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國際人權公約酷刑禁止規定對我國刑事法之影響 / The Impact of The Prohibition of Torture on International Human Rights Covenants to Taiwan Criminal Law

陳彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
我國立法院於2009年3月31日通過《公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法》,經總統於2009年4月16日簽署,並於同年4月22日公布。故我國雖無加入聯合國或經由簽署而成為締約國,惟透過該施行法的轉化功能,《公民與政治權利國際公約》已正式於我國法體系落地生根,也使我國與國際的人權保障標準有了初步的接軌。其中,《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條規定:「任何人均不得加以酷刑或施以殘忍的、不人道的或侮辱性的待遇或懲罰。特別是對任何人均不得未經其自由同意而施以醫藥或科學實驗。」,該條中有關酷刑禁止之原則亦因上述施行法的通過而成為我國應遵行的人權保障範疇。惟公約第7條的酷刑禁止規定究係一單純的理念宣示,亦或是具有實效的保護規範?對我國刑事法的規範面及實踐面又有何重要影響? 對此,本文先在第二章中比較酷刑的一般性定義及國際法定義,並論述酷刑本身帶有的惡性,接著探索酷刑產生的根源、在歷史的發展變遷及禁止酷刑的理論基礎。第三章首先確立酷刑禁止原則在國際法上已受到諸多條約及宣言的反覆闡示,且取得了國際習慣法的地位,而其本身帶有的強行法性質可為酷刑禁止原則之絕對保障提供強而有力的說理基礎。其次介紹《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條的制訂背景、保障意義及聯合國人權委員會對此所作出的兩號一般性意見書。《歐洲人權公約》關於酷刑禁止之原則規定在第3條,而歐洲人權法院在此表達的權威性見解有助於我國釐清《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條的保障內涵。 第四章剖析公約第7條對我國法的規範面及實踐面會產生哪些重要的影響。首要應先定位公約第7條在我國法體系中的法律效力,特別是不受酷刑在我國憲法上的保護基礎為何?而死刑及無期徒刑有無違反公約第7條?需受到哪些限制?我國現今的監禁法制與現象有哪些需要迫切檢討之處?社會上有引進呼聲的鞭刑與化學去勢是否牴觸公約第7條?營救式刑求是否屬於公約第7條的例外?本文整理了相關的國內外文獻,歸納出不同的肯否見解,並參照歐洲人權法院的看法對上述議題一一回應,以期使公約第7條可在我國獲得正確適用,並妥善的發揮其保障功能。最後,除了總結回顧上開的研究重點外,並展望我國刑事法在酷刑禁止原則上所要面臨的全新課題與挑戰。


陳道恩 Unknown Date (has links)
國際社會目前面臨如何減少全世界難民數量的問題,同時也面臨許多難民帶來的問題。為了要使國際社會的難民問題得到緩解,越來越多的國際人道救援機構在難民問題相當嚴重的區域,進行著人道救援行動,期望能改善大多數難民的生活狀況,並在許多方面給予難民支援,最終目標希望能根本減少全世界的難民數目,或是讓難民也能正常生活。 剛果民主共和國正是目前國際人道救援行動的主要目標之一,因為剛果民主共和國的鄰國多為長期內戰衝突的國家,因此有大量的難民逃至剛果民主共和國境內。再加上剛果民主共和國內部的種族衝突也在大國因為自身國家利益考量,未能及時阻止衝突蔓延的情況下,剛果民主共和國內戰也延續了十年,造成剛果民主共和國政府自身難保,而境內的難民問題亦日趨嚴重。 為協助剛果民主共和國政府處理相關的難民問題,國際人道救援行動投入大量人力與物力安頓難民的生活,並協助逃往國外的難民回到剛果民主共和國境內。在聯合國安理會的維和部隊,以及國際人道救援機構,如聯合國難民署與人權觀察等組織的協助之下,受到剛果民主共和國內戰衝突的難民,皆逐漸在剛果民主共和國境內衝突趨緩之際,重新回到家園或原居住地生活。而藉著國際人道機構對於剛果民主共和國難民的救援行動,也發現國際人道救援救援網絡漸形完整,因而一方面讓許多原本隱而不顯的人道危機,得到更多外界的關心與幫助,使國際人道救援行動能更加順利,快速改善當地的難民處境,另外一方面則也顯現出國際人道救援機構在難民問題上的重要地位。 / International society now is facing the difficulties of how to reduce the number of refugees and also the problems that caused by refugees. To help the refugees, more and more international humanitarian aid agencies conducting the humanitarian aid operations in the conflict zones. Their operations are to ameliorate the conditions of refugee’s life and the most important thing is help them repatriated to their homeland. The bloody conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) made the international humanitarian aid agencies aware that the government of DRC had no ability to manage the influx of the refugees from neighbors. So the humanitarian aid agencies spend lots of energy to help the refugees from DRC or in DRC to be repatriated or to help them integrate with locals. On the aid operations that international humanitarian aid agencies did to the refugees in DRC, we found that the network of international humanitarian aid becomes more and more complete. Those operations helped gather more attention from publics, so we can avoid the humanitarian crisis in the future or make the refugee’s situations better. And the importance of international humanitarian aid agencies is also evident in the case of refugee problem in DRC.


崔進揆 Unknown Date (has links)
強制外交(coercive diplomacy)的概念在一九七0年代由學者Alexander L. George首度提出,主張強制外交應屬於防守型的危機管理(defensive crisis management),亦有別於一般所謂的嚇阻(deterrence)與壓制(compellence)等策略。施行強制外交時,相關決策者透過威脅使用武力,或使用有限度的武力,以勸說對手停止或放棄現正從事的行動,並防止危機情勢的升高,及避免戰爭的發生。冷戰期間,美、蘇兩國的領導人對於該一策略的運用極為廣泛與普遍,甘迺迪政府對於古巴飛彈危機的處理便是著名的案例。冷戰結束,國際關係進入所謂的後冷戰時期,面對區域衝突、人道危機和恐怖主義威脅等問題,強制外交更常被相關決策者和國際組織所施行、採用,亦多次在國際間重大的衝突與危機處理過程中扮演著關鍵的角色,並展現其重要性和多元化的一面。因此,鑑於強制外交對於後冷戰時期之國際危機處理和衝突解決的重要性和必要性,本研究旨在透過強制外交相關理論的介紹與整理,以及後冷戰時期強制外交相關個案的研究分析,總結歷史的經驗與教訓,深入探討其施行現況與成效,並提出具體之研究發現與政策建議。期盼所得之研究成果能使吾人對於該策略有更深一層的認識與了解。 關鍵詞:強制外交、壓制、危機管理、後冷戰時期、區域衝突、人道干涉、反恐行動 / In the 1970s, Alexander L. George first introduced and defined the concept of coercive diplomacy. According to George, he claims that coercive diplomacy is a strategy of defensive crisis management. Besides, coercive diplomacy is also different from the strategy of deterrence or compellence. When policymakers and political elites decide to manipulate coercive diplomacy, they should employ threats and / or limited force to persuade opponents to call off or undo adverse actions, which are thought aggressive. Furthermore, the purpose of using coercive diplomacy is to prevent crisis situation from escalating or causing wars. During the Cold War era, leaders of United States and Soviet Union used this strategy intensively. The Cuban missile crisis in 1962 can also be thought as a famous case of successful coercive diplomacy. When international relations enters into the post-Cold War era, coercive diplomacy still plays as important role in crisis management and conflict resolution. Policymakers of countries and international organizations, like the United Nations and the NATO, prefer to use coercive diplomacy to deal with regional conflicts, humanitarian intervention, and counterterrorism. Coercive diplomacy also demonstrates its necessity and significance of solving these problems. In order to give us a comprehensive understanding of coercive diplomacy, this thesis focuses on theories of coercive diplomacy and case studies, especially the experiences after the Cold War. Then, in final chapter of this thesis, the author generalizes lessons and experiences come from the cases analyzed and studied. In addition, the author also tries to make conclusions about the efficacy of coercive diplomacy and thus tries to offer some guidelines for policymakers. Keywords: coercive diplomacy, compellence, crisis management, post-Cold War era, regional conflicts, humanitarian intervention, counterterrorism


韓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
中華民國紅十字會為我國從事國際人道救援主要組織之一。由於我國特殊的國際地位,中華民國紅十字會並非國際紅十字會的一員。1999年921地震後,我國紅十字會得到紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會的幫助,開始發展救災備災計畫。2004年的南亞海嘯,則是我國紅十字會首次實地進行國際人道救援工作。唯近年來,隨著我國從事國際人道救援的非政府組織蓬勃發展,我國紅十字會則逐漸面臨許多挑戰。 本論文分析的重點,包括我國紅十字會與國際紅十字會的關係,我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援的策略,以及我國紅十字會面臨的挑戰。 / The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is one of the country’s major organizations in charge of international humanitarian assistance. Yet, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is not a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). After the 921 earthquake in 1999, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies not only offered emergent aid to Taiwan but also helped develop the “Disaster Preparedness Project of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.” The recovery program for the Tsunami in South Asia in 2004 is the first time that The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China participated in international humanitarian actions. In recent years, the number of humanitarian NGOs in Taiwan is rising and flourishing. Meanwhile, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is facing a lot of challenges. This thesis will first analyze the strategy of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China in carrying out humanitarian assistance. Then, the effectiveness of this strategy will be evaluated. Finally, the thesis will examine the challenges that have confronted the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.

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