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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政府機關資訊公開電子化執行現況之研究-以臺北縣政府為例 / The Study of E-Information of the Government Administration-an example from Taipei County

吳慧勤, Wu,Haichun Unknown Date (has links)
政府資訊公開不僅是民主政治的最佳武器,更可以提升國家的競 爭力,於是我國乃於94 年12 月制定通過政府資訊公開法,以促進行 政透明化與滿足人民知的權利。近來受到數位化浪潮的影響,各國政 府互相推行所謂電子化政府,期望藉由電子化作業方式以提高政府的 行政效率。故本文就是試圖瞭解政府機關如何透過電子化方式以落實 執行政府資訊公開政策。 首先本文就根據政府資訊公開法規範內容,分為主動與被動資訊 公開二個公開面向來做分析研究,本研究藉由面訪問卷調查與深度訪 談來探究政府資訊公開電子化執行現況,希冀有助於瞭解政府機關對 於政府資訊公開法制的落實施行情形,以做為政府資訊政策之參考。 研究發現,在資訊主動公開部分,就資訊公開類型而言,以行政 指導有關文書公開情形最佳,請願之處理結果及訴願之決定、書面之 公共工程及採購契約公開情形最差;就公開電子化程度與多元公開管 道上而言,經檢視27 個機關均有明顯偏低情況,累計分數都在電子化 程度最低門檻 60 分以下(總分304 分),以及多元公開道最低指標121 分以下(總分608 分),顯見所有機關均有待再加強。 在資訊被動公開部分,在申請公開件數與申請方式上,政府資訊 公開法通過前後並無太大差異,機關平均申請件數大多在0~30 件之間 且以「書面申請」免付費方式提供;在作業標準與准駁理由上,幾乎 都沒有訂定審查機制,完全由業務單位主管來決定,更無提供明確申 訴管道。 是以,要致力於建構一個開放政府、改善課責與透明的政府行政, 除了政府資訊公開法制的訂定,仍需要有相關政策、制度面之配合與 獨立的個體加以監督與管控,才能落實並保障人民政府資訊取得權。 關鍵字:電子化政府、政府資訊公開、主動公開、被動公開 / The transparency of government information is not only a best weapon for democratic politics but also promotes the competitively of a country. The government passed Freedom of Government Information Law in December, 2005 so as to promote the transparency of government operation and fulfill the rights that people should know it. Under the influence of digitization, every country has impelled to promote the concept of e-government. The administrative efficiency can be uplifted by information technology. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to know how the government executes the policy of opening government information. The study analyzes the active and passive information opening according to the contents of the Law on Government Information Freedom. Interviews and surveys were utilized to undertake the execution of opening the government information. This study will help people understand how information has been executed and will serve as a reference for government strategies for information transparency. As to the type of information for actively opening, the administrative documents have mostly been actively opened. The results of petitions and the decisions of administrative appeals, documents related to public works and procurements are the worst for opened information. As to the level of e-opening and approaches by which they open information, 27 bureaus do not reach the lowest the threshold, which scored less than 60 with the total score 304 and less than 121 with the total score 608. The findings suggest that the bureaus still have to practice the idea of actively opening information. As to the passively-opened information, the request documents and the way to apply did not change much before and after the Law on Government Information freedom, with 0-30 pieces of request in average. They used to be written form and this request was free of charge. In this study, we found that most bureaus do not standardize relative of all application, making the directors the only judgment for acceptance or rebuttal. iii Therefore, to set up an open government and to improve the accountability, transparency of administration, policies and systems need to be coordinated. It also entails independent individuals to supervise and control, besides the practice of the Law on Government Information Freedom. In this way, people’s rights to the government information will be taken care of. Keywords: electronic government, e-government, digital government, transparency, government information

公共價值導向的政府資訊公開評估指標建立 / Open Public Sector Information: Establishment of Public-Value Oriented Performance Evaluation Indicators

張凱媛, Chang, Kai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
政府資訊公開是指政府將所擁有之資訊以各種方式公布或提供人民申請,是保障人民知的權利之基礎和促進民主參與之重要基石,與政府透明、課責和政府信任等公共價值的實踐有緊密連結性。本研究經由文獻回顧及國內外實務觀察,發現目前國內外就政府資訊公開的績效評估並沒有全面的架構,同時,也較缺乏政府資訊公開成效與其影響之間的關聯。因此,本研究主要探討政府資訊公開所連結的公共價值,並嘗試將之融入績效評估指標架構當中,期能建立初步評估架構並分析其政策意涵。   本研究透過文獻回顧瞭解國內外政府資訊公開發展現況與趨勢,整理既有的評估指標和實證研究,發展以公共目標價值為基礎的績效評估架構:包含透明、信任、課責、參與、效能、效率等6個目標公共價值,以及12個公共價值構面和其下的衡量指標。建立架構後,本研究透過層級分析法,彙整學者專家、政府官員,以及公民團體代表三類專家之意見,對架構指標權重排序並進行整體和不同專家類型之比較分析。   整體結果顯示,透明為政府資訊公開評估架構中最重要之層面,而三類專家亦一致認同在透明層面下的政治透明構面,及其下的政策決策過程透明指標為達成透明價值之關鍵作為,其次,較受整體專家重視的還有課責及參與。以絕對重要性來看,整體專家認為最重要的公共價值構面也是政治透明,指標層次則以政策決策過程透明、對政府資訊的信任等為重。除整體結果外,三類專家所認定的權重順序也有所差異:(1)學者專家對課責的權重明顯較其他專家高,(2)政府專家對效率的重要性排序排在第三位,其他專家則認為較不重要,(3)公民專家與其他專家最大的不同是將參與置於首要位置。根據分析結果,本研究建議應強化政策決策過程透明的相關措施以真正落實政治透明、透過穩定輸出正確可靠的資訊來培養公民對政府資訊的信任,並積極提升對課責和參與之重視。 / Information held by government agencies is a valuable national resource, and it should be open to public unless there is required legal protection for sensitive in-formation. The development of open public sector information (OPSI), based on people’s right to know, will enhance public values such as transparency and ac-countability of government, democratic participation, and even social welfare.   This study focuses on the establishment of public-value oriented performance evaluation indicators. To build the objective level and the corresponding indicators of the assessment framework, it investigates the linkage between public value and OPSI by literature review and sorts out the existing indicators related to OPSI. Also, in purpose to refine the applicability of this framework and analyze the order of in-dicators’ importance, it applies analytic hierarchy process (AHP), gathering the mul-tiple-criteria decision-making opinions from 14 experts of Public Administration, Information Management, and E-Government practice, including 6 academics, 4 government officials, and 4 civil groups experts.   The framework shows that transparency, trust, accountability, participation, ef-ficiency and effectiveness are 6 main public values to evaluate the performance of OPSI, with 12 aspects and 12 indicators included in. The overall results show that transparency, trust and participation are more important than the others. And for the absolute importance, political transparency aspect and indicator transparency of policy decision-making process are the most important ones based on integrated opinions. Moreover, three groups of experts show some differences in the order of importance: academics are more concerned with accountability, government offi-cials care more about efficiency, and civil group experts regard participation the most important one. Based on the analysis of AHP results, this study suggests that government should put political transparency into effect, bring up the trust to gov-ernment information, and attach more importance to accountability and participa-tion.

我國個人隱私保護對於檔案開放應用影響之研究 / The impact of information privacy on archival public access in Taiwan

黃鈺婷, Huang, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
檔案管理之終極目標,是在於將經過專業化管理之檔案提供於使用者應用,以能充分發揮檔案所具有之歷史、真實憑證和資訊價值。在資訊化社會時代,檔案公開、政府資訊開放與個人隱私權的保護已成為現今民主社會的重要共識,然而個人隱私權和檔案公開政策的衝突卻一直是我國檔案開放應用實務的主要問題,而不利於促進國內檔案管理事業及檔案應用服務的推廣。 本研究藉由分析國內外主要檔案典藏機構之檔案開放應用規範,以及透過深度訪談法蒐集檔案管理人員及檔案使用者對於個人隱私保護相關法令、檔案開放應用法令與檔案應用服務之實務或使用經驗,探究我國個人隱私保護法令和政策對於檔案開放應用實務所造成的影響及問題。結果發現,目前個人隱私保護法令使國內檔案實務界對檔案開放應用的標準產生分歧、且對於涉及隱私資訊檔案的開放作法亦相對保守,加上具重要價值之機關檔案並未落實移轉、而仍分散於各機關之中,將使個人隱私保護標準更難以統一,究其根本原因後也呈現出《檔案法》之規定因過於廣泛有待修正的問題。 本研究建議,國內檔案實務需針對個人隱私保護標準建立共識、並以「通則開放」概念提供檔案之開放應用,而未來國內檔案實務界也須逐步改善機關檔案未落實移轉的問題和《檔案法》的修訂,以能符合使用者需求並充分公開具有珍貴價值之檔案資源。 / The goal of the archival management is providing the archival public access for users and to bring full play of archives’ values. Protecting rights of the archival public access, freedom of government information and information privacy are important principles in information society. However, policies of information privacy are severely impeded applications of archival public access in Taiwan, and may turn against the archival management. For this reason, this study analyzes contents of policies of archival public access from main archival institutions all over the world and collects archivists and users experience to find out the influnences of impact between information policies and aechival public access. The search result shows that there are no unified standards for providing private information from main archival institutions in Taiwan. Also, the over conservativeness of archival repositories to provide archives and the non-complete transfers of national archives become main problems. On the other hand, undefinite rules of the〝Archival Management Act〞in Taiwan are the prime reason that caused the problems. According the study, it suggests that the main archival repositories should to be more open and need define standards for providing the archival public access, and the National Archives Administration should promote the effect about transfering the national archivaes. Moreover, the〝Archival Management Act〞also needs to be revised so that policices of archival public access will be more effecient to fit the users’ needs.

政府網站資訊公開的委託代理分析 / A principal-agent analysis of government websites information disclosure

羅晉, Lo, Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國際間政府推動資訊公開蔚為風潮,伴隨著資訊通信科技的發展,電子化政府和政府網站更普遍被各界視為一個低成本且高效率的透明化途徑。台灣的政府網站長期受到國際間高度評價,在發展中國家更是名列前茅。然而,既有的研究與調查大多數僅片面側重於政府供給面的探究,通常以化約且可標準化的指標來評鑑特定政府網站的介面資訊功能。相形之下,鮮少有關注民眾的需求認知、機關政策執行以及網站內容評估等較全面的研究成果供參。因而無法更深入地釐清政府網站、法制和政策執行績效不彰等困境與透明化治理之間的關聯。 在委託代理理論的運用之下,本研究兼顧政府治理中委託方民眾的認知以及代理方政府機關的經驗與成效。目的在於釐清網站資訊公開供給和需求的現況與問題,並更具體地檢證政府網站資訊公開對機關施政資訊揭露、績效衡量和政府課責的影響。爰此,研究者參與多項網站資訊公開相關研究,以蒐集多元化次級資料,包括:量化的網路民眾問卷調查,各級機關的跨年度問卷調查,機關網站內容評估比較,以及質性的個別訪談、焦點團體座談。藉由理論聚焦與多重研究方法的交叉檢證分析,以達研究綜效。 研究結果分為網站資訊公開對政府施政資訊揭露,施政績效衡量,以及政府課責的影響三個部分來討論。首先,相較於法制,網站資訊公開更有助於揭露政府施政資訊,特別是網站資訊公開實施過程可呈現出政府治理內、外部的多重代理關係及代理問題,甚至可緩和部分的代理問題。其次,網站資訊公開可具體地呈現並衡量施政績效,以因應傳統官僚體系內各層代理績效難以衡量的困境。但囿於目前整體制度缺乏績效誘因設計,而限制了此效益。最後,因整體資訊公開績效制度的匱乏,也使得網站資訊公開對政府課責的效益備受限制。 整體而言,本研究揭示了代理理論應用於政府治理的價值,並檢證政府資訊公開、績效和課責等三項治理要件的關聯。研究成果可彌補實務與研究的落差,並對相關文獻做出貢獻。 / In recent years, governments from around the world have adopted Freedom of Information Act to increase transparency in their governance. With advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs), e-Government has been seen as a cost-effective and possible mean to promote openness and transparency. Taiwan’s efforts to develop e-Government services have been well-recognized; especially, have made remarkable advantages among developing countries. Nevertheless, most of the existing researches in evaluating e-Government service are based on supply-side indicators and often assess websites alone; as yet, little information is available on the demand aspect of e-Government. The paper aims to explore the potential and practice of government website information disclosure in terms of the perspective of end user and government agencies. The results show the significance of three aspects in information disclosure of Taiwanese government websites through the application of quantitative and qualitative methodology, including self-administered questionnaire, website evaluation, individual interview, and focus group interview. First, government website information disclosure benefits the revelation of government information, manifestation of multi-agent relationships in internal and external governance of government, and alleviation of partial ageny problems. Second, government website information disclosure enhances revealing and measuring the performance of government agencies; nevertheless, in which the effectiveness is limited due to the absence of institutional incentives. Third, under the circumstances of unsound institution, the effectiveness of accountability has difficulties to be thoroughly realized through government website information disclosure. In sum, the finding contributes to a valuable reference for other countries in implementing information transparency of e-Government, and has significant implications for policy makers, government agencies, and system designers.

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