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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣企業內部稽核現況之探索與影響設立因素之研究 / An Examination of the existing Internal Auditing Practice and Factors Affecting the Formation of Internal Auditing Department in Taiwan

王國華, David Wang, Gwo Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探索臺灣企業目前內部稽核實務現況,並研究影響臺灣企業自願設置內部稽核的因素。   經理人、股東、債權人都是與公司有利害關係的個體,唯各個體間的利害並不一致。股東人數愈多,股東與經理人間利害衝突的程度可能愈大;董監事持股比例愈低,股東與董監事經理人之間利害衝突的程度可能愈大;企業舉債愈多,債權人與股東之間利害衝突的程度可能愈大;此外,公司規模愈大,經理人、股東、債權人之間利害衝突的程度可能愈大。內部稽核調查、評估內部控制制度之缺失及衡量營運之效率,適時提供改進建議,確保內部控制制度得以持續有效實施,可協助管理階層(經理人)履行其責任,可降低他們與股東、債權人的利害衝突。故本研究調查內部稽核的現況,並探討其設置是否受經理人、股東、債權人之間利害衝突的影響,申言之,本研究探討股東人數的多寡、董監事持股比例、企業舉債情形及公司規模是否與企業自願設置內部稽核有關。   本研究運用代理理論,分析臺灣1993年的樣本上市公司及外商公司,經Mann-Whiney U及Logistic Regression檢定,發現:股東人數的多寡及企業舉債情形與公司自願設置內部稽核無關;董監事持股比例與公司自願設置內部稽核,存在反向相關,但並不顯著;而公司規模與公司自願設置內部稽核,存在顯著的正相關。此種現象顯示:公司規模是企業設置內部稽核最主要考量的因素。當公司規模增加時,可能的財富移轉金額增大,另一方面,許多建立內部稽核的成本是固定的,是以,相同之內部稽核的結構與功能下,因規模經濟而產生之效益對規模較大的企業而言是較大的。此外,當公司規模不斷擴張,業務日益複雜,高階管理當局有效掌握與控制各部門、各分支機構作業情況的程度,也往往日益降低,因此,設置一個地位超然,能幫助其了解,進而評估整個企業運作的內部稽核之需求,也就不斷升高。

公司治理單位架構對公司內部稽核功能影響之研究 / The effect of corporate governance structure on the functions of internal audit activity

詹佳霖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣上市、上櫃及公開發行及其他類型公司在不同治理單位架構下,內部稽核單位的角色是否會有所差異。本研究深入分析前項差異,藉以瞭解我國公司內部稽核之功能及其影響因素。本研究發現: 1.內部稽核協助「內部控制」、「風險管理」及「公司治理」之功能並未因公司治理單位架構的改變而有顯著差異。內部稽核功能已受到企業一定程度之重視,即使公司治理架構正處於轉型過程,內部稽核單位仍可發揮其功能。 2.設置審計委員會之公司提供較多預算及人力,有助於年度稽核計畫與業務的執行,顯示公司治理單位架構的改變,會影響稽核預算及人力配置。 3.公司設置審計委員會,有助於提升「內稽單位給予的建議更容易被採納」、「內稽單位與治理單位互動增加」、「內稽主管更多機會參與策略制定」、「內稽單位查核工作之執行更為順利」、「內稽單位獨立性增加」、「內部稽核預算增加」及「內稽單位更能協助企業進行風險管理」等七項內部稽核功能。 / This purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of a public company’s corporate governance structure on its internal audit activity’s role in Taiwan. This research analyzes the above effect to understand the functions of public companies’ internal audit activities and the factors affecting these functions. The main results of this study are as follows. 1.The internal audit’s functions of assuring "internal control", "risk management" and "corporate governance" do not show significant differences with changes in corporate governance structure. The internal audit functions are well recognized. Even if the corporate governance structure in Taiwan is in a transformation process, the internal audit activity can still fulfill its functions. 2.The company with an audit committee provides more budget and manpower to facilitate the performance of annual audit plan and related activities. That is, the changes in corporate governance structure do have an effect on the internal audit activity’s budget and staffing. 3.For the companies with audit committees, they have the following characteristics, i.e., ”internal audit activity’s recommendations are more likely to be accepted”, ”increased interaction between the internal audit activity and corporate governance members”, ”the chief internal auditor has more opportunities to participate in strategy formation”, ”the internal audit activity perform their works more smoothly”, ”higher independence for the internal audit activity”, ”higher budget for the internal audit activity”, and ”the internal audit activity can further assist the company in managing risks”.


曾建銘, Tseng,, Chien-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用問卷調查內部稽核人員與外部審計人員兩者對於內部稽核功能之認知、雙方互動之情形、以及內部稽核功能與審計公費之關係。研究結果發現外部審計人員對於國內內部稽核功能能否有效發揮,仍有所保留,特別是在獨立性的部分,但對於內部稽核人員的專業能力則表示肯定。另外,大多數的填答者皆有與對方互動之經驗,但互動的程度並不高,以「偶而會」及「偶而詢問」為主。縱使互動程度不高,但是雙方皆認為互動對於外部查核工作或內部稽核工作是有助益的。此外,大多數的外部審計人員認為,內部稽核功能的好壞與審計公費有一定的關係存在,但其影響的比例以5%以下居多,這可能也是間接造成雙方互動不密切的重要因素之一。 / This thesis uses questionnaires to examine the external auditors’ perceptions of the internal auditing function, the level of co-operation between the internal and external auditors, and the relationship between internal audit function and external audit fees. The empirical findings indicate that external auditors expressed concern about the internal auditing function, independence especially. And the questionnaire responses show the lack of a close relationship between the internal and external auditors. They just occasionally co-operate with each other, but they consider that it is helpful to them. In addition, most external auditors are convinced of the existence of a direct link between internal audit function and external audit fees. But the percentage of external audit fee affected by internal audit function is below 5 percent, this may be one of the reasons why they lack a close relationship between each other.


連煥明, LIAN, HUNNA-MING Unknown Date (has links)
真誠落實履行公司治理的宣誓,承諾防止脫法行為的發生、強化對公司經營之管理權責,及確保所有與公司有關之實性事項等信息準確且即時地披露,是金融機構或企業體賴以永續經營、成長、茁壯及吸引廣大投資人及資金提供者的青眛和信心的基本條件及責任,故而,公司治理是金融改革中最重要的一環。 金融機構是為社會公器,作為經濟社會穩定與發展的基石,他的永續經營關係著存款大眾、投資人、債權人、及金融從業人員的正常生計,站在維護社會正義及經濟秩序,絕不容許其毫無預警式地發生財務劇變或惡性倒閉,因此,主管機關、金融機構之董監事、及高階經營管理階層有著更大的責任和義務,來維繫其正常運作,也因此,對金融機構之公司治理的落實及要求,亦將較諸其他各產業為嚴格。 本論文以參考文獻法,闡述公司治理、內部控制、及內部稽核的意義及架構、釐清其間之關係及分工與責任,並爰引文獻論述,擷取精要,提出淺顯易行可資應用之內部控制及內部稽核方法及策略,以期金融機構能藉由內部控制及內部稽核的檢核及驗證,達到自律及自檢,並以金融機構為社會公器,提出五點建言,以落實公司治理實務準則。


方建軍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文爰於各國主管機關非常重視金融機構的內部控制與內部稽核制度,但是仍然無法避免各類舞弊情事發生,遂由金融主管機關金融檢查人員,本國銀行內部稽核人員及營業單位人員的觀點,分別探討台灣金融機構如何落實內部稽核制度。主要研究目的有下列三項:(一)以主管機關金融檢查人員的觀點,探討銀行應如何落實內部控制與內部稽核。(二)以個案銀行內部稽核人員的觀點,分析哪些因素會影響內部控制與內部稽核的實施。(三)以個案銀行營業單位人員的觀點,探討銀行實施內部控制與內部稽核有何缺失?並以描述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析等統計方法,檢視各變項間的相關性。實證研究發現:(一)內部稽核的中階主管,不論係經由金融監理機關或公營銀行、民營銀行的角度探討內部控制之落實,均居於相當重要的地位。 (二)金融監理機關檢查人員的角度觀之,本國銀行內部稽核與超然獨立性、保持客觀性方面的關係均較弱。又以本國銀行營業單位人員的觀點,認為內部稽核在具備超然獨立性的情況下,於實際執行稽核工作時較能確保克盡稽核職責。(三)組織一致性的需要對於內部稽核維持獨立性、保持客觀性、誠實正直有顯著相關性,其中內部稽核人員的維持獨立性則與保持客觀性,彼此間最為相關,形同一體兩面,並需要誠實正直,始能相輔相成;銀行經營要降低成本及為符合競爭的需要,均與專業技能較有顯著關係。(四)落實內部稽核與內部控制間,顯然為一體的兩面,兩者相輔相成,息息相關。 / Even though overseeing implementation of the internal control and internal auditing systems of financing institutions has been regarded as the top job priority of financial regulators in most countries, the occurrences of various wrongdoings and misconduct are still inevitable. This paper tried to discuss how to ensure that Taiwanese financial institutions effectively carry out their internal auditing systems through the viewpoints of financial inspectors of regulatory authorities, internal auditors and business units of financial institutions respectively. The main focus of this study had the following 3 perspectives: 1.From financial regulators’ viewpoint, what steps banks should take to reinforce their internal control and internal auditing? 2.From a bank internal auditor’s point of view, what kind of factors will influence the execution of internal control and internal auditing? 3.For staff in the bank business unit, what defects might be caused by the implementation of internal control and internal auditing? This paper adopted various statistical methods for empirical studies, such as descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, t test of independence sample, one-way analysis of variable, pearson’s product moment correlation analysis, to examine correlations between each variables and found out: 1.The mid-ranking internal auditors, despite the perspectives of financial regulators, private-owned or government-controlled banks, play a very important role on the successful implementation of internal control. 2.Most of inspectors in the financial regulators discovered that it was very difficult for internal auditors in domestic banks to maintain their independence and objectivity. The staff in the bank business unit thought internal auditors only with greater independence could perform their jobs better. 3.Only with unanimous support of the whole bank, independence and objectivity of internal auditors could be well preserved. It was also obvious that independence and objectivity of internal auditors had to be closely connected to their integrity and honesty. In addition, cost reductions and competitiveness enhancement of a financial institution were much relied on the professional skills and experiences of its staff and management team. 4.Internal auditing and internal control are vitally related

我國國營事業與民營企業電腦內部稽核之研究 / The EDP Internal Auditing of a State-owned Enterprise and Privately-owned Enterprises

劉盈欒, Liu, Lin Luan Unknown Date (has links)
國內目前經濟狀況呈現著多角化、國際化的趨勢,因此,自由競爭亦是未來導向,公營事業開放民營將是無法避免的現象。而電腦化作業亦是目前各公司極為普遍的現象,所以如何落實其作業系統之有效執行,則需仰賴公司內部控制及稽核制度。   故本論文之研究目的乃以經濟部所屬十單位之國營事業,以及依證券交易法及證券交易所規定之公開上市公司為對象,先明瞭國營事業與民營企業資訊部門及內部稽核制度,之後再介紹其使用電腦稽核之實施現況,並評估其相關問題,最後則提出改進意見。   本論文參閱了國內相關法令、規定與有關文獻,以及政府內部稽核制度,並採取調查問卷的方式,以能獲取國營事業與民營企業內部電腦稽核更進一步之攸關資料。最後再依據問卷整理彙總的結果,以單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、T檢定及描述性等統計方法分析結果後,再提出結論與建議。

落實內部稽核制度對銀行經營績效之影響 / The Effect of Establishing the Internal Audit Mechanism on Banks Performance in Taiwan

張中榮 Unknown Date (has links)
近年國、內外金融機構因風險管理不當、未落實內部控制與內部稽核制度,導致機構嚴重財務損失或經營危機之事件頻傳,影響金融市場紀律及穩定。銀行吸收社會大眾資金扮演金中介之角色,在金融體系中係占有相關重要之地位,其影響國內經濟發展甚鉅,並因具有高度社會公益性質,為健全其經營,保障存款人權益,故政府對於銀行業均係採取高度監理之立場,平日並投注相當多之監理檢查人力與資源執行金融監督、管理及檢查工作,並賦與其應建立完善之內部控制與內部稽核制度之義務。 本研究以37家本國銀行為研究對象,並以2007年財務資料,透過評估銀行投注在內部稽核工作之人力配置、稽核人員專業程度與稽核人員之素質等,瞭解其與經營績效之關聯性,俾促使金融機構及社會大眾更加重視內部控制與內部稽核制度之建立。 實證結果發現,銀行內部稽核單位如有配置充足之人力資源,及給予較多之訓練與進修機會,因可透過加強銀行在從事內部稽核工作時之廣度與深度,有助於公司各單位在內部控制機制之發揮,並對銀行整體之經營績效,包括資產報酬率、淨值報酬率及利息收入增加,營業費用減少等方面均產生直接助益,此外,亦可獲得較佳主管機關其辦理內部稽核工作考核成績。

資訊科技對內部稽核業務影響之研究 / The impact of information technology on internal audit activities: An empirical study of Taiwan internal audit practices

鄭晴方 Unknown Date (has links)
企業利用資訊科技進行營運可能面臨相關風險,內部稽核人員在進行稽核作業時,應瞭解及運用資訊科技,以評估及確認各種資訊科技風險及企業相關控制之有效性,並提高其工作效率與效果。因此,本研究之目的在於瞭解我國內部稽核單位進行稽核作業時,使用資訊科技的程度以及施行資訊科技稽核的情形,並探討其可能的影響因素。 本研究調查顯示,國內公司內部稽核單位執行內部稽核作業時,其使用資訊科技及進行資訊科技稽核的情形已較過往普遍。超過七成的內部稽核單位已使用廣義的電腦輔助稽核工具,協助進行內部稽核作業,並有超過九成的內部稽核單位已在其年度稽核計畫中納入資訊科技稽核。經實證結果顯示,主要影響內部稽核單位使用資訊科技的程度及是否施行資訊科技稽核之因素為公司資訊環境的複雜程度。 / Information technology (IT) provides the opportunities for business growth and development, it’s usage also faces various threats such as disruption, deception, theft, and fraud. The proliferation and complexity of IT brings many organizational risks and IT-related risks. In order to assess and manage these risks, internal auditors need to utilize information technology when performing internal audit activities and should also include IT audit in their audit plans to ensure the effectiveness of the firm’s IT controls. This study examines IT usage and the performance of IT audit by the internal audit departments of Taiwan public firms. Our empirical results show that over 70 percent of the internal audit departments use computer aided audit techniques (CAATs) when performing their internal audit activities. We also find that over 90 percent of the internal audit departments have included IT audit in their annual audit plans. In addition, The IT sophistication of a firm is significantly and positively associated with the IT usage by its internal audit department. That is, the internal auditors facing a complex IT environment tend to use more IT when performing their audit activities.


羅錫標 Unknown Date (has links)
由於時代轉變、環境變遷,現行內部稽核之工作,除了顧及傳統之消極防弊,也轉變成積極降低公司不合理之浪費、提升效率與競爭力,創造公司財富極大化。因此,內部稽核制度於現行之保險業中擔任非常重要的角色。 對於國內產物保險業而言,內共保制度已著實運作了數十年之久,然而同業間長期建立之互信與依賴,卻因2005年5月1日發生之日月光公司火災事故,而衍生出國內產險同業間的紛爭與自身內部稽核制度的問題,使得我們對於產物保險業內部控制及內部稽核的意義、目的及執行方法產生更多的想法與看法。本研究針對日月光公司火災事故,進行個案討論,包含國內產險市場的內共保制度,並討論其中之缺失及對於國內產險同業間的互信與依賴。最後提供良好的解決方案,使保險人與被保險人之間達成雙贏的局面。 最後,本文籲請產物保險同業必須擬定相同之業績計算標準,將內共保案件歸屬於分進之再保業務呈現。如此,不僅可使整體市場業績統計的依據一致,也可讓損失率之統計更趨向真實,對於日後火險費率之擬訂有更正確的方向。

財務再保險之內部控制與內部稽核- HIH與AIG案例分析

游淑觀 Unknown Date (has links)
財務再保險係屬於新興的風險移轉方式之一,除了可以移轉傳統再保險之核保風險外,更可以將保險公司有很多無法以傳統再保險獲得分散的風險,如時間風險、投資風險等財務風險移轉出去。財務再保險可以增加保險公司的盈餘及提升經理人的績效,同時能減少潛在的危險暴露,避免準備金提存不足的問題,並且可以增加保險公司的承保能量,資助新契約的成長,兼具風險管理與財務規劃的新興工具。 相對的,財務再保險的實施,也延伸出相關的問題,如財務再保險係為融資借貸關係,而非實質危險轉移;因為準備金提存不足,無法支付未來重大的損失;為了掩飾盈虧,而誤導投資大眾。HIH與AIG集團涉及以財務再保險契約粉飾財務報表的行為,顯示財務再保險契約所造成的監理漏洞,另一方面,保險公司若不注重其企業本身營運的風險管理,而是以財務再保險契約尋求穩定公司收益的財務揭露,對於保險公司的長期經營並不是一件好事,同時對於投資人、監理機關的管理亦影響甚鉅。 除了監理機關對於財務再保險應加以規範外,保險公司內部之內部控制與內部稽核在企業中亦扮演重要角色。本研究就HIH與AIG集團兩個案之財務再保險問題,收集截至2005年HIH相關人員被澳洲保險監理機關起訴之起訴理由,與AIG被美國監理機關起訴人員的相關資料,分析這些被起訴原因之內部控制缺失,強調財務再保險內部控制與內部稽核的重要性,最後,針對保險公司實施財務再保險提出建議,同時對保險監理機關監管財務再保險也提出建議,希望對國內保險業者實施財務再保險有所助益,同時,也作為保險監理機關監管財務再保險的參考。 / Financial reinsurance is one of the alternative risk transfer arrangements. Unlike the traditional reinsurance arrangement where only the underwriting risk is transferred, other risks such as time risk and investment risk may also be transferred through such arrangement. Financial reinsurance increases an insurance company’s earning and the managers’ performance, and hence decreases the exposures of reserve inadequacy. Additionally, it is also a new tool for risk management and financial planning for its positive impact on new business growth through the enhancement on the company’s underwriting capability. On the other side, the use of financial reinsurance also leads to some problems. Specifically, when it is structured as a financial lease without any physical transfer of risks and used to window-dress poor financial performance in order to mislead the investors. Two international insurance companies, namely HIH (Health International Holdings) and AIG (American International Group), have tried to use the financial reinsurance arrangements to window-dress their financial statements in order to deceive the regulators. From a long term perspective, financial reinsurance arrangements used for stabilizing the financial results instead of enhancing risk management would certainly be detrimental to investors and insurance regulators. Besides the regulators who need to set up the regulations on financial reinsurance, the internal controls and internal auditing functions within insurance company also play an important role in terms of supervision. This thesis focused on two real life cases related to HIH and AIG by studying their problems with financial reinsurance and colleting the people being prosecuted by Australia regulator (APRA) and SEC as of the end of 2005, the internal control weaknesses caused by them and finally emphasizing the important of internal controls and internal audit function. Lastly, after studies these two cases, recommendations are made to insurance companies and local regulator on how to manage the use of financial reinsurance. Hopefully these suggestions would be helpful to them.

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