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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鄭琮憲, Cheng, Tsung-hsien Unknown Date (has links)
郵政服務與快遞服務均為服務貿易總協定下通訊服務之次部門。相較於電信服務與視聽服務,顯然受到WTO會員較少的關切與注意,整體之承諾程度,相對於電信服務與視聽服務亦較低。然而,隨著全球化的腳步日益加速,郵政與快遞服務促進實體貨件有效率的流通,對整體經濟發展扮演愈來愈重要的角色。因此,隨著服務貿易新回合談判的展開,郵政與快遞服務成便為談判重點項目之一,相關議題亦逐漸浮上台面,廣受會員密切討論。 本文首先介紹郵政快遞服務貿易實務,概述郵政快遞服務之貿易概況、產業特性與貿易障礙。其次,探討GATS架構下郵政快遞服務之相關規範與承諾,並分別就與郵政快遞服務具高度關連性之GATS條文進行解釋,討論其對郵政快遞服務之影響,同時分析WTO會員之現行承諾狀況與回應清單之開放情形。最後,以爭議性較高之分類議題與到達費議題為本文重點,進行深入之分析與討論:分類議題主要係分析現行GATS對郵政與快遞服務分類標準之可能缺失,並提出未來可能之調整方向;到達費議題則主要探討萬國郵盟到達費制度是否違反GATS最惠國待遇原則,並提出未來可能之調和方向。 / Postal and courier services are both subsectors in the communication services under the GATS. Compared to telecommunication and audiovisual services, WTO Members apparently paid less attention to the two subsectors. As a result, in general, the level of commitments in the subsectors is relatively low. However, as the pace of globalization accelerates, postal and courier services could improve the efficient flows of physical documents and shipments, and could play a more important roles to the integral economic development. Therefore, at the outset of new round negotiations on trade in services, postal and courier services became the key items of the negotiations, and related issues were also put on the table and dicussed frequently by the Members. The thesis first introduces the practices of trade in postal and courier services, and summarizes the trade profiles, industrial characteristics, and trade barriers on trade in postal and courier services. Then the thesis discusses the related regulations and commitments of postal and courier services under the GATS framework, explains the related GATS articles for postal and courier services, and clarifies their influence. Besides, the thesis also analyzes Members’ existing commitments and offers. Finally, the thesis focuses on the classification and terminal dues issues: the main point of the former is analyzing existing GATS classification on postal and courier services, and submitting the future adjustment solutions; the main point of the later is examining whether the terminal dues system of the Universal Postal Union is inconsistent with the GATS MFN treatment principle, and submitting the future harmonization solutions.


梁志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
〈一〉研究動機 國際海事委員會〈International Maritime Committee,簡稱CMI〉係1924年有關載貨證券規定之布魯塞爾公約〈The Brussels Convention of 1924 Relating to Bill of Lading,簡稱海牙規則〉以及1968年統一載貨證券規則國際公約修定協議書〈Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading,1968,簡稱海牙威斯比規則〉之起草者。惟因海上貨物運送日新月異,今日情形遠非從前可比。以海運單據而言,有運送當事人捨棄載貨證券而使用不可轉讓之海上貨運單來證明運送契約者,甚至以電子商務來函往返亦為常見。以運送型態而言,貨櫃運送所承運之貨物,其價值佔所有運送貨物價值之大部,而該類運送,除使用海運外,也多使用公路、或鐵路等內陸運送來完成。故以載貨證券及海運為重心之海牙及海牙威斯比規則,漸有規範不足之感。 除此之外,諸如支付運費、運送人交付貨物、貨方就貨物相關事宜指示運送人的權利、如何讓與運送契約下之權利、誰有權提起訴送或仲裁等議題,則不但海牙及海牙威斯比規則未加規範,就連1978年聯合國海上貨物運送公約〈United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by sea,1978,簡稱漢堡規則〉對此亦束手無策,導致該類議題只得依照各國國內法解決,無法達成法律適用上之一致。 因此,在1998年,CMI決定放下修訂海牙威斯比規則之工作,轉而開始研擬全新的海上貨物運送規範,並於2001年12月提出了運送法文書草案〈CMI Draft Instrument on Transport Law,簡稱草案〉 。不但允許運送契約當事人使用不可轉讓運送單據、或以電子商務往返,更將草案之適用範圍擴及多式運送、及過去國際公約未處理之議題,尤有甚者,草案下之運送人賠償責任制度亦較以往之國際公約來得複雜。 因為現今任何之國際公約皆須由聯合國之機構如UNCITRAL加以起草。CMI便將草案送交予聯合國國際貿易法委員會〈United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,簡稱UNCITRAL〉,在UNCITRAL加入秘書處之說明後,於2002年1月8日,該份草案被製成海上貨物運送文書草案初稿〈Preliminary Draft Instrument on the Carriage of Goods by Sea〉 ,並交由UNCITRAL下之運送法工作小組〈Working Group on Transport Law〉所審議 。雖說UNCITRAL是否會修訂草案,抑或聯合國是否將以之代替漢堡規則,此刻吾人難加逆料,但不論就規範廣度及賠償責任制度方面,相較於海牙及海牙威斯比、漢堡規則,CMI所提出之草案都頗有可觀,極值得吾人加以研究。 〈二〉研究目的 本論文希望達到下列目的 第一、藉由研究草案第1、第4條中有關多式運送之規範,來探討國際海上貨物運送規範應否將適用對象擴張到海上運送之外。 第二、就草案有關電子商務之規定,以及當下未受到國際公約所規範、而草案加以規定之議題,如運費、交貨物、貨方指示運送人的權利、讓與運送契約下權利之方式、提起訴送或仲裁之權利等,透過第2條及第9到第13條之討論,來了解草案之規範是否合理、可行。 第三、對草案之規定中,過去曾受到海牙及海牙威斯比、漢堡規則所規範之議題,如公約之適用範圍、運送人之義務、賠償責任、託運人之賠償責任等,經由草案與前開規則之比較,來研究渠等間之差別、及草案之規範是否妥適。 〈三〉研究範圍與相關文獻探討 本論文係以整部草案為研究對象,並以草案與海牙及海牙威斯比、漢堡規則規則、及英國法之比較為重心。至於國內法之檢討,甚至草案與其他國家之海上運送法的比較,限於與篇幅,擬於嗣後再另文深入研究。 本論文草案於2001年底方告完成,故本論文之參考文獻,除草案立法說明外,以UNCITRAL下之運送法工作小組所釋出資料為主,包括會議記錄、各國家及國際組織之評介,至於國外期刊陸續出現探討草案之文章,亦為研究之列。另外,由於草案多數內容仍值根自海牙、海牙威斯比、漢堡規則等國際公約,因此本論文將博引國內外權威教科書之相關見解。 〈四〉研究方法 在進行草案各條文之討論前,有必要先對草案之擬定過程、草案制定之必要性、以及草案之核心議題加以介紹,簡言之,須說明草案之立法背景。之後草案之研究,因為本論文係以整部草案為探討對象,茲以逐條、項討論之方式來進行。最後則點出草案所代表的國際海上貨物運送法新趨勢。 〈五〉論文結構 本論文共分為四章,茲簡述各章內容如後: 第一章 緒論 說明研究動機及目的、研究範圍及方法、以及論文結構。 第二章 立法背景 本章闡述草案之擬定過程、草案之制定必要、以及草案之核心議題。 第三章 草案釋義 草案之規定,從開始的「定義」直到最後的「契約自由之限制」,共計有17條,茲將第三章分成十七節來探討各條文之得失。 第四章 國際海上貨物運送法之新趨勢─代結論 綜觀草案之規定後,茲提出草案所代表之國際海上貨物運送法之趨勢。

可解碼故事書應用於英語補救教學之成效研究 / The effects of decodable storybook instruction on early reading skills in a remedial english class

邱筠佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究以可解碼英文故事書(decodable storybook)為主的英語教學,對低年級英語低成就學童的影響,特別是在此補救教學方案下,學童早期英語閱讀能力及學習態度之改變及表現,並探討造成其改變的可能原因。本研究分兩階段進行,第一階段先進行小規模的預試研究作為正式研究之準備,目的在測試選用的英語可解碼故事書做為教材是否適切、教學活動是否可行,並根據初探結果規劃正式研究。第二階段的正式研究,根據第一階段的結果改良部分測驗、增加閱讀讀本、以及增加教師訪談等質性資料,以期進一步探討此補救教學方案對於學童早期閱讀能力及學習態度的影響。 在正式研究中,研究對象為台北市某國小英語攜手班(補救教學班)之五名二年級學習低成就學童(學業表現為後15%至20%)。研究者選擇Scholastic Company所出版的某系列分級可解碼英語故事書之第一套部分冊數作為讀本,搭配由整體到細部的架構理念設計課程,發展出適合本校學童的補救教學方案,將字母拼讀技巧訓練融入自然有趣的閱讀情境中。 本研究為行動研究,透過以質性為主的資料蒐集法,包含課室錄影錄音觀察、訪談、多方文件彙集及前後測評量,來進行研究結果之分析詮釋。學童每週均接受一次教學(每次三節課,共120分鐘),共持續十六週。經過一學期補救教學後,對照學童前後測評量及各種質性資料分析,發現學童在字母認讀、單字辨識、單字拼讀及學習態度上均有正向改變。本研究也發現,使用可解碼故事書的內容來設計閱讀及自然發音教學活動,的確有助於低成就學童早期閱讀能力及內在動機之提升。本研究之結果及教學建議可供未來國小補救教學之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of decodable storybook instruction on the early reading performances and learning attitudes of Taiwanese EFL lower-grade underachievers in an elementary school in Taipei. An attempt is also made to explore the possible reasons for any improvement among the underachievers’ with respect to this remedial program. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was implemented as a preparation for the formal study in advance. The purpose of the pilot study was to investigate if the reading text of the selected storybook series is appropriate for underachievers, the feasibility of the decodable storybook instruction and the effects of the instruction on learners’ early reading ability and learning attitudes. Afterwards, the formal study was revised in modifying some test words as well as the scoring procedure on the early reading assessments, adding more reading materials and qualitative data sources such as teacher interviews. In the formal study, the participants are one remedial English class of five second graders (whose academic performances were at the bottom 15% to 20% of the grade). The curriculum was based on the contents of a commercial series of decodable story books—Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program—pack one. The researcher adopted the framework of whole-to-parts phonics instruction to integrate reading activities and phonics training in an interesting and meaningful reading context. A variety of reading activities integrating four skills were designed and based on the content and topic of the storybooks to rouse learners’ interest. Decodable CVC words embedded in the story series were then explicitly taught to learners to apply letter-sound knowledge in their reading process. This study triangulates action research with qualitative data using classroom observations (video or taping), interviews, assessment records, and document analysis. Data analysis interprets the study results. After the sixteen weeks of remedial instruction, a comparison between the results of pre-tests and post-tests showed some changes in learners’ early reading ability, including letter-sound recognition, word recognition and visual blending, as well as a positive change in learning attitudes. The other findings were as follows. (1) Multiple teaching activities generated from the decodable story book can be beneficial to learners’ early reading ability and learning motivation. (2) The decodable story book is an effective language learning medium for learners to apply their decoding skills as well as to provide them with an interesting reading context to lower their anxiety in learning English. Based on the findings, a number of suggestions and pedagogical implications are provided for EFL elementary school teachers and further studies in the remedial instruction field alike.

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