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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Modeling and Benchmark Analysis of an Advanced 4WD Series-Parallel PHEV Using Dynamic Programming

Kaban, Stefan 23 April 2015 (has links)
Advanced hybrid vehicle architectures can exploit multiple power sources and optimal control to achieve high efficiency operation. In this work, a method for generating the best-possible energy efficiency benchmark for a hybrid architecture is introduced. The benchmark program uses Dynamic Programming to analyse a reduced-fidelity MATLAB model over standard driving cycles, and bypasses vehicle controls to identify the optimal control actions and resulting fuel consumption of the Series-Parallel Multiple-Regime retrofitted PHEV of the UVic EcoCAR2 program. The simulation results indicate an optimal fuel consumption value of 4.74L/100km, in the parallel regime, compared to the stock Malibu's 8.83L/100km. The results are found to be sensitive to the allowed level of regenerative braking, with an optimal consumption value of 6.56L/100km obtained with restricted regen power limits. The parallel regime provided more efficient operation overall, especially during more aggressive driving conditions. However, the series regime provided more desirable operation during gentle driving conditions, where opportunities for regenerative braking are limited. The generated powertrain control profiles were then used to drive a higher-fidelity Simulink model. Due to the significant difference between the model structures of the MATLAB and Simulink models, comparison of results were not conclusive. A different simulation approach is required to make this proof-of-concept more useful for controls development. This research forms the foundation for further studies. / Graduate / 0540 / snkaban@gmail.com

Design och framtagande av mätanordning för ström och effek på trefas ledare : Josi Periferi strömmeter / Design and construction of a measuring device for current and power on three phase conductors

Hedlund, Jonas, Hammarström, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The assignment is issued by Scania Maintence AB seeking a new approach to detect power changes in their industrial processes. The work has taken place at Ångströmslaboratoriet and tests have been performed at Scania AB Södertälje. Today’s society consumes enormous amount of energy. In both economically and environmental view, it is important that the processes are effective, with high power factor. There are many ways to measure power in the industry, what they all have in common is that the installation is advanced, requires time and planning. Only a competent electrician may install the measuring device in the distribution box. The purpose of the project is to build a prototype for power measurement that can be easily used outside the distribution box, thus simplifying the procedure and shortening the time required. By attaching sensors around the supply cable, the magnetic field asymmetric flux density can be used and induce voltage proportional to the current in the cable. The result is an instrument that with a computer calculates current, phase angle and power. Measurements of the current rms value showed that the maximum difference between our prototype and Scania Maintenances equipmentis up to 29 percent. However, for a longer time (> 15 minutes) the differences between the mean values are only 1.2 percent and the accuracy is calculated to +/-3.67A with 95% confidence intervals. Phase angle accuracy measured to plus 6 minus and 15 percent. / Uppgiften är utfärdat av Scania Maintenance AB som söker en ny metod för att se effektförändringar i deras industriprocesser. Arbetet har ägt rum i Ångströmlaboratoriet (Uppsala universitet) och tester har utförts hos Scania AB Södertälje. Dagens samhälle förbrukar enorma mängder energi. Med hänsyn till både miljöpåverkan och ekonomi är det viktigt att processer är effektiva med höga verkningsgrader. Det finns många sätt att mäta effekt inom industrin, det de har gemensamt är att installationen är avancerad, kräver tid och planering. Endast en behörig elektriker får installera mätanordningen. Projektets syfte är att ta fram en prototyp för effektmätning som enkelt kan anmodas utanför centralen och därmed förenkla ingreppet och förkorta tidsåtgången. Genom att fästa sensorer runt ingående matningskabel kan magnetfältets asymmetriska flödestäthet utnyttjas och inducera spänning proportionell mot den ström som går i ledarna. Resultatet är ett instrument som tillsammans med en dator beräknar ström, fasvinkel och effekt. Vid mätning av strömmens effektivvärde beräknades den maximala skillnaden mellan vår prototyp och Scania Maintenances nuvarande utrustning upp till 29 %. Dock under en längre tid (> 15 min) är skillnaderna av medelvärdet endast 1.2 % och noggrannheten beräknas till 3.67A med 95 % konfidensintervall. Fasvinkelns noggrannhet beräknades till plus 6 och minus 12 %.


Banete, Olimpia 16 May 2014 (has links)
I present in this thesis a fluid flow and heat transfer model for porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). A computer simulation of this process has been developed and it is written using MATLAB software. The simulation code is based on a two dimensional model, D2Q9. Three physical experiments were designed to prove the simulation model through comparision with numerical results. In the experiments, physical properties of the air flow and the porous media were used as input for the computer model. The study results are not conclusive but show that the LBM model may become a reliable tool for the simulation of natural convection heat transfer in porous media. Simulations leading to improved understanding of the processes of air flow and heat transfer in porous media may be important into improving the efficiency of methods of air heating or cooling by passing air through fragmented rock.

Development of a 2-Mode AWD E-REV powertrain and real-time optimization-based control system

Waldner, Jeffrey James 24 October 2011 (has links)
Increasing environmental, economic, and political concerns regarding the consumption of fossil fuels have highlighted the need for more efficient and alternative energy solutions. Hybrid electric vehicles represent a near-term opportunity for reducing liquid fossil fuel consumption and green-house gas emissions in the transportation industry, and as a result, many automotive manufacturers have invested heavily in hybrid vehicle development. The increased complexity of hybrid electric vehicles over standard internal combustion engine-powered vehicles has subsequently placed significant emphasis on development of advanced control methods geared towards efficient energy management. Real-time optimization-based methods represent the current state-of-the-art in terms of hybrid vehicle control and energy management. This thesis summarizes the development of an optimization-based real-time control system – which determines the optimal instantaneous system operating point, including gear, traction split between front rear axles, and engine speed and torque – and its application to an all-wheel drive extended-range electric vehicle that uses a General Motor’s front-wheel drive 2-Mode electronic continuously variable transmission and an additional rear traction motor. The real-time control system was developed and validated using a plant model and preliminarily tested in the vehicle using a four-wheel drive chassis dynamometer. Results of simulation and in-vehicle testing demonstrate engine operation focused on high-efficiency operating regions and minimal use of the rear traction motor. Further testing revealed that a rule-based traction split system may be sufficient to replace the optimization-based traction split determination, and that the limited rear traction motor use was not a function of the motor itself, but rather an inherent result of the selected architecture. / Graduate

Modelling Chemically Enhanced Primary Settlers Treating Wastewater using Particle Settling Velocity Distribution : Modellering av kemfällning i försedimentering för avloppsvatten, genom att använda distribuering av sedimentationshastigheter för suspenderadepartiklar.

Lundin, Emma January 2014 (has links)
The urban sprawl creates a gap between producers and consumers and the a sustainable circuitof nutrients and energy is difficult to maintain. Many times the waste that is created in urbanareas is not reused and the circuit is lost. In this project, wastewater treatment is looked atwith the view point that resource recovery is possible through energy production and reuse ofnutrients. In order to optimally run each process step at a wastewater treatment plant forimproved resource recovery, more knowledge is needed in order to not disregard the finaleffluent quality. The goal of this project was to develop a model in MATLAB/Simulink for achemically enhanced primary clarifier at a wastewater treatment plant. The potential ofproducing more biogas and reducing the aeration energy needed in the biological treatmentstep was looked at by focusing on describing the settling velocity of suspended solids.Experimental analysis on settling properties for solids was performed on sampled wastewaterentering the primary settler after changing the addition of chemicals prior in the process line.The wastewater samples were homogenized and then rapidly vacuum pumped up in a column.The solids in the column could thereafter settle and was retained in a cup at the bottom. Themass of total suspended solids (TSS) was classified in five different settling velocity classes,each class assigned a characteristic settling velocity. The experimental procedure followed theViCA's protocol (French acronym for Settling Velocity for Wastewater). A settler, much likethe secondary settler in the Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2 (BSM2), a 10 layer nonreactivetank was modeled. The mass balance in each layer of the settler was decided by thevertical solid flux in the tank and built on the characteristic settling velocity gained from theexperiments. Re-circulation of excess sludge from the subsequent steps at the plant showed toeffect the settling properties of the sludge in the primary settler. The components of TSSshowed to have the largest effect on the distribution of settling velocity. The variation in doseof both coagulant and cationic polymer prior the primary settling tank showed to effect theparticle settling distribution somewhat. A first simulation with an applicable dynamic influentscenario was run. Despite any proper calibration the model gave fairly good predictions ofmeasured TSS in the effluent and sludge outtake water. / När urbana områden växer uppstår svårigheter i att bibehålla ett hållbart kretslopp av energioch näringsämnen. Avståndet mellan producent och konsument ökar och många gångeråteranvänds inte det avfall som städerna producerar och det hållbara kretsloppet bryts. Dettaprojekt har fokuserat på resursåteranvändningen i avloppsvattenhanteringen genommöjligheterna som finns i energiproduktion i form av biogas samt återanvändning avnäringsämnen genom slamåterförsel. Mer kunskap behövs inom varje processteg för attoptimalt använda avloppsreningsverk för förbättrad resurs-återvinning så att inte utgåendevattenkvalitet blir lidande. Målet med projektet var att utveckla en modell iMATLAB/Simulink för primärsedimentering med kemisk fällning. Experimentelltanalyserades sedimentationsegenskaperna hos primärslam genom provtagning avavloppsvatten inkommande till försedimenteringen efter tillsatser av fällnings-kemikalier.Proverna homogeniserades och vakuumpumpades sedan snabbt upp i en kolonn. Detpartikulära materialet i kolonnen kunde därefter sedimentera och fångades upp i en kopp ibotten. Den sedimenterade massan av totalt suspenderat material (TSS) klassificerades i femolika sedimenteringshastighetsklasser och varje klass tilldelades en karakteristisksedimentationshastighet Det experimentella förfarandet följde ViCA’s protokoll (franskförkortning för sedimentationshastigheter för avloppsvatten). En modell av ensedimentationstank, ungefär som för sekundär-sedimenteringen i Benchmark SimulationModel No. 2 (BSM2), utvecklades som en 10 lager icke reaktiv tank. Massbalansen i varjelager bestämdes av det vertikala flödet av partiklar och beräknades med de experimentelltframtagna karakteristiska sedimentationshastigheterna. Återcirkulering av överskottsslam frånde efterföljande reningsstegen visade sig ha stor påverkan på slammetssedimentationsegenskaper i försedimenteringen. Typen av TSS-komponenter hade den störstainverkan på fördelningen av sedimentationshastigheter. Variationen i dos av bådefällningskemikalie och katjonspolymer före primär-sedimenteringstanken hade en visspåverkan på fördelningen. En första simulering med ett sannolikt dynamisk inflödesscenariokördes. Utan någon riktig kalibrering av modellen gav den ändå en relativt realistisk prognospå TSS i utgående vatten och i slamuttaget. / I samarbete med forskningsgruppen ModelEAU, Quebec, Kanada

Tritium Removal Facility High Tritium Distillation Simulation

Zahedi, Polad 10 July 2013 (has links)
A dynamic model was developed for the distillation mechanism of the Darlington Tritium Removal Facility. The model was created using the commercial software package MATLAB/Simulink. The goal was to use such a model to predict the system behaviour for use in control analysis. The distillation system was first divided into individual components including columns, condensers, controllers, heaters and the hydraulic network. Flow streams were then developed to transfer enthalpy, pressure and mass flow rate between the components. The model was able to perform various plant transients for validation and analysis purposes. A comparison of the different controllers was made with the introduction of various disturbances to the system. Also, the effect of the system disturbances when isolated from the transients was studied using the same controllers. Studying different plant transients and disturbances under each controller enabled a comparative analysis.

Tritium Removal Facility High Tritium Distillation Simulation

Zahedi, Polad 10 July 2013 (has links)
A dynamic model was developed for the distillation mechanism of the Darlington Tritium Removal Facility. The model was created using the commercial software package MATLAB/Simulink. The goal was to use such a model to predict the system behaviour for use in control analysis. The distillation system was first divided into individual components including columns, condensers, controllers, heaters and the hydraulic network. Flow streams were then developed to transfer enthalpy, pressure and mass flow rate between the components. The model was able to perform various plant transients for validation and analysis purposes. A comparison of the different controllers was made with the introduction of various disturbances to the system. Also, the effect of the system disturbances when isolated from the transients was studied using the same controllers. Studying different plant transients and disturbances under each controller enabled a comparative analysis.

Modeling and Simulation of a Three-phase AC-DC Converter where the Impedances of the Feeding Lines are considered

Lotfalizadeh, Behnood January 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises modeling and simulation of an AC-DC converter (Battery charger). An AC-DC converter may cause a high frequency distortion in the electrical power network or augment the existing distortion caused by other devices connected to the network. The goal is to design a controller for suppressing this noise at a reasonable level. We hope the thesis can be considered as a step forward to solve the original problem. One needs an accurate model of the AC-DC converter, to design such a controller. This study tries to clarify the effects of theline inductance on the performance of the converter by modeling and simulating the converter during the commutation time. The idea is to model and simulate the converter for two different conditions; first in the Normal condition by neglecting the effect of line impedance, second in the Commutation condition by considering the effect of the line impedance on commutation of the diodes. One can perform a complete simulation of the converter with combining these two models. The thesis deals with AC-DC converters, Hamiltonian-port modeling, simulation and MATLAB programming using the functionality of the S-function and SIMULINK.

Finite Element Analysis Of Composite Laminates Subjected To Axial &amp / Transverse Loading

Baskin, Cem Ismail 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the investigation of behavior of thick and moderately thick laminates under transverse and horizontal loading for different boundary conditions and configurations. An efficient finite element solution is proposed for analyzing composite laminates. Based on a combination of composite theory and 3-D Elasticity Theory, a 3-D finite element program is developed in MATLAB for calculating the stresses, strains and deformations of composite laminates under transverse and/or horizontal loading for different boundary conditions. The applicability of the formulation to analysis of laminated rubber bearings is also examined in this study. Since it is very important to calculate the correct stress state when developing models for composite behavior, the 3-D Elasticity Theory is used in this research. Numerical results are presented for various problems with different lamination schemes, loading and boundary conditions. In order to verify the analysis and the numerical calculations, numerical solutions obtained in this study are compared with available closed form solutions in the literature, experiment results and a commercial finite element program, namely ANSYS. The results obtained using the present finite element is found to be in acceptable and good agreement with the closed form solutions in the literature for thick and moderately thick rectangular and square plates.

Nous desenvolupaments, aplicacions bioanalítiques i validació dels mètodes de resolució multivariant

Jaumot Soler, Joaquim 20 June 2006 (has links)
Aquest treball s'integra en una de les línies d'investigació del grup de recerca "Quimiometria" del Departament de Química Analítica de la Universitat de Barcelona. Aquesta línia d'investigació es centra en el desenvolupament de mètodes quimiomètrics d'anàlisi multivariant de dades, i en la seva aplicació a l'estudi analític dels canvis de conformació i/o de les interaccions entre biomolècules.Actualment és possible enregistrar l'espectre sencer d'una mostra en poc temps. Aquest augment del nombre i de la complexitat de les dades adquirides ha portat a l'aparició de mètodes que tenen com a finalitat la obtenció d'informació d'interés físico-químic a partir d'aquests conjunt de dades. Amb aquesta finalitat es poden trobar dues aproximacions: a) els mètodes de modelatge rígid que exigeixen la postulació d'un model químic o cinètic al qual ajustar les dades experimentals, i b) els mètodes de modelatge flexible que no necessiten la postulació d'un model.El treball realitzat en aquests tesi doctoral es pot dividir en tres blocs.En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat una interfície gràfica en l'entorn de programació MATLAB pel mètode de resolució multivariant de corbes mitjançant mínims quadrats alternats (MCR-ALS). Aquesta interfície millora notablement la interacció entre l'usuari i el programa, i potencía la seva utilització generalitzada per part d'usuaris no acostumats a treballar amb eines pròpies de la Quimiometria.En segon lloc, s'ha dut a terme la validació de diversos mètodes d'anàlisi multivariant, és a dir, s'ha estudiat la fiabilitat de les solucions obtingudes per aquest tipus de mètodes quimiomètrics. Així, pel mètode MCR-ALS, s'ha analitzat la influència i la propagació de l'error experimental i les possibles repercusions sobre les ambigüetats matemàtiques existents en les solucions obtingudes. Aquest estudi s'ha realitzat tant en el cas de l'anàlisi individual de matrius de dades obtingudes en un únic experiment, com en el cas de l'anàlisi simultani de matrius de dades obtingudes en diversos experiments. En el cas dels mètodes de modelatge rígid s'ha estudiat l'ambigüetat existent al ajustar mecanismes cinètics complexos. En aquest cas s'ha observat l'aparició de mínims locals múltiples amb el mateix valor d'ajust en la superfície de desposta associada.Finalment, s'han aplicat els mètodes quimiomètrics de modelatge flexible i de modelatge rígid a l'estudi dels equilibris en solució dels àcids nucleics. Aquestes són biomolècules que tenen una organització jeràrquica començant en la seqüència de nucleòtids a les cadenes fins a estructures complexes d'ordre superior com els tríplexs o quadruplexs. Els canvis conformacionals o les interaccions amb d'altres biomolècules s'han estudiat tradicionalment mitjançant experiments seguits amb tècniques espectroscòpies. En aquest treball es seguiran aquests processos mitjançant lectures a moltes longituts d'ona (aproximació multivariant) i s'aplicaran mètodes quimiomètrics adients de tractaments de dades multivariants. Els procesos estudiants en aquesta Tesi són bàsicament els canvis conformacionals provocats en variar condicions del medi, com el pH, la temperatura, la concentració d'altres ions... S'han emprat tècniques espectroscòpiques com l'absorció molecular a l'UV-visible, la fluorescència, el dicroisme circular i la ressonància magnètica nuclear. Una altra aplicació, ha estat l'anàlisi de micromatrius d'ADN. L'aparició d'aquesta la tecnologia ha permès obtenir informació sobre els nivells de l'expressió gènica per un gran nombre de gens en un únic experiment. La generació de grans quantitats de dades requereix la utilització d'eines mitjançant les quals es pugui extreure la informació biològica. En aquest treball s'ha aplicat el mètode MCR-ALS a l'anàlisis de diversos conjunts de dades per tal de poder determinar la relació entre les mostres que presenten diferents tipus de càncer i els gens estudiats. / OF THE PHD THESIS: This PhD Thesis has been developed in the framework of the Chemometrics group at the Universitat de Barcelona. The work deals with the development and validation of Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) methods (both hard- and soft-modelling), and with their application to bioanalytical problems. The work has been organized into three blocks:First, a graphical interface has been developed for the program running the MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve resolution Alternating Least Squares) method in the MATLAB® environment. This interface improves the interaction between the user and the program and facilitates the use of multivariate curve resolution to little experineced potential users.Secondly, validation of multivariate resolution methods of data analysis has been carried out. For the MCR-ALS method, effects of rotational ambiguities and of propagation of experimental noise have been studied. These studies have been performed in the analysis of a single experiment and in the case of analyzing multiple experiments simultaneously. In the case of hard-modelling kinetic data fitting methods, ambiguities in the analysis of kinetic experiments have been studied and methods to overcome this ambiguity have been proposed.Third, multivariate resolution methods have been applied to the study of conformational equilibria of nucleic acids. These are biomolecules that have a hierarchic organization from the nucleotide sequence to higher order structures such as triplex or quadruplex. Traditionally, conformational changes or interactions of nucleic acids with other biomolecules have been spectroscopically monitored at just one wavelength. In this work, these processes have been followed at multiple wavelengths and suitable multivariate resolution methods for the data treatment have been applied. Processes studied during this Thesis have been DNA conformational changes induced by pH, temperature or salinity. Spectroscopic techniques such as molecular absorption in the UV-visible, circular dichroism or nuclear magnetic resonance have been used for this purpose. Finally, data obtained using DNA microarrays have been analyzed. This technique allows highthroughput analysis of relative gene expressions of thousands of genes of an organism that generates large amounts of data. This has caused a need for statistical methods that can extract useful information for further research. In this PhD Thesis, the MCR-ALS method has been proposed for the analysis of this kind of data with very promising results.

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