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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

智慧資本對財務績效之影響 -以中國創業板上市企業為例 / The Impacts of Intellectual Capital on Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Chinext listed companies

王男, Wang, Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討智慧資本對財務績效的影響。隨著大陸知識經濟時代的到來,智慧資本的影響力遠超從前,相關利益方對其關注日益增強。學界認為,由企業持有或者部分持有的有價值的無形資源,且可為企業帶來競爭優勢或者增加企業財富與價值者,皆為智慧資本。參照前人研究成果,本研究將智慧資本分為人力資本、創新資本、流程資本和關係資本。又以大陸創業板上市企業做為研究對象,從國泰安數據庫及公開財報抓取數據,使用複迴歸方式進行實證分析。研究結果顯示:智慧資本對於企業績效存在正向影響,不同項目影響程度存在差異。未來企業需要加強自身智慧資本的建構和維護,以期提升自身財務績效。 / This study explore the effect of intellectual capital on the financial performance. With the coming era of knowledge economy, intellectual capital influence on the economy far more than in the past. Stakeholders growing attention to it. Scholars believe those valuable intangible resources holding by company or part holding by company, and can provide a competitive advantage or increase their wealth and value are all intellectual capital. Referring to previous research, this study divided intellectual capital into human capital, innovation capital, process capital and relational capital. In Chinext listed companies as the research object, get the data from the CSMAR databases and company's financial statements, using multiple regression to analysis. The empirical results show that intellectual capital does affect performance on the financial performance, and each intellectual capital element has different impact on corporate performance. In the future, Companies need to strengthen their intellectual capital construction and maintenance, in order to improve their financial performance.


林偉仁 Unknown Date (has links)
這十幾年來台灣地區高科技電子業之所以能夠蓬勃發展,除了研究發展、資本密集等因素外,人力資本可謂居功甚偉,因此,探討台灣上市公司財務報表中,有關人才培訓支出投資抵減的內容揭露,是否與企業價值之間具有攸關性,以及企業當期發生之積極人才培訓支出(以其投資抵減金額衡量)是否可以有效提高企業之財務績效表現及降低企業員工之離職率,本研究利用2002-2005年台灣上市公司之財務資料、遞延所得稅與所得稅抵減揭露資訊以及設算之員工離職率,採用Pearson相關分析及OLS複迴歸分析進行探討。 研究結果顯示,人才培訓支出投資抵減(不論是企業當期發生金額或是期末餘額)與企業價值間不具有攸關性。而在以毛利率衡量企業財務績效時,企業當期發生之人才培訓投資抵減,會對企業當期之財務績效有顯著的正面影響,亦對企業次期之財務績效有顯著的正面影響,顯示企業對於員工的教育訓練可以增加企業當期與次期之毛利率;但在以修正後資產報酬率、修正後權益報酬率及營業利益率分別衡量企業財務績效時,則對企業當期與次期之財務績效,皆未有顯著之正面影響。此外,企業當期發生之人才培訓支出投資抵減,與企業當期與次期之員工離職率顯著負相關,顯示企業當年對員工的教育訓練,可以提高員工對於企業的歸屬感及工作滿意度,而降低當年與後續年度企業員工之離職率。 關鍵詞:人才培訓支出投資抵減、遞延所得稅、價值攸關性、教育訓練、企業財務績效、離職率。

企業社會績效與企業價值的關連性 / The linkage between corporate social performance and firm value

王嘉宏, Wang, Chia Hong Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會績效(Corporate Social Performance; CSP)和企業財務績效(Corporate Financial Performance; CFP)的關聯性是近年來在學術界最常被討論的一個議題,從企業經營的觀點,到底企業進行企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility; CSR)所表現出來的企業社會績效能不能帶動企業財務績效的提升最後創造企業價值(Firm Value; FV),則是許多企業經營者所關心的。本文試圖研究企業社會績效和企業價值的關聯,希望藉由全盤的分析,從企業社會績效對企業財務績效的因果關係,和企業社會績效透過何種管道提升企業價值,以及企業到底該如何看待企業社會責任這幾個面向,去探討企業社會績效和企業價值的關係。希望能夠將學理上的理論和實務面的思考進行結合。   本研究利用Tobin’ q拆解的方式分析可能的假說,接著採取迴歸模型進行實證分析,之後進一步利用兩階段迴歸模型排除可能的內生性問題,最後得到以下的實證結果:企業社會績效能夠提升企業財務績效最後創造企業價值,而企業社會責任是一種策略性的思維,是一種價值維護甚至是創造的手段,財務績效好的公司會更有能耐去利用企業社會責任做為差異化的策略。從以上發現,本研究實證結果支持企業社會責任對於企業經營與企業價值創造有正面的效益,換言之,企業社會績效的提升對企業價值的創造是正面的。 / The relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) is the most popular issue for the past few years. From the perspective of business administration, there is always a question aroused. “As a company investment, is it really make sense to invest corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to increase the CSP?” In other words, is higher CSP really means higher CFP and creating more firm value? This is the central question that all the business manager will like to know. This is the topic that this research paper wants to study. Besides, this research paper not only try to understand the linkage between CSP and CFP but also try to clarify how CSP affect CFP and create firm value.   The methodology be used in this study is the decomposition of Tobin’s q and two-stage regression in order to avoid potential endogenous problem. After several empirical tests for the potential hypothesis, the empirical evidence shows that a higher CSP can increase CFP and create firm value in the end. Furthermore, the investment of CSR is a strategic thinking for company to preserve their firm value and create new value of the firm. The linkage between CSP and firm value is positive and should be consider as a strategy for company who want value creation.

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