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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

媒介使用、網絡資訊對政黨認同的影響 / The influence of media use and network information on party identification the influence of media use and network information on party identification

鍾偉凱 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究台灣選民投票行為的文獻中,學者大多同意政黨認同是影響台灣選民投票抉擇的重要因素。然而這些研究也顯示台灣選民政黨認同的整體分布並不 穩定。面對頻繁的政黨認同變動,哪些因素促成政黨認同的穩定或變遷,自然也成為台灣學界的研究焦點。以往國內的相關研究由於定群追蹤資料的缺乏,學者大多僅能以重複性之橫斷面調查所得資料進行逐一分析或匯集分析;同時也大多傾向由政治、社會分歧影響力的消長,說明政黨體系的整體變遷。媒介使用型態、人際網絡與社會脈絡所造成的資訊偏差傳播對個體政黨認同所可能造成的影響,則較少獲得注意。故本研究即透過定群追蹤資料的使用,探討選民媒介使用、人際網絡,以及身處社會脈絡對個體政黨認同的影響。 研究結果發現,除了以往常為人所討論的族群認同、省籍等社會背景變數之外,傳播媒介的使用情形、人際網絡的內容與互動情況,以及社會脈絡政黨傾向,都可能造成個人政黨認同的變動。整體而言,選民對於傳播媒介的注意程度愈高、愈常與同質性的人際網絡接觸,社會脈絡的政黨傾向愈強,選民的政黨認同就愈容易受到這些因素的影響。符合資訊偏差傳播的預期。然而,Zaller 關於政治認知影響媒介影響力的看法,以及 Schmitt-Beck 針對人際網路影響大眾傳播媒體影響力的「過濾假設」,在本研究中均未獲得證據支持。顯示其理論與概念測量工具在台灣均有重新審視的必要。


李正星 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技產業經過三十多年的發展,已累積了雄厚的資金與技 術基礎。而近日來由於政府政策的倡導與產品應用的擴展等緣故,使 得LED 產業成為當前最具未來發展潛力之產業。對於以投資在具有發 展潛力產業的創業投資公司來說,LED 相關之產業儼然成為投資首選 的目標。然而,台灣的創業投資事業的發展在2000 年達到高峰之後,近年來以日漸趨緩。雖然整體大環境表現不佳,但是其中仍不乏表現不錯的創業投資公司。本文以「源創管理顧問」為研究對象,以其投資於LED 產業為例,探討其創投經營之成功關鍵。研究發現,「股東人際網絡的運用」與「產業供應鏈的整合」為源創管理顧問最主要之核心要素。與其他創投公司相比,源創管理顧問除了投資標的公司以外,仍以股東之人際網路資源促進標的公司與上下游供應鏈之間的關係,一方面確保標的公司之穩定成長,另一方面也同時促進LED 產業之技術升級,以及加強與國外大廠之合作。以LED 產業國際分工的成效,以個案公司為例,本文建議台灣未來創業投資事業的發展也可採取國際分工的模式,如此一來除了可使創業投資公司處於有利優勢外,亦可完成其對於國家整體產業升級的使命。 / Taiwan High Tech Industry has developed for over thirty years and has amassed huge quantity of capital and technology knowledge. Due to government policies and product usage expansion in recent years, LED has become a highly potential industry. Therefore, venture capitalists are likely to lean towards investing in this industry due to its high growth rate. However, the development of venture capital has since slowed down upon reaching its peak in year 2000. Though most ventures did not perform well however, there were some that did well. The company studied in this thesis is InnoStream Consultancy Services. The study is to explore on their investment in the LED industry and the reasons for success. The study has discovered the usage of networking and integration of supply chain as the elements for the achievement. Different from the rest of industry, InnoStream made use of resources such as the network of its shareholders to foster the supply chain integration. As such, they managed to ensure steady growth of the company, development in their LED technology and strengthened in ties with overseas manufacturer. This study suggests international cooperation in the LED industry. Such a policy will improve the competitiveness of Taiwan’s LED industry in the global market, and result in industry upgrade.

教室中的小社會—國小班級關係氛圍與人際網絡結構分析 / A Network Analysis of the Climate and Interpersonal Relationships in the Elementary School

李偉斌, Li, Wei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小班級關係氛圍的類型以及班級人際網絡結構的現況。 研究中抽樣調查了全國54個四到六年級的班級,依據問卷所得資料進行集群分析法(clustering method),依同儕關係、師生關係兩向度將班級自然分類成三個集群。 研究進行了不同關係氛圍班級之差異分析,研究二檢驗不同類型班級在師生關係變項上的差別;研究三採用社會網絡分析法(social network analysis)描繪班級人際網絡結構的差別。研究四班級內部的結構,進行核心邊陲分析與班級塊模型分析,研究五進行人際互動課程的實驗研究。研究後建構出診斷班級小社會的訊息,未來可提供給實務現場教師採用。 本研究所得之研究結論如下: 一、國小班級內部關係品質,包含了學生之間的同儕關係、學生與教師的師生關係兩向度,共同建構班級關係氛圍,各班級區分類為低、中、高三種關係品質的班級。。 二、相較於低關係班級,高關係氛圍班級在班內師生關係的標準差較小、班級內師生關係的性別差異亦小。此外,高關係班級的學童的社交計量數與自身師生關係呈現顯著相關。 三、高關係與低關係班級,在人際網絡結構上並沒有顯著的差別,包含了網絡密度、EI指數、二方關係、派系數、成分數、孤離者數和比率。顯示無論班級關係品質為何,都會自然形塑而成班級小社會。 四、低關係班級有幾個值得關係的議題,包含核心學生之間的互惠關係、高密度的子群之間的關係,以及核心學生與高密度學生們對於自身班級的同儕關係與師生關係,都是教師在班級經營中須特別關注的。 五、進行班級氛圍的改變效果,短期課程對氛圍與人際網絡結構的改變效果並不明顯,推論需仰賴教師平時之互動與班務上的經營。 / The study was to investigated the primary school’s classes. The purpose is to understand the class climate and social network of the class. The forty-four classes were in the study by random sampling from Taiwan area.Teacher-student relationship and peer relationship are treated the classification variables. The classes were divided into three categories by clustering method. 18 classes were High-quality relationship; 11 calasses were Low-quality relationship. The results are the comparison of two types of class. High-quality relationship classes have some features: Standard deviation is smaller in teacher-student relationship, the same result of differences between boys and girls. The better the relationship between popular students and teacher. Second, the two-type classes were no differences in social network model. High-quality and Low-quality classes both forming a small community in nature. From the analysis of the class entrials, Mutually beneficial relationship and the relationship between small groups were the important issues. A six-week course experimented in a class. Only small impacts on the class climate and social network.

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