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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國檔案法立法過程之研究 / A Study on the Legislative Process of Archives Act in Taiwan

廖彩惠, Liao, Tsai-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
檔案法的產生,是我國檔案事業重要的里程碑,一個法律的出現,並非孤立存在,必須將其與社會、政治或歷史發展的脈絡一同對照,賦予時代的生命力,才能彰顯法律制定的意義,以及其中蘊含的強烈歷史意識。本研究內容主要為我國檔案法制定的過程,運用歷史研究法及訪談法,暸解我國檔案法制定的過程與階段、檔案法草案版本的內容、理念意涵與制定精神、檔案法制定與政治、社會或歷史背景的關連性,以及檔案管理檔案法制定後的修正情形。 檔案法的制定始於民國76年,至民國88年制定完成,期間經歷國史館、行政院及立法院階段,共費時12年時間,制定過程產生的草案版本,主要有國史館版、行政院版、林濁水版、曹爾忠版及李慶雄版,影響檔案法制定的因素包含:始於重視歷史紀錄的保存、奠定行政制度的基礎、反映我國民主時代的變遷經過;檔案管理局對於檔案法制定後的修正重點為解決業務瓶頸問題,紓解集中管理的沉重業務量,包含機關自行管理定型化書表、檔案目錄公布機制、機關檔案銷毀目錄分及審查機制等。 本研究提出八點建議,包含:蒐集檔案法制定過程所產生之文件、整合檔案相關資源、提升檔案主管機關的位階、積極推動國家檔案館設立,並研擬明確法源依據、建立分級管理機制、擴大檔案的定義與範圍、加強私文書的蒐集及人員經費制度化。 / The subject of this research is the process and phrase of Archives Act establishment in Taiwan. By applying historical research method and interview method, this research elaborates the version of Archives Act draft, the essence of legislation and its relationship between politics, society and history. Last, the text tells the situation in revising Archives Act after its legislation. The legislation of Archives Act was started from 1987 and finished in 1999 through the phrase of Academic Historica, Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan, total 12 years. During the establishment, the draft is mainly from Academic Historica, Executive Yuan, Lin,Cho-Shui , Tsao,Erh-Chang and Lee,Ching-Hsiung. When formulating the Archives Act, it considers the preservation of historical record, foundation of administrative system and reflection of Taiwan democracy transition .In order to resolve operation bottleneck, release heavy loading of mass management, National Archives Administration revised the Archives Act in some ways like autonomic management of table by each institution, publishing mechanism of archives catalog and examining mechanism of institute archive destroying catalog, etc. This research raises 8 points as suggestion, collecting the document which was generated during establishment of Archives Act, raising level of archives administrative institute, setting up National Archive institute, drawing up definite authority of law, making mechanism of classified management, expanding the definition and range of archives, improving the collection of private edition and institutionalizing member and fund.

國防檔案開放應用之評估研究:內部使用者的觀點 / The Evaluation Study of Access of National Defense Archives: The Internal Users Perspectives

羅偉豪, Luo, Wei Hao Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關檔案的開放與應用是當代民主政治運作的磐石,良善且完備的應用制度與開放管道,將能深刻機關檔案的價值及資料開放的深度。由於政治環境及歷史遺緒使然,我國國防檔案開放應用的過程是在相對保守及封閉的情境中所進行。隨著我國民主政治的穩定發展,國防檔案在管理及實務層面歷經了多次的轉變與調整,循序漸進的推展檔案開放應用的進程及範圍。本研究以政策評估理論中的評估指標,來觀察及解析國防檔案開放應用過程的影響與箝制因素,並聚焦於國防部內部使用者在實務過程及現實層面所提出的觀點與問題,嘗試進一步分析及詮釋國防檔案在開放應用時所面臨的困境及挑戰,並提出研究建議。 研究發現在效能性及效率性指標層面,因組織降編與整併、業務移轉與承接、人事精簡與離退及檔案審查行政流程等現實,肇生了國防檔案開放應用在政策效能、資源配置及行政效率等問題。在充分性及回應性指標層面,檔案開放應用的現行內容、範圍及數量未能充分滿足使用者的需求,而檔案管理人員的知能未能有效傳承,形成了執行面向與政策價值之間的落差。在公平性及適當性指標層面,檔案開放應用的管道、主題徵集作業停止及國防組織本質與法規層面的特性限制,使得政策目標的價值受限,並出現了目標偏失的困境。 本研究提出的改善建議可分為政策及實務執行二個層面。在政策層面的改善建議有三點:國防部應重視檔案管理及檔案應用的人力配置與預算資源,避免落入員額精簡或單位裁撤的謬誤循環之中;國防部可積極研擬將非機敏性業務,進行業務委外辦理的推動工作;另外可就現行法制規範層面進行適度的修正及開放等。而實務執行層面的改善建議則有四點:建議國防部在業務流程應積極推動簡化,並以作業管理的資訊化作為輔助;再來應在檔案審查准駁的作業流程進行效率化工作,以提升行政服務的效率;同時應關注檔案管理人員在專業知能上的培訓,以及機關內部和外部的進修訓練;另外建議國防部可以嘗試建立並整合檔案應用的網絡機制,透過多元行動者的互動參與及資訊的垂直和水平整合,來提升檔案開放與應用的實質成效。 / The access of government archives is the cornerstone of modern democracy. Due to the political environment past decades, the access of the national defense archives in Taiwan has been conducted in a conservative and confined manner. With the steadily democratic development in Taiwan, the management of the national defense archives has experienced much improvement and has gradually been stimulating processes and scope of public access. This study, using evaluation indicators adopted from policy evaluation theories; try to analyze the impact and limitations of accessing national defense archives, with a focus on opinions and suggestions made by internal users from the Ministry of National Defense (MND) in Taiwan. Further, this study aims to further analyze the issues and challenges faced and propose some recommendations. The study found that the access of national defense archive has difficulties in policy effectiveness, resource allocation, and administrative efficiency that caused by organizational downgrades and downsize, job assignment and adjustment, personnel reductions, and the archives reviews process. In terms of adequacy and responsiveness indicators, the content, scope and quantity of the archives accessed could insufficiently meet the demands of users, and the knowledge of the archivists not been transferred causes a gap between the practical implementation and the value of the policy. In terms of equity and appropriateness indicators, the access route, stop of theme acquisition and the nature of MND had limited the value of the policy. The suggestions proposed in this study are for policymaking and practical implementation individually. Three suggestions were for improving the policy making process. The MND should pay more attention to archive management, human resource and budgets reallocation in archives division. The MND could outsource some non-classified archive management work. In addition, current public access regulations should make some appropriate adjustments in accordance with reality. There are four suggestions for further improvements of practical implementation. First, the MND should actively promote process reengineering and use information technology as an aid in operation. Second, simplifying the workflow of access of national defense archive should be implemented. At the same time, archivist professional training should be enhanced. Last, the MND should establish an archive-access network; through it the effectiveness of access can be improved.

我國個人隱私保護對於檔案開放應用影響之研究 / The impact of information privacy on archival public access in Taiwan

黃鈺婷, Huang, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
檔案管理之終極目標,是在於將經過專業化管理之檔案提供於使用者應用,以能充分發揮檔案所具有之歷史、真實憑證和資訊價值。在資訊化社會時代,檔案公開、政府資訊開放與個人隱私權的保護已成為現今民主社會的重要共識,然而個人隱私權和檔案公開政策的衝突卻一直是我國檔案開放應用實務的主要問題,而不利於促進國內檔案管理事業及檔案應用服務的推廣。 本研究藉由分析國內外主要檔案典藏機構之檔案開放應用規範,以及透過深度訪談法蒐集檔案管理人員及檔案使用者對於個人隱私保護相關法令、檔案開放應用法令與檔案應用服務之實務或使用經驗,探究我國個人隱私保護法令和政策對於檔案開放應用實務所造成的影響及問題。結果發現,目前個人隱私保護法令使國內檔案實務界對檔案開放應用的標準產生分歧、且對於涉及隱私資訊檔案的開放作法亦相對保守,加上具重要價值之機關檔案並未落實移轉、而仍分散於各機關之中,將使個人隱私保護標準更難以統一,究其根本原因後也呈現出《檔案法》之規定因過於廣泛有待修正的問題。 本研究建議,國內檔案實務需針對個人隱私保護標準建立共識、並以「通則開放」概念提供檔案之開放應用,而未來國內檔案實務界也須逐步改善機關檔案未落實移轉的問題和《檔案法》的修訂,以能符合使用者需求並充分公開具有珍貴價值之檔案資源。 / The goal of the archival management is providing the archival public access for users and to bring full play of archives’ values. Protecting rights of the archival public access, freedom of government information and information privacy are important principles in information society. However, policies of information privacy are severely impeded applications of archival public access in Taiwan, and may turn against the archival management. For this reason, this study analyzes contents of policies of archival public access from main archival institutions all over the world and collects archivists and users experience to find out the influnences of impact between information policies and aechival public access. The search result shows that there are no unified standards for providing private information from main archival institutions in Taiwan. Also, the over conservativeness of archival repositories to provide archives and the non-complete transfers of national archives become main problems. On the other hand, undefinite rules of the〝Archival Management Act〞in Taiwan are the prime reason that caused the problems. According the study, it suggests that the main archival repositories should to be more open and need define standards for providing the archival public access, and the National Archives Administration should promote the effect about transfering the national archivaes. Moreover, the〝Archival Management Act〞also needs to be revised so that policices of archival public access will be more effecient to fit the users’ needs.

臺灣與澳門檔案機關行政管理體制之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the Management and Administrative System of Archival Institutions between Taiwan and Macau

周婥鈮, Chau, Cheok Nei Unknown Date (has links)
檔案館是指一個機構或行政單位負責檔案資料的辦識、鑑定、登錄、保存、編排、描述與提供參考服務。國家檔案館亦可被稱為國家公共檔案館或公共檔案館。它是檔案館的其中一種。由國家各級政府設立並領導,負責接收和管理一定範圍的具有社會和歷史價值的各種檔案,並提供社會利用的重要文化事業機構。 檔案是傳承歷史及人類知識的最佳媒介,檔案管理人員則是手握傳承鑰匙的主要角色,而檔案管理機關則是重要歷史見證者及紀錄者。在臺灣及澳門最高檔案管理機關,對於了解該地區在檔案事業管理及發展上是十分值得研究的對象。檔案行政構在兩地有所不同,筆者對此作比較時會偏向法規、功能以及兩地檔案機關在位階的定位。 透過比較對上述兩地政府機關的體系進行比較研究,比較分析兩地在檔案法、檔案管理行政體制(以檔案管理局與澳門歷史檔案館為研究對象)以及檔案機關之功能任務的異同。冀能了解兩地的檔案管理事業發有何異同之處。 / Archives can be referred to an institution or administrative unit which is responsible for archival identification, appraisal, log in, preservation, arrangement, description and reference service. The National Archives can be also known as the National Public Archives or Public Archives. It is a type of the archives, which is established by the national governments, responsible for various archives with social and historical values, and distributed to fulfil the usage of social and cultural organizations. Archives is the best medium of human knowledge and historical heritage, records management staff are holding the key to a major role in transmission, and archival management institution is an important witness of history and archives holder. By studying about the highest management authority of Archives in Taiwan and Macau, it can help to understand the differences between the region and the development of the Archive Management. Archives administrative structures differ in these two places, this study is focusing on comparing the archival laws, functions and .organization structures of the two places mentioned above. A comparative study of these two archival institutions through the comparison, analyzing the two places in the differences of Archives Act, the administrative management system (National Archives Administration National Development Council and Historical Archives of Macao) and the functional tasks of them can help to deepen understanding the similarities and differences between both parties.

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