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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šikana ve školních lavicích / Bullying in the class

TECLOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to determine the influence of bystanders on bullying. To find out what affects their behavior and what we should focus on when upbringing the children could reduce the rise of bullying and maybe it could even stop its beginning. The theoretical approach of the thesis is general problem of bullying and the reasons for the behavior of its participants. I will describe social roles in bullying, types of bullying and the undeniable importance of the role of bystanders. The practical part describes research in primary schools where the children evaluated an anonymous questionnaire about bullying. According to their responses about the statements in the questionnaire we can determine which of the social roles each children holds and we can learn more about their moral values. For a better, I also separated responses of the boys from the girls and I evaluated them separately.

The Untold Stories of Women Soccer Referees

Reid, Kamiel January 2016 (has links)
In Canada, women’s soccer has continuously grown and developed, however women continue to be under represented in non-playing roles – particularly as referees (Canadian Heritage, 2013; Canadian Soccer Association, 2013a; Ontario Soccer Association, 2012). Of the 20,507 soccer referees in Canada, only 24% are women (Canadian Soccer Association, 2013a). Moreover, 54% of Canadian soccer referees are registered in Ontario (Ontario Soccer Association, 2012), of which only 9.5% are women (Ontario Soccer Association, 2013). This study explores the experiences of women who continue to referee despite their under-representation within the refereeing domain, in an effort to identify the benefits and challenges of being a woman soccer referee in Ontario. I employed a feminist lens to guide the development and design of the research agenda, alongside Michel Foucault’s concept of the subject. The results of this exploration uncovered that the woman soccer referee subject comes to recognize and understand herself and her role as a referee through the discourse of ability and the discourse of the outsider. These discourses emerged from the ways in which the subject constructed becoming a referee, being a referee (benefits and challenges), continuing to referee, and being a woman soccer referee. Resultantly, the woman soccer referee is primarily motivated to continue to referee by her competence to perform according to the ideals and practices of “the referee” that she learns through both education and experience. However, as woman she is an outsider within the soccer community and comes to internalize her subordination and normalize sexism within the refereeing domain and soccer community at large in order to be accepted and respected within her position as “the referee”. Using the results of analysis I also make recommendations for increasing the number of women that choose to continue, as well as boost the notoriety of women soccer referees within the refereeing domain.

Representation av personer med funktionsvariation : En studie om i vilken utsträckning fackföreningar och intresseorganisationer representerar personer med funktionsvariation på arbetsmarknaden.

Fält, Elin January 2021 (has links)
How come that people with disabilities still do not have the same opportunity to receive a job offer as the rest of the population? Who represents these disabled people’s interests in labormarket-related discussions? This thesis aims to evaluate the representation of the disabled within the labor market by comparing interest groups to trade union organizations based on thedebate between the Power resource approach (PRA) and the New politics (NP) perspective.There is limited research on this area related to disabled people; therefore, this thesis adapts the two theories in a new way when trying to apply the perspectives on disabled people. To empirically investigate the representation between interest groups and trade union organizations, qualitative and quantitative data are collected and analyzed using a framework for representation based on Hanna Pitkin’s definition of substantive representation. The results show that the trade union organizations do participate to a large extent, though not to the same extent as interest groups. Thereby the thesis gives some empirical support for Pierson’s New politics perspective, but this area is still in need of future research.

Radical food: Nation of Islam and Latter-day Saint culinary ideals (1930-1980)

Holbrook, Kate 22 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation addresses how from 1930 to 1980 two minority religious groups, the Nation of Islam and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), used food to express their separate and superior status as God's chosen people while at the same time engaging the values of broader American culture. Outsiders in American religion are, in many ways, consummate insiders seeking to craft an ideal society. Historian R. Laurence Moore has argued that, by inventing themselves through a sense of opposition, religious outsiders contributed substantially to what we think of as American culture. This study of Mormons and Nation Muslims focuses more on the way values from American culture also shaped belief and behavior in two outsider groups. I build on Moore's insight to conclude that, at the same time outsider groups rebelled against what they defined as white Protestants' transgressions or faults, they negotiated their own worth in relation to white Protestant values that they had quite thoroughly internalized. The processes of cultural assimilation and separation for these outsider religious groups happened simultaneously. As each group worked out what its separateness and superiority meant in everyday patterns of eating, each developed a cuisine that represented its deeply held religious and cultural priorities. In Mormonism, the greatest value was self-sufficiency, while for the Nation it was health; both groups also used foodways to stress refinement and a sense of chosenness. This study analyzes food habits in their entirety, discussing not only prohibitions, as other scholars do, but also recipes, fasting, food production, and table manners. Major sources include magazine and newspaper articles, speech transcripts, oral history interviews, devotional literature, and cookbooks. Food habits tell how Nation Muslims and Mormons invoked traditional American values but applied those values in their own way in order to be "in but not of" the world. / 2019-05-31T00:00:00Z

One Practice, Three Studios: A Comparative Case Study of Three Studios for Artists with Disabilities

Green, Morgan A. 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Toward a New Norm of Understanding: A Culturally Competent Approach to Journalism

Garyantes, Dianne M. January 2010 (has links)
In a time of expanding globalization and worldwide interconnectedness through the Internet, the need for a better understanding of diverse cultures has taken on a new urgency. One way people learn about cultures other than their own is through the news media. Yet journalists have long been criticized for their inability to represent the complexities of cultures. The concept of cultural competence has been used to enhance cultural understanding in a variety of professions, including health care, social work, psychology, business and public relations. This dissertation applied the concept of cultural competence to journalists, using as theoretical frameworks the social construction of reality and concepts related to social cognition. The study explored factors that contribute to or hinder the cultural competence of journalists, including multimedia journalistic practices that influence the cultural competence of reporters and their news coverage. To answer the research questions posed in this dissertation, an extensive case study was conducted in a multimedia journalism laboratory at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, in which student reporters produce news pieces about urban neighborhoods. The research involved 223 surveys, 28 observations of students reporting in the field, and 71 in-depth interviews with student reporters, news sources, neighborhood representatives, and lab professors. A textual analysis also was conducted of selected multimedia news packages produced by the student reporters. Five key factors were found to influence the cultural competence of journalists: awareness of self; awareness of the complexity of "insider" or "outsider" status; use of journalistic ethics, norms and routines; knowledge of the other, and skills and attributes that influence knowledge of the other. New multimedia journalistic practices were found to provide the potential to move journalists and their news texts toward more cultural competence. This study provides new meaning for what it means to be a journalist as one who dwells in the borderlands, occupying liminal spaces and promoting understanding over current norms of objectivity. This new meaning could be supported by journalism education programs that encourage future reporters to strive for a culturally competent approach to reporting and news production that promotes understanding for themselves and their audiences. / Mass Media and Communication

Ovan improvisation som inspiration : Bearbetning av röstimprovisationer från icke-musiker för att skriva modern jazz

Nöbbelin, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
In this theses Oskar Nöbbelin explores new ways of finding inspiration for writing modern jazz using recordings of vocal improvisations made by non-musicians and finding ways to incorporate their outsider perspective into his own music. The text follows the process and difficulties collecting these recordings. Initially failing at street interviews and later finding success with friends and acquaintances, and even recordings of himself as a child. It then moves on to the compositional work of processing the recordings into a finished product using an array of compositional tools, some of which acquired through an interview with saxophonist and composer Nils Berg, going through each song one by one. Lastly, he reflects on how working with the non-musicians’ improvisations and the compositional tools affected the music that was written and concludes that inspiration might not be as important as he first thought going into the project. / <p><strong>Musik:</strong></p><p>”Riffraff”</p><p>”En Vals”</p><p>”P.S puss”</p><p>”Fler än jag”</p><p>”Godnattvisa till mina vänner”</p><p>”Allt kommer bli bra” </p><p>All musik är skriven och arrangerad av Oskar Nöbbelin</p><p></p><p><strong>Medverkande musiker:</strong></p><p>Oskar Nöbbelin - Klaviatur</p><p>Sabina Levin - Sång</p><p>Hannes Arason - Trumpet och flygelhorn</p><p>Johannes Bäckström - Kontrabas</p><p>Ture Lewin - Trummor</p>

En bricka i spelet - med livet som insats : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om spelmissbrukares upplevelser

Andersson, Catarina, Larsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Spel om pengar finns i olika former och har blivit en del av många personers vardag, dessvärre kan inte alla hantera spelet. Spelmissbruk påverkar personen som för en ständig jakt på pengar och speltid vilket medför konsekvenser och känslor som är svåra att hantera. Ett spelmissbruk påverkar även omgivningen i form arbetsgivare, vänner, familj, barn med flera som alla blir en del av ett missbruk. Denna kvalitativa studie avser studera hur en person inträder i ett spelmissbruk, hur personen upprätthåller ett liv som spelmissbrukare och hur personen tar sig ur missbruket. Vårt syfte med studien är att få en djupare förståelse samt att urskilja vilka känslor ett spelmissbruk medför. Vi har genomfört djupintervjuer med åtta personer och tolkningen och analysen har skett hermeneutiskt. Genom vår analys har sju teman kunnat urskiljas intresse för spel i tidig ålder, inträde i spelmissbruk, ångest skuld och skam, verklighetsflykt, förändringar i identiteten och beteende, relationer och interaktion och avslutningsvis strategier. Vi har tagit del av åtta gripande berättelser och fann att spelmissbruk medför stora konsekvenser för den enskilde individen men även för personer i omgivningen. Spelmissbruk är viktigt att belysa och lyfta i samhället då det är ett växande problem som berör många och att det ofta är ett dolt missbruk. / Gambling with money comes in different forms and have become a part of many people's everyday lives, unfortunately not everyone can handle the game. Compulsive gambling affects the person who has a constant search for money and playing time, that gives consequences and feelings that are difficult to manage. The addiction affects people in the environment as employers, friends, family, children and others who all become part of an addiction. This qualitative study intends to study how a person enters a gambling addiction, how the person maintains a life as a compulsive gambler and how the person enter the abuse. Our purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding and to identify what emotions the addiction brings. We have conducted in-depth interviews with eight people and the interpretation and analysis has been hermeneutic. Through our analysis seven themes have been distinguished interest in the game at an early age, entry into gambling addiction, anxiety, guilt and shame, escapism, changes in the identity and behavior, relationships and interactions and finally strategies. We have taken note of the arrest of eight stories and found that compulsive gambling entails serious consequences for the individual but also for people in the surroundings. Compulsive gambling is important to highlight and promote in the community as it is a growing problem that affects many and it is often a hidden addiction.

O guarda cultura Franklin Joaquim Cascaes: o outsider/estabelecido

Meira, Denise Araujo 26 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:44:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Araujo Meira.pdf: 4418242 bytes, checksum: eef5fd4bf2aa53d1a001e05a38be7155 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-26 / Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / Taking into account that researchers who study Franklin Cascaes work and life dissociate the artist from the professor, I have chosen his life trajectory, as an artist and as a professor, the object of analysis. The importance of such choice lies on the fact that his work as an artist/professor is almost unexplored in the academic literature, especially, from the point of view of his lack of traditional formal education. So, the aim was to show that there was a Franklin before and after his own autobiographical narratives, where he portrays himself as an outsider. Thus, the research was carried out through the examination of his academic works, autobiographical fragments, notes on his academic daily life, letters sent to journalists and politicians, interviews, photos, magazines, as well as his drawings, sculptures, and stories. All of these documents have provided hints of who Franklin Joaquim Cascaes was. This thesis departs from the common principle of the Elisian studies about the relationship between the individual and the society (especially in the case of Mozart, which prompted Nobert Elias to observe the possible forms of relationship, while studying the man), in order to understand Franklin Cascaes within the limits and possibilities of his own time. The opposition between the concepts of outsider and established were crucial in the analysis of Franklin s trajectory. These concepts are seen within an approach that embraces him as a deviant artist and professor. Thus, this work is divided into three sections, which one aiming at answering the following working question: how social tensions work on individual trajectories? In the first section, that covers Franklin s trajectory up to 1948, I analyses different factors in the experience of the man that have contributed to the construction of his mission: to keep up the culture of the inhabitants of the Isle of Santa Catarina. In the second section I try to understand the limits and the possibilities for him to carry out his project, taking 10 into consideration the determinants from the environment over his trajectory. Furthermore, I try to understand the strategies used by Franklin to face the rules and the attitudes that were imposed on him in the Escola Industrial as a professor and as an artist in the city of Florianópolis. In the last part I question how it was possible for the Museum Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral of Archeology and Ethnology to keep up with Franklin s work of art. I also analyses the creation of other places devotes to his memory. In both cases, I have identified the strategies used for the recognition of the importance of Franklin as a catarinense artist. If the condition of established/outsider illuminates the power relations of a social dimension, defined by values, such as recognition, belonging, and exclusion, in the 1970s Franklin Cascaes begins to participate of spaces in the past open only to those who had an academic degree or a privileged social condition, the established. It is in the local political and social context of those years that the açoriana identity turned into a strategy for the invention of a city , which desired to become a tourist site. In 1977, the researcher and paranaense arts critic, Adalice Maria de Araujo, in her thesis Franklin Cascaes, The Myth of an Island: myth and magic , turned the artist in the big wizard of the island of Santa Catarina. Franklin, appearing frequently at the pages newspapers, especially, the O Jornal, the main local paper, and with the help from the students of the Industrial at the town hall and at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), was able to secure the keep up of his works by the Museum Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral. It is in this atmosphere that Franklin goes from the condition of an outsider to the established one, although, in the following years, in different autobiographic narratives, he had never seen himself as such. / Partindo do pressuposto que ao tratar de Franklin Cascaes os pesquisadores que estudam a sua obra e vida, dissociam o artista do professor, foi eleita a trajetória do professor/artista como objeto de análise, sobretudo porque ela possibilitaria uma trajetória praticamente inexplorada nos trabalhos acadêmicos, sobretudo do ponto de vista de um professor/artista que não teve uma formação escolar tradicional. Objetivou-se, assim, mostrar que existe um Franklin anterior e um posterior as narrativas autobiográficas em que o mesmo busca representar-se como um sujeito outsider. Para isso, estudos acadêmicos, fragmentos autobiográficos, escritas do cotidiano escolar, correspondências enviadas a jornalistas e políticos, entrevistas, fotografias, revistas, bem como os desenhos, esculturas e contos por ele produzidos, foram tomados como documentos-monumento fornecendo indícios de quem foi Franklin Joaquim Cascaes. Parte-se do princípio comum aos estudos Elisianos sobre a relação indivíduo/sociedade, em especial o caso de Mozart, em que Norbert Elias estudando um indivíduo, espreita as formas de relações possíveis, buscando compreendê-lo dentro dos limites e das possiblidades do seu tempo. Os conceitos de outsiders e estabelecidos foram fundamentais na análise da trajetória de Franklin, na abordagem que o acolhe como um professor/artista desviante. O trabalho esta dividido em três partes, objetivando responder a seguinte questão: como as tensões sociais se operam em trajetórias individuais. Na primeira parte que compreende a trajetória de Franklin até 1948, analiso as diferentes experiências do personagem procurando identificar alguns fatores que contribuíram para a construção da sua missão: guardar a cultura dos moradores da Ilha de Santa Catarina. No segundo momento, busco compreender os limites e as possibilidades para a realização do seu projeto, levando em consideração as determinações do meio sobre a sua trajetória. Além disso, busco entender as estratégias utilizadas para Franklin fazer frente às normas e condutas que lhe foram impostas no espaço da Escola Industrial como docente e, na cidade de Florianópolis, como artista. Na última parte, problematizo de que forma foi possível a guarda da obra do professor/artista pelo Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral. Problematizo, também, a criação de outros lugares de memória. Nos dois casos busco identificar as estratégias utilizadas para reconhecer a sua importância como artista catarinense. Se a condição de estabelecido/outsider ilumina relações de poder de uma dimensão social definida por valores como reconhecimento, pertencimento e exclusão, então, o professor e artista Franklin Cascaes, nos anos 70, passa a partilhar espaços antes só destinados aos portadores de uma formação acadêmica ou de uma condição social privilegiada, os estabelecidos. É no quadro social e político local, daqueles anos, que a identidade açoriana torna-se uma estratégia para a "invenção de uma cidade" que desejava se fazer turística. Em 1977, a pesquisadora e crítica de arte paranaense Adalice Maria de Araujo, na tese "Franklin Cascaes, o Mito Vivo da Ilha: mito e magia na arte catarinense", transforma o artista no grande bruxo da Ilha de Santa Catarina. Franklin, ocupando com frequência as páginas dos jornais, especialmente o Jornal O Estado, principal periódico local e; contando com o apoio dos alunos da "Industrial" na Prefeitura e na UFSC, consegue a guarda da sua obra pelo Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral. É neste contexto, que Franklin passa da condição de outsider à de outsider/estabelecido, embora nos anos seguintes, nas diferentes narrativas autobiográficas ele não se perceba como tal.

Välkommen ombord? : En studie om arbetsplatsintroduktion för nya medarbetare i IT-branschen

Pekkari, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Arbetsplatsintroduktion och onboarding handlar om att hjälpa nya medarbetare att transformeras från organisatoriska outsiders till att bli organisatoriska insiders. Genom att använda sig av strukturerade och formaliserade onboardingprocesser som baserar sig på vetenskaplig forskning kan organisationer bidra till att de nya medarbetarna får förståelse för sina arbetsuppgifter och sin roll i organisationen och hjälpa dem utvecklas till produktiva och engagerade medarbetare. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur arbetsplatsintroduktionen inom ett företag upplevs av nyanställda medarbetare genom att besvara forskningsfrågorna; sker det någon systematisk arbetsplatsintroduktion inom organisationen och hur är denna arbetsplatsintroduktion utformad? Hur upplevs introduktionsperioden av nya medarbetare? Hur kan arbetsplatsintroduktion förstås med utgångspunkt i teorier rörande onboarding och organisationssocialisering? Metoden är kvalitativ och empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt sex informanter som samtliga arbetar inom IT-branschen. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts vid analys av insamlad empiri utgörs av Bauers (2010) modeller över organisatorisk och individuella aspekter av onboarding samt Lindelöws (2016) teori avseende innehållet i arbetsplatsintroduktion. Resultatet pekar på att den studerade verksamheten arbetar informellt och ostrukturerat med arbetsplatsintroduktion och att de nya medarbetarnas upplevelse ger uttryck för ett behov av förändring och formalisering av arbetsplatsintroduktionen. Ett förslag till förändring av den studerade verksamhetens arbetsplatsintroduktion som utgår från informanternas upplevelser och det teoretiska ramverket presenteras där åtgärder innefattar exempelvis mentorskapsprogram och tydligare information till nya medarbetare angående verksamhetens kultur och kärnvärden. / Workplace introduction and onboarding is about helping new employees transform from organizational outsiders into organizational insiders. By using structured and formalized onboarding processes based on scientific research, organizations can help the new employees understand their duties and their role in the organization and help them develop into productive and committed co-workers. The purpose of this study is to investigate how workplace introduction within a company is experienced by newly employed employees by answering the research questions; is there any systematic workplace introduction within the organization and how is this workplace introduction designed? How is the introduction period of new employees experienced? How can workplace introduction be understood based on theories on onboarding and organizational socialization? The method is qualitative and the empirical data has been collected through semistructured interviews with a total of six informants, that all work in the IT industry. The theoretical framework used for analyzing collected empirical data is Bauer's (2010) models of organizational and individual aspects of onboarding and Lindelöws (2016) theory regarding the content of workplace introduction. The result indicates that the studied organization is working informally and unstructured with workplace introduction and that the new employees experience the need for change and formalization of workplace introduction. A proposal for a change in the organizations workplace production is presented, based on the experiences of the informants and the theoretical framework, where measures includes, for example, mentorship programs and clearer information to new employees regarding the culture and core values ​​of the business.

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