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吸菸者多重自我概念與品牌人格之一致性對香菸品牌態度之影響倪培軒 Unknown Date (has links)
自Grubb and Grathwohl(1967)透過Rogers(1951)的個體自我增強理論(theory of individual self enhancement)為基礎,假設自我概念對個體而言是一種價值,並且個體的行為會朝向增強或保護他們的自我概念為方向,因此購買、展示行為或商品使用,皆會透過購買符號商品的過程來加強自我概念後,將此理論運用到廣告行銷領域的研究便開始蓬勃發展。本研究即是透過一致性理論來觀察吸菸者與其所喜好的香菸品牌間之關係,並輔以Aaker,J的品牌人格理論做為觀察面向。最後在本研究架構上將吸菸動機及吸菸行為一併納入其中討論。
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以故事性的自然場景探討主角與地點在動態視覺處理上的相互影響 / Investigating the Interaction of Character and Surroundings on Dynamic Visual Processing in the Perception of Narrative Natural Scene張鈺潔, Chang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
視覺辨識是極其快速而且正確的,逐步揭露作業可展示此一閃而過的動態視覺辨識歷程,本研究目的即在以此作業探討主角與地點在動態視覺辨識過程中相互影響的內涵。實驗一旨在建立主角與地點的視覺辨識基準線,結果發現主角比起地點只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識,得到物體優勢效果。實驗二旨在驗證物體與背景之間在視覺處理上的非獨立關係,透過操弄單獨呈現與同時呈現兩種視覺呈現方式,以主角辨識作業與地點辨識作業加以驗證。結果顯示對地點辨識作業而言,同時呈現情況比起單獨呈現情況只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識;對主角辨識作業而言,單獨呈現情況與同時呈現情況並無不同。除此之外,在單獨呈現情況下,仍獲得物體優勢效果。但在同時呈現情況下,物體優勢效果並不復見,反而是地點辨識優於主角辨識。實驗二結果支持物體與背景之間在視覺處理上為非獨立關係。實驗三進一步從「一致性效果」在促進層面以及抑制層面上的作用情況,探討物體與背景之間在視覺處理上相互影響的內涵。實驗三a結果顯示,在主角辨識作業中所得到的「一致性效果」,源於地點訊息對主角辨識在抑制層面的作用而來。實驗三b結果顯示,在地點辨識作業中所得到「一致性效果」,則源於主角訊息對地點辨識在促進層面與抑制層面的作用而來。實驗四進一步以同時呈報的作業方式,讓參與者對整張場景進行辨識,對於視覺系統所知覺到的主角內容與地點內容都需加以呈報,藉此再次驗證主角與地點處理的相互影響。其結果顯示在主角內容與地點內容呈報時,皆獲得「一致性效果」。除此之外,在一致情況與不一情況下皆獲得物體優勢效果。本研究以動態視覺處理模型中物體與背景平行處理且密切交換訊息之觀點解釋所得結果,並提出注意力分佈在此動態視覺處理歷程扮演重要角色。 / Visual recognition is a fast and accurate process. The present study adopted a progressive revelation task, which mimics the visual dynamics appropriately, to investigate the interaction of character and surroundings in the dynamic visual processing. Experiment 1 aimed to establish visual recognition curves for character and surroundings separately as baselines. The results showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for character than surroundings, so that it showed the object advantage effect. In Experiment 2, the non-independent relationship between the object- and background-related visual processes was verified. The performance of isolation condition with the character and surroundings presented in isolation was compared to the concurrent condition with the two presented concurrently. The results of the surroundings recognition task showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for concurrent condition than isolation condition. In contrast, for the character recognition task, there was no difference between these two conditions. These results supported the non-independent relationship between object- and background-related processes. Object advantage effect was replicated in the isolation condition but not in the concurrent condition, which meant that surroundings required less amount of perceptual evidence than character for visual recognition instead. In Experiment 3, interaction between object- and background-related processes was investigated by consistency effect from both the aspects of facilitation and inhibition effects. Results of Experiment 3a showed that consistency effect was only contributed by inhibition effect in the character recognition task. Results of Experiment 3b showed that both the facilitation and inhibition effects contributed to the consistency effect in the surroundings recognition task. In Experiment 4, participants were asked to report both the contents of character and surroundings. The results showed that consistency effects occurred in both of the content reports. And also the object advantage effect appeared in both of the consistent and inconsistent conditions. Overall, the results of the present study implied that object- and background-related visual processes operate in parallel while interchange information intimately at each level of the visual processing stages. The results also suggest that deployment of attention resource played an important role in the dynamic visual process.
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從眼動證據探究閱聽中文形聲字之音形映照 / Eye movement evidence for Phonological to orthographic mapping when reading and listening Chinese Phonograms余姿幸, Yu, Tzu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
整體而論,本研究整合形音映照之概念所衍生出的形音一致性效果及同音字密度效果,就視、聽兩種模式之眼動實驗,檢視音形映照歷程,並進一步提供音形映照的實驗證據,探究其於中文語言系統的文字辨識歷程中之影響力與重要性。 / The present study aims to examine the states of phonological to orthographic (P-O) mappings when reading and listening Chinese phonograms. Two eye tracking experiments regarding to visual and auditory modalities were conducted to explore the intrinsic nature and the temporal dynamics of P-O mappings in Chinese word recognition.
Experiment 1 manipulated homophone density and P-O consistency to investigate the involvement of P-O mappings at lexical and sublexical levels during the reading process. The result of Experiment 1 revealed that the P-O consistency effect was evident in second-pass eye movement indices of total viewing time (TVT) and rereading rate (RRR), demonstrating a late occurrence of P-O consistency effect at a the verification stage in reading. The occurrence of P-O consistency is in accordance with the view that the phonological information and orthographic representation are activated in a bidirectional flow, which implies that the mappings from phonology to orthography were guaranteed during the reading process.
Experiment 2 utilizes visual world paradigm to explore the P-O mappings in auditory modality and further inspect the temporal dynamic in listening Chinese spoken characters. The result demonstrated that the P-O consistency effect emerged approximately 300 ms earlier than the homophone density effect, reflecting the early P-O consistency effect and the relatively late HD effect during the temporal stage of spoken word recognition. The result also supports the bidirectional activation of orthographic and phonological codes during word recognition, demonstrating the notion that the dynamic influences of orthography representation on spoken word recognition are ubiquitous at both sub-lexical and lexical levels.
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