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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從優選理論觀點分析台灣年輕人閩南語的國語口音 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Mandarin Accent of Southern Min Spoken by Taiwan Youngsters

陳奕文, Chen, Yi-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文觀察台灣年輕人說閩南語的國語口音,建立語料庫作為分析基礎,並根據優選理論中的浮動制約模型(Floating Constraint, Reynolds 1994)分析語料。 本文語料主要分為兩大組:A組及B組。除AB兩組均保留雙唇濁塞聲母 /b/之外,A組的國語口音較明顯,亦即軟顎濁塞聲母 /g/ 較常丟失、齒齦清塞音韻尾 /t/ 較常丟失、雙唇及軟顎清塞音韻尾 /p, k/ 常丟失或發為 /t/。B組的國語口音較不明顯,亦即較常保留上述輔音。 本文針對AB兩組的聲母及韻尾語料數據,各提出一組浮動制約。相較於A組,B組在聲母的浮動制約多了一個信實制約MAX-PLACE、在韻尾部分也多了另一個信實制約MAX-CONSONANT(CODA)。因此B組的信實制約有較多機會浮動至高層,也導致較多信實的輸出值。由此可見,兩組差異之關鍵在於浮動而非固定的制約,因此認為浮動制約模型適合用於處理此種語言變異現象。 / This thesis establishes a corpus of Taiwan youngsters’ Mandarin-accented pronunciation of Taiwanese voiced stop onsets /b/ and /g/ and voiceless stop codas /p, t, k/. The Floating Constraint model (Reynolds 1994) within the Optimality Theory framework is adopted to analyze the corpus data. The corpus includes two groups: Group A and Group B. Both groups retain the voiced bilabial stop onset /b/. Group A has higher percentages of omitting /g/ onset and /t/ coda, and codas /p/ and /k/ are often altered to /t/ or omitted. On the other hand, Group B tends to preserve those sounds. For each group, a set of floating constraints is proposed to account for their onset and coda data. The differences between Group A and Group B lie essentially in the number of floating faithfulness constraints. The Group B grammar allows one more floating constraint MAX-PLACE for onsets, and one more floating constraint MAX-CONSONANT(CODA) for codas. I have shown that the Mandarin accent is better accounted for in terms of the “floating” constraints, but not the “fixed” constraints.

語料庫英語教學之研究:以“see, watch, look at”為例 / “See”, “Watch” and “Look at” : Teaching Taiwanese EFL students on a corpora-based approach

謝瑋倫, Hsieh, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
字彙的誤用,是台灣英語學習者易犯的毛病之一。由於中文與英文字詞並非呈現一對一的語意對應,加上國中英語教師多年來習慣要求學生以記誦中文意思的方式學習英文單字,導致學生常有用錯字的狀況發生,並造成語意上的誤解。有鑑於此,本文作者盼能以語料庫英語教學來改善這些現象,並以see, watch ,look三個意義相近字彙的區辨為例,呈現出完整的教學過程,供英語教師教學或學習者自修參考。 在教學前,教師應根據學生英文程度與教學需求,先行篩選並編輯語料,以利學生學習。在課堂上,藉由這些語料的呈現,讓學生觀察其中的規律性;透過問題的解決,用認知的手段讓學生觀察該字彙出現的語境及其易連結的字串;並以測驗的方式檢測學生的理解程度。此外,本文亦詳細歸納這三個單字的使用時機,並提出實用的區辨方式。 作者盼能藉由語料庫英語教學的實施,增強英語學習者的學習意願。透過類似活動的投入及參與,學習者將不再只是訊息接收者,而能藉由觀察來創造自己的知識、增進對英文的掌握度。 / In Taiwan, many EFL students have difficulty using the proper vocabulary at the right time. Due to the fact that Mandarin and English vocabulary are in a one-to-many semantically-corresponding relationship, and that Taiwanese EFL students are often taught to learn English vocabulary by memorizing its Mandarin equivalent, students often have difficulties choosing proper English equivalents in different contexts. Besides, the arrangement of junior high school English curriculum has made it even more difficult for students to learn vocabulary accurately. Because the improper use of vocabulary often brings about confusion or misunderstanding, a practical method is needed to cope with the concerned problems. Nowadays, Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) has been a trend. In this study, the researcher will take “see, watch, and look at” as examples to show a corpora-based teaching procedure. Subjects are 8th graders in junior high school. The scope of the research is confined to the prototypical meanings of these verbs; it is believed that students should possess the basic knowledge about these verbs before they continue to learn other extended meanings. Before the class, the conordance lines are selected and carefully edited by the teacher to meet the needs of the course. In class, consciousness-raising tasks, combined with quizzes and complementary materials, provide students with comprehensive knowledge about the three verbs. After the activities, crucial information of the verbs is clearly exhibited, and useful methods are also presented to help distinguish the verbs. With the “context providers”, namely, the corpora, both teachers and students are provided with authentic and plentiful examples, which are often insufficient for Taiwanese EFL learners. Through the participation of these activities, students become participants and create their own knowledge. It is hoped that with the assistance of data-driven learning (DDL), EFL teachers will then be able to provide their students with not only more reliable information, but more constructive and systematic instruction.

從優選理論之觀點研究國語變調、台語變調及國、台語夾碼時的變調 / An Optimality Theoretic Approach to Tone Sandhi in Mandarin, in Taiwanese, and in Mandarin-Taiwanese Code-Mixing

林蕙珊, Lin, Hui-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在從優選理論(Optimality Theory)之框架背景來探討國、台語夾碼(Mandarin-Taiwanese Code-Mixing)時的連讀變調現象。由於此現象之探討涉及國語及台語之變調,本篇論文亦從優選理論之觀點來探討國語三聲變調(Mandarin Tone Sandhi)以及台語的變調(Taiwanese Tone Sandhi)。 在國語三聲變調方面,由於傳統派生(derivational)模式在處理國語三聲變調時,仍遺留了些許的問題。例如,無法以一致的方式來處理non-PP和PP的變調現象。本文主要針對這個問題,重新以優選理論的角度提出解決之道。文中分別提出了一組韻律制約(Prosodic Constraint)及一組聲調制約(Tonal Constraint);根據這兩組制約,傳統派生模式所遺留下的缺失則得以獲得妥善的處理。 在台語變調方面,台語變調在傳統派生模式的探討中亦遺留下些許問題。例如,無法以一致的方式來處理non-adjunct和adjunct以及non-clitic和clitic的變調問題。本文根據優選理論,重新分析台語變調。文中分別提出了一組韻律制約及一組聲調制約;根據此兩組制約,則可以成功的免除傳統派生分析模式下的缺失。 國、台語夾碼時的變調是未曾被探討過的問題。本文先就國、台語夾碼時的變調,提出一個派生模式的分析。不過,以派生模式來處理國、台語夾碼變調時,遺留下必須限定國語變調規則和台語變調規則的運作次序這項缺點。因此,本文根據優選理論,重新分析了這個變調現象,並提出了一組聲調制約;這組聲調制約,配合國語及台語的韻律制約,得以成功的處理傳統派生模式所遺留下的問題。 / The present thesis is mainly devoted to the research issue of tone sandhi in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing using an Optimality Theoretic (OT) Approach. Since the study of this code-mixed tone sandhi necessarily involves the tone sandhi rules of Mandarin and of Taiwanese, the tone sandhi phenomena in Mandarin and in Taiwanese are carefully discussed under OT as well. Tone sandhi in Mandarin has been widely studied by many Chinese linguistics under the derivational approach. This thesis argues that the previous analyses to Mandarin tone sandhi are inadequate and that an Optimality Theoretic approach is needed to account for tone sandhi in Mandarin. The inadequacy of the previous analyses comes from the common failure of offering a uniform solution to account for non-PP and PP word stings in Mandarin. Based on the Optimality Theory, this thesis proposes two sets of constraints to account for Mandarin tone sandhi; one is the prosodic constraints set and the other is the tonal constraints set. This thesis proves that these two constraints can successfully get rid of the problem left by the derivational tradition. Tone sandhi in Taiwanese is also widely studied by many Chinese linguistics under the derivational approach. This thesis argues that the previous analyses to Taiwanese tone sandhi are inadequate and that an Optimality Theoretic approach is needed to account for tone sandhi in Taiwanese. The inadequacy of the previous analyses comes from the fact that Taiwanese word strings with non-adjunct and adjunct structures as well as with non-clitic and clitic structures fail to be accounted for using a uniform solution. Based on the Optimality Theory, this thesis proposes two sets of constraints to account for Taiwanese tone sandhi; one is the prosodic constraints set and the other is the tonal constraints set. This thesis proves that these two constraints can successfully get rid of the problem left by the derivational tradition. Tone sandhi in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing is a phenomenon that is very interesting but has not been studied before. This thesis thus offers a derivational analysis to this tone sandhi phenomenon first, where it is found that (1) in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing, a Mandarin base tone can trigger Taiwanese tone sandhi and a Taiwanese low tone can trigger Mandarin tone sandhi, (2) in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing, the Mandarin tone sandhi rule is sensitive to all and only the Mandarin tone sandhi domain and the Taiwanese tone sandhi rule is sensitive to all and only the Taiwanese tone sandhi domain, and (3) in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing, the Taiwanese tone sandhi rule must apply before the Mandarin tone sandhi rule to derive the tonal output. However, since the demand for an extrinsic rule order between the tone sandhi rules of Mandarin and Taiwanese is inadequate, the tone sandhi phenomenon is reanalyzed under the framework of the Optimality Theory. A set of tonal constraints is proposed. According to the tonal constraints set, the inadequacy left by the derivational approach is successfully avoided.

台灣地區國語二聲的聲調變異之語音學研究:閩南語/國語雙語語者和國語單語語者之比較 / The Tonal Variation of Mandarin Tone 2 in Taiwan: A Phonetic Study on Taiwanese-Taiwan Mandarin Bilinguals and Taiwan Mandarin Monolinguals

許書瑜, Hsu, Shu-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
國語二聲在文獻上多被描述為一調值35的高升調。然而近來不少學者發現台灣地區的國語二聲在閩南語/國語雙語語者族群中有變異的現象:一是323的降升調,二是接近31的低降調。文獻顯示這可能與語言背景(Lo, 2004)和地區(H. J. Hsu,2004)有關。然而對於國語單語語者的研究並不多。此外,性別、母音、聲調環境和句中位置也有可能影響聲調的變異。因此,本研究旨在調查台灣地區的聲調變異現象,藉由語音學實驗的方式,探究國語二聲的變異和語言背景(閩語/國語雙語語者或國語單語語者)的關係。並進一步探討其與社會因素:地區(北、中、南)、性別和語言學因素:母音、聲調環境和句中位置的關係。受試者以17-27歲的年輕族群為主。結果發現台灣地區的年輕人普遍以平調(中平調或低平調)(level)作為二聲變異的主要變體,另一較少數的變體則為低升調(low-rising),低降調在本研究中並不明顯。這些二聲變體有可能是受到整體調域向下縮窄的影響。而閩語/國語雙語語者的確發出較多的聲調變異,特別是低升調,這可能是受到閩語聲調系統的影響。地區、性別,以及母音、聲調環境和句中位置都會影響二聲變異。本研究進一步證實二聲的聲調變異在台灣年輕族群中的發展,支持了台灣地區國語的調域縮窄的現況。 / Mandarin Tone 2 is canonically described as a high rising tone. However, recently, T2 in Taiwan was found to have other contour types: the dipping contour (323) and falling (31) variants (Fon, 1997; H. J. Hsu, 2004), with the former being considered as a normal rising tone, but the later totally losing the rising feature. Those were all found in Taiwanese (Tw)-Taiwan Mandarin(TM) bilinguals. The reasons causing this tonal variation is supposed to be relating to the language backgrounds and other social and linguistic factors from previous studies. However, no study has confirmed those correlated factors, especially the comparison between Tw-TM bilinguals and TM monolinguals. This study thus aims to discover what the T2 variation is and where it occurs. By sampling 24 subjects, aged 17-27, with half Tw-TM bilinguals and half TM monolinguals, we conducted three experiments to test the T2 in different contexts. Results showed that instead of the falling variant, more speakers produced a level variant and a small amount of low-rising variant. Besides, the bilinguals did produce more T2 variations than the monolinguals. The results indicated that language background does affect the T2 variation among young speakers in Taiwan. Moreover, the high percentage of the Level variant support the finding of a narrower tonal range of TM, compared to the standard Mandarin. Other factors, such as genders, regions, vowels, tonal environments and sentence positions were also found to have influence on T2 variations.

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