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電子書閱讀器之使用者行為資料分析 / Analysis and Interpretation of E-reader User Log闕建堡, Chueh, Chien Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探索電子書閱讀器進入高中學生的實際課堂學習與日常生活之中,對學生的學習經驗或閱讀習慣所產生之影響,並進一步瞭解從學生最初接觸電子書的新鮮試用期,到後續逐漸習慣使用或棄用電子書等不同階段的行為變化。透過此研究,瞭解電子書閱讀器應用於教育市場的接受程度及可能潛力,做為未來電子書設計、開發與推廣使用的可行性參考依據。 / Recently, e-book reading devices based on electronic ink (e-ink) have gained a lot of attention thanks to the rapid advances in both information and display technology. However, current products are mainly targeted on general users for their daily reading activities. Research on introducing the e-reading device into high school or college campuses has commenced only quite recently.
In this thesis, we exploit the potential of employing e-book reading devices in facilitating learning in a high school campus. We have custom-designed the user interface as well as the textbook content to suit the needs of this particular user group. The unique opportunity of having access to the hardware device, software design and potential users creates an ideal experimental platform for us to unbiasedly investigate the role of this new technology through a long-term user behavior collection and analysis process.
This study aims to explore how the introduction of e-book reader into high school campus influences the students’ learning and daily life. We documented changes in the users’ e-book reading behavior during the course of a six-month experiment, corresponding to progressive stages of growing familiarity and comfort with using the machine. We found that e-book reader does help the students to develop a habit of mobile reading. Its effect exceeds our expectation of achieving digital learning. We hope that the findings presented in this thesis can be useful to teachers and system designers to develop new types of teaching materials and activities by taking advantages of the characteristics of this new technology. Read more
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法朵的馬德里想像:西班牙餐廳的創新再脈絡過程 / The Imaging of Fardo: The Process of Innovation Recontextualization from a Spanish Restaurant李雅清 Unknown Date (has links)
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Managing User Resistance in Enterprise Systems Implementation / 企業系統建置時,使用者抗拒的原因、行為與管理策略之研究蘇朝清, Su,Chao Chang Unknown Date (has links)
企業大型商用套裝軟體(企業系統)的導入迫使系統使用者在許多方面必須進行改變,包含了工作的內容、人際間的關係、決策的過程以及工作的現狀。變革管理在企業系統建置能否成功的議題上扮演了非常關鍵性的角色。全面性地瞭解不同型態的使用者為什麼會抗拒企業系統建置的原因將有益於管理策略的執行並且產生更加符合期望的建置成果。本研究應用Delphi方法,針對十二位專案管理人進行深入的訪談,從他們的背後代表的上百個專案的經驗中,發現主管階層的使用者和基層操作階層的使用者對企業系統的抗拒原因不同,所需使用的管理策略亦不相同。管理階級的使用者本身抗拒系統最主要的原因為相信自己決策的能力比電腦來得強,同時對於系統能帶來的效益較持懷疑的態度。他們最常表現出來的抗拒行為是在會議當中和高階主管或是顧問們顯現負面的感覺或是抱怨。主管階層的使用者需要的是參與式的管理策略,給予協助並且確認他們對整個系統所能帶來的效益有所瞭解。而對於基層操作階層的使用者來說,因為導入系統所帶來的工作量增加、受到監視的感覺增加以及對於系統的不熟悉、認知不足,是他們抗拒企業系統的主要原因。這些使用者傾向於將錯誤推諉給其他員工以及直接抱怨系統的不易使用。本研究建議針對基層操作員工進行整體流程的訓練、加上適當的獎勵制度以及由他們的直屬主管來和他們進行更明確的溝通,協助他們解決問題。 / Enterprise systems (ES) impose changes on users in many areas: job content, interpersonal relationships, decision-making approaches, and work status. Change management is critical to successful ES implementation. A complete understanding of reasons and behaviors of different types of user resistance can lead to better management strategies and desired outcomes. Applying Delphi techniques with in-depth interviews with 12 project managers of more than one hundred ES projects, the study found that managerial and operational users resist enterprise systems in different ways and require different management strategies. Managerial users resisted using enterprise systems mainly due to confidence in their own way of making decisions and low perceived value of the system. They tended to express their doubts and negative feelings in meetings with top managers and consultants, and required more participative strategies to clarify their understanding of ES benefits. Resistance from operational users came mainly from excessive workloads, increased monitoring, and insufficient knowledge of ES. These users tended to blame others for errors as well as complaining the difficulties of using the system. It is suggested that users receive process training with proper rewards and clear communication from direct managers. Read more
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人物誌洞見:使用者行為如何激發新聞媒體的商業模式創新 / Insights from Persona: How User Behaviors Inspire Business Model Innovation in News Media鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia I Unknown Date (has links)
企業越來越意識到使用者的重要性,知道產品設計必須以使用者為中心。但面對網路興起、讀者大量流失的報紙新聞媒體,該如何從使用者察覺出商業模式創新的機會,是當前文獻亟欲探索的主題。本論文因此提出兩大分析重點。第一,分析使用者的行為脈絡,由早期大眾的角色中找出使用者對資訊需求,理解創新擴散的關鍵。第二,透過使用者行為分析形成商業模式的各種可能性,了解如何能改變商業營運邏輯。本文以聯合報系旗下之《Upaper》捷運報做為個案,分析捷運族的移動行為與資訊需求,藉此鎖定十個新聞主題來分析使用者行為、資訊需求、設計洞見、設計方案等環環相扣的四個步驟。本研究歸納出三種人物誌:需要優先性資訊的懶人、喜愛連貫性資訊的達人、偏好比較性資訊的商人。這三種人物誌指引出三種可能的新商業模式:從新聞到情報、從廣告到商研、從紙媒到串媒。學理上,本研究提出使用者導向商業模式的形成過程及創新原則。實務上,新聞媒體組織可以理解分析使用者的微觀行為的步驟及策略。 / Enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of users and know their product design must be user-centered. Now newspaper media is losing their readers due to the rising of Internet, so how to develop an innovative business model from users became one of hot topic of literature review. This thesis could be divided into two parts. Firstly, analyze the user behavior context in order to identify the information needs from the role of the early majority, and to realize the key point of innovation diffusion. Secondly, find the possibilities of business models through the user behavior analysis and learn how to change the business logic. In this paper, we use the United Daily News Group's "Upaper" as a case study of the mobile behavior and information needs of the commuters, thereby focusing the top ten news topics to analyze user behavior, information needs, design insights, design plan, these four steps which is closely connected and inseparable. This study identifies three Personas: lazy people who need priority information, Maven who like coherent information, businessman who prefer comparative information. These three personas point out three possible new business models: from news to intelligence, from advertising to business research, from newspaper media to the transmedia. Academically, this study presents the formation process and the innovative principles of the user-oriented business model. In practice, the media organization can understand the steps and strategies about how to analyze the user microscopic behavior. Read more
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具地理位置訊息之無所不在行動協作數位敘事平台 / Ubiquitous mobile collaborative digital narrative platform with location information林思采, Lin, Si Cai Unknown Date (has links)
我們建置了這個平台以APP的型式在Android系統上呈現,並作田野實驗,以研究此新的行動協作敘事型態。我們針對平台進行兩個部分的評估與分析,其一為使用者介面的評估,我們以放聲思考法進行,並隨後對介面做出修正;其二為平台系統使用評估,此部分以訪談法進行,並同時與系統Log作比對驗證。平台實驗發現的設計元素以及使用行為,希望可以在未來對此領域欲進一步研究者,提供很好的建議。 / Technologies could change users’ behaviors. As the recent growth of mobile smartphones, digital narrative would have a new way to create mobile content. Through interactive design components and features of “mobile narrative”, we design a "Mobile Collaboration Digital Narrative Platform" to facilitate this change. A user can retrieve nearby mobile content, and also have the ability to add, edit or record what is happening at his/her present location. By adding the feature of “collaborative content creation” to the platform, the content can be made more diverse and rich and the reader can better immerse him or herself in it. Moreover, by the enhanced network technology, the platform can also work in offline mode to make it function ubiquitously.
In order to study the new type of mobile collaborative narration, we develop the system (an Android App) and do field trial. We evaluate and analyze the system for two parts: one for the assessment of the user interface, and the other for system usage evaluation. We use the think aloud method for the former to amend interface design. For the latter, we interview with users, which are also compared with the system log for justification. The design components and the results for usage behaviors that we found from the new platform will provide a good recommendation for future further study in the field. Read more
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全球資訊網中使用者網頁-動作路徑的資料挖掘林青峰, Lin , Qing-Fung Unknown Date (has links)
客戶在從事消費時,往往會有許多不一樣的行為產生。對組織而言,研究客戶的消費行為能夠協助組織更了解客戶的資訊,進而支援其經營活動。以往與客戶行為相關的資料挖掘研究,較著重於客戶的消費資料。而對於客戶在商店中做了那些動作,及其動作會導致發生的事件並沒有較全盤及深入的討論。對實體業者而言,要實際的去記錄使用者在商店內的行為,是不太可行的;但相對的說,隨著網際網路與資料收集技術的發展,網站經營者應用log留存技術,將比傳統業者更容易且完整的收集到消費者行為記錄。本研究試圖在全球資訊網的環境中建立一個能夠同時分析使用者的瀏覽網頁路徑及其動作過程的演算法;並且配合該演算法建置一個雛形系統,以驗証其效能,最後並評估其日後實務操作的可行性。 / Different kind of customer purchases with different behavior. Studying the customer’s purchase behavior can help organizations understand their client intentions to support their business activities. In the past, customer behavior data mining emphasized on their purchase items, i.e., what they buy. There was few studies discussing what path they took and what actions they made in an e-store. It is impossible for a physical store to record its customers’ all actions and passing paths. However, a website store can easily collect such data in an Internet log. This study proposes a data mining algorithm that can analyze both customers’ browsing pages and their actions path. The algorithm’s efficiency and feasibility were examined in our prototype. This study may contribute to help the website mangers to restructure their website layouts or advertisement position to catch the customer’s eyes. Read more
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