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競業禁止和營業秘密之實證研究 -以台北地院民事判決為例(2012年到2015年) / Non-competition and Trade Secret Empirical Research莊苡婷, Chuang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
營業祕密之保護和競業禁約款都在於維持雇主之競爭力,但從其構成要件和性質來觀察卻不盡相同,本文在競業禁止部分係著重在僱傭關係結束後之討論,而營業秘密之部分則是包括在職期間和離職後兩種情況,而競業禁止和營業秘密這兩者在某程度之關聯上,除了基本之理論介紹,本文亦會從台北地方法院近三年之相關判決加以探討,藉由統計方法中的量化和質化研究,分析並了解營業秘密和競業禁止之互動關係,並結合理論和實務之運作,提出一些有關於實務上運作之建議。 / Business secrets are the production under the era of globalization. In addition, it start playing an important role on business development. After employees who have been touched the business secrets had left their jobs might lead to leaking out highly valuable commercial secrets making the company suffer great losses. Company will protect their trade secrets and prevent economic losses by asking employees to sign non-competition clauses. With the protection, companies are willing to invest more assets and money on research and development, making market more active. Eventually, these kinds of clauses and precautions can promote technological and commercial environment and development.
Trade secret protection and non-competition clauses can maintain competitiveness of employers. But trade secret and non-competition are not the same due to the original source of law and elements. This thesis related to the non-competition clauses are focusing on the periods of the end of the employment relationship. But trade secrets divided into two situations including employment periods and after-service periods. In fact, non-competition and trade secrets have a certain extent of connections. In addition to the basic theoretical introduction, the thesis explored and extracted judgment from the Taipei District Court ruling during the past three years. With methods of Statistical Analysis. We can understand the relationship and interaction between trade secrets and non-competition. By combining the theories with empirical research, we can speculate the results and conclude the suggestions about the operation of the practice. Read more
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評價模式、盈餘與股票報酬關係之探討黃秀敏, HUANG, XIU-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國71年至80年,63家上市公司共630 個觀察值為研究樣本。經理論建立與統計分析後,達成下列結論:
1 “當期盈餘水準除以期初股價”是股價報酬的解釋變數,平均盈餘反應係數之t值達0.05的顯著水準。
2 “當期盈餘變動除以期初股價”是股價報酬的解釋變數,平均盈餘反應係數之t值達0.05的顯著水準。
未達0.1 的顯著水準。
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會計主管參與企業管理之研究林容芊, Lin, Rong-Qian Unknown Date (has links)
了解我 國企業會計主管的職務內容及其影響因素。第五章分兩節,為全文的結論及
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最適穩定政策----台灣實證研究毛慶生, Mao, Qing-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
文採用最簡單的、一次、二次架構(Linear-Quadvatic Framework)為基礎,全文約
第二章:最適控制方法--確定性模型(Deterministic Model)
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經濟發展與就業成長----台灣之實證研究黃仁德, Huang, Ren-De Unknown Date (has links)
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電子銀行現況探討與使用者特徵分析金芷瑋, Chin, Chih-wei Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
電子銀行服務是指利用資訊科技取代人員作業,打破地理限制,提供全天候24小時不間斷的服務,讓客戶能擁有更多、更方便的服務管道。發展電子銀行能讓銀行得以降低營運成本,同時又能提高金融服務品質,故國內各家銀行紛紛推出電子銀行的服務策略。然而任何策略的成功與否,取決於是否廣為客戶所接受;因此,網路科技雖然改變了銀行的經營方式,但不論科技如何進展,依據客戶需求制訂業務發展方向仍是不變的準則。發展電子銀行服務必順落實顧客導客,所以規劃系統時,務必以客戶的需求為最終目標本。有鑑於此,本研究將針對電子銀行的經營現況進行探討,並以真正使用電子銀行的顧客為樣本採行實證研究,以了解使用電子銀行的客戶類型,期能區隔並篩選目標顧客,利於銀行進一步制定有效的經營策略,取得電子商務洪流中的競爭優勢。 / Abstract
E-bank indicates the incessantly all-day service in which the personnel operation is replaced by information technology and the workplace is unrestricted. It provides the customers a more convenient channel of service. The development of e-bank can benefit the bank to lower the business cost and simultaneously to raise the quality of financial service. Consequently, every bank in Taiwan brings up the tactics of e-bank service. Nevertheless, the success of any strategy depends on whether the customers can accept it or not. In other words, although Internet technology transforms the operating style of bank, the unchangeable standard of business development is to meet clients’ demands. Since the development of e-bank needs to focus on customers, the ultimate goal of this service is to fulfill their requirements. Therefore, this thesis is the empirical study in which adopts people using e-bank virtually as the sample and aims to discuss the current development of e-bank. It functions to realize the categories of e-bank clients and thereby to distinguish and select the target customers, to help banks furthermore to set up effective business strategy, and to take a dominant position in the torrent of e-commerce. Read more
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採行作業制成本管理制度對產品成本、品質成本與附加價值之影響--某民生用品製造公司之個案研究張簡仕豐 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣製造業廠商面臨前所未有的壓力;業者莫不思索如何提高自身競爭力以面對全球化競爭時代的挑戰。Porter(1985)認為競爭優勢是來自企業內部的價值活動,故如何管理並串連特定活動,甚至與供應商和客戶的活動該如何連結,都是一個管理者在發展競爭策略時必須注意的。由此觀點看來,管理會計人員若要協助組織提升競爭優勢,則必須提供給企業與價值活動相關資訊,經由價值鏈(value chain)活動的分析,來瞭解企業的成本特性(cost behavior)並差異化所需資源,才有機會協助企業掌握資源的運用與並使價值活動的組合最適化。
在管理會計的領域中,作業制成本管理制度(activity-based costing /management)發展的潮流亦與上述觀點相呼應。作業制成本制度依成本被耗用的方式,將其歸屬至作業,再將作業成本發生之原因,依作業動因歸屬至成本標的,改善了傳統成本分攤方法下造成成本扭曲和成本相互補貼的現象(Turney, 1992),提供了較為精確的成本;再者,在導入作業制成本管理的同時亦有助於瞭解影響生產績效的流程動因,讓組織發現成本抑減以及流程改善的機會點(Kaplan and Cooper ,1998)。
由本研究的結果可知作業制成本管理制度對於產品成本、品質成本與附加價值的影響。本研究建議個案公司可以將作業制成本管理制度在成本抑減與附加價值分析的制度與經驗擴散到其他單位。另外,作業制成本管理制度可以為個案公司的品質管理模式提出客觀的證據,本研究建議個案公司持續進行品質成本的分析與並追蹤相關績效,以瞭解投入預防成本的效益、評估鑑定成本降低的可能性並有效降低內部失敗成本的金額。其他對個案公司的建議尚包括:標準成本制度的適用並建構具有彈性與效率的作業制成本管理制度資訊系統。最後,本研究對於後續研究有以下建議:將其他非財務性的生產指標納入生產績效範圍、將其他無形效益的部分納入研究範圍、將其他不同單位納入研究範圍與延長研究期間。 / Abstract
In recent years, manufacturing companies in Taiwan have been looking for the ways to raise their competitiveness while encountering the challenges from their global competitors. Porter (1985) maintains that competitiveness comes from the internal value activities in an enterprise. Form this point of view, we can infer that management accountants can help enterprises raise their competitiveness by providing value activity-related information.
In the field of management accounting, the development of activity-based accounting management (ABC/M) conforms to the opinion above. However, contrasting to the commonly practical implementation and the abundant researches abroad, we rarely carry out the system in practice domestically. This could attribute to the deficiency of the related researches which makes the companies in lack of cognizance of the effect of the system. Therefore, this study focuses on the effects of ABC/M implementation in an enterprise on cost, cost of quality (COQ) and value-added respectively through field study and empirical method.
Briefly, empirical results of this study reveal that ABC/M provides managers assistance in cost-reduction decision. As for the effect of ABC/M implementation on COQ, it is found that after adopting ABC/M, the enterprise invested more on preventive activities to raise overall quality level in manufacturing process, but that its inspective cost remained the same under the quality demands from its customer. Internal failure cost, moreover, increased in the initial stage of practicing ABC/M due to the completeness of auditing and checking system. With reference to value-added, after the company implementing of ABC/M in that company, the cost of value-added and necessary activities cost to total cost increased and the cost of non-value-added and unnecessary activities to total cost decreased. This signifies that managers would center on improving and adjusting non-value-added and unnecessary activities, and then get improvement on manufacturing process. Besides, the raising of the non-value-added but necessary activity-based cost in the initial stages may result from the ABC/M project leader’s imposition of increasing some auditing and checking activities aiming at making the new system operate properly in the early days.
Conclusively, the influences of ABC/M on cost, cost of quality and value-added can be inferred from the study. To the studied company, it is suggested to promoting the system to a broader range of departments in controlling cost and analyzing value-added. And, for ABC/M providing some objective evidence of quality management to the company, we propose the enterprise continuing analyzing the cost and paying attention to the connected performance in order to realize the effectiveness of putting in preventive cost, evaluating the possibility of decreasing the cost of quality and lowering its internal failure cost at the same time. The company’s adopting the standard costing system and organizing an elastic and efficient ABC/M software are also included in our suggestions.
Finally, the author has some suggestions to the further studies: cover other non-financial manufacturing measures into manufacturing performance scope, contain other intangible benefits into research, involve other departments into study, and extend the research period. Read more
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我國財務危機公司之實證研究-以公司內部監控機制為中心蔡金拋 Unknown Date (has links)
七、重建企業倫理 / As social and economic globalization continues to deepen, companies appear to have become the core units for economic activity in country after country, gaining control over the lion’s share of resources and wealth with profound effects on people’s lives. And, with companies’ demands for funds growing ever greater, companies limited by shares are firmly entrenched as the dominant corporate form.
Taiwan’s Company Law has repeatedly borrowed from foreign legislative examples. In this process, corporate organs of companies limited by shares have been designed by adopting a decentralized compartmentalized approach, with the shareholders’ meeting as the highest decision-making organ, the board of directors as the organ that executes the business of the company, and the supervisors as the standing supervisory organ; the purpose of this being to seek operational efficiency while avoiding the evils of monopolized power.
However, with today’s ever-larger corporations and constantly changing business climate, the idea that this sort of distributed authority system can still provide effective balance for the corporate leadership function is being challenged and questioned more every day. Perhaps the best warning has come from the string of incidents involving “landmine stock” companies that have rocked the corporate and financial communities in Taiwan since 1998. Looking at the overall explanation for why these publicly listed companies encountered financial crises, one sees that some crises were originally catalyzed by the external economic environment, but most originated in the shortcomings of individuals and their plans: the leadership of these companies sacrificed the interests of the shareholding public, creditors and other stakeholders, using their control over their companies’ funds, assets, manpower and other resources to divert them for their own personal profit, leading their companies into crisis and even impacting the entire financial system.
The Government has been aggressively addressing these problems and looking for solutions, and in 2001 major amendments to the Company Law were made. On the one hand, the reforms were towards greater openness and flexibility: out of respect for corporate self-governance, the prerogatives of boards were clearly laid out, the methods for electing directors and supervisors were made more flexible than before, and the qualifications for membership less restrictive. On the other hand, they were also aimed at making management more effective, moderately strengthening companies’ internal controls in order to prevent corporate officers from abusing their authority, once their prerogatives were liberalized, thereby harming the interests of shareholders and others stakeholders. For example, the law was revised or amended to provide rules for the certain dismissal of a director and time limits on the mandatory election of directors to fill vacant seats on the board; an amendment on provisional managers was added, and the threshold was lowered for legal action by shareholders’ representatives.
On October 4 2002, The Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and the GreTai Securities Market (OTC) jointly established a code of practice for corporate governance; and on February 22 2002, Article 9 of “Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations for Review of Securities Listings” included for the first time rules providing for independent directors and supervisors, with the expectation that this would raise the quality of business operations.
However, if the question is how to achieve balance between effective management and greater flexibility/liberalization, one must truly recall the lessons learned from the scandals of the past and absorb the legislative experience of other countries, then chart a path towards further reforms in Taiwan’s corporate law system. Therefore, this thesis shall take as the object of research the major financial crises that have occurred since 1998 and those public companies that have generated a high degree of concern within the society. It will summarize the reasons why their financial crises happened, refer in detail to other countries’ legal systems, and investigate problem with the corporate internal control system in Taiwan. It will further propose directions for legal reform and suggestions for structuring corporate organizations as follows:
1.Increase checks and balances among directors:
a.Analyze and strictly limit transactions and crossholding of shares between related businesses;
b.Discard the rules in items 2 and 3, Article 27 of the Company law;
c.Discard system whereby one director may choose another as his/her representative at board meetings; and
d.Give careful consideration to introducing independent board member system across the board.
2.Strengthen the independence of supervisors:
a.Discard the rules in items 2 and 3, Article 27 of the Company Law;
b.Analyze the current system for electing supervisors; and
c.Give careful consideration to introducing independent supervisors system.
3.Improve the professional capabilities of supervisors:
a.Analyze and strictly limit transactions and crossholding of shares between related businesses;
b.Make the appointment of accountants to audit financial statements the responsibility of supervisors; and
c.Make it a mandatory requirement that supervisors pass a qualifying examination.
4.Introduce a shareholder proposal system to increase shareholders’ control authority.
5.Improve the shareholders’ representative(legal) action system to increase the control authority of minority shareholders.
6.Strengthen system for bringing accusations.
7.Rebuild business ethics. Read more
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非財務性衡量指標與徵授信分工對員工績效之影響-實地實證研究 / Impact of Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Job Design on Employee Performance -- A Field Empirical Investigation楊朝旭, Yang, Chaur-Shiuh Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先利用個案銀行17位授信員連續60個月所構成的縱查資料(panel data),以固定影響模型(fixed-effects model)分析非財務性績效衡量指標誘因工具對員工績效的影響,發現銀行授信人員之績效考核制度中,加入授信不良率與脫落率非財務性衡量指標後,雖然授信員努力的重分配導致其授信金額與利息收入財務績效變差,但授信員的授信不良率與脫落率非財務績效變佳,整體而言,授信利潤有顯著的改善。
本文另以實施徵、授信分工前後,51名授信員的績效資料,採中斷的時間序列設計(interrupted time-series design),檢定非財務性績效衡量指標與工作設計配合採用後,員工的績效是否較佳。分析結果顯示,存在非財務績效衡量指標之獎酬制度下,配合實施徵、授信分工的授信員,其授信金額及授信不良率績效顯著較徵、授信合一之授信員為佳。 / This thesis reports the results of a longitudinal field study examining the impact of nonfinancial performance measures and job design on employee performance. A commercial bank was the research site. The bank adopted nonfinancial performance measures in July 1995 and redesigned jobs in retail banking credit underwriting at five branches in January 1996. Prior to the job redesign, sales representatives were jointly responsible for all credit underwriting functions including credit extension and credit servicing. After the change, sales representatives were only responsible for credit extension while credit servicing was handled by credit decidion-makers.
Panel data for 17 sales representatives over 60 months (1993 through 1997) were obtained to assess the effects of adopting nonfinancial measures on employee performance. Using fixed-effects regression analysis, the results are consistent with the predictions of agency theory: although loan volume and interest revenue decreased following adoption of nonfinancial measures to evaluate and compensate the performance of sales representatives, loan profit increased significantly.
This thesis also hypothesizes that employee performance increases with the fit between incentive systems based on nonfinancial measures and job design. The empirical tests of this prediction rely on an interrupted time-series design, using performance data of 51 sales representatives in the 1995-1997 period. After the change in job design-separation of the credit underwriting jobs-alogn with introduction of incentive systems based on nonfinancial measures, the treatment group demonstrated greater improvements in productivity and quality performance. This result supports the hypothesis developed. Read more
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影響法院命行會計鑑定之決定性因素分析-以民事訴訟為例 / The determinants of utilizing of forensic accounting service in civil litigation cases鍾采芝, Chung, Tsai Chih Unknown Date (has links)
在訴訟審理之過程中,鑑識會計輔助法官釐清複雜商業交易的角色,日趨重要。本研究以地方法院民事訴訟之判決書為研究樣本,探討我國司法體制下,當事人主動聲請鑑定、案件爭點涉及損害賠償、案件複雜程度以及當事人特徵是否為影響有權命行鑑定者命行會計鑑定決策之重要因素。本研究之實證結果顯示,在財務或會計相關之訴訟中,當事人主動聲請鑑定及案件爭點涉及損害賠償之判斷兩因素與命行會計鑑定之決策呈顯著正相關,表示此兩因素將使有權命行鑑定者命行會計鑑定之可能性增加。案件複雜程度(以原告聲明數量及是否有反訴衡量)與命行會計鑑定之決策呈現顯著正相關,表示當原告聲明數量愈多及有反訴之情形時,有權命行鑑定者命行會計鑑定之可能性較高。至於當事人特徵變數,研究結果發現,當事人為上市、櫃公司時,與命行會計鑑定之決策呈顯著負相關。亦即,當事人為上市、上櫃公司時,有權命行鑑定者決定命行會計鑑定之可能性較低。 / The legal supporting role of forensic accountant in litigation process via clarifying the complex business transactions has become increasing important in recent years. Based on a sample of civil litigation verdicts issued by district courts located in Taiwan, this study explores whether the presence of voluntary request for forensic accounting service by the plaintiff or the defendant, damage claim-related litigations, the complexity of litigations and the features of the litigation parties are associated with the decision made by the judge to request a forensic accounting service. The empirical results indicate that in financial or accounting related civil litigations, the presence of voluntary request for forensic accounting service and damage claim-related litigation issues are significantly and positively associated with judge’s decision to request forensic accounting service. This study also finds that the complexity of litigation cases (measured the number of plaintiff’s motions and a counter-claim made by defendant) are significantly and positively related to the use of forensic accounting service decision. With respect to the feature of litigation parties, the findings show that litigations with listed company as one of the parties are significantly but negatively associated with the use of forensic accounting service. Read more
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