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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數位多頻道時代下公共廣電的挑戰與轉機─以南韓為例 / The challenge and the chances of public service broadcasting in a digital multi-channel era: A case study of South Korea

陳盈帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討的是韓國自90年代以來,公廣在特定的歷史結構下,當進入數位化後,政府在政策邏輯和KBS實際因應策略的發展歷程。從韓國公共廣電發展的歷史經驗來看,KBS從80年代便建立起垂直壟斷的廣電結構。此結構的形塑過程,涉及了各利益團體在不同權力多寡的互動;包括國家這個唯一大股東、政策制定者、美國政府與新興科技產業的涉入、韓國電器大廠、廣電經營業者和內部工會成員。這些參與者歷經衝突、談判、協調,而達成最終的妥協,也就是KBS在各個發展層面的優勢地位。即便進入數位化時代,革命性的科技變革,導致各國公廣皆面臨自身存在正當性的搖搖欲墜;身為廣電大國的英國,甚至採取市場結構重整的作法,以因應數位化挑戰。然而,韓國的公共廣電,卻仍在韓國歷史時空背景所形塑出的同一個特定結構中,進行角色轉換;而轉換新角色所需的工具,則是偶然歷史機遇下所產出的DMB─數位多媒體廣播服務。 因此,推動T-DMB,並不是KBS自行決定的數位化發展途徑,T-DMB亦非KBS維繫正當性地位的必要策略,而是能使KBS突破原有科技困境的「數位行動接收」這項技術。但此科技困境,卻也是整個歷史結構的發展結果,使公廣與政府之間的主從關係失去變動的可能性,而導致後來出現特定的數位化困境、以及隨之而生的特定因應模式。

數位視訊地面廣播(Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial)標準化的意涵及其在台灣轉換實踐之研究 / A study on implication of digital video broadcasting-terrestrial standardization and its implementation in Taiwan

張雪玉, Liu, Shirley Unknown Date (has links)
2001年5月交通部電信總局決定,我國數位電視地面傳輸標準以往訂定為美規ATSC系統,但由於科技不斷進步,電總將採技術中立,由業者自行決定採用歐規DVB-T或美規。技術的意見未受到政治干預而予實踐,在台灣政策科學發展過程中,係一重要的案例。 就歐規的整體發展來看,傳統無線電視產業的垂直整合,已逐漸被數位無線電視產業的垂直分工及水平整合趨勢所取代,台灣從垂直壟斷系統電視體制轉移至水平整合垂直分割,如此標準化的轉移自有其意義。本研究以DVB的歷史來源脈絡導入作為分析的起點,探討台灣從美規轉換為歐規所帶來產業革新的意義,及導引政策的落實。 南韓在政府的強力主導下,其數位無線電視的規格採用美規ATSC,但是行動接收則開放給了歐規,其數位電視規格消長過程和台灣極為類似,係一比較性研究之對象。 2003年及2006年台灣公視基金受新聞局委託,建置第二單頻網傳輸系統,準備建立製播分離與共同傳輸平台機制的公共政策,公共廣電媒體身處於多媒體、多頻道競爭的生態環境中,面對數位科技的挑戰,亦有其角色定位的變化。 依據本研究的理論架構,台灣的標準化模式係已轉移為在地特有的樣貌。 台灣實踐歐規標準除了目前15個數位電視台產業的發展,還導引出公共政策的決策,公共電視台扮演「機制黏著劑」的功能,建立參與者之間的共識基礎,最後形成相關的產業政策,其顯示的意義係由市民社會為了共同的理念建立往上推的範例。由DVB-T政策的制定,導引出這些現象觀察,DVB-T確有改革的意義。 / May 2001 Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications made a bottom-up decision due to consecutive development of science and technology. The Directorate General took a neutral stand to let digital TV enterprises select freely whether they preferred still attached to the existed ATSC or switched to DVB-T once their standards needed to be adopted. Such a new technical idea, not only without meddling by political forces, but also smoothly put into practice, indeed became an important case in the evolving communications policies in Taiwan. From the viewpoint of general development of DVB, the vertical integration of the traditional broadcast industry has been gradually replaced by the horizontal integration of video broadcast industry. In Taiwan, the transfer of standardizations from ATSC to DVB-T has its own significance. This study began with the analysis of the origin of DVB as research guidelines, in order to comprehend the significance of industrial innovations in the transferring from ATSC to DVB-T, and understand what policy concern been put into practice. Complied with the clear state’s guidance, South Korea’s digital TV adopted ATSC, however its mobile application adopted T-DMB. The similarity of digital TV adoption between Taiwan and South Korea turned out to be a typical subject for comparative study. In both 2003 and 2006 Government Information Office entrusted Taiwan Public TV a fund to conduct single frequency network in preparation for establishing a transmission platform. Competing with the multi-media and multi-channel business and facing the challenge of digitization, public service broadcasting is entitled to many different roles it plays during transition. Based on the framework of this study, the DTV standardization in Taiwan obviously belongs to a local version of its globalization. In practice, DVB-T in Taiwan has not only been applied by five terrestrial broadcasters, but also brought the concept of DVB into practice. Public TV, functioning its “institutional glue”, reached a consensus among participants, and eventually facilitated concerned industrial policies been set up, which indeed indicating a multilayer of civilian forces were grouped together through a bottom-up decision model. All those observations of policy decision and its application have certainly generated from the adoption of DVB-T.

台 灣 數 位 無 線 電 視 共 同 傳 輸 公 司 的 建構內涵與發展類型:一個新制度論觀點的探究

李洋, Lee,Yang Unknown Date (has links)
做為新制度流派之一的歷史制度論認為:一政策的成形,乃為情境中各要角(actor)勢力的競逐過程。研究者則在探討,做為競逐場域的共同傳輸公司,各要角勢力的競逐態勢,又將對未來台灣數位無線電視的樣貌,產生什麼樣的影響? 本研究提出,要探討台灣共同傳輸公司的建構意涵,需回到歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的發展脈絡進行考察,並再回到台灣的情境脈絡中,定義共同傳輸公司於台灣的建置意涵為何。 研究者從八國(英國、瑞典、西班牙、法國、荷蘭、芬蘭、愛爾蘭、義大利)歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的過程,歸納出三套共同傳輸公司的類型,包括:「既有獨佔型」、「準公共事業型」,及「市場競爭型」。本研究除分析這三種傳輸公司類型移植台灣的意義為何,並進一步評估其移植的可行性。另外,本研究亦針對共同傳輸公司議題,對未來「NCC作用法」的修法方向提出建議。 / The goal of Historical Institutionalism is one of the sects of New Institutionalism. It focus on finding, measuring and tracing patterns and sequences of social, political, economic behavior and change across time and space. Historical Institutionalism argue that the actors involved in the social context are the important variables for understanding political outcomes. This study try to find out the process of transmission company construction in Taiwan based on the viewpoint of historical institutionalism. Taiwan government plans to switch of the analog terrestrial television before 2010. Government try to stop the vertical integration of terrestrial television. Then also plan to construct the transmission company. This study compares with the process of digitalization of European public service broadcasting, and typologies 3 forms of transmission company, including ‘Existing-monopoly Type’, ‘Quasi-public service Type’ and ‘Market-competition Type’. After that, continuing thinking about the adaptability of three types in Taiwan. And also interprets the connotation of development of transmission company in Taiwan.

數位電視平台與弱勢團體媒體近用:以公共電視台服務聽障社群為例 / Digital TV platform and the right of media access of underprivileged group: Take PTS service for hearing impaired community as example

陳慧汶 Unknown Date (has links)
邁入數位電視紀元乃是全球之趨,而其對於增進身障者獲取各類資訊的「媒介近用權」具有莫大助益,其中針對聽障社群接取內容最重要的近用需求──「字幕」和「手語」服務,在數位科技匯流發展下,皆可以「隱藏式」之方式供應,同時造福聽障和非聽障之傳播權益,以及減輕廣電業者相關技術的支付成本。因此,近用服務的提供從過去的消極被動轉向現今的積極樂觀。而外國先進國家大多皆以公共廣電媒體之設立價值與目標,作為該國近用服務推動的核心主體,希望藉由數位電視的技術研發,達成更多聽障輔助應用之需求和供應滿足,協助其順利進入數位包容社會。故本研究以探詢國外落實近用服務情形,以做為我國公共廣電服務借力使力之參考,期許對我國聽障社群在傳播權益上產生影響。      研究發現,英國、歐盟針對聽障社群的媒體近用落實,無論在法規的制定、實務的推行以及技術的研發等各層面皆有所重視,認為數位電視平台的時代,應協助聽障融入數位包容社會,並設法增進其傳播權益,以彰顯聽障與一般大眾之平權的公民地位;而在我國公視部份,其營運目標始終視英國BBC為效法對象,希冀在內、外資源充份下能達至同BBC供應近用服務之標準水平。然而在多種因素交織下,現階段公視對於聽障媒體近用服務的提供,則依舊保持類比電視時代之作為,不過,經本研究與其互動後了解,公視未來可能朝向增加其他近用服務項目發展,期望數位電視真正來臨時,其能化過往被動態度轉向積極進取:公視目前在電視平台持續兩個「手語專門」節目的製播,並預計規劃將手語服務擴大至「運動」類型節目,以符合聽障收視的期待;至於字幕服務,在已完備的基礎上,試圖朝向「表情字幕」與「即時字幕」發展;另外,於2011年HiHD數位頻道將推出「隱藏式字幕」功能。在網路平台方面,公視服務仍然延伸至電視頻道的節目宣傳與相關資訊供給為主,對於加強聽障的網路近用權益,例如「無障礙網頁空間」以及「近用小組」,認為必然有公共義務介入加以落實,但礙於目前並無相關資源規劃與投入,因此要實際推行仍有很大的進步空間。 / The main purpose of this study is to discover the practice of the right of media access in foreign countries, in order to provide reference to Taiwan’s Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) and to make progress on communication interests for hearing impaired community. “Caption” and “Sign Language” are the most important tools for hearing impaired people to gather all kinds of information and fulfill the necessity of access service. Under the digital convergence, these tools can be provided in special ways, which makes the hearing impaired people and the hearing people share the benefits simultaneously and the cost-down effect of broadcasting industry. We know that most developed countries positioned their access service project by referring to nation’s PSB. They believed the new era of digital TV is a solution to attend the balance between demand and supply of hearing impaired aid applications. While the provision of access services is getting more active and optimistic, the digital inclusion is much close to us. The study shows, British and Europe Union think they should assist hearing impaired people to be involved in e-Inclusion society and highlight equally citizen status by enhancing the rights of hearing impaired people. All the aspects such as regulation enactments, practical implementations and technique developments has been considering all the time on the stage of digital TV platform. Just like the BBC in British area, Public Television Service (PTS) in Taiwan is taking BBC as a benchmark to achieve the access services standard in condition of sufficient resources. However, changing the status quo is not so easy for inextricably interwoven reasons. PTS still works in an analog status. In spite of the circumstances haven't changed much till now, there are much more possibilities in the future. The study discovered some new progressive plans are possible for PTS’s access services in digital journey: PTS will continue to provide two programs which are sign-presented, and moreover, sign language service is going to show up in sports genre; As to caption services, PTS is working on facial expression caption and real-time caption provision; HiHD would have closed caption function in 2011. In the case of Internet platform, PTS is focused on propaganda and related information of TV programs. Barrier-free web space and access group are considered necessary for strengthening hearing impaired people’s Internet access rights and interests, but with insufficient resources planning and investment to put into realization. We can see there is still so much to do if we believe we have the affirmative obligations.

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