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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visions from outside : creating educational programming inspired by exhibitions of outsider art /

Kelly, Rose. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Final Project (M.A.)--John F. Kennedy University, 2005. / "August 29, 2005"--T.p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-97).

Corporate governance, strategies and performance of privatised industrial firms in the FSU

Zhukov, Vladimir S. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Teaching Inside Out in Appalachia: Identity Development of Insider/Outsider Teachers

Jones, Jameson Harris 25 September 2020 (has links)
In this study, I investigate the concept of insider/outsider teacher identity, focusing on its relationship to teacher education. Having extensive experience as a student and teacher in rural Appalachia, I emphasize the regional perspective. To introduce the study, I present the research questions that guide the study, I explain my decision to present the study in two manuscripts, and I position my relationship within the research. In the first manuscript, "Teaching Inside Out: Exploring Insider and Outsider Status Among Teachers," I explain how I developed interest in this topic and I review academic literature about insider/outsider teacher identity. In the second manuscript, "Teaching Inside Out: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Experiences as Insiders and Outsiders in Appalachia," I use qualitative research methods (Mayan, 2016) to delve into the experiences of teachers who have come to communities in Appalachia from outside the region, and I interrogate the implications of their experiences. This study can serve as a guide to teachers preparing for or continuing in the profession, to explore the development of their own insider/outsider identities in the communities where they work or will be working. / Doctor of Philosophy / In this study, which I present in two manuscripts, I explore insider/outsider teacher identity in Appalachia. In the first manuscript, I narrate my personal experiences and look to the academic body of literature to inform the topic. In the second manuscript, I present and interpret the experiences of three insider/outsider teachers who have worked in rural Appalachian communities.

Rollen som förändringskonsult : En balansgång mellan mångsidiga krav

Riise, Linn, Sofie, Rydmark January 2013 (has links)
Idag avlöser organisationsförändringar varandra och behovet av inhyrda managementkonsulter och förändringsledare har därmed haft en ansenlig tillväxt. Det finns många delade uppfattningar om vad rollen som extern förändringskonsult innebär, samt vilken roll konsulten ska ta i en förändringsprocess. Konsulten skall dels vara en extern och objektiv part, samtidigt som de har krav på sig att kunna hantera känslor, vara anpassningsbar, ansvarstagande samt ha förmågan att vårda relationer till klienter. Syftet med denna studie är att genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sju förändringskonsulter från fyra konsultfirmor beskriva hur externa förändringskonsulter själva ser på sin roll och hur de hanterar dessa tvetydiga krav som ställs på dem. Studien visar att förändringskonsulterna har en tydligare bild av sin roll, än vad forskning framlägger. De beskriver främst att rollen innebär att vara coach och rådgivare, som är där för att stötta klientorganisationen. Rollen innebär även att kunna förändra och hantera människor genom att bygga upp en stark förtroenderelation och tydlig kommunikation med klientorganisationen. Vidare är det viktigt att det finns tydliga förväntningar i samarbetet och att parterna genom att ha en samstämmig syn på dessa kan undvika spänningar och missförstånd.

Formulaic narrative in outsider art the containment of Martin Ramirez and the classification of Thornton Dial /

Campbell, Cara Zimmerman. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Delaware, 2009. / Principal faculty advisor: Bernard L. Herman, Dept. of Art History. Includes bibliographical references.

Die Afrikaner-intellektueel in krisis: 'n dialektiese ondersoek na 'n faset van Karel Schoeman se Na die Geliefde Land en die Hemeltuin

Willemse, Heinrich S.S. January 1984 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Die studie neem - in hoofstuk een - tot probleemstelling dat Karel Schoeman se outsider-karakters nie noodwendig draers van 'n eksistensieel-metafisiesie belewing is nie. Die karakters is nie, soos vry algeneem aanvaar word, te verklaar deur persoonlik-individualistiese karaktertrekke niw. Die outsider-karakter kan teruggevoer word tot die vertrouenskrisis tussen Afrikaner-skrywer en Afrikaner-hegemonie.

Representations of the Outsider in David Bowie’s Glam Period and its Continuation Through Punk, Goth, and Emo: Thematic, Aesthetic, and Subcultural Considerations

Hall, Nerhys January 2015 (has links)
Popular music artists portray a variety of themes through the aesthetics of their music, lyrics, and music videos. One theme in particular that began with David Bowie’s glam period (1972-1974) and the creation of his Ziggy Stardust persona is the notion of the Outsider. Bowie not only portrayed an Outsider character, but also spoke to and for those who felt like Outsiders. Punk, goth, and emo bands that were influenced by Bowie took this social stance to speak to and for their own versions of the Outsider. Drawing from subcultural theory, music analysis, and music video analysis, and using Bowie as a benchmark and influence, I explore how several other bands portray the Outsider in their music, lyrics, and music videos.

The Threshold of Democracy: The Rhetoric of Outsider Activism

Floyd, Daniel G. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The outsider gift:anthropological didactics applied to teacher training / A dÃdiva do outsider: a didÃtica antropolÃgica aplicada à formaÃÃo de professores

Silvio Roberto Dias da Silva JÃnior 22 July 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / The present work was thought and initially structured from my immersion (that took the classroom as field of research) in the discipline of Internship in Teaching of Higher Education, in my formative trajectory as Master in Education. Seeks to describe and reflect on the impact of the methodology developed by Professor Bernadette Beserra in the teaching of discipline Anthropology of Education, Faculty of Education. I will refer to the teaching strategies developed over the course as Anthropological Didactic and one of the objectives of this study is precisely to strengthen and develop this concept, in addition to conducting a defense of its application to teacher training. Emphasize the need to show such a method because it was impressive to follow the "transformation" of most students in the brief period of one semester. They arrived theoretically unprepared and ended discipline with a more complex understanding of reality, through the seizure of anthropological theory and its application in everyday practice (as in the production of daily, for example), to the ability to generate understanding of themselves as subjects socially located (self-knowledge), their professional practices and their place in society and the university field. Finally, they learned the content proposed by the discipline, something that should be unexceptional in quality education, since it is simply the teacher do their work and teach what propose to your students, and not to a small group interested because the holder of a privileged cultural capital. Thus, taking as main sources Pierre Bourdieu (which shows the universal case of the relationship between agents, the symbolic domination and the educational field), Jesse Souza (which brings the power relations in dispute in Brazil and its influence on our self-understanding) and Bernadette Beserra (responsible for lessons in discipline accompanied by the method and the necessary contribution to the analysis and understanding of the academic field in which is located the research), and supported in the theory proposed by Elias and Scotson, I defend the idea that, if we really want to transform reality, it is necessary that the teacher sees himself as a subversive, as someone who does not want to belong to the well located institutional positions (except for their subversive use), involving a whole range of subjection to interested collective pressures and end up keeping the model of domination to which we are subject in the world capitalist game, but to assume a position of critical analysis of social reality and confront the harmful practices that limit our technological, economic and social possibilities of development, taking short, conscious of oustider condition, which can not be discouraged by different forms of restriction attempt of thought and social control imposed by established in various fields of human social relations. / O presente trabalho foi pensado e inicialmente estruturado a partir de minha imersÃo (que tomou a sala de aula como campo de pesquisa) na disciplina de EstÃgio em DocÃncia do Ensino Superior, em meu percurso formativo como Mestre em EducaÃÃo. Busca descrever e refletir sobre o impacto da metodologia desenvolvida pela professora Bernadete Beserra no ensino da disciplina Antropologia da EducaÃÃo, do curso de Pedagogia. Referir-me-ei Ãs estratÃgias didÃticas desenvolvidas ao longo da disciplina como DidÃtica AntropolÃgica e um dos objetivos deste estudo à justamente aprofundar e desenvolver este conceito, alÃm de realizar uma defesa de sua aplicaÃÃo à formaÃÃo de professores. Destaco a necessidade de evidenciar tal mÃtodo porque foi impressionante acompanhar a âtransformaÃÃoâ da maioria dos alunos no breve perÃodo de um semestre. Eles chegaram despreparados teoricamente e terminaram a disciplina com uma compreensÃo mais complexa da realidade, atravÃs da apreensÃo da teoria socioantropolÃgica e de sua aplicaÃÃo na prÃtica cotidiana (como na produÃÃo de diÃrios, por exemplo), atà a capacidade de gerar entendimento de si enquanto sujeitos socialmente localizados (o autoconhecimento), de suas prÃticas profissionais e de seus lugares na sociedade e no campo universitÃrio. Enfim, aprenderam o conteÃdo proposto pela disciplina, algo que deveria ser corriqueiro numa educaÃÃo de qualidade, visto que se trata simplesmente do professor fazer seu trabalho e ensinar o que propÃe a seus alunos, e nÃo a um pequeno grupo interessado porque detentor de um capital cultural privilegiado. Assim, tomando por fontes principais Pierre Bourdieu (que apresenta o caso universal da relaÃÃo entre agentes, a dominaÃÃo simbÃlica e o campo educacional), Jessà Souza (que traz as relaÃÃes de poder em disputa no Brasil e sua influÃncia em nossa auto compreensÃo) e Bernadete Beserra (responsÃvel pelas aulas na disciplina acompanhada, pelo mÃtodo e pelo aporte necessÃrio à anÃlise e compreensÃo do campo acadÃmico no qual se localiza a pesquisa), e apoiado na teoria proposta por Elias e Scotson, defendo a ideia de que, se realmente quiser transformar a realidade, à preciso que o professor enxergue a si mesmo como um subversivo, como alguÃm que nÃo queira pertencer à posiÃÃes institucionais bem localizadas (a nÃo ser para o uso subversivo das mesmas), que envolvem toda uma gama de sujeiÃÃes Ãs pressÃes coletivas interessadas e acabam por manter o modelo de dominaÃÃo ao qual estamos sujeitos no jogo capitalista mundial, mas que assuma uma posiÃÃo de anÃlise crÃtica da realidade social e de enfrentamento das prÃticas nocivas que limitam nossas possibilidades de desenvolvimento tecnolÃgico, econÃmico e social, assumindo, enfim, uma condiÃÃo consciente de oustider, que nÃo se deixa abater pelas diferentes formas de tentativa de cerceamento do pensamento e controle social impostas pelos estabelecidos nos mais variados campos das relaÃÃes sociais humanas.

Insider eller Outsider? : Ofullständiga grundskolebetyg – om stämplings- och exkluderingsprocesser ur ett livsberättelseperspektiv / Insider or Outsider? : Incomplete degrees in school – branding and exclusion processes from a life story perspective

Andersson, Marita January 2008 (has links)
<p>There are an increasing number of pupils leaving school with incomplete grades. Research indicates that the causes to this phenomenon may be individual- as well as school related and complicated to illuminate. The purpose of the study is to examine the processes of exclusion that have resulted in pupils´ incomplete degrees. Two research problems have been formulated. The first one is about the identification of exclusion and branding factors for pupils with incomplete degrees. The second one focuses on how the pupils processes of branding- and exclusion are shaped. Six in dept interviews with three pupils with incomplete degrees have been conducted from a life history perspective. Each pupil has been interviewed twice, at different occasions. Results show that the factors vary and are individual, and can be identified within the family as well as the school. In school, there may be a tendency to refer the problem to the pupil rather than to the entire context.</p><p>This brands pupils that already are in a difficult situation, but results also show that school can have including tendencies as well. The three pupils in the study have in common that they contribute to the branding- and exclusion process by excluding themselves. To conclude, there are several factors that are intertwined and that together contribute to the result of incomplete degrees. Two of the pupils´ stories were related to Goldman’s (1980) identified stages of branding, which resulted in an understanding of these pupils process of exclusion. The third pupils´ story however, differed from the other two, and as a consequence, differed from Goldman’s theory, which is discussed.</p> / <p>Allt fler svenska elever går ut grundskolan med ofullständiga betyg. Tidigare forskning indikerar att orsakerna till att så sker kan vara såväl individ- som skolrelaterade och komplicerade att utreda. Syftet med studien är att undersöka de exkluderingsprocesser som lett fram till att elever fått ofullständiga betyg i grundskolan. Två problem har formulerats. Det första problemet handlar om att identifiera exkluderings- och stämplingsfaktorerna i grundskolan för elever med ofullständiga grundskolebetyg. Det andra problemet fokuserar på hur elevernas stämplings- och exkluderingsprocesser ser ut. Sex djupintervjuer med tre elever med ofullständiga grundskolebetyg har genomförts utifrån ett livsberättelseperspektiv. Varje elev har intervjuats vid två olika tillfällen. Resultaten visar att stämplings- och exkluderingsfaktorerna varierar och är individuella, och kan återfinnas inom såväl den egna familjen som skolans värld.</p><p>En skolrelaterad faktor handlar om en tendens att problematisera eleverna snarare än kontexten, vilket ytterligare stämplar elever i en redan svår situation, men resultaten påvisar också exempel på hur skolan kan arbeta inkluderande. De tre eleverna har gemensamt att de alla bidrar till stämplings- och exkluderingsprocessen genom självexkludering. Resultaten visar att det är en rad faktorer som samverkar och flätas in i varandra under elevernas skolgång, och som tillsammans bidrar till elevernas ofullständiga grundskolebetyg. Två av eleverna följde Goldmans (1980) stämplingsstadier, vilket bidrog till förståelse av dessa elevers exkluderingsprocesser. Den tredje elevens stämplings- och exkluderingsprocess avvek från de övriga två, och därmed också från Goldmans teori, vilket utgjort underlag för diskussion.</p>

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