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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣高階人力教育性失業及低度就業問題之研究 / The Unemployment and Underemployment of the Highly Educated in Taiwan

邱心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統人力資本理論認為,教育投入越多,人力生產力越高,就業機會與薪資報酬也會越高。在此觀念下,各國為了經濟發展所需,紛紛提倡高等教育,並培育出大量高學歷人才,而台灣也不例外。隨著產業不斷發展與轉型,促使勞動力結構轉變,所需之人力就必須由教育面來提供。因此,從1980年代中期以來,政府大量放寬高等教育限制,迄今已培養出許多高學歷人力。然而,在高等教育進入普及化階段後,失業與低度就業問題也隨之而來,造成人力資源浪費等相關議題出現。 本文引用發展經濟學大師Michael P. Todaro於1974年所建立的勞動力市場供需架構,從政府政策以及人力市場的教育供給和產業需求等角度深入探討目前現象,並透過訪談產官學專家的意見,來找出問題之原因。本文研究發現,由於高等教育快速擴張,教育性失業及低度就業問題已逐漸推至碩博士畢業生。究其原因可分成兩大部分:第一,產業界未能有效升級,再加上台灣企業型態多以中小企業為主,無法創造充足職缺。第二,高等教育過度擴張,高學歷人力品質卻無法符合產業需求,進而造成產學失衡現象。因此,要解決上述問題,不僅是教育和產業進行調整,政府也必須改進相關政策來引導兩者媒合,才能讓高階人力資源達到更有效的運用,進而提升台灣整體競爭力。 / Traditional Human Capital Theory believes that highly educated people are more productive and would enjoy more employment opportunities and salaries. Influenced by this theory, many countries have promoted higher education to cultivate domestic talent, and Taiwan is no exception. When the rapid development and ongoing transformation of the industry called for new talents and skills, the government in mid-1980s responded with reformed educational system which would produce much more highly educated human resources. But as higher education becomes common, unemployment and underemployment—the waste of human resources—gradually become a problem that needs to be addressed. Based on the model developed by Michael P. Todaro in 1974, this paper aims to examine the current situation of labor market in terms of government policy, and labor supply and demand. Many people with master or PhD degree are faced with unemployment or underemployment for two reasons. First of all, the industry doesn’t supply sufficient job opportunities because it doesn’t effectively upgrade. Second, the excessive quantity and declining quality of the graduates does not meet the demand of the market. In order to solve these problems, both education and industry have to adjust the pace of development, and the government needs to bridge the gap by revising the policy involved. In this way, the human resources can be effectively used, and Taiwan would become more competitive.


施耀中 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

金融機構的併購-以開發金控合併萬泰銀行為例 / Merger and Acquisition of Financial Institutions:A Case Study From CDFH Merging Cosmosbank

黃種楷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討企業面臨併購時,中階管理人員扮演的角色及採取的管理行動。組織為了持續發展,採取合併與收購外部組織的方式,稱之為併購 (mergers and acquisitions, M & A)。 企業併購可以達到許多策略目標,例如搶先進入市場、減少競爭程度、取得關鍵資源,或是獲得與既有營運範疇互補而可達到綜效的事業,因此企業併購被視為是當今企業重要的策略工具之一。近年來國內銀行業合併案頻傳,內部各項整合問題是企業一大挑戰,包括整體人力規劃、文化整合、制度調整、組織結構重設計等,都讓原本預期由合併所可能獲得的利益大幅降低。 公司內部的中階管理人員在企業併購活動中扮演關鍵的角色,當高階管理團隊處理與併購對象間的談判斡旋時,中階管理人員則扮演穩定內部關係、協調上下階層、維持基本營運的角色,其運用的管理作為及其心理機制,對於企業併購的成效有舉足輕重的影響。 本研究以金融機構的併購案為例,針對萬泰銀行與開發金控併購的事件為主體,討論企業併購的動機、執行模式與後期整合管理,以企業實務建構理論架構。 本研究以個案研究法探討中階管理人員在企業併購中扮演的角色與採取的管理手段,根據本研究歸納彙整的結果,中階管理人員無論在心理與物質上,都可做為降低組織內抗拒變革的關鍵角色,實質的行動方案包括: 一、凝聚共同意識,包括建立共同陣線及員工心理區隔; 二、資訊與資源共享,包括公開資訊分享與具體互助行動; 三、團隊共同精進,包括領導模式調整與團隊關係凝聚。 本研究所提出的具體行動架構,不僅可做為金融機構併購時之參考,亦可適用於其它產業、國家的管理實務,是一具系統性、普遍性的架構。


黃龍興, Huang, Long-Xing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文一冊,約十二萬字,共計六章二十節,各章內容提要簡述如次: 第一章 為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、與研究設計。 第二章 為國營事業機構人力規劃的意義與目旳;就國營事業之定義,其人力規劃之 意義及目的,分別說明之。 第三章 為國營事業機構人力規劃理論之探討,本章說明人力規劃的基本過程,探究 與人力發展有關之組織理論人力規劃的實施步驟、人力規劃單位的組織、及國營事業 單位人力管理情報系統旳建立。 第四章 為國營事業機構人力規劃的實施計畫,遻明人力需計畫(包括人力分析及人 力預測)、人力羅致計畫、人力培訓計畫及人力運用計畫,分別就理論及現階設實施 情況探討之。 第五章 為交通部所屬事業機構人力發展現況檢討分析:本章係就部屬事業、電信總 局、郵政總局及招商局等三個單位所發送收回之問卷資料,作統計分析,其內容包括 資料處理經過之說明、人力發展計畫之了解分析、羅致、訓練、離退管理及薪資與激 勵等之分析。 第六章 為結論,係就前述理論與問卷分析所得出改進意見。

陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式 / Career trajectory of R.O.C army officers

戴君蒔 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,「生涯規劃」是個相當時髦的名詞,散見於各行各業,例如:大學生的生涯規劃、上班族的生涯規劃、職業婦女的生涯規劃、教師的生涯規劃……等等。這種現象的背後,反映出散佈在社會中各階層、各職業分類的芸芸眾生,不甘於埋頭在現有的工作、學習當中,基此,也開始謹慎的駐足思考:「我現在的位置對嗎」?「我將來要往何處去」?這樣的思考源自於一種心靈深處的自覺,一種想要將未來掌握在自己手掌心的急迫感。職業軍官亦是如此;本研究將從陸軍現職職業軍官軍旅生涯歷程,分析軍旅生涯特質與相關變數,以制訂軍旅生涯模式,期使未來或即將從事與現職陸軍職業軍官面對軍旅生涯,務實軍人生涯規劃,以彩繪生命中的藍圖。 影響職業軍官生涯規劃發展因素甚多,包括個人、家庭、環境變化等,本研究旨在探討陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式,各個步驟之主要內涵與軍旅生涯規劃的原則。其主要目的在針對國軍現行晉升法令、發展相關變數、及國軍規劃二代兵力編成後,影響陸軍職業軍官之生涯規劃,藉完整具體之模式內容,成立健全之軍中社會,並主動躋身於社會各行業中,期全面提升軍人之士氣與形象。另本研究係以陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式為出發點,探索陸軍職業軍官生涯發展因素為何? 本研究依據法令規章、既有軍事文獻分析、實證個案訪查,發現陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式,是個值得深究的課題。因此,先進行既有軍事文獻檢閱與現行國防法令規定,提出本研究之研究架構,並加以分析,探討陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式;以一個年班(期別)的經歷與經驗,加以推敲及詮釋。 每個人的成長環境、生活經驗、興趣、性格、價值觀的不同,塑造了人們各擁有自己所鍾意的獨特的生活型態。不同的職業類別,其整個生活的作息與生命中自我實現目標的方式亦有所別,每個人都有權利去決定自己的生活方式,並主動去創造、安排之,甚至在中途不惜轉業者亦大有人在,因為新新人類正是這個現代以及未來生活重心的主宰者。依據生涯規劃的現實條件,職業軍人勢必在自我意識高漲的洪流中預作完全的參與,並勇敢的面對社會各種不同行業,有信心的推銷自己,這是多麼令人難以想像的境界呢? 經研究分析發現: 一、職業軍人軍旅生涯模式,最重要就是將軍人事業在各方面予以妥善健全,在制度面及執行面上,精心規劃與研究適切做法,期使軍人生涯充滿希望,並藉一個進步、健全的生涯規劃理論與制度,全面帶動國軍的進步與成長。本研究將就最佳狀態來決定人生的各種過程與步驟,在期待成果的心理下努力,達成自我實現的目的。本計劃以軍人事業為核心,兼顧生涯規劃中不同的內容。將個人理想與團體的進步合而為一,化解其中矛盾,減少負面成本付出,以蔚成相依相成的精實氣象。 二、甫自軍校畢業,是充滿幹勁,又十分惶恐的,對基層的艱苦任務與生活多能夠充分的體驗與適應,但通常在畢業一年左右,部隊就會要求幹部前瞻未來,並以提高兩個階層的職務自況與自勵,但不論如何,第一個十年計畫中影響一生最重大的事還是「結婚」,所以在心理的份量與對本階段整體的平衡最具舉足輕重的地位了。本階段就像一張雪白的畫布,就軍旅生涯、學術研究、能力培養及成立家庭等各方面就像色彩鮮明的顏料,未來崇高慾望的模式如何,就要從此階段下筆,所以本階段也可稱為「希望的十年」。 三、基本慾望獲得滿足以後,個人的自信心即會有所增進,故第二個十年計畫一開始,是一個人在事業上完成熱身,準備衝刺的階段,比起第一個十年計劃要成熟、穩健及充滿自信.然而本階段卻也是事業的轉機時期,常備役軍官多根據在中校階級時之學、經歷發展狀況,而考量第二十年是否應該退伍,同時在家庭方面,因個人工作、學術進修、購屋貸款及兒女年幼等關鍵全部集中在本階段第二至八年之間,如果想退伍,則第二專長之獲得也會至感迫切,所以值此階段是壓力最大,勞辛及勞力在所難免。雖然辛苦,但通常付出得多,收獲也愈多,第二個十年計劃,舉凡個人學、經歷、家庭、能力培養及學術進修等條件,都必須在此建立良好的基礎,對爾後一生的影響極為深遠,所以本階段亦可稱為「黃金的十年」。 四、第三個十年計畫在崇高慾望逐漸實現的過程中,是令人稱心快意的事,但也有美中不足留下許多遺憾而離開軍中的。但在家庭美滿、高級生活品質及順利轉業的情況相互配合之下,其不論任何退伍的結果,即使不滿意,應該都能接受。本階段在軍旅生涯中之工作皆屬勞辛性質,並位居決策階層,物質條件充足,其個人之行為舉止均足為人所矜式,故宜存養省察、修身養性,以更穩健之步調開創更美好的前程,所以本階段叉可稱為「智慧的十年」。 / In recent years, “Life Planning” is a widely used term; it can be heard in all kinds of career and suitable for anybody. For example: College students, blue-collar employees, professional women, professors, and more; many people are planning for their future. Life Planning appears in all levels of social hierarchy. It shows that, people feel doubtful about their jobs, or education; therefore, they are starting to think “Is my current job right for me?”, “What do I want to do in the future?” These thoughts originate from our self-realization, an anxiety to feel secure about their future. Professional soldiers are no different from any of us. In order to create a military life model, this research focuses on soldiers’ life and their past, and analyzes their life characteristic and variables. This model could help our current and future soldiers to face military life and plan for their future. Many factors can influence a solder’s life, including people, family, and change of environment. This research explores the steps in life planning, cultures, and principles of military life planning model. In order to create a healthy military life mode, one must focus on studying the promotion standard, variables in promotion, and second generation arm force; therefore, the military’s honor and image can be strengthen. This research will use army as a starting point and pinpoint all the variables in getting promoted. After the studying of law, military articles, and personal interview; it shows that military life planning model is worth deeper research. Therefore, this research is going to further analyze base on the current military articles and nation defense law, base on the studying of 1st year soldiers’ past and experiences. Everybody has different grow up environment, life experience, interest, and values; this creates a unique life style. Different life style and career have different approach to achieve different goals. Everybody have the right to choose their own life style, and to create, arrange, or even try another job; this is the trend in newer generation and will be the mainstream in the future. Base on the current life planning model, professional soldiers must face all kinds of people with different occupation and must have the confidence to sell themselves. After the studies: 1.The most important point in soldiers life model is to carefully plan for the future before starting the military life. With a detail plan, one can stay longer and feel hopeful in this career. This research is to change professional soldiers’core from individualism to team player. This will solve most of the misunderstood and cut down the unnecessary cost, resulting a positive military image. 2.Graduating from military academy is exciting but can be frightening because facing all the stressful missions, and to adapt a different life style. Usually the military will ask their officers to talk about their future after graduated a year from the academy. Military might use promotion as a method to encourage their officers. The most influential achievement in the first ten years plan is “marriage”. In this stage, life is like a plain paper; joining military, studying, specialty training, and building a family are all colorful pictures to be painted in their life. How far and high will they go depend on this stage. Therefore, we named this stage “10 years of Hope”. 3. When people satisfy their basic needs, their confidence will start to grow; then it is time to start another ten years plan. In this stage, people are just getting warmed up in their field and are ready to put all the effort into their work. They tend to be more mature, stable, and feel more confidence. It is during this stage, their job starting to take flight. Many of the professional solider will reach lieutenant colonel and might consider retiring from the military. At the same time, family, more skillful training, mortgage, and children’s education are also happening in this stage. Therefore, this stage is the most stressful and tired. However, it may be stressful but the more investment, the more return. In this stage, family happiness, pursuit higher education, and further training are important foundation in their life; these reasons will greatly influence their future life. We named this stage “10 years of great decision” 4.The 3rd ten years plan happens when people are living in the satisfaction from their achievement but there are regrets from retiring from the military. However, having a good family, high living standard, and a new job; one can accept the fact that they might retire from the military. In this stage, a person will have professional attitude and mature thinking they learned from their military life and ranking, so they are ready to face another ten more years which is called “10 years of Intelligence”.


陳宜敏 Unknown Date (has links)
「國民中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」政策主要是為了配合九年一貫 課程實施,重視學校本位課程,期透過總量員額管制、調整國民小學組織與人力架構,促進教學與行政責任,期能減輕教師教學及行政負擔,並發揮教育經費使用效益。本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學參與國民小學組織再造與人力試辦規劃方案實施情形與成效、探討臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案之認知程度與支持度、瞭解臺北市國民小學教師對於學校滿意度與學校組織規劃之意見。採用文件分析法與問卷調查法二種研究方法。研究者蒐集臺北市國民小學參與「中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」之相關文件資料,並自編「臺北市國民小學學校組織再造調查問卷」,受試者包括臺北市92至95學年度參與試辦方案之9所國民小學及未參與試辦方案之9所國民小學,普查該18所國民小學之1,000名教師,可用問卷回收率達70.6﹪。茲根據研究所得,做成結論如下。 壹、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學為提升學校效能等因素參與試辦後,由試辦小組進行宣導、規劃試辦與檢討,雖面臨配套措施尚未健全等困難,但以各種組織再造策略,期許達成預定目標。 貳、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學教師對於試辦成果普遍表示肯定滿意與支持,除達成教育部與臺北市政府教育局之四項預期目標外,並獲得學校成員、家長與學生之高度肯定。 參、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案認知情形屬中等程度。 肆、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對試辦方案認知情形達顯著差異。 伍、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度屬中上程度,且最支持「總量員額管制,彈性調整處室編制」。 陸、不同性別、服務年資、學歷、現任職務與學校地區的臺北市國民小學教師對國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度達顯著差異。 柒、臺北市國民小學教師對於組織再造試辦方案整體認知程度與支持度相關情形 達顯著。 捌、臺北市國民小學教師對於「學校整體滿意度」屬中上程度。 玖、不同職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與試辦方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對學校現況滿意度達顯著差異。 拾、臺北市國民小學教師強烈贊同「部分行政工作可視性質改由『一般行政』或『教育行政』專長之職員擔任,如總務處主任與組長」;同時贊成「學校控留部分教師員額改聘兼任人員」,並相當支持「與教學無關之行政工作採勞務外包」等組織員額彈性規劃之作法。 拾壹、五成以上臺北市國民小學教師同意小幅度調整學校組織架構。 茲根據以上結論,提出教育行政機關與學校執行「國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」之建議如下。 壹、參與試辦方案學校實施成效良好,參與試辦學校數量值得逐年增加,教育部可考慮持續擴大試辦。 貳、安排訪視活動、舉辦成果發表會或成立校際策略聯盟,以瞭解學校試辦情形並分享交流經驗,以利檢討改進。 參、採取漸進式的學校組織再造,小幅度調整行政組織結構。 肆、調整不同學校規模之人員編制或擴大學校行政人員編制。 伍、妥適善用校內外人力資源並控留部分教師員額改聘兼任、代課、教學支援人員。 陸、非屬教學專業之固定項目委外辦理,由教育行政機關統一發包。 柒、依據學校特色與需求,彈性規劃整體組織再造及人力調整,並持續檢討改進。 捌、持續宣導與溝通組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案,並加強特定族群之宣傳,由下而上建立共識,擴大組織再造參與層面。 玖、教育行政機關在法令與經費上提供相關配套措施,增加學校的執行力與行動力。 拾、組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案的推動應由組織結構的調整邁向組織文化的 重塑。 拾壹、對未來研究的建議。 / “The Organization Restructuring and Human Resource Planning Project of the Elementary and Secondary School” policy is a complement to the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It emphasizes school-based curriculum and hopes to expand the responsibility of teaching and administration, to alleviate the loads of teaching and administration, and to improves the costs-benefits of educational budgets through total personnel control and adjustment of elementary and secondary schools’ organization and human resource structure. The purposes of this study were to realize the implementation and effectiveness of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project of elementary and secondary schools in Taipei, to investigate the level of cognition and support of this project from the teachers of elementary schools in Taipei, and to understand their satisfaction levels toward school and their opinion regarding organization planning of schools. The research methods used in this study were document analysis and questionnaires. The researcher collected relevant documents regarding this project from elementary schools in Taipei and designed “The Organization Restructuring Questionnaire of Elementary Schools in Taipei”. The participants included 9 participating elementary schools and 9 non-participating elementary schools in Taipei from the academic year of 92 to 95. The questionnaires were sent to 1000 teachers from this 18 elementary schools. The valid rate of return is 70.6 %. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Due to the reasons of being appointed from the educational department, considering the needs of the schools, improving school effectiveness, and activizing school human resources, the elementary schools in Taipei which participating in this project first formed a committee to promote, plan, and evaluate.Although facing the difficulties of immature conceptualization and the void of corresponding interventions, five restructuring strategies including adjusting organization structure, re-designing job duties, re-allocating human resources, teaming the task forces ,and simplifying operation process were used. In addition to attain the four expected goals of the Ministry of Education, it was also hoped that certain goals regarding administration management, organization structure, teaching , learning, and parents’ service were be achieved. 2.The elementary teachers participating in this project expressed general satisfaction and support toward the results. Besides the four expected goals from The Ministry of Education and Taipei City Government Educational Department, highly recognition from the staff, parents and students were acquired. 3.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium cognition level toward this project. 4.There were significant differences in the cognition level toward this project between gender, age, seniority, education background, position, school scale, school area, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 5.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium to high support level toward this project and support “total personnel control and flexibly adjust the organization of units” the most. 6.There were significant differences in the support level toward this project between different gender, seniority educational background, position, and school areas of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 7.There was significant positive correlation between the cognition level and support level toward this project of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 8.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed a medium to high satisfaction level toward “the general satisfaction of school”. 9.There were significant differences in the satisfaction level toward the present status of school between different position, school scale, school area, school history, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 10.The elementary school teachers in Taipei strongly agreed that: (1)Some of the administration work can be took by staffs with normal administration specialty or educational administration specialty ; (2)School maintained certain personnel quatos and hire part-time employees . (3)Outsourcing the non-teaching relevant administration work. 11.Half of the elementary school teachers in Taipei agreed small-scale school organization restructuring. According to the above results, suggestions were provided to the administration institutions and schools which participated in the project: 1.The school participating in the project had good performance. Therefore, the Ministry of Education could consider expanding the participation to more schools gradually. 2.In order to share the experience and to benefit improvement, it is suggested to arrange visiting activities, to hold a results presentation, or to establish strategic alliances between schools. 3.Proceed school restructuring gradually and have small-scale administrative organization restructure. 4.Adjust the staffing of different school scales and expand the staffing of school administration personnel. 5.Using the human resources outside from the school more properly and maintain the teacher quotas to employ part-time, substitute teacher or teaching-supportive staff. 6.Outsourcing the non-teaching items through educational administration institutions. 7.According to the characteristics and demands of the schools, plan organization structure and human resources adjustment flexibly and evaluation continuously. 8.Promote and communicate the project continuously and reinforce the advertising to specific audience in order to expand the scope of organization restructuring. 9.In order to increase the execution of schools, educational administration institutions should provide corresponding interventions in laws and budgets. 10.The promotion of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project should move from the adjustment of organization structure to the re-shaping of organizational culture. 11.The recommendation to future research.

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