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各項品質成本影響因素之實地實證研究陳忍 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 產品複雜度對內部失敗成本之影響。
2. 工單批次規模對內部失敗成本之影響。
3. 顧客品質要求水準對內部失敗成本之影響。
4. 製程熟悉度對內部失敗成本之影響。
5. 製程穩定度對內部失敗成本之影響。
6. 排程安排對內部失敗成本之影響。
本研究採取實地(Field)及實地實證(Field Empirical)研究方式進行。本研究以國內某通信電纜廠為研究對象,針對最初及最終製程(伸押與被覆站)加以實證,以民國88年12月至民國89年3月之間的生產資料為樣本。為對個案公司及其產業有足夠之了解,筆者於民國88年8月至民國89年8月之期間內,每週約花費二至三天的時間,利用觀察、訪談、及閱讀書面資料等方式,了解個案公司各項品質成本有關之作業及成本,以作業制成本制的精神計算作業面之品質成本及非作業面之相關品質成本,以求計算最正確之品質成本,並對內部失敗成本影響因素有正確之了解。
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就品質成本分析觀點論品質管制制度王清珍, WANG, GING-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
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採行作業制成本管理制度對產品成本、品質成本與附加價值之影響--某民生用品製造公司之個案研究張簡仕豐 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣製造業廠商面臨前所未有的壓力;業者莫不思索如何提高自身競爭力以面對全球化競爭時代的挑戰。Porter(1985)認為競爭優勢是來自企業內部的價值活動,故如何管理並串連特定活動,甚至與供應商和客戶的活動該如何連結,都是一個管理者在發展競爭策略時必須注意的。由此觀點看來,管理會計人員若要協助組織提升競爭優勢,則必須提供給企業與價值活動相關資訊,經由價值鏈(value chain)活動的分析,來瞭解企業的成本特性(cost behavior)並差異化所需資源,才有機會協助企業掌握資源的運用與並使價值活動的組合最適化。
在管理會計的領域中,作業制成本管理制度(activity-based costing /management)發展的潮流亦與上述觀點相呼應。作業制成本制度依成本被耗用的方式,將其歸屬至作業,再將作業成本發生之原因,依作業動因歸屬至成本標的,改善了傳統成本分攤方法下造成成本扭曲和成本相互補貼的現象(Turney, 1992),提供了較為精確的成本;再者,在導入作業制成本管理的同時亦有助於瞭解影響生產績效的流程動因,讓組織發現成本抑減以及流程改善的機會點(Kaplan and Cooper ,1998)。
由本研究的結果可知作業制成本管理制度對於產品成本、品質成本與附加價值的影響。本研究建議個案公司可以將作業制成本管理制度在成本抑減與附加價值分析的制度與經驗擴散到其他單位。另外,作業制成本管理制度可以為個案公司的品質管理模式提出客觀的證據,本研究建議個案公司持續進行品質成本的分析與並追蹤相關績效,以瞭解投入預防成本的效益、評估鑑定成本降低的可能性並有效降低內部失敗成本的金額。其他對個案公司的建議尚包括:標準成本制度的適用並建構具有彈性與效率的作業制成本管理制度資訊系統。最後,本研究對於後續研究有以下建議:將其他非財務性的生產指標納入生產績效範圍、將其他無形效益的部分納入研究範圍、將其他不同單位納入研究範圍與延長研究期間。 / Abstract
In recent years, manufacturing companies in Taiwan have been looking for the ways to raise their competitiveness while encountering the challenges from their global competitors. Porter (1985) maintains that competitiveness comes from the internal value activities in an enterprise. Form this point of view, we can infer that management accountants can help enterprises raise their competitiveness by providing value activity-related information.
In the field of management accounting, the development of activity-based accounting management (ABC/M) conforms to the opinion above. However, contrasting to the commonly practical implementation and the abundant researches abroad, we rarely carry out the system in practice domestically. This could attribute to the deficiency of the related researches which makes the companies in lack of cognizance of the effect of the system. Therefore, this study focuses on the effects of ABC/M implementation in an enterprise on cost, cost of quality (COQ) and value-added respectively through field study and empirical method.
Briefly, empirical results of this study reveal that ABC/M provides managers assistance in cost-reduction decision. As for the effect of ABC/M implementation on COQ, it is found that after adopting ABC/M, the enterprise invested more on preventive activities to raise overall quality level in manufacturing process, but that its inspective cost remained the same under the quality demands from its customer. Internal failure cost, moreover, increased in the initial stage of practicing ABC/M due to the completeness of auditing and checking system. With reference to value-added, after the company implementing of ABC/M in that company, the cost of value-added and necessary activities cost to total cost increased and the cost of non-value-added and unnecessary activities to total cost decreased. This signifies that managers would center on improving and adjusting non-value-added and unnecessary activities, and then get improvement on manufacturing process. Besides, the raising of the non-value-added but necessary activity-based cost in the initial stages may result from the ABC/M project leader’s imposition of increasing some auditing and checking activities aiming at making the new system operate properly in the early days.
Conclusively, the influences of ABC/M on cost, cost of quality and value-added can be inferred from the study. To the studied company, it is suggested to promoting the system to a broader range of departments in controlling cost and analyzing value-added. And, for ABC/M providing some objective evidence of quality management to the company, we propose the enterprise continuing analyzing the cost and paying attention to the connected performance in order to realize the effectiveness of putting in preventive cost, evaluating the possibility of decreasing the cost of quality and lowering its internal failure cost at the same time. The company’s adopting the standard costing system and organizing an elastic and efficient ABC/M software are also included in our suggestions.
Finally, the author has some suggestions to the further studies: cover other non-financial manufacturing measures into manufacturing performance scope, contain other intangible benefits into research, involve other departments into study, and extend the research period.
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PVC二次加工業實施全面品質管制之研究楊家光, Yang, Jia-Guang Unknown Date (has links)
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企業流程分析及品質成本管理之探討:以A印刷廠為例郭和東 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 縮短應收帳款與沖帳作業的催帳時間,調整逾齡帳款處置時間與設定停止交易日,避免時間拖延而提高產生壞帳的風險。
2. 建立客戶信用評等機制,降低客戶倒帳風險。
3. 排單作業應由印刷廠務純人工作業改為由行政系統改版加入自動篩選建議功能, 以提昇印刷廠務排單的精確度及自動化,增加生產效率。
4. 建立一套庫存管理稽核制度及領料制度,以確保原物料的持續供應,亦可較精確地估算每批印件的生產成本,業務人員在估算價格及利潤時能更精確的掌握。
5. 重新檢討個案公司目前之品檢制度及人力配置,設置廠內品管人員改善廠內生產不良品比率,以減少時常要插單補印壞品數量賠償。
個案公司之品質成本結構中,內部失敗成本加上外部失敗成本相對於品質成本的比例高於70%,預防成本比例低於10%,可以得知個案公司在品質成本管理上,可加強預防成本及鑑定成本的投資及改善,以降低品質成本。 / Using a case study methodology, this research studies subject company which operates in the printing business that focuses on printings and packing products. Due to the job or customer-tailored, and the artistic characteristics of the printings, the ability of management to deal with the complexity of production process is critical for business success. The research uses PWIO approach to analyze and display the subject company’s operation process, as the basis for improvement suggestions. In addition, a combination of PWIO and concepts of quality cost management, this study is able to form the foundation of future improvement and the framework for performance evaluation and management. In summary, the major conclusions and suggestions found in this study are as follows:
1. Sales aspect: Setting a credit policy for clients in order to control the exposure of credit risk.
2. Payment term: In order to reduce the risk of bad debts, we suggest a more rigid review of accounts receivables turnover rate, overdue accounts, and the allowance for uncollectible accounts
3. Production aspect:
1. We suggest Production schedule should be arranged by automatic system instead of manual operation so as to improve production efficiency and maximize outputs.
2. Establish a stock management system in order to assure the supply of raw materials and compute the production cost more accurately.
3. Review the current human resource deployment and the rules of quality management. We suggest that more QA personnel should be staffed to make sure the consistence of product quality.
4. Quality cost management: The research finds that the ratio of internal and external failure costs to total quality cost is greater than 70% for subject company, while the ratio of prevent cost to total quality cost is less than 10%. A further review of stuffs’ skill and training programs are therefore suggested.
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