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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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董忠司, DONG, ZHONG-SI Unknown Date (has links)
顏師古字籀,雍州萬年人,齊黃門侍部之推孫也。父思魯,以學藝稱,尤工訓詁,武 德為秦王府記室參軍。 師古既奉詔刊行五經定本,又預修五經正義,如周易正義,即師古與孔穎達等共撰, 自定本、正義頒之國冑,用以取土,天下奉為圭臬。此其一。唐興,君臣上下,一志 於史業,史通古今正史篇謂中書侍郎顏師古、給事中孔穎達,共撰成隋書五十五卷; 今傳大業拾遺記,或謂為顏師古所撰,雖不能定其真偽,而顏師古之史學可知矣!此 其二。師古注漢書,「曲覈古本,歸其真正」,「尋文究例,普更刊整」,「具存舊 註」,「匡矯惑蔽」,「上考典謨,旁究蒼雅」,僻字假借,隨文翻音,為後世史註 典謨,人舉與杜預並稱,此註一出,漢書他家註皆廢。此其三。師古「以世俗之言多 謬誤,質諸經史,匡而正之;」又上代經史音註,或頗訛舛,亦徵引論辨「百氏紕繆 ,雖未可窮,六典迂訛,於斯矯革」,後世學者所為讀書札記、或辨難質疑、文字* 校,音韻討論之撰著,大抵昉於師古是書。此其四。師古於貞觀中刊正經籍,因錄字 體數紙,以示*校楷書,當代共傳,號為顏氏字樣。懷鉛是賴,汗簡攸資。自是而後 ,字樣之學盛於有唐,迭有增修,如杜延業群書新定字樣,唐玄度新加九經字樣、顏 元孫干祿字書、張參五經文字等,皆祖述師古。此其五也。綜此五事,顏師古之學術 ,可謂羽被來學、炳耀千古矣! /

江有誥《諧聲表》研究 / The study of Jiang Yougao's(江有誥)Pictophonetic Table(〈諧聲表〉)

王思齊, Wang,Siqi Unknown Date (has links)
詩韻(一般指《詩經》韻腳)與諧聲是上古音研究中的兩大支柱,是漢語內部的系統材料。就此而言,在上古音研究中,其重要性遠遠高過通假異文、聲訓、讀若、又音等等其他材料。其中,諧聲因其同時反映聲韻調各方面的信息而尤為關鍵,自清代至今備受重視。清儒如段玉裁等人大量製作「諧聲表」,利用「諧聲表」討論古韻。現代學者如高本漢等人提出「諧聲原則」,發掘諧聲在聲母研究方面的重要價值。利用諧聲討論上古音,前賢時修均有不同程度的重要發現。 「諧聲表」提綱挈領、以簡御繁,用諧聲聲符串聯起上古韻部。清儒中,江有誥分部精審,其《諧聲表》製作最為精良。 本文以江有誥《諧聲表》為研究對象,探討了江氏諧聲研究的內容、成就及貢獻。通過判斷聲符歸部、討論注音形式、分析諧聲現象,探討「諧聲表」的演變源流、觀察上古的韻部和聲調。 本文研究的主要創新點和價值在於以下幾個方面: 一、補前人之缺,全面探討江有誥《諧聲表》 江氏的古音研究備受推崇,但關注詩韻者多,討論諧聲者少。即使有所涉及,也多為局部討論或宏觀論述。 我們首次全面、系統、深入地檢討江有誥《諧聲表》,討論其中的諧聲現象、反切注音、聲符歸部等等。我們深入分析《諧聲表》的全部注音材料,論述其性質;探索江有誥《諧聲表》所見之諧聲現象,印證前人的觀點,藉此確定其價值;判斷聲符歸部正誤,明確江有誥失誤之處及原因,全面補充、訂正其《諧聲表》。 本論文是關於江有誥《諧聲表》的系統研究,對於學界利用江氏《諧聲表》討論諧聲現象、進而探討上古音系等相關工作皆有所助益。 二、提出新的觀察角度,從音韻史的視角討論江有誥的諧聲研究成就。 前人討論諧聲,但是多從聲符歸部的正誤入手。目的在於確定聲符歸部,鮮少涉及歸部差異的背後,諸家不同的緣由與考量。 而我們選擇了「諧聲表」製作的角度,把江有誥《諧聲表》放到清儒「諧聲表」的演進序列之中,以文本內部研究為起點,將其置於諧聲研究史的角度之下觀察。我們比較段玉裁、王力、周祖謨、董同龢等人的《諧聲表》,分析歸部原則、實質差別、材料取捨、字形認識等多項差異,討論《諧聲表》製作的傳承與演變,判斷江氏《諧聲表》在諧聲研究史上的成就、價值及地位。 溯往而知來,本論文對於檢討諧聲研究方法的理論與應用具有補充和參考意義。 / Rhyme and pictophonetic characters are the two pillars of the study of ancient sound, and it is the internal systematic materials of Chinese. In view of this, its importance is much higher than the borrowed character(假借字), shengxun(聲訓), duruo(讀若), youyin(又音) and so on. Among them, pictophonetic characters are particularly critical because of its simultaneous reflection of all aspects of Chinese ancient sound. And since the Qing Dynasty,they have received so much attention. Confucian scholars in Qing Dynasty made a large number of pictophonetic table|(「諧聲表」), and use them to discuss the ancient rhyme, such as Duan Yucai(段玉裁). Modern scholars such as Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren put forward the pictophonetic principle(「諧聲原則」) to discover the important value of pictophonetic characters in the study of consonants. Using the pictophonetic principle(「諧聲原則」) to discuss the ancient sound, scholars always have different findings. Pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」) uses less to accomplish more, links a series of ancient rhyme. In Qing Dynasty, Jiang Yougao(江有誥) divide rhyme accurately, his Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉)is the most sophisticated. This paper focuses on the content, accomplishment and contribution of Jiang's Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉). We discusses the form of fanqie(反切),the phenomena of pictophonetic characters, the origin and evolution of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), and we also observes the ancient rhyme and tone. The full text is divided into six chapters. We believe that the main innovation and value of this paper lies in the following aspects: 1、Complement the previous lack of study about Jiang Yougao's(江有誥) Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉), and we give a comprehensive discussion. Jiang's research is highly respected, but people gave more attention to the poem rhyme and discussed about pictophonetic characters less. Even if there is involved, but also mostly local discussion or macro discussion. For the first time, we have comprehensively, systematically and in-depthly reviewed Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) of Jiang Yougao(江有誥), discussing the the form of fanqie(反切), the phenomena of pictophonetic characters. We analyze the phonetic materials of Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉); explore the phenomenon seen in Jiang's Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉). There are patent errors in Jiang's Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉), and we complement and revise it. We believe that this paper is a systematic research of Jiang's Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉), which is helpful for the scholars to discuss the pictophonetic characters phenomena and to discuss the ancient phonology and other related works. 2、Put forward a new point of view and discuss the achievements of Jiang Yougao's (江有誥)Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) from academic perspective. The previous discussion of pictophonetic characters rarely involved to the differences and the various different reasons behind the differences. We chose the point of the view making pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), put Jiang Yougao's(江有誥) Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) into the the evolution of Qing Dynasty pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」)sequence, we catch the internal research of the text as a starting point, put it into the study of the history of the view of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」). We campare Duan Yucai(段玉裁), Wang Li(王力), Zhou Zumo(周祖謨), Dong Tonghe(董同龢)'s pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」)in different aspects such as pictophonetic characters, principles, the choice of materials, different understanding about characters’shape. We gave the judgment about Jiang Yougao(江有誥) in the history of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), also about the achievements, value and status. We believe that this paper can give the reference to the theory and application of research for pictophonetic characters.


林平和, LIN, PING-HE Unknown Date (has links)
等韻之學,辨字母之清濁,別韻攝之開合,按等尋呼,據音定切,以考人聲自然之音 ,亦以進一步說明反切之法。因其主要表現反切圖,故稱為等韻圖;若未譜成圖表者 ,則號曰等韻書。等韻本是審音之學,亦即字音分析之學,儻能曉暢等韻,則可以藉 考古音,並探研今音。 明清之際,等韻鼎盛。此期等韻學家,容或不滿宋元韻圖門法之煩瑣,以及反切之弊 端,故提倡等韻之革命,廢除門法,變等為呼,改良反切,並特重時音。而研究明代 等韻者,民國以降,雖有陸志韋之記藍荿韻略易通、記筡孝重訂司馬溫公等韻圖經, 記畢拱辰韻略匯通、金尼閣西儒耳目資所記的音,趙蔭棠之讀葉秉敬韻表札記,字學 元元述評、明清等韻之北音系、等韻源流,劉德智之韻略易通中入聲字與廣韻入聲字 的比較研究,莊惠芬之韻略匯通與廣韻入聲字的比較研究,詹秀惠之韻略易通研究等 。然或囿於入聲字之探討,或單篇之論文,或與清代並論,雜糅寡要,又有疏漏,而 獨明代等韻學之綜合研究,則闕如也。又中國之語音,至有明丕變,官話通行,韻少 聲簡,可謂今日國音之遠祖。今為闡述明代時音,探究中國語音之演變,追溯國音之 源,以補等韻學體系研究之闕,則明代等韻學之綜合研究,實刻不容緩,故有撰述本 篇之志焉。 本文共分四章:第一章緒論,綜述二十七種等韻著作之書名、分類,作者姓氏籍貫, 聲母、韻母、聲調之主張,以及各書特見;並揭舉明代等韻學廢除門法、芟夷繁瑣, 注重時音、變等為呼、改良反切、採用拼音諸特質。第二章等韻圖之研究,據聲母與 體例,析為三節:首節敘述南派聲母存濁系統十一種韻圖,次節敘述北派聲母化濁入 清系統七種韻圖,第三節敘述外籍人士拼音韻圖。第三音等韻書之研究,分述八種等 韻書。第四章結論,總歸明代等韻學之成就,並略評得失,次述對於清代等韻學與民 國國音之影響,終列存疑與未見之諸說。文中博採通人,不分古今,所引述者,皆明 著出處,未敢掠美。

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