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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

改革開放後中共黨軍關係的發展模式-從軍事專業主義的觀點出發(1978-1998) / The Relationship of Party-Army After Reform in China From Military Professionalism Standpoint(1978-1998)

陳彥樺 Unknown Date (has links)

1980年代後期至今解放軍高階軍官團特徵分析 / The attributes of PLA High-Ranking officer corps since the late 1980s.

王帥涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解1980 年代後不同時期的解放軍高階軍官團特徵變化,以及不同職級者間的差異。在中國大陸的黨國體制下,「黨指揮槍」的原則使解放軍除軍事專業外,仍有一定的政治色彩。本文從軍事專業主義的角度出發,從現有文獻中歸納出學歷與培訓、功績、職務歷練、任職與退休年齡等專業化特徵,以及籍貫、任職單位、個人關係、黨職與黨齡等非專業性特徵。整體而言,解放軍高階軍官在江澤民時期與胡錦濤時期的比較上,胡錦濤時期的高階軍官在專業化特徵的表現都較江澤民時期明顯。而在非專業性特徵部分,除籍貫分佈不均的現象在胡錦濤時期略有改善外,具高幹子弟或秘書經驗的高階軍官都較江澤民時期活躍。此外,若職級較低但具有重要黨職身分者,也可被視為是未來的明日之星。最後,本文指出影響軍官的專業性特徵的因素並非該軍官是否具有非專業性特徵,而可能是政工軍官與軍事軍官的差異。政工軍官與軍事軍官是否應建立不同的專業性特徵指標,可作為後續研究之目標。

解析中共軍方對軍事事務革命的認知與觀點 / A Study of the Concepts of RMA as Perceived by the People's Liberation Army

陳律甫, Chen, Iv-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
當代對於「軍事事務革命」(Revolution in Military Affairs, RMA)之探索源於1970年代的前蘇聯,嗣由美國發揚光大,再於1991年波灣戰後在中共國內掀起討論熱潮。本研究以中共軍方的軍事事務革命論述為客體,首先回顧「軍事事務革命」相關研究之緣起與發展,再從中共軍方公開的論述資料當中,歸納其對於軍事事務革命的認知與觀點,並進而比較評析。   本研究發現,中共軍方對軍事事務革命的基本認知與美方相似,惟與美方相較,中共軍方概念中的軍事事務革命顯得包羅寬泛,其對於軍事事務革命之詮釋亦常擴至非軍事層面。此外,中共軍方的相關論述存在著一些弱點,蓋其對軍務革命所需的科技條件過於樂觀與忽略軍事發展的動態性,使之對於軍務革命之發展與未來戰爭型態的研判顯得有欠周延。 / The origin of contemporary research on “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) can be traced back to the former Soviet Union in the 1970's. Later on, it blossomed into a thriving studies in the U.S.. After the Gulf war in 1991, it drew an upsurge of interest in RMA in China. With a focus on the PLA’s researches on RMA, this study firstly reviews the origin and evolution of RMA research, and then will be followed by an analysis of the concepts of RMA as perceived by the PLA. This thesis argues that, the PLA’s RMA concepts are similar to those of the U.S.; nevertheless, in comparison with the American, the PLA’s seem more comprehensive and some even fall beyond the scope of military affairs. Furthermore, there exist flaws in PLA’s RMA concepts, such as the lack of sufficient evidence to support their forecast on the development of RMA and the future warfare.

人民解放軍的非戰爭軍事行動: 評估解放軍擴大任務行動及其對中美軍事關係的意函 / The People’s Liberation Army’s Military Operations Other Than War: Assessing the Consequences of the PLA’s Expanded Missions and Their Implications on Sino-U.S. Military Relations

約瑟夫, Gorman, Joseph C. Unknown Date (has links)
The research conducted for this master’s thesis determined that the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) current participation in military operations other than war (MOOTW) does not make significant contributions to its ability to develop its capability to conduct a large-scale war. Research was performed on the PLA’s MOOTW missions from 2008 in the areas of humanitarian aid and disaster response (HA/DR), noncombatant evacuation operations (NEO), and counterpiracy. General trends indicated that the PLA’s participation in these operations improved basic military capabilities that are fundamental to performing advanced tactics, but did not directly contribute to its ability to dominate air, land, and sea domains. Research also concluded that China is extremely concerned about how the international community views its role as a responsible stakeholder as an emerging global power. Consequently, the U.S. should be concerned with China’s growing capability to project goodwill as a result of its rapid military modernization. Besides the obvious military competition presented by the PLA’s modernization efforts, the U.S. should share an equal, if not greater concern for the resultant global political competition from China. This research develops a military cooperation framework based on the comparison of relative political goals and political interests between two nations. When applied to Sino-U.S. relations, it presents a spectrum of options available to U.S. decision makers, but suggests that U.S. should only participate in military cooperation with the PLA if there are relative political advantages to the U.S. Finally, it warns against decisions made out of the convenience of short-term interest alignment that do not contribute to solutions for achieving long term political goals.


南慧瑄, Nam, Hye Sun Unknown Date (has links)
本文借用新軍事專業主義概念,自軍事專業性、政治角色、經濟角色與影響力等的面向,分析改革開放時代解放軍的轉變。1950年代以後的毛澤東雖然重視軍隊的軍事專業能力,卻因過度強調軍隊的政治角色而其軍事專業能力的發展難免遭到嚴重破壞。在此過程中,解放軍雖獲得極高的政治影響力,但其工具性甚強,結果毛澤東時期的解放軍逐步變成為「腫、散、驕、奢、懶」的組織。 這不可避免地影響解放軍的戰鬥能力,在韓戰和中蘇衝突等的實際戰場上,解放軍也至少沒有打敗,不過毛時期軍事現代化的確遭到阻力,而解放軍的軍事能力也跟著被削弱,中越邊界衝突也顯示此情形。很明顯的,此種軍隊嚴重阻礙中共國內政治的健全發展,因此鄧小平決定抑制軍隊的政治影響力,深感展開軍隊專業改革的必要。且當時中共中央對國際局勢的認知上的變化以及改革開放的推動也有助於軍隊改革的展開。結果,一方面以人事調整及軍隊教育的改革等的措施來逐步提高軍隊的專業能力,以有助於解放軍的現代化與正規化發展。在另一方面大大減少國防預算,也因此軍隊為了彌補國防預算的不足,開始經商,軍隊的經商雖然一邊看來破壞軍隊的專業能力及其形象,但另一邊卻增強軍隊影響力,是因為軍隊可以經商是指軍隊對自己所需的財政可以獲得控制力,也因此對解放軍來講,經商也許是個兩面刃,它在一邊削弱軍事專業能力,卻在另一邊它會變成為增強軍隊對財政的控制力。與此同時,解放軍在中共中央領導層佔的比率也逐漸下降。看來,除了軍隊經商所造成的後果以外,解放軍以開始朝向所謂「專業軍隊」的方向發展。 不過不可忘記得是,即使軍隊在中共中央領導層佔的比率比過去大大減少,仍然維持一定水準的情況之下,軍隊通過經商活動獲得巨額,且因改革開放時期軍隊改革,而解放軍的專業性也日趨加強。雖然軍隊經商已經被禁止,然而軍隊仍然可以保留不少賺利企業,這表示說解放軍一定程度上仍然可以具有對財政的控制力,這是一個很重要的權力來源。而且解放軍在國防、外交以及軍事領域中獲得的角色空間增大,其影響力也加深。在此吾人也許可以懷疑所謂的軍事專業主義是否一種兩面刃,也就是說,正如杭停頓所說,軍事專業主義可以降帝君對介入政治爭端的可能,但也許軍事專業主義卻變成為提高軍隊介入國內政治爭端可能的主要因素,是因為解放軍在國防、外交以及軍事領域中能發揮的影響力的確比過去來得大。鄧小平死後缺乏軍中資歷的文人領導者掌權的狀況也有利於軍方在與文人的互動中擴大其角色空間和影響力,如此一來黨與軍的關係難免發生變化。本文希望從軍事專業主義理論出發,以新軍事專業主義彌補起缺陷的同時,注意軍隊的經商以及軍事專業主義的加強或許變成為兩面刃的事實,說明改革開放時代解放軍的獨特發展以及黨軍關係的變化。 關鍵字:新軍事專業主義、中共人民解放軍、改革開放、共軍角色、黨軍關係


于曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
中共自上一世紀90年代後期迄今,頻密改革兵役制度,及頒布各式相關改革兵役制度的行政命令。本文旨在以現實主義的理論,透過軍事變革的研究途逕,探討1990年代以來美國新軍事變革對中共兵役制度的衝擊。 自從美國在1990年第一次波灣戰爭中展示其新軍事變革之初步成果,向世人揭示信息化的戰爭形態以來,世界各先進國家紛紛跟進。由於此波變革起源於信息科技導入戰爭作為,各項武器裝備、戰鬥方式的科技含量提高,因此實施變革的部隊較過去需要更多具高教育水準人員,來進行專業要求高的軍事操作;而這些部隊為減少同樣的教育訓練一再重複實施,亦多設法延長這些具專業技能的基層人員留營時間。基此,多數從事軍事變革國家改採募兵制,以滿足提高基層高素質人員比例和延長前述人員留營時間的建軍需要。 中共基於國家安全的考量,亦於1993年宣示開展軍事變革,並且為此積極進行軍事人才培養;惟在實施變革過程中,中共也曾透露,其每年例行的徵兵工作存在高素質新兵徵集困難問題,現行制度亦難以為部隊傳承重要經驗,影響軍事變革的實施;然而,何以中共未如其他多數實施軍事變革的國家一般,改採募兵制,而堅持在現有的兵役制度基礎上進行徵兵改革? 本論文認為,雖然中共的新軍事變革係取法美國,且亦如其他先進國家般,由於實施新軍事變革,需要更多具有高教育水準的青年進入部隊;然而以中共現行兵役制度觀之,其並不需要實施募兵制,主要原因在於,中共之兵役制度係依其國情特色制定之,雖異於其他國家,但具募兵制之特性,有利於組建高素質之部隊。上述假設命題,可以進一步解析為下列邏輯相關的子命題: 一、美國新軍事變革令中共瞭解,如再不加緊軍事現代化腳步,其軍事力量將與其他國家存在時代差,無法支撐其國際地位;加以美國自蘇聯解體後,多次對外提出中國為其潛在競爭對手之說法,對中共國家安全形成壓力,故而激發中共實施新軍事變革。 二、此波新軍事變革的主要內容是信息化。由於部隊歷經新軍事變革之後,其各項專業職務之科技含量提高,需要更多高教育水準之青年投入部隊接受專業訓練,並進行技術傳承,此一變化對原有兵役制度造成衝擊,故迫使中共修改兵役制度,以吸收更多高素質青年投入軍旅,成為保留軍隊經驗的技術骨幹。 三、中共的義務役士兵徵召方式,有別於我國的義務役兵役制度,其在士兵徵選上,含有嚴謹的淘汰制度,有助解放軍選擇合乎需求的人員進入軍隊;同時,士官選拔制度亦有利將熟於軍事技能的義務役士兵長時間的留在部隊。因此,可以說,中共的兵役制度實際上具有募兵制的特點,既可為部隊篩選優秀的人才進入部隊,亦有將人才留在部隊長期發展的功能。 / The P. R. C. has frequently reformed the national military service since the late 90s of last century, and promulgated executive orders for all kinds of national military service reform. This purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the impact of the new transformation of military affairs in the United States since the 1990s on the P.R.C. military service system in terms of realist theories and the military transformation approach. Since the First Persian Gulf War in 1990, the United States has shown preliminary results of its new transformation in military affairs to reveal the war formula of information technology to the world, and the advanced countries in the world have followed suit. This wave of changes originated in information technology integrated into the war as various weapons and military equipment and combat approaches, to improve the technological content. The implementation of military transformation needs more well-trained personnel to carry out the high standard of professional requirements of military operations than before, and these troops will also try to extend the service term for well-trained staffs to stay in the military service in order to reduce repeated implementation of same training courses. Based on this situation, most countries implemented the military transformation to the enlistment system to meet the requirement for primary proportion increases of highly trained personnel and extension of service term of the aforementioned personnel to stay. Based on the considerations of national security, the P. R. C. has declared to carry out transformation in military affairs in 1993, and to achieve this goal the P. R. C. has actively implemented military personnel training; while in the process of implementing military transformation, the P. R. C. has revealed difficulties in its annual military new personnel recruitment work for recruiting high-quality personnel. The current system can hardly let the troops pass on important experiences and therefore interferes with the implementation of the transformation in military affairs; however, why did the P. R.C., unlike most other countries, not conduct military transformation to change to the enlistment system, but insisted on the conscription reform of the existing system of military service? In this study, it argues that although the P. R. C. military transformation was learned from the United States, and just like all other advanced countries that implemented the new military transformation, the P. R. C. required more highly educated young people to enter service; however, the concept of the existing military service system in the P. R. C. does not require the implementation of the volunteer military service, mainly because the P. R. C. military service system is designed according to their national conditions and characteristics. Although different from other countries, this system has the characteristics of a volunteer military service, which is conducive to the formation of high-quality troops. The proposition of the above assumptions can be analyzed into sub-propositions for the following logic: 1.The new U.S. military transformation has led the P. R. C. to understand that if they do not step up military modernization and keep its pace of military power with other countries, they will be unable to stand their international status; additionally, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, United States has stated multiple times that the P. R. C. is its potential competitor, and this has put pressure on the national security of the P. R. C., and therefore stimulates the P. R. C. in the implementation of new military transformation. 2.The main content of this wave of new military transformation is information technology. The science and technology content of the troops’ professional duties have increased after new transformation in military affairs, and need more highly educated young people to join the service to receive professional training and proceed with technical heritage. The impact of this change on the original system of military service has forced the P. R. C. to modify its military service system, in order to attract more high-quality young people into service to retain the experiences of technical frameworks. 3.The P. R. C. conscripts soldiers in a way different from the conscripted military service system of our country. Their soldiers are selected with a rigorous elimination system to help the People's Liberation Army choose personnel that meet their demands; and the noncommissioned officer selection system is favorable to keep skilled conscripted soldiers to remain longer in the army. Therefore, it can be said that the P. R. C.’s military service system in fact has characteristics of a volunteer force for the troops to both select the best people to enter the forces, and the function to keep talented personnel stay in the service for long-term development.


江春旺 Unknown Date (has links)
滿清末年以來,中國文官節制武官的傳統受到嚴重破壞,地方團練取代政府軍,地方軍隊演變成軍閥主義,國家領導人都是由戰場上勝利的軍人擔任。江澤民時期開始,中共實施世代交替,黨、政、軍高層領導人,轉移給一批技術官僚與軍事專業人員手上,此期間中共黨、政、軍互動關係為本文研究之目的。透過歷史比較,江澤民,是一個幾乎與解放軍毫無淵源的文官,沒有任何服役與作戰的經驗,卻能順利掌握軍隊與國家,本研究證明在中國中斷數百年來「文官統制武官」的歷史傳統,已經恢復。此外,近二十年來,中共軍事現代化成就確實令人刮目相看,與江澤民的外語專長及電機專長有密切關係,這些人格特質也是他令軍隊信服的重要工具。軍政軍民關係上,江澤民堅持民主集中制,排除多黨制,造成軍隊遠離政治紛擾,並與黨充分合作,以獲致預算並做好軍民與軍政關係。在解放軍內部,推動軍事教育的改革,也造就解放軍戰略思維的重大轉變,形成解放軍現代化的動力之ㄧ。然而,敏感性的軍文關係議題,例如一黨領軍,中共有禁忌而且沒有試驗場,台灣的寶貴經驗,很值得大陸參考。 關鍵字:中國共產黨、軍隊現代化、解放軍、文人統制、軍事專業主義 / During the decline of Chin Dynasty, as an unintended result to rely upon localized National Guard defeating upraise event, the Chinese traditional Civilian Control system was replaced by warlord system. Since then, the war hero was the one who advanced to political leadership. Until Jiang Zemin, a civilian with civil college certificate took leadership over the PLA, CCP, and PRC. The purpose of this paper is to exam the civil-military interaction during Jiang Zemin’s journey. Through historical comparison, this paper confirmed that the Chinese traditional Civil-Control system has been revived. Also, Jiang Zemin was the military leadership over PLA modernization. With personal attributes of profound languages and electronic profession, he shaped his position successfully in PLA community. This paper also recognized significant relationship between one-party theory and PLA, and the relationship between PLA NDU and strategic thinking. Key Words: Chinese Communist Party, Military Modernization, People Liberation Army, Civil-Control and Military Professionalism.

美國軍事介入台海軍事衝突可能性之研究 / The possibility of U.S. military intervention during the conflict in the Taiwan strait

張德方 Unknown Date (has links)
在兩岸關係中,讓中共「不做」什麼,與美國會「做」什麼,是台灣國家安全中最重要也最複雜的事。其中又以中共一旦對台軍事行動,美國是否「軍事介入」,最為大家關注。由於部份國人期待著美國在中共武力犯台時會「做」些什麼,有恃無恐的心態,遮蔽了一個最重要也最根本的思維,亦即:維護台海和平與國家安全,最重要的應該是如何讓中共「不做」什麼,而非期待外人會做什麼! 本文即藉由探討一旦台海有事,美國是否軍事介入?以及可能介入的方式,促使大家思考:「為了台灣的國家安全,與其處於被動的期待美國會「做」些什麼,但可能遭遇限制;不如反思如何採取主動積極的作為,讓申共不做什麼。」 從國際關係的角度,不論美國基於那種理由而採取軍事手段介入他國事務,真正的目的都是為了美國自身的國家利益。本文因此先從相關的學理,分別探討國家利益與美國政策之間的關連性,以及美國軍事介入與海外用兵的原則與目的。根據這些理論,分析兩岸雙方對美國國家利益的影響,據此引伸出不論是從經濟、政治以及戰略利益的層面,美「中」關係既具有合作與互利的關係,也存在著結構性的矛盾。 由於兩岸軍事衝突將使台海現狀造破壞,不利美國的利益。如果原因為中共主動發起,誠如布希所言:「竭盡所能,協助台灣防衛」,美國軍事介入的可能性較高。不過如果因為是台灣走向獨立而引發衝突,美國介入的可能性將大為降低。這就是美國所一再強調的「中共不武,台灣不獨」。 如果美國具有介入的意圖,美國如何介入,是否直接參戰?根據本文對美、 「中」、台三方的軍力以及中共動武的方式所做的研析;並從與實際執行軍事介入政策的美國軍方實務的層面,包括:美軍的作戰準則、教範,執行軍事行動,特別是海外用兵的規範與指導,軍事決策者、作戰指揮官必須思考的問題所做的研究發現:「就美軍的軍事作戰能力而言,贏得短期的勝利應無問題。但是美國脫身不易,最後反易遭受拘束、牽制,將導致極大的風險,因而降低美國直接參戰的可能性。」因此研究結論認為,屆時美國的軍事介入行動,將以加強軍援、武力展示、以及提昇前沿駐防戰備為主;如果派遣艦隊進入台海水域,也是為了執行屬於「非戰鬥人員撤離」的撤僑行動。理論上說,「非戰鬥人員撤離」也屬於軍事介入的行動項目之一。只是這種性質的軍事介入,與國人所殷切期盼的會有極大的落差。對台灣的國家安全,未必具有正面的意義。 關鍵字:國家安全 國際關係 國際體系 九一一事件 中國威脅論 台海衝突 導彈 軍事介入 軍事干預 國家利益 人民解放軍 武力犯台 終戰指導 反恐

主權與治權: 新疆生產建設兵團研究. / Sovereignty and the power of governance: a case study of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps / 新疆生產建設兵團研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhu quan yu zhi quan: Xinjiang sheng chan jian she bing tuan yan jiu. / Xinjiang sheng chan jian she bing tuan yan jiu

January 2011 (has links)
魏英杰. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 189-196) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Wei Yingjie.

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