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區域發展及工作地與居住地關係的變遷模式─以新竹、苗栗、臺中地區為例吳永明 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業跨國掛牌研究-以台灣市場為個案許雅鈞, Hsu, Ya Chun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,分別從主管當局、證券交易所及櫃買中心就其所應扮演的角色,提出未來努力方向,期望能提供台灣資本市場扭轉劣勢、提昇競爭力的根本之道,使台灣成為一個具有區域競爭力的高流動性的資本市場。建議主管當局積極營造一個更開放、交易成本更低廉的資本市場,提昇自身的投資環境、降低法規障礙。建議交易所與櫃買中心未來可從監理的角色轉變成純粹提供「流動性」服務的公司,將市場監理的機制,交由第三者來負責。交易所與櫃買中心則專注於提供低成本、高流動性的服務。證券交易所之間的策略聯盟亦是未來發展的重要策略。 / Since 2002, Taiwanese companies have been restricted by the law of inverstment upper limit 40%. Moreover, the tax regime in Taiwan is less favorable for companies. When choosing where to list, instead of staying in Taiwan, a lot of Taiwanese companies started to pick other markets such as Hong Kong to avoid the inverstment restriction and raise fund directly from Mainland China. This results in the outwards power, making the number of the companies which newly listed in Taiwan stock market decrease. This paper starts from four academic theories: market segmentation hypothesis, legal bonding hypothesis, investor recognition hypothesis, and liquidity hypothesis, to discuss the motivations behind the cross-listing decision made by companies. Furthermore, taking the capital market of Taiwan as a case study, this paper analyses and evaluates the trading volume after cross-listing thoroughly.
At last, this paper provides several suggestions for Taiwanese government, TSEC and OTC respectly; hopely those can make the capital market of Taiwan much more competitive and of higher liquidity. We suggest that the authority should try to build a market with less restrictions and lower trading costs, improve the investiment environment, and remove the legal barriers. In the other hand, we suggest TSEC and OTC might outsource their monitoring function to another independent party in the future, and transform into companies simply provide the good: “liquidity”. Thus, they can focus on providing lower cost of liquidity. The strategic alliance between exchanges is also an important stratedy.
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商務旅館營運企劃書:以資訊系統建立顧客體驗與營運效率 / Business Plan for Hotel: Creating Customer Experiences and Management Efficiency by Information System陳鈺琪, Jiravanichkul, Kamoltip Unknown Date (has links)
商務旅館營運企劃書:以資訊系統建立顧客體驗與營運效率 / This business plan is about a privately run business hotel in Bangkok city, which is near the BITEC exhibition center area. It includes hotel summary, market analysis, strategy and implementation summary, and financial plan analysis. It is explicit that there has been a continual growth in the number of travelers coming to Thailand, and the trend is also happening to the number of businessmen, especially in Bangkok. Together with the beginning of free-trade economic community, Asean Economic Community (ACE), there will be a great potential for the demand of accommodations to grow. To start a business hotel in this industry at early stage is a great decision. With the special features of hotel guest rooms and amenities and hotel booking management system at a reasonable charge, we will target customers with lower level budget and break the existing luxury style business hotels in the Bangkok areas.
Our value propositions are the outstanding IT management system to facilitate the business operation, and the strategic location which will create great experience and form long-term relationship with customers.
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兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統與多角迷津行為表現之探討 / Catecholamine Neurotransmission Systems on the Behavioral Performance of the Radial Arm Maze in the Rat.賴文崧, Lai, Wen-Sung Unknown Date (has links)
兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統被認為與包括記憶學習等行為功能有很重要的關連,在記憶多元化理論的假設下,該神經系統與其它者對於特定記憶學習行為應有再確認之必要。過去對於空間性記憶的研究,其相關支持證據所依據之實驗操弄泰半集中在海馬迴系統上。但仍有部份研究指出大腦中的其他區域可能同樣與一般記憶的運作有密切的關連。特別是兒茶酚胺系統所在之紋狀總體組織部位(包括尾狀核與阿控博核),vP A僅與感覺接受、運動反應及增強作用等機制有關外,同時可能也扮演影響記憶表現的重要因子。本研究使用慾求性的八角迷津為工具,藉其地點學習與反應學習這兩種不同的迷津作業,及利用兒茶酚胺類的藥物或神經毒素,探討相關的記憶習得與記憶保持歷程所造成的影響。實驗的操弄包括:(1) 迷津作業之地點學習與反應學習以探討這兩種記憶之行為機制。(2) 記憶習得與記憶保持階段以瞭解這兩種迷津作業所引發記憶之全部歷程。(3) 中樞(阿控博核或尾狀核)神經毒素之破壞以及周邊藥物注射以確認兒茶酚胺類藥物對於記憶之神經藥理機制。本研究分為兩大實驗進行,實驗一以地點學習為主,實驗二以反應學習為主。實驗結果可以簡單歸納如下:(1) 兩
種學習作業的記憶策略有不同的習得歷程及需要不同的處理訊息。(2) 在迷津學習前用神經毒素 6-OHDA 破壞尾狀核或阿控博核,皆會影響地點記憶的習得,但對於反應記憶的習得,則需要同時破壞尾狀核及阿控博核才有類似的干擾效果。(3) 相對於神經毒素 6-OHDA的干擾效果,DSP-4皆不影響地點學習與反應學習的習得歷程。(4) 在記憶保持階段中,周邊注射兒茶酚胺類藥物 d-amphetamine、haloperidol 與 propranolol均會干擾地點記憶的提取,但卻不影響反應記憶的提取表現。(5) 於地點記憶與反應記憶習得後,給予尾狀核加阿控博核的雙側 6-OHDA 注射均不影響這兩種記憶的提取表現。實驗結果顯示兒茶酚胺類神經傳導系統對於記憶功能具有明顯的影響,其中紋狀體扮演了相當重要的角色。相對於不影響記憶提取之歷程,紋狀體的破壞對記憶習得歷程有阻滯之效果,其內部之尾狀核與阿控博核分別依不同之迷津作業具有相異之效果,且多巴胺系統較正腎上腺素系統明顯的參與了影響效果,這些結果顯示兒茶酚胺類神經傳導系統與記憶表現有密切的關連。 / Catecholamine (CA) neurotransmission systems are critically involved in the control of many behavioral functions including learning and memory. The role of CA in mediating learning and memory is recently focused on the basis of multiple memory hypothesis. In addition to the previous finding of spatial memory relevant to the hippocampal areas, the striatum containing the caudate nucleus and the nucleus of accumbens is thought to be important for executing the learning and memory function. By the use of radial arm maze (RAM), the present study examined the effects of CA related neurotoxins and drugs on the acquisition and retention stages of both place and response tasks. Two major parts of experiments were designed to reveal the neurobehavioral mechanisms for the place and response tasks of RAM. Food-deprivated rats were trained to enter the arms baited with chocolate in the eight-arm maze. Specific four arms were baited for each rat in the place task, while randomly selected four arms each cued with a piece of sand paper on the arm entrance were baited for the rat in the response task.The results can be summarized as followings. (1) Differen behavioral processes were shown in performing the place and response tasks. (2) The acquisition deficits were significantly produced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion on either caudate or accumbens for the place task, whereas the acquisition of response task was only impaired by 6-OHDA lesions of both caudate and accumbens together. (3) In contrast to 6-OHDA, adrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 did not significantly affect subjects to acquire either task. (4) During the retention stage, the performance of place task was significantly disrupted by d-amphetamine, haloperidol, or propranolol. However, this was not the case for the retrieval of response task. (5) Once acquired, neither place nor response task performamce could be influenced by 6-OHDA simultaneously administered on the caudate
and accumbens areas.Taken together, these data collected from RAM support the idea that the striatal CA is essential for the leraning and memory. Shift of the CA neurotransmission function induced by either 6-OHDA lesions or relevant drugs can disrupt the RAM behavior, which impairment to be detectable is depended on the learning task itself as well as the time of a specific task being leraned.
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運用隱喻計算於特色結盟之企業夥伴推薦研究 - 以區域觀光產業為例 / Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building葉又誠, Yeh, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
對於結盟的建立而言,如何選擇夥伴是相當重要的議題。許多的學術研究著重於建立一些選擇夥伴的框架或準則,以求達到資源分享、節省成本的效果。在旅遊產業中,許多文獻舉出了意象建立的重要性,也點出了意象的有效建立有賴於企業體彼此緊密的合作,然而,較少研究探討如果要建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象效果,應該選擇那些夥伴才能到到目標。因此,本研究提出一系統化的方法能幫助使用者分析並找出合適的合作夥伴,以建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象。此一方法利用隱喻計算作為工具,嘗試找出創新的解決方案。本研究提出也提出一個系統架構,並輔以相關的演算法與情境來說明方法上的可用性。從理論上的觀點來看,本研究嘗試透過自動化的方式找出隱喻的意涵,並將之整合到一問題解決的方法上。從實務面來看,本研究提供了中小型企業一個有用的方法能幫助他們找到合適的合作夥伴。透過建立更高品質的夥伴關係,我們期盼在旅遊產業的中小型企業能夠進一步增加其競爭優勢、存活與獲利能力。此外,研究也發現,一個區域的意象多樣性直接影響到中小型企業透過合作來建立市場利基的可能性。 / Partner selection is an important issue in alliance formation. A lot of research works have been done in developing the framework or criteria for selecting partners from the views of resource complement, cost reductions and knowledge sharing. However, research to date suggests relatively little is known about how to select partners for attractive and unique image building, which is essential to the developments of tourism especially for SME owners in the tourism sector. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach for service providers in tourism to identify appropriate partners to form alliances and build their attractive and unique images. This approach employs metaphors as a tool to generate innovative and creative solutions. The system architecture is then provided and elaborated with algorithms and the system scenario. From the theoretical perspective, we attempt to excavate the meaning of metaphors from the web in order to propose a new frame of problem-solving. From the practical perspective, we provide SME owners with a useful approach for managing partner selection and attractive and unique image building. By forming better alliances, SMEs in tourism sector can gain competitive advantages and improve their sustainability and profitability. In addition, the image diversity of a tourism destination is an important factor on market niche creation through alliance formation.
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以故事性的自然場景探討主角與地點在動態視覺處理上的相互影響 / Investigating the Interaction of Character and Surroundings on Dynamic Visual Processing in the Perception of Narrative Natural Scene張鈺潔, Chang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
視覺辨識是極其快速而且正確的,逐步揭露作業可展示此一閃而過的動態視覺辨識歷程,本研究目的即在以此作業探討主角與地點在動態視覺辨識過程中相互影響的內涵。實驗一旨在建立主角與地點的視覺辨識基準線,結果發現主角比起地點只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識,得到物體優勢效果。實驗二旨在驗證物體與背景之間在視覺處理上的非獨立關係,透過操弄單獨呈現與同時呈現兩種視覺呈現方式,以主角辨識作業與地點辨識作業加以驗證。結果顯示對地點辨識作業而言,同時呈現情況比起單獨呈現情況只需累積較低空間頻率訊息即可完成正確辨識;對主角辨識作業而言,單獨呈現情況與同時呈現情況並無不同。除此之外,在單獨呈現情況下,仍獲得物體優勢效果。但在同時呈現情況下,物體優勢效果並不復見,反而是地點辨識優於主角辨識。實驗二結果支持物體與背景之間在視覺處理上為非獨立關係。實驗三進一步從「一致性效果」在促進層面以及抑制層面上的作用情況,探討物體與背景之間在視覺處理上相互影響的內涵。實驗三a結果顯示,在主角辨識作業中所得到的「一致性效果」,源於地點訊息對主角辨識在抑制層面的作用而來。實驗三b結果顯示,在地點辨識作業中所得到「一致性效果」,則源於主角訊息對地點辨識在促進層面與抑制層面的作用而來。實驗四進一步以同時呈報的作業方式,讓參與者對整張場景進行辨識,對於視覺系統所知覺到的主角內容與地點內容都需加以呈報,藉此再次驗證主角與地點處理的相互影響。其結果顯示在主角內容與地點內容呈報時,皆獲得「一致性效果」。除此之外,在一致情況與不一情況下皆獲得物體優勢效果。本研究以動態視覺處理模型中物體與背景平行處理且密切交換訊息之觀點解釋所得結果,並提出注意力分佈在此動態視覺處理歷程扮演重要角色。 / Visual recognition is a fast and accurate process. The present study adopted a progressive revelation task, which mimics the visual dynamics appropriately, to investigate the interaction of character and surroundings in the dynamic visual processing. Experiment 1 aimed to establish visual recognition curves for character and surroundings separately as baselines. The results showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for character than surroundings, so that it showed the object advantage effect. In Experiment 2, the non-independent relationship between the object- and background-related visual processes was verified. The performance of isolation condition with the character and surroundings presented in isolation was compared to the concurrent condition with the two presented concurrently. The results of the surroundings recognition task showed that less amount of cumulated perceptual evidence was required for concurrent condition than isolation condition. In contrast, for the character recognition task, there was no difference between these two conditions. These results supported the non-independent relationship between object- and background-related processes. Object advantage effect was replicated in the isolation condition but not in the concurrent condition, which meant that surroundings required less amount of perceptual evidence than character for visual recognition instead. In Experiment 3, interaction between object- and background-related processes was investigated by consistency effect from both the aspects of facilitation and inhibition effects. Results of Experiment 3a showed that consistency effect was only contributed by inhibition effect in the character recognition task. Results of Experiment 3b showed that both the facilitation and inhibition effects contributed to the consistency effect in the surroundings recognition task. In Experiment 4, participants were asked to report both the contents of character and surroundings. The results showed that consistency effects occurred in both of the content reports. And also the object advantage effect appeared in both of the consistent and inconsistent conditions. Overall, the results of the present study implied that object- and background-related visual processes operate in parallel while interchange information intimately at each level of the visual processing stages. The results also suggest that deployment of attention resource played an important role in the dynamic visual process.
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企業赴海外上市之動機、地點選擇及效益之探討(以台商為例) / Motives,Selection and Impacts of Enterprise Go Listing Abroad--A Case Study of Taiwan Enterprises譚家典, Tan, Chia Tien Unknown Date (has links)
最後,建議企業未來在選擇海外上市地點時,應多方面考量及評估,並非單純僅就幾個因素就決定企業海外的上市地點,應從各利害關係人的角度,去仔細思考在何處上市將是對企業最有利的。 / The research discusses three perspectives on the decision of enterprise go listing abroad and takes Taiwan enterprise as an example. Firstly, to study what are the motives of enterprises go listing abroad. Secondly, to research how enterprises choose listing place abroad. Finally, to discuss the benefits of these enterprises after go listing abroad. That is to say, to discuss the practiced issue that enterprise might encounter with the problems in the three different stages which before, in, after they go listing abroad, and analyze by way of pattern match, and the statistics of present status of some listed Taiwan enterprises with multiple cases, hope to research on the subjects has been discussed in the literature in the past.
Because similar researches emphasize three stock markets in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China in the past, in order to expand the scope, especially from the top ten area invested by Taiwan enterprise at present, choosing six comparatively important area, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, U.S.A., Vietnam, Thailand, and study the present situation of the already locally listed Taiwan enterprises, find the most ones from the local listed Taiwan enterprise's affiliated industry, choose the representative company, proceed with case study and comparative analysis.
Find from case study, the motives of enterprises go listing abroad are " Contribute to exploit the overseas market " and " It is apt to recruit outstanding talents " the operation motives are more; the choices of enterprises’ overseas listing places, mostly because "Liquidity and scale and p/e ratio of stock market" and " Restriction on funding usage " ; and the benefits after listing abroad as for enterprises are " Improve company's reputation " and " Contribute to the product’s selling " In addition, the research shows shareholder's wealth increased apparently after listed in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
Finally, the research suggests enterprises while choosing the listing place abroad in the future, it is considered and evaluated that should be in many aspects, not to determine the overseas listing place of enterprises alone simply rely on some factors, should think carefully in where to go listing is the most favorable to enterprise itself in terms of every interested party.
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