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電針治療中風後抑鬱臨床文獻的方法學評價常瀟月, 14 June 2014 (has links)
一、背景 中風是臨床常見病多發病,病死率與致殘率均高,流行病學調查結果顯示,我國中風發病率為(109.17〜217)/10萬,中風發病6個月以後仍遺留程度不同的偏癱、麻木、言語蹇澀不利、口眼喎斜、癡呆、情感障礙等後遺症,患者生活品質嚴重降低,其後遺症之一情感障礙以中風後抑鬱症(post stroke depression,PSD)為主。隨著中風的發病率持續增高,中風後抑鬱症同樣呈上升趨勢,國內外研究顯示,中風發病後6個月至2年間PSD的發生率和嚴重程度最高,發病率為30%〜70%,高於其他肢體殘疾患者人群抑鬱發生率(15.1%〜22.5%)及普通人群抑鬱發生率(3%〜6%)。中風後抑鬱症能推遲神經功能缺損恢復,延長恢復時間並使勞動力喪失,降低患者的生活品質,加重患者的精神痛苦,而且使患者對康復方案的實施缺乏積極性和主動性,嚴重影響治療和健康,甚至還會導致患者死亡。近年來,隨著中風患者存活率的提高、神經康復的普及和神經心理學的發展,中風後抑鬱症也越來越引起人們的廣泛關注。中西醫治療中風後抑鬱症有著較好的療效,尤其是針灸治療中風後抑鬱症有著效果顯著、不良反應很少出現、明顯提高患者的生存率和生活品質等優勢。筆者將对近年電針治療中風後抑鬱症的临床文獻做一次評價和探討。 二、目的 通過對近五年針灸治療中風後抑鬱症的國內外臨床研究文獻進行全面檢索,通過對其48篇相關文章的方法學品質評價,對該治療方法進行分析總結,以使電針在治療中風後抑鬱症發揮更好的作用,從而為臨床醫療服務。 三、方法 採用中國生物醫學文獻光碟資料庫(CBM disc)、中國期刊全文資料庫(CNKI,期刊全文資料庫,學位論文資料庫)、中文科技期刊全文資料庫(VIP),檢索近5年國內有關電針治療中風後抑鬱症的臨床研究文獻,用循證醫學的方法對所收集的符合標準的文獻進行系統評價和分析,並對其文獻品質以及目前電針治療中風後抑鬱症的臨床取穴規律、方法等進行總結,為臨床實踐提供更可靠的依據。 四、結果 在收集的電針治療中風後抑鬱症的文獻中,同時採用國家級的HAMD和CCMD-3有28篇文獻,占58.3%。有中醫診斷標準的文獻有12篇,占25.0%。共同使用HAMD和抑鬱自評量表(SDS)作為評價指標的文獻有14篇,占29.2%。文獻中治療中風後抑鬱症的十大常用穴位為百會、太沖、内關、印堂、神庭、合穀、足三裡、四神聰、神門、三陰交。 五、結論 我國近5年來電針治療中風後抑鬱症的文獻表明電針治療有效,但文獻中採用的隨機方法的品質及可信度較低,盲法幾乎未被應用。這些問題在一定程度上阻礙和減弱了電針治療中風後抑鬱症的推廣和普及。為了提高電針治療中風後抑鬱症的臨床水準,需要採用高品質的臨床研究設計,從而為臨床實踐提供更為可靠的依據。 六、關鍵字 電針 中風後 腦卒中 抑鬱症 臨床研究
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頸性失眠的中醫藥治療研究陳永光, 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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中醫藥週期治療子宮內膜異位症的研究概況梅韻婷, 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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補氣化痰袪瘀方藥治療老年癡呆的文獻回顧分析許美蓮, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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長者膝骨關節炎對生活質素的影響及相關中醫治療研究陳永紳, 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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中醫醫藥典籍中之Metadata的初探─以「本草備要」、「醫方集解」為例 / A Preliminary Study on Metadata in Chinese Medicines Literatures – on Examples of “Ben Cao Bei Yao” and “Yi Fang Ji Jie”吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之方向係探究建置大型中醫藥倉儲所需之後設資料(Metadata),並透過此一初探,瞭解與描述其中所需之分析方法,本研究設想Zachman Framework為合適之資料倉儲開發方法,因而由5W1H面向來衍生該專業領域所需之概念。此類概念可再透過一分析程序,確立後設資料。
首先,本研究由重要中醫藥典籍導出基礎性中草藥概念與名詞,其後透過典藏面及應用面之統計分析,確認範例典籍中的Metadata。在實作方面,本研究以BNF來描述和定義Metadata,並以XML為工具完成雛型以供測試之。其中,本研究發現,基於資料倉儲觀點所擷取之後設資料的分析單位較傳統圖書典藏所得之為小。此外,本研究擷取過程中所涉及之Metadata,以功能性者為多,本研究亦採取了若干語言分析以期同時能維持典籍之文字結構。 / The objective of this research work is to acquisit and design Metadata for the construction of data warehouse of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) literatures in the context of knowledge management. In order to solve the problem of preservation and utilization of TCM literatures, this work aims to designate the Metadata based on the viewpoint of knowledge engineering and data warehouse.
In this work, the characteristics of the TCM regarding Metadata result in the 5W1H’s principle, while this work argues for its advantages for deriving more functional descriptions and keeping the syntax structure of the originals at the same time. To minimize the constraints of time, this work chooses “Ben Cao Bei Yao” and “Yi Fang Ji Jie” as the target to analyze.
In constructing a prototype, the tacit knowledge in the example TCM literatures is converted through an analytic process explicitly into the organizational knowledge that can be easily preserved and processed by machines. Therefore, a statistical process is employed to derive and verify the Metadata in the context of the example TCM literatures. Then, the components regarding the Metadata are implemented with XML tools to develop the prototype.
Last but not the least, this work presents its findings as follows:
1. The unit of analysis for deriving Metadata related to data warehouse is usually in a smaller degree of finesse in comparison to what is addressed in the area of traditional library management.
2. Through the Metadata derived in this work based on a data warehouse approach presents more functional elements, we can still maintain the linguistic structure of the example literatures with some careful linguistically analyses in the last step.
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《傷寒論》脾胃學說之探討李捍東, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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日治時期臺灣皇漢醫道復活運動陳昭宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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中參西錄--一間中醫診所中醫師的專業認同初探 / Chinese at heart, western where appropriate: an exploration of professional identity in a chinese medical clinicchinese at heart, western where appropriate: an exploration of professional identity in a chinese medical clinic劉瑋佳, Laurinaityte, Viktorija Unknown Date (has links)
Studies in medical anthropology and health sociology have shown the intensification of exchanges between Chinese and Western medicine. However, there is a lack of literature exploring this phenomenon from the human communication perspective. To fill this gap, this study aims to analyze patterns and processes taking place during the interaction between Chinese and Western medicine by inquiring into professional identity of the Chinese medical practitioners. To implement this goal, a qualitative exploratory research was conducted in the Yusheng Chinese Medical Clinic, employing the methods of participant observation and interviewing.
Drawing on the communication theory of identity and applying positioning as an analytical tool, it was found that professional ideology, adherence to Chinese medical theory, and sociohistorical situatedness were the most salient factors determining positional shifts in the discourses with Western medicine. In some discursive practices, the relationship between the two medical systems was dichotomized. In other ones, it was perceived in terms of partnership or even unification. Accordingly, the complex and dynamic picture of professional identity was captured. The shift from emphases on being a good physician to being a good Chinese medical physician, as well as discrepancies between perceived professional self and enacted professional self, were observed. Based on the findings, this study calls for the discussions on the relevance of the yin-yang mode in interpreting the interaction between Chinese and Western medicine in the context of globalization.
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張仲景脾胃病證治之研究倪政國, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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