the study. To be able to have empirical data, there are four candidates in two different companies in the construction industry chosen to be interviewed. These candidates have to be experienced in business management in medium-sized companies. Literature data have been collected from the theory of many previous research studies. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is claimable that digital tools do help business management in a medium size construction company to make work and communication more efficient. Furthermore, it also helps to entail an increased level of control of behaviour and action. Last but not least, the combination of PAR framework and digital tools has improved motivation, direction and reduced limitations among employees.
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Det digitala språnget : Om arkeologins digitalisering / The digital leap. : On the digitalization of archaeology.Winbäck, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Covid-pandemins påverkan på själavårdsverksamhet inom Svenska kyrkan : En studie om anpassad själavård och övergången från fysiska till digitaliserade möten. / The effect of the Covid-pandemic on pastoral counseling within the Church of Sweden : A study on adapted pastoral counseling converted from physical to digitalized meetingsWestman, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
This essay has examined the transition from physical pastoral care conversations to digitalized ones and the experience of it in the workplace. The thesis for this essay is the following; how has the pastoral care conversations continued during the pandemic, and what advantages and disadvantages has the informants experienced in the transition from physical pastoral care conversations to digitalized meetings? The study has been conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with a selection of priests and deacons within the Church of Sweden. The main questions that have been asked are: 1. How has the pastoral care meetings practically taken place during the pandemic? 2. What thoughts and experiences has the informants had to the transition from physical to digitized pastoral care meetings? 3. What advantages and disadvantages has this in turn meant for the work with pastoral care? Each interview has been transcribed and then analyzed through a so-called content analysis. This type of analysis has been helpful in being able to pick out relevant themes from the material that have been keys within the interviews. From the analysis, there was four themes that stood out, which were: openness, access, problematics and challenge. The first two categories deal with the informants' experience of the transition as an advantage, while the two latter one’s points to disadvantages that arises with the digitalized transition in their work. The analysis from the interviews showed that one does not exclude the other, that the transition is not just a disadvantage or the other way around, but rather that the two are connected. Instead, both of them help the congregations to create new ways to continue being a church for the community. Reaching out and responding to peoples need to converse and to feel connected even though they have been isolated. The conclusion shows that the advantages and disadvantages have helped bringing the Church to the people when physical meetings are limited or cut off completely due to restrictions within the society. The analysis has also shown the difficulties that these informants have battled with and how they have handled them.
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