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網際網路與電視匯流之關鍵成功因素探討張育誠, Sherman Chang Unknown Date (has links)
數位狂潮衝刷媒介生態沃土,網路、電視與電信三大領域,在技術、服務與通路上匯流出競爭與互補的大媒體潮。網電合一扮演不同而又多重的角色,面對科技、法規、市場與管理上的競合,形成網路、電視、電信產業「三網合一」(Triple Play)的「網電匯流」閱聽趨勢。數位內容產業具有「一次生產、多元加工、多頻傳輸、多工服務」特性,網路的數位互動、超文本、虛擬化,成就了寬頻影音典範。一個簡單的問題是:網路電視(WebsTV)能否搬到數位電視(Digital TV)上?
本論文探究「網電匯流」與「關鍵成功因素」二大主題,以文獻探討與深度訪談設計,訪問中華電信M.O.D.(Multimedia On Demand, M.O.D.)、數位聯合電信公司SeedNet D.F.C.(Digital Family Center, D.F.C.)、東森有線電視機上盒S.T.B.(Set-top box)與網路電視等多系統經營業者(Multiple System Operators, MSO)共八家公司九位專家,針對網路與電視匯流的關鍵成功因素發表意見。研究者並以自己在網路公司參與電視台數位化的親身觀察,探討如何融合具寬頻網站與數位電視製播特色的關鍵成功因素。
研究發現網路與電視匯流的「新媒介」(New Media)必須在:匯流目標策略、企業價值鍊、殺手級內容、數位匯流科技、市場績效等五個要素上,豐富顧客實體和虛擬經驗的平台,以使用者為中心、客制化互動的社群思維,去拓展數位電視市場,才能在傳播新世代,為大眾開拓新閱聽時空。 / The Key Successful Factors of Converging the Internet and Television
The digital mega-trend has caused enormous impact in the world of mass media.In three major fields: Internet, television and telecommunications, the combination of internet and television have created a new wave of competition and co-operation in areas such as technology, regulation, marketing and management. This will lead to the triple play of internet, television and telecommunications that will set the new trend. Digital industry has the unique feature of 「Once producing、MultiProcessing、Multichannel Transmission、Multiworkers service」, and other characteristics such as internet interaction and Hypertext、Virtual will become the M.O.D.el for broadband entertainment. But, here raises one simple question:“Can WebsTV being duplicated onto the Digital TV”?
This thesis will discuss into depth the two major topics of “Convergence”and “Key Successful Factors”using literature review and interviews with 9 experts from: M.O.D of ChungHwa Telecom, Seednet D.F.C., ETTV S.T.B., and Multiple System Operators of Cable TV etc. Empirical experiences gained from working in relevant industry will also be used to discuss the success factors in converging broadband website and digital television.
Research discovered that the“New Media”which converging the internet and television will need to fulfill five major aspects in: converging target strategy, enterprise value chain, killer level content, digital converging technology and market performance. In order to create a user-friendly environment and platform, that will provide effective interaction between the user and supplier. By doing so, it will give all users a whole new experience in the world of digital entertainment.
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電視媒體轉型新媒體的創新抉擇 / The innovated determination for TV-Media’s transformation to New Media李汝宣, Li, Corona Unknown Date (has links)
『世界是平的』作者,佛克林David Verklin提到,我們生活在一個競爭無止境的世界,代表創新抉擇亦將無止境。電視媒體過去從無線到有線以致數位,一直以持續性創新前進新戰場。如今,競爭對手不只是電視同業,資訊科技異業的攪局與破壞創新,定義出數位時代傳播服務的「新媒體」,將撼動電視媒體霸主地位。潮流所趨,電視媒體「轉型」已勢在必行,如何再次創新以加速就位,是一場嚴峻的挑戰。面對內部組織能力與外部新興科技的專業,都有創新的兩難。本文透過個案研究方式,應用古典與現代學派學者不同的創新論述,分析電視媒體轉型新媒體必備的創新元素與能力,彙整出創新抉擇的思考依循,提醒電視媒體企業經營者應有的創新習慣及演練,避免消失。
研究發現,電視媒體與資訊科技「新媒體」產業因”閱聽眾”與”用戶”概念,創新思維差異很大,以致採取不同價值主張。電視媒體認為資訊科技為輔助角色,直接平移新聞與節目即可。而由資訊科技業或電信網通業者所打造的「新媒體」,則定位在提供用戶最大「量」與「速度」的多媒體匯流服務,並轉載與其他平台一樣的資訊內容即可。事實上,兩者都已在同一個數位競技場,如果內容同質性過高,實難建立”閱聽眾”與”用戶”的忠誠度,更甭說獲利與否。結果顯示,新媒體服務必須滿足“閱聽眾”與“用戶”的概念,才能實踐創新,而創新的抉擇,必須回歸自身資源優勢與資訊科技業互補,共生共榮,才是「新媒體」正軌發展之道。 / TV-Media has been developed for more than 80 years with many transition。Not only technology、carrier but also regulation pushed TV Media heading to a new service。Apply those turnings to the theory of innovation,showed how TV media deal with unexpected future and their innovation phase。In this comprehensive with all kinds of possibility internet world,the new tech of media convergence emerged the「New Media」service,TV towards IT service,IT towards TV content service, which changed viewer’s behavior of seeing and hearing behavior, they became a user,that makes both side wants to be a Player。
As the book of 「The world is flat」writer “Thomas Friedman” says:”We are living in a never-ending competition world which means that takes innovation action is a way to survive”. Via Wireless、Satellite,then deliver the seeing & hearing content through cable to users,TV-media’s competitors are beyond the same trade,and more competitors will be the IT(information technology) business for it can converge all kinds of content and deliver it to TV/PC/Mobile,which defines itself as a「New Media」service。Transforming the way to see and hear with IT heavily involved,TV Media viewer has become a faithful user to the 「New Media」。Does it mean that 「New Media」might shake up TV-Media’s long lasting standing ?
To a traditional TV-Media , tackling this innovation step is kind of a dilemma,for it’s current organization that seems not allow them to do so , and without IT-experts support hardly can make any step on what New Media needs。This research has applied Mr. Clayton Christensen’s point of innovation (Harvard Business Professor) to elaborate what were TV-Media’s innovation elements?how to empower those elements ? and some reminder has been figured out to help TV-Media to make the right innovation determination to avoid to be eliminated in media market 。
Accomplished this research , we discover that innovation orientation of TV-Media and IT-Based Media (New Media) are quite different.TV-Media took IT as a supplementary,thus,moving TV program as a New Media content. The IT-Base Media buy the same content to serve user as competitors do,focusing on quantity and speed。Actually both TV and IT , they are toward each other’s territory and battle in the same arena shows that content will be a critical issue。No matter viewer or user,they will not take the same service with repeat content。
Changing to a New Media era ,user behavior will different from sitting in sofa’s watching TV viewers , the content should be distinguished from long duration content。As a PC or mobile phone user , they dominate what content to watch。If the content attract thems or make it as a necessary information for themelves,they must to satisfy user with an innovation determination to consolidate both TV and IT Media’s advantage is necessary to take。 Because innovation will be the only way to breakthrough barrier,and a right way to turn TV-Media itself as a 「New Media」to a sustainable development。
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