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習近平「強軍夢」軍事戰略之研究 / A Study On Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream” Military Strategy

韓杰霏, Han, Chieh Fei Unknown Date (has links)
中共戰略思維的形成,主要依據國際情勢、戰略環境、戰爭、科技等客觀情勢變化,以及當時國家領導人對客觀環境的主觀認知,其中包括戰略文化、個人特質、求學背景等因素。檢視中共不同時期的國防軍事戰略考量,自毛澤東「早打、大打、打核子戰」、鄧小平「打贏一場局部戰爭」、江澤民「打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭」、胡錦濤「信息條件下的局部戰爭」,至習近平的「召之即來、來之能戰、戰之必勝」,展現中共軍事戰略戰法轉變。本文將從比較習近平與毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民、胡錦濤軍事戰略發展,並納入當前國際環境影響因素,針對習近平「強軍夢」的重要組成進行分析,進而歸納出當前中共國家領導人的軍事戰略思維,作為未來推測其面臨重大轉折與挑戰之決策走向依據。 / The formation of the CCP strategic thinking, mainly based on the international situation, the strategic environment, war, science and technology and other objective circumstances change, and then national leaders subjective perception of the objective environment, including strategic culture, personal qualities, education background and other factors. View defense and military strategic considerations Communist different periods, since Mao Zedong's “early fight, big fight, fight a nuclear war,” Deng Xiaoping “win a local war,” Jiang Zemin “to win local wars under high-tech conditions,” Hu ”to win local wars under information conditions“, Xi Jinping “be ready to fight, win the war“, all these shows Chinese military strategy tactics change. This paper will compare Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, military strategy development, and including international factors such as the current environment to further analysis of Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream.” Then, summarize the current military strategic thinking “Strong Army Stream” of the Communist state leader as reference for further prediction of China military development.


于曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
中共自上一世紀90年代後期迄今,頻密改革兵役制度,及頒布各式相關改革兵役制度的行政命令。本文旨在以現實主義的理論,透過軍事變革的研究途逕,探討1990年代以來美國新軍事變革對中共兵役制度的衝擊。 自從美國在1990年第一次波灣戰爭中展示其新軍事變革之初步成果,向世人揭示信息化的戰爭形態以來,世界各先進國家紛紛跟進。由於此波變革起源於信息科技導入戰爭作為,各項武器裝備、戰鬥方式的科技含量提高,因此實施變革的部隊較過去需要更多具高教育水準人員,來進行專業要求高的軍事操作;而這些部隊為減少同樣的教育訓練一再重複實施,亦多設法延長這些具專業技能的基層人員留營時間。基此,多數從事軍事變革國家改採募兵制,以滿足提高基層高素質人員比例和延長前述人員留營時間的建軍需要。 中共基於國家安全的考量,亦於1993年宣示開展軍事變革,並且為此積極進行軍事人才培養;惟在實施變革過程中,中共也曾透露,其每年例行的徵兵工作存在高素質新兵徵集困難問題,現行制度亦難以為部隊傳承重要經驗,影響軍事變革的實施;然而,何以中共未如其他多數實施軍事變革的國家一般,改採募兵制,而堅持在現有的兵役制度基礎上進行徵兵改革? 本論文認為,雖然中共的新軍事變革係取法美國,且亦如其他先進國家般,由於實施新軍事變革,需要更多具有高教育水準的青年進入部隊;然而以中共現行兵役制度觀之,其並不需要實施募兵制,主要原因在於,中共之兵役制度係依其國情特色制定之,雖異於其他國家,但具募兵制之特性,有利於組建高素質之部隊。上述假設命題,可以進一步解析為下列邏輯相關的子命題: 一、美國新軍事變革令中共瞭解,如再不加緊軍事現代化腳步,其軍事力量將與其他國家存在時代差,無法支撐其國際地位;加以美國自蘇聯解體後,多次對外提出中國為其潛在競爭對手之說法,對中共國家安全形成壓力,故而激發中共實施新軍事變革。 二、此波新軍事變革的主要內容是信息化。由於部隊歷經新軍事變革之後,其各項專業職務之科技含量提高,需要更多高教育水準之青年投入部隊接受專業訓練,並進行技術傳承,此一變化對原有兵役制度造成衝擊,故迫使中共修改兵役制度,以吸收更多高素質青年投入軍旅,成為保留軍隊經驗的技術骨幹。 三、中共的義務役士兵徵召方式,有別於我國的義務役兵役制度,其在士兵徵選上,含有嚴謹的淘汰制度,有助解放軍選擇合乎需求的人員進入軍隊;同時,士官選拔制度亦有利將熟於軍事技能的義務役士兵長時間的留在部隊。因此,可以說,中共的兵役制度實際上具有募兵制的特點,既可為部隊篩選優秀的人才進入部隊,亦有將人才留在部隊長期發展的功能。 / The P. R. C. has frequently reformed the national military service since the late 90s of last century, and promulgated executive orders for all kinds of national military service reform. This purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the impact of the new transformation of military affairs in the United States since the 1990s on the P.R.C. military service system in terms of realist theories and the military transformation approach. Since the First Persian Gulf War in 1990, the United States has shown preliminary results of its new transformation in military affairs to reveal the war formula of information technology to the world, and the advanced countries in the world have followed suit. This wave of changes originated in information technology integrated into the war as various weapons and military equipment and combat approaches, to improve the technological content. The implementation of military transformation needs more well-trained personnel to carry out the high standard of professional requirements of military operations than before, and these troops will also try to extend the service term for well-trained staffs to stay in the military service in order to reduce repeated implementation of same training courses. Based on this situation, most countries implemented the military transformation to the enlistment system to meet the requirement for primary proportion increases of highly trained personnel and extension of service term of the aforementioned personnel to stay. Based on the considerations of national security, the P. R. C. has declared to carry out transformation in military affairs in 1993, and to achieve this goal the P. R. C. has actively implemented military personnel training; while in the process of implementing military transformation, the P. R. C. has revealed difficulties in its annual military new personnel recruitment work for recruiting high-quality personnel. The current system can hardly let the troops pass on important experiences and therefore interferes with the implementation of the transformation in military affairs; however, why did the P. R.C., unlike most other countries, not conduct military transformation to change to the enlistment system, but insisted on the conscription reform of the existing system of military service? In this study, it argues that although the P. R. C. military transformation was learned from the United States, and just like all other advanced countries that implemented the new military transformation, the P. R. C. required more highly educated young people to enter service; however, the concept of the existing military service system in the P. R. C. does not require the implementation of the volunteer military service, mainly because the P. R. C. military service system is designed according to their national conditions and characteristics. Although different from other countries, this system has the characteristics of a volunteer military service, which is conducive to the formation of high-quality troops. The proposition of the above assumptions can be analyzed into sub-propositions for the following logic: 1.The new U.S. military transformation has led the P. R. C. to understand that if they do not step up military modernization and keep its pace of military power with other countries, they will be unable to stand their international status; additionally, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, United States has stated multiple times that the P. R. C. is its potential competitor, and this has put pressure on the national security of the P. R. C., and therefore stimulates the P. R. C. in the implementation of new military transformation. 2.The main content of this wave of new military transformation is information technology. The science and technology content of the troops’ professional duties have increased after new transformation in military affairs, and need more highly educated young people to join the service to receive professional training and proceed with technical heritage. The impact of this change on the original system of military service has forced the P. R. C. to modify its military service system, in order to attract more high-quality young people into service to retain the experiences of technical frameworks. 3.The P. R. C. conscripts soldiers in a way different from the conscripted military service system of our country. Their soldiers are selected with a rigorous elimination system to help the People's Liberation Army choose personnel that meet their demands; and the noncommissioned officer selection system is favorable to keep skilled conscripted soldiers to remain longer in the army. Therefore, it can be said that the P. R. C.’s military service system in fact has characteristics of a volunteer force for the troops to both select the best people to enter the forces, and the function to keep talented personnel stay in the service for long-term development.

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