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通路性格初探游敦傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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廣告代言人性格形象對品牌性格的影響─以Nokia7210手機平面廣告為例王可欣 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告是消費者和品牌之間的溝通橋樑,也是品牌最重要的行銷工具,而廣告表現的方式有很多,近來以廣告代言人的展現手法來宣傳品牌的手法逐漸增加,且有良好的效果。McCracken(1989)指出品牌的代言人(brand endorser)會將個性特質直接轉移品牌之上;Aaker(1997)找出的品牌性格來源中,廣告是其中一個重要的因素;Keller(1998)更指出廣告是最有影響力的,廣告中的人物、創意策略的語音抑揚(tone)或形式,以及品牌所喚起的情緒或情感皆對品牌性格產生影響。
本研究係以實驗法(experimental research)來探討各變項之間的關係,採取的是雙組比較僅後測設計(posttest only control group design),先隨機將受試者分為五組,控制組為無代言人組,其他四組為實驗組,以四個不同的代言人,分別自製各三張手機平面廣告,讓受試者觀看,最後填寫研究問卷,進而比較控制組與四個實驗組之間的結果。
本研究的樣本取自國立政治大學」與私立淡江大學的學生,共202名。資料統計分析的方法則依照各變項的研究目的,採取描述性分析(平均數與標準差)、t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、多元迴歸分析(multiple regression)。
1. 不同的廣告代言人性格形象,在消費者眼中確實有所不同。在α=.05的顯著水準下,「神經質」、「外向性」、「友善性」與「嚴謹性」四面向上,各組代言人有顯著差異。
2. 不同的廣告代言人,會造成不同的品牌性格。在α=.05的顯著水準下,各組代言人與無代言人組在品牌性格各面向達到顯著差異,而品牌性格的「教養」與「強壯」兩個面向在各組代言人之間,亦達到顯著差異。
3. 廣告代言人的性格形象會影響品牌性格的形成。
a. 品牌性格的「純真」面向主要受到代言人「友善性」的正向影響
b. 品牌性格的「刺激」面向主要受到代言人「開放性」的正向影響
c. 品牌性格的「勝任」面向主要受到代言人「外向性」的負向影響與「嚴謹性」的正向影響
d. 品牌性格的「教養」面向主要受到代言人「開放性」、「友善性」與「嚴謹性」的正向影響
e. 品牌性格的「強壯」面向主要受到代言人「外向性」的正向影響與「開放性」的負向影響。
本研究的限制在於:自編的測驗問卷缺乏信效度的研究、樣本來自非隨機取樣的類推性受限、產品類別的限制、受試者對廣告的記憶干擾因素等。本研究對於實務上的建議為:必須將廣告代言人的性格形象與品牌性格做聯結、品牌性格是要長期經營的、代言人本身的責任必須被強調;對研究上的建議為:可比較不同產品類別與不同類型的代言人、將消費者的主動性加入探討。 / In the present business market today, people put more and more emphasis on brands. Brands are materials of marketing. All companies and products creating their own brands are distinguished quickly and easily, just like a man who has a name. In the past, the concern of brand wasn’t mentioned. When the time goes by,
focusing on the personal style shaping, it must has a symbol representing the company image when an industry induce a new product or service. For the reason, concept of the brand is getting important. Building a good brand creates competition advantages. To consumers, a well-known brand means better quality and less time to choose; to industries, it means a lot of loyal customers, high benefit and uniqueness.
Recently, some researchers started to investigate brand personality. Most relevant research focuses on the effect of the brand personality, but the cause of the brand personality in also important. One of the elements causing brand personality is advertisement.
Advertisement is a bridge between consumers and brands, and a major tool of marketing. Using endorsers to perform the brands is a common way at the present day. McCracken (1989) specified the brand endorser would transfer their personality to the brand. Aaker (1997) found the advertisement was the critical elements of brand personality. And Keller (1998) identified that the advertisement was the most influential on the brand personality, such as people in the advertisements, creative strategies, tones, forms and arousing affect.
Therefore, the purpose of the study is to discuss the effect of the endorsers’ personal image on the brand personality. The study chooses four endorses with different personal image to verify the different brand personality they may cause.
The study uses the experimental research to measure relationships among different variables. The study selects the posttest only control group design procedure, random distribution and convenient sampling. Samples of the study include 202, from National Cheng-Chi University and Tamkang University. At first, dividing sample into five parts, and then displaying the print advertisement, finally, filling in the questionnaire. Data analyzed methods are including descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, multiple regression.
The result of the study is that different endorsers’ personal images cause different brand personality:
a. Different endorsers own different personal images : at the significant level(α=.05),the domain of neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness is significant between subjectives
b. Different endorsers’ personal images cause different brand personality: at the significant level(α=.05), the domain of sophistication and ruggedness is significant between subjectives.
c. Different endorsers’ personal images influence different brand personality: sincerity is influences by the agreeableness; excitement is influences by the openness; competence is influenced by the extroversion and conscientiousness; sophistication is influenced by the openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness; ruggedness is influenced by the extroversion and openness.
The limitations of the study include the research questionnaire lacking of reliability and validity, non-random sampling, single product category and subjectives’ memory intervention. And the
Practical suggestions of the study include the linkage between the endorser and the brand personality, continuous managements to the brand personality and highlighting the endorsers’ responsibilities. Research suggestions of the study include comparing different kinds of the product and endorser categories and inquiring the consumers’ subjectivity.
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品牌性格對品牌權益之影響-以麥當勞、肯德基及摩斯漢堡為例黃彤芸, Huang,Jennifer Unknown Date (has links)
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品牌性格本土化量表編製之初探 / An Exploratory Research on Development of Brand Personality Indigenous Questionnaire康家維, Kang, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
為建立適用於本土文化的品牌性格量表(brand personality scale),本研究以主位取向(emic approach)的角度,採取基本語彙策略(fundamental lexical strategy),依序建構「品牌性格語彙詞庫」與編製「品牌性格量表」,以期建立的量表具有本土契合性(indigenous compatibility)。本研究以六個階段依序進行,在語彙詞庫建構部分,透過「知名品牌調查」、「性格語彙蒐集」與「品牌性格語彙篩選」三個階段,得到253組相似詞組,收錄959個品牌性格語彙。最後,再利用使用頻率區分使用層級,進而建構出「品牌性格語彙詞庫」與「性格語彙檢索表」。在量表編製部分,則包含品牌性格語彙適合性調查、品牌性格語彙與品牌配對,以及品牌性格調查三個階段。經因素分析主成份法與信度分析,得到「知性與感性」、「冒險創新」、「能幹可靠」,以及「純淨健康」四個品牌性格構面,信度分別為.99、.97、.96與.91,總解釋變異量為87.45%;經純化後,四構面的信度分別為.96、.95、.94與.88,題項由89題縮減至37題。
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