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沙一誠, SHA, YI-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本文係以我國兵役制度為探討重心,其目的有三,一是希望瞭解我國歷代兵制的成長 過程與其得失,作為殷鑑;二是希望將我國當前兵制的實質內涵,歸納出一個完整的 分析架構,並就一些正在爭議中的論題,申論己見;三是希望找出影響行政功能發揮 的主要因素,並就這些困素,探討當前兵役行政所遭遇到的障礙。 基於以上目的,本文即以下列七章完成其內容。第一章:緒論,說明本文研究動機, 研究方法,分析架構與兵役制度的一般概念。第二章:探討我國歷代的兵役概況,並 給予綜合性檢討。第三章:探討中共兵制的發展情形及其兵役法內容,並給予綜合性 檢討。第四章:以我國現行兵制的概況,兵役法、役政環境和兵役政策等,加以探討 ,以知其未來發展方向。第五章:針對當前兵制的內涵,與相關可議性問題,申論己 見,期能拋磚引玉,引起國人對兵制的重視和研究興趣。第六章:對於影響役政功能 的組織、成員(人事)和執行三方面因素,就當前役政運作中存在的問題,加以分析 ,期能找出興革之方。最後以第七章探討我國役政未來發展方向,分析其可行性,俾 利未來役政革新發展之參考。 基於以上研究內容,本文兼採文獻研究法、置身情境法及問卷調查法,分別就坊間出 版之論著,書刊與雜誌,擇其精要加以綜合整理,並加入本身從事基層役政工作的實 務經驗,提出一己之見,更輔以問卷調查結果,作為立論依據,加強其客觀性。期能 經由本之努力的結果,使吾人對我國歷代與現代兵制的內涵,有更深入認識,並對當 前役政功能之發揮與未來發展,知所依循,進而推廣于其他一般行政系統,供其參考 。

我國兵役制度改革之研究:以二次國防精進案為例 / Country military service system to reform study:Order national defense refinded to move forward

趙錦財 Unknown Date (has links)
國家為了維護自身的安全,必須建立正當防衛的武力及恐嚇力量,而武力的建力除了必須有足夠的財力支援外,最重要的就是必須有適質、適量的兵員及相當的人力資源以組成軍隊,因此必須建立人力使用的制度,使國民公平合理的分擔兵役。兵役制度的健全與否,直接影響軍隊素質的高低和數量的多寡,間接影響戰爭的勝敗和國家的興亡。因此,古今中外的國家依據其國家的領土特性、人口狀況、經濟條件、敵國的威脅程度,以及研判未來戰爭的型態來決定兵役制度,在前述幾項條件改變時,如果不能及時修正或改變兵役制度,在戰場上面對敵人時,就必須付出慘痛的代價,甚至亡國滅種的危險。 兵役制度隨著國家及其軍隊的形成而產生,又隨著國家的經濟狀況、政治制度和需要而發展變化。其作用在達成國家之安全目的,維護人民生命財產之安全,免除他國武裝侵略之可能,一如國之藩籬屏障,欲達成此一目的,自必當有強大精幹之國防武力。但如何維持強大之國防武力,且兼顧國家經濟發展與各項投資之平衡等種種要求,達到平時養兵少,戰時用兵多之多重目標,則必須從制定完善之兵役制度處著手。兵役制度是所有軍事及國防體制中最為基礎者,其並非僅消極性地止於踐履憲法中所規定人民有服兵役之義務而已。反之。其積極性的目的,在於完成軍事制度之基本制度角色,使軍事制度奠定穩固不移的磐石,從而達成國家安全目的,此為研究兵役制度之神聖使命。 兵役制度的發展,為軍事人力資源管理的基石,自然也是變革中的一環。如何選擇適當兵役類型,俾兼顧公平、效益與質量原則,有效開發與運用軍事人力資源,乃是維持國防戰鬥力重要的因素。 我國近十餘年來,在兵役制度的改革方面,執行了二次重大的變勤,都是由國防部所主導的,一是86年至90年的國防精實案,二是90年至101年的一、二次國防精進案,就單純兵力而言,根據國防部所公佈的資料,我國於86年實施精實案之前,部隊總員額是45萬2千人,精實案完成後是38萬5千人。民國93年元月開始實施新一波的裁軍「精進案」,到94年6月,共裁掉了8萬9千餘人,剩下29萬6千人。而整個精進案將在2008年12月底完成初期的規劃,而國軍人數也預計降為27萬5千人。 我國當前軍事戰略的主軸,兵力結構的安排是律定志願役與義務役間的適當比例,從而兼顧戰力、效益、與公平等重要原則。其中以嚇阻與反應為目標的單位,其成員素質要求高,但數量少,顯然該以志願役人員為主;至於從事救援任務的單位,多半以後備部隊為宜,而具社會服務性質的兵役,自然以替代役為主,在二次國防精進案的初期,兵源大量縮滅之下,兵役制度的變革將不再只是人力方面的問題,因此,有關兵役制度的改革,似應朝那些方向來發展,才能真正符合我國的需要,也能夠符合全民的期待,更能滿足國防的要求,是本文所要尋找的最大目的。


張馬可 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸兵役制度的演變,雖然每一時期或階段不盡相同,但亦有其可變性與不可變性的本質。惟其差異與特色乃反映出,當時期兩岸互動、國內外政、經、軍形勢發展、假想敵能力、人口政策與民意及輿論的需要。 國家安全並非是一種靜態的概念,而是隨著時間之動態不斷的演進。因此,國際社會已將「國家安全」擴展成為綜合性安全。是以,就國防安全而言,兵役制度政策對軍事產生的效能外,同時也會影響、牽引到橫向的政治、經濟等安全戰略的目標與運作。 首先,在政治方面,徵兵制的兵役制度近來不斷地成為民意與輿論熱門議題,除了影響國軍建軍備戰工作外,亦影響到為國服務、犧牲的意願及國家生存與發展的安全。惟該等議題之爭議實已點出國人對「政府正當性支配」、「流通性」管道阻塞、兵役法的適法性與國家認同等疑慮。 其次,在經濟方面,徵兵制造成役男役前、役後的高失業率,除衍生出新的社會問題外,也造成附加價值高的勞動力閒置,而不利國家經濟發展與競爭力。在成本效益及國家財政支出上,徵兵制較募兵制所費不貲,其因在於訓練頻繁及人力資源運用缺乏彈性,導致人才錯置,難以人盡其才,阻礙工作效能與部隊戰力的提升。 最後,在軍事方面,徵兵制與募兵制對於軍隊屬性(攻勢或守勢)、兵力需求(傳統或高科技)、兵員素質(高技術、多專長)、社會工程(公民素養)、文人統制(軍文關係)與軍方籓籬(特殊階級、文化)等等議題,有著舉足輕重的影響力。然而,對我國而言,要順利漸進降低徵兵比例,提昇募兵比例,則需良好的兩岸關係、適當的規劃時間予以轉型、武器裝備的更新、準則的發展與修訂、訓練方式的改變與相關兵役制度配套措施循序漸進的執行,才能圓滿克竟其功,達到預期的目標。 / Although each period or stage of the cross-strait military service system evolution is not quite the same, but it still has the changeable and unchangeable essence. The differences and characteristics between them reflect the cross-strait interaction, development of domestic and diplomatic political, economical and military affairs, imaginary enemy ability, population policy and the need of public opinion at that time. The national security is not a static concept, but it is a process of unceasing evolution along with the time. Therefore, the international society has expanded the meaning of "the national security" into “the comprehensive security”. That is, for national defense security, except the efficacy brought by military service system policy to the armed forces, it can affect the goal and operation of crosswise political, economical security strategy as well in the meantime. First, in political aspect, conscription of the military service system continuously becomes popular subject of the public discussion these years, this kind of phenomenon influences not only the foundation in armed forces and preparation for war of the national troops, but also the wish to serve and sacrifice for the country, even influences the security of national survival and development. Only this dispute of the subject pointed out the qualms of our countrymen in "the government reasonable control", "circulation channel obstruction”,” the legality of military service law” and “ the recognition of our country”. Second, in the economical aspect, the conscription made the high rate of unemployment of our servicemen before or after service, then new social problem came out, highly appended value labor force left unused, these are all disadvantages for national economy development and competitive ability. Finally, in the military aspect, conscription and enlistingsystem have played a decisive role in the army attribute (offensive or defensive), the military strength demand (tradition or high tech), the soldier quality (high-tech, multi- specialties), the social engineering (citizen accomplishment), the civil governance (military and civilian relations) with the military hedge (special social class, culture) and so on. However, it also need steady cross-strait relations, suitable schedule for the reforms, weaponry renewal, development and revision of the criterion, change of the training method and the necessary measure of correlation military service system proceeded in an orderly way, for our country to gradually and smoothly reduces the proportion of conscription, increases the proportion of enlisting,and at last reach the anticipated and satisfactory goal.


李志堯 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以探討軍事戰略與兵役制度的關係,說明有國防建設就有軍事戰略的制定,其是建軍備戰的指導,旨在規劃武裝部隊的發展,以建立一支能打未來戰爭,有效捍衛國家安全的勁旅。然軍事戰略的範疇,不只是籌獲武器裝備的問題,尚包括整建陸、海、空三軍武裝部隊之事宜,而兵役制度的任務,即是供應建軍所需的各種兵員,以支持軍事戰略的規劃。因此,基於國防安全情勢所制定的軍事戰略,對兵役制度的選擇有直接影響。唯評估中華民國當前軍事戰略對建軍備戰規劃與現行兵役制度對兵員供應配合,發現仍有下列落差:(一)守勢戰略與兵力結構的汗格; (二)科技建軍與兵員役期的脫節;(三)戰備要求與訓練投資的罅隙;(四)役男適應不良與部隊管教困擾。倘若上述問題未能藉由施行募兵制加以克服,則軍事戰略的規劃難期落實,軍隊戰力之維持將行衰退,而國家安全的維護亦會受到影響。既然走向募兵制已是時勢所趨,故需營造招募市場誘因,妥採相關的配套措施,方利招募工作之推展。 關鍵字:軍事戰略、兵力結構、兵役制度、徵兵制、募兵制。

臺灣兵役制度改革之研析 / A study of military service refrom in Taiwan

胡書蓉, Hu, Su-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study sought to examine those factors that make voluntary enlistment feasible among most advanced industrial countries nowadays. Also aims to find out actors that lead Taiwan to follow the global trend to change from conscription to voluntary enlistment, the intention behind such a policy, challenges or problems has occurred or might emerge in the future, and how to deal with them. In order to answer the questions, this study used literature analysis and comparative method to collect related materials to analyze global trend and development of military service, make comparison of different types of military service systems and study policies of Taiwanese military service and reform in detail. Analysis of this study shows that on the way of changing from conscription to voluntary enlistment, Taiwan faces several limitations such as low recruitment rates of professional soldiers, poor military discipline, a lack of public interests, rigid legal regulations, threats to national security, insufficient supporting programs, uneven distribution of military spending and workloads. This study comes up with some policy suggestions such as the government should raise social status of the military and public trust in the military,prolong service length of four-months military training, improve supporting programs and welfare of voluntary enlistment, improve balanced allocation of national defense spending on military personnel and weapons, adjust patterns of military training to improve specialization in the military, and evenly distribute the number of soldiers supply (according to college calendar) to smoothly realize military service reform in Taiwan.


劉宏武 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討士官兵的個人背景與其服役滿意度、服役期滿的生涯規劃,及對以「募兵為主、徵兵為輔」新兵役制度看法的關係。研究母體為新竹(含)以北地區的士官兵。研究方法採取量化與質性兩種,在量的方面,採用問卷調查法;在質的方面,則採取焦點團體訪談法,蒐集本研究所需的資料後,先以描述性統計分析、卡方檢定等統計方法進行資料處理分析,再與訪談資料做比對分析,以瞭解士官兵服役滿意度,及對新兵役制度的的看法。主要研究發現如下: 一、士官兵服役滿意度不高的主要因素,來自於對直屬長官工作要求標準、任務管制不當,以及對內部管理方式、薪資偏低、獎懲不公、無進修機會等不滿意所造成。這些都屬於Maslow「需求層次理論」中低層次的「生理」和「安全」需求的不滿足,與Herzberg「二因子理論」中「保健因素」的不滿足。 二、服役滿意度「低」者,於服役期滿時愈會選擇「退伍」,反之,選擇「留營」的比例就愈高;服役滿意度「愈低」,對軍人社會形象的評價「愈低」,反之,則「愈高」;服役滿意度「低」者,對職業軍人較「不信任」,反之,則「愈信任」。因此,士官兵「服役滿意度」的高低,不但會影響其服役期滿後的「生涯規劃」,也會影響其對軍人「社會形象」和對職業軍人「信任感」的看法。 三、士官兵支持兵役制度朝以「募兵為主、徵兵為輔,」的方向規劃,但卻不贊成家人或親友擔任職業軍人。 四、士官兵認為「實施上、下班制」、強調「薪資福利」的優點,及期望在軍中能學到想要學到的專長,是招募志願士兵的主要誘因。 五、士官兵對目前的役期和薪資水準不滿意,認為「工作穩定」和「薪資福利好」是考慮自願留營的主要原因,顯示當前士官兵強調的只是Maslow低層次需求的滿足。


于曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
中共自上一世紀90年代後期迄今,頻密改革兵役制度,及頒布各式相關改革兵役制度的行政命令。本文旨在以現實主義的理論,透過軍事變革的研究途逕,探討1990年代以來美國新軍事變革對中共兵役制度的衝擊。 自從美國在1990年第一次波灣戰爭中展示其新軍事變革之初步成果,向世人揭示信息化的戰爭形態以來,世界各先進國家紛紛跟進。由於此波變革起源於信息科技導入戰爭作為,各項武器裝備、戰鬥方式的科技含量提高,因此實施變革的部隊較過去需要更多具高教育水準人員,來進行專業要求高的軍事操作;而這些部隊為減少同樣的教育訓練一再重複實施,亦多設法延長這些具專業技能的基層人員留營時間。基此,多數從事軍事變革國家改採募兵制,以滿足提高基層高素質人員比例和延長前述人員留營時間的建軍需要。 中共基於國家安全的考量,亦於1993年宣示開展軍事變革,並且為此積極進行軍事人才培養;惟在實施變革過程中,中共也曾透露,其每年例行的徵兵工作存在高素質新兵徵集困難問題,現行制度亦難以為部隊傳承重要經驗,影響軍事變革的實施;然而,何以中共未如其他多數實施軍事變革的國家一般,改採募兵制,而堅持在現有的兵役制度基礎上進行徵兵改革? 本論文認為,雖然中共的新軍事變革係取法美國,且亦如其他先進國家般,由於實施新軍事變革,需要更多具有高教育水準的青年進入部隊;然而以中共現行兵役制度觀之,其並不需要實施募兵制,主要原因在於,中共之兵役制度係依其國情特色制定之,雖異於其他國家,但具募兵制之特性,有利於組建高素質之部隊。上述假設命題,可以進一步解析為下列邏輯相關的子命題: 一、美國新軍事變革令中共瞭解,如再不加緊軍事現代化腳步,其軍事力量將與其他國家存在時代差,無法支撐其國際地位;加以美國自蘇聯解體後,多次對外提出中國為其潛在競爭對手之說法,對中共國家安全形成壓力,故而激發中共實施新軍事變革。 二、此波新軍事變革的主要內容是信息化。由於部隊歷經新軍事變革之後,其各項專業職務之科技含量提高,需要更多高教育水準之青年投入部隊接受專業訓練,並進行技術傳承,此一變化對原有兵役制度造成衝擊,故迫使中共修改兵役制度,以吸收更多高素質青年投入軍旅,成為保留軍隊經驗的技術骨幹。 三、中共的義務役士兵徵召方式,有別於我國的義務役兵役制度,其在士兵徵選上,含有嚴謹的淘汰制度,有助解放軍選擇合乎需求的人員進入軍隊;同時,士官選拔制度亦有利將熟於軍事技能的義務役士兵長時間的留在部隊。因此,可以說,中共的兵役制度實際上具有募兵制的特點,既可為部隊篩選優秀的人才進入部隊,亦有將人才留在部隊長期發展的功能。 / The P. R. C. has frequently reformed the national military service since the late 90s of last century, and promulgated executive orders for all kinds of national military service reform. This purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the impact of the new transformation of military affairs in the United States since the 1990s on the P.R.C. military service system in terms of realist theories and the military transformation approach. Since the First Persian Gulf War in 1990, the United States has shown preliminary results of its new transformation in military affairs to reveal the war formula of information technology to the world, and the advanced countries in the world have followed suit. This wave of changes originated in information technology integrated into the war as various weapons and military equipment and combat approaches, to improve the technological content. The implementation of military transformation needs more well-trained personnel to carry out the high standard of professional requirements of military operations than before, and these troops will also try to extend the service term for well-trained staffs to stay in the military service in order to reduce repeated implementation of same training courses. Based on this situation, most countries implemented the military transformation to the enlistment system to meet the requirement for primary proportion increases of highly trained personnel and extension of service term of the aforementioned personnel to stay. Based on the considerations of national security, the P. R. C. has declared to carry out transformation in military affairs in 1993, and to achieve this goal the P. R. C. has actively implemented military personnel training; while in the process of implementing military transformation, the P. R. C. has revealed difficulties in its annual military new personnel recruitment work for recruiting high-quality personnel. The current system can hardly let the troops pass on important experiences and therefore interferes with the implementation of the transformation in military affairs; however, why did the P. R.C., unlike most other countries, not conduct military transformation to change to the enlistment system, but insisted on the conscription reform of the existing system of military service? In this study, it argues that although the P. R. C. military transformation was learned from the United States, and just like all other advanced countries that implemented the new military transformation, the P. R. C. required more highly educated young people to enter service; however, the concept of the existing military service system in the P. R. C. does not require the implementation of the volunteer military service, mainly because the P. R. C. military service system is designed according to their national conditions and characteristics. Although different from other countries, this system has the characteristics of a volunteer military service, which is conducive to the formation of high-quality troops. The proposition of the above assumptions can be analyzed into sub-propositions for the following logic: 1.The new U.S. military transformation has led the P. R. C. to understand that if they do not step up military modernization and keep its pace of military power with other countries, they will be unable to stand their international status; additionally, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, United States has stated multiple times that the P. R. C. is its potential competitor, and this has put pressure on the national security of the P. R. C., and therefore stimulates the P. R. C. in the implementation of new military transformation. 2.The main content of this wave of new military transformation is information technology. The science and technology content of the troops’ professional duties have increased after new transformation in military affairs, and need more highly educated young people to join the service to receive professional training and proceed with technical heritage. The impact of this change on the original system of military service has forced the P. R. C. to modify its military service system, in order to attract more high-quality young people into service to retain the experiences of technical frameworks. 3.The P. R. C. conscripts soldiers in a way different from the conscripted military service system of our country. Their soldiers are selected with a rigorous elimination system to help the People's Liberation Army choose personnel that meet their demands; and the noncommissioned officer selection system is favorable to keep skilled conscripted soldiers to remain longer in the army. Therefore, it can be said that the P. R. C.’s military service system in fact has characteristics of a volunteer force for the troops to both select the best people to enter the forces, and the function to keep talented personnel stay in the service for long-term development.

兩岸兵役制度之研究-兵力結構之比較分析 / Exploration of the Conscription System Between Two Adversaries on the Opposite Coasts of Taiwan Strait-A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Armed Forces

洪麗職, Hung,Li Chih Unknown Date (has links)
「兵役制度」為國民至軍隊服役制度,是保障國家安全之武裝力量,平時以法律規範,完成兵員補充、武裝組織、軍事訓練,使人民依法履行義務。「兵役制度」依國家安全環境考量,由戰略家與兵力規劃者權衡戰事,反覆檢視安全環境、戰略目標、可利用資源,從整體戰略來決定兵力結構,以合理有效訓練方式提升兵力水準,以支撐軍事戰略。 兩岸為創造有利之安全環境與挑戰內外競敵,不斷在軍事戰略思維實施調整。中共已賦予解放軍保障國家安全利益之任務與角色,並自1949年建政以來,持續運用針對性之軍事演習或武力展示威懾台灣,以達其政治目的,並於1985年大裁軍後,以量小質精、齊全、強大的軍兵種常規武裝力量,遂行立體作戰整備。台灣軍事戰略從「反攻大陸」-「攻守一體」-「防衛固守」-「防衛固守,有效嚇阻」-「有效嚇阻,防衛固守」,各階段戰略決策有所不同,依當時國防威脅逐年修正,台澎防衛作戰又將作戰區區分安全警戒區、主要戰鬥區、後方區域,以提高作戰層次與建軍備戰。台灣如何於獲得先進武器後,搭配組建優質兵力,以形成整體軍力優勢,為維護整體國防安全之碁石。為因應台海快速變化的戰爭型態,台灣之國防組織必須採「平戰一體」,才能因應未來戰事。然而,台灣目前國防設計則偏向平戰轉換,在國防體制上是「常後分立」,戰時才將後備動員轉換為戰力.台灣軍方較迷失動員人力「到召率」,認為到召率數提高,戰力便從而昇起,而因應台海戰爭發展迅速,如完全仰賴動員,戰事亦可能告敗結束。 / The “Conscription System” is a military service scheme ordinarily enforced by law,through which the citizens of a country are called up for obligatory military service.It is the basic formation of armed forces to safeguard the national security,so that supplement of military manpower,organization of armed services,arrangement of military training,and exertion of authority over the citizens for observance of the obligatory duties can be undertaken without hindrance .Based on the consideration of national circumstantial security,the blueprint of conscription system,including the size of military forces,strategic structure of armed forces,elevation of the standard of armaments to support the decided military strategy is entrusted to groups of military strategists and planners to formulate and decide after their repeated careful surveyals of the national security circumstances,strategic aims and national resources available.The opponents on opposite coasts of Taiwan Strait for creating environments,advantageous to their own potentials and challenging their hostiles,either extrinsic or intrinsic,unremittingly adjust and readjust their thoughts of military strategy to suit the alterations of situations.The Communist China has long since bestowed upon its “Liberation Army” the role and task of safeguarding national safety and benefits,and indeed since its accomplishment of civil administration in 1949,it persistently manipulates purposeful military maneuvers or military displays to threaten Taiwan to effectuate its political aims.On the side of Taiwan,the military strategy has been modified from “Restoration of Mainland” at the beginning to “Unification of Attack and Defensive Holdout” and then to “Defensive Holdout and Effective Deterrence” by the Department of Defense,year in,year out,based on the altering strategic situation at various stages.With respect to the Taiwan-Penghus Defense in case of war,the entire war theater is divided into safe surveillance zone,main or major combat zone and rear zone so as to elevate the orders of warfare and raise weapons for war. How to acquire modern weapons to incorporate the raising of a military force of high quality to create military supremacy,is the solution or cornerstone of safeguarding the overall safety of defense.To be able to cope with the war in the Taiwan strait,which, in general assumption,could change rapidly in pattern,the coustitution of national defense must be based on a conception of ‘war and peace alike” .Nevertheless,at present,the design of national defense inclines to be based on a theory of ‘peace and war switchover” .In the structure of defense,regulars and reservists are independent and individualized without intimate and close linkage,and in case of war,the reservists are then called up to form combatant units.The higher military echelons,owing to being bewildered by high summon or attending rate of the called-up reservists,are of the opinion that if the summon rate is raised,the combative strength is also elevated.Since the fashion of war of the Taiwan Strait could be swift,should meeting the enemy solely rely on mobilization of reservists,the war might end in defeat.

民主化與中華民國國防人力資源規劃 / Impact of Democratization on ROC’s Human Resource Planning of National Defence

賀華 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是從民主化權力重分配的角度觀察我國國防人力資源規劃之轉變,並透過一般人力資源理論印證國防人力資源策略性規劃的重要性。民主化改變了國內政治、經濟、社會面的生態結構,同時也解構了國防人力資源的強制力,使得我國的國防人力資源規劃從徵兵制為主的規劃構面,朝向募、徵併行制發展。在「精實案」與「精進案」的過程中,國防人力資源規劃在價值性、內隱性、複雜性、專屬性、稀有性、不可替代性、、、等人力資源特性方面,是否能有效兼顧並給予良好的發展,將對我國兵役制度發展有深刻長遠影響。 在民主化的過程中,權力重分配牽涉到民主化與文人統制的關係,以及國防人力資源規劃背景條件改變的成因,對國防人力資源核心競爭力與核心價值的保存與發揚均有直接或間接影響。因此,本論文也針對此部份進行比較性研究及探討,以論證國防人力資源維繫核心價值之重要性。 本篇論文係藉由民主化的演變以人力資源理論串連現行國軍人力資源規劃模式進行分析,在觀察的角度上主要以總體面及法規制度為主,希望藉由整體性角度的探討,提供國防人力資源規劃時的參考。 關鍵詞:民主化、人力資源、人力資源策略、文人統制、兵役制度、核心競爭力、核心價值

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