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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國小學童幼兒時期英語學習經驗與國語學習之相關研究--以台北市文山區為例 / A Study of the Relationship between English Learning Experience in Early Childhood and Mandarin Learning Attitude and Achievement at the Stage of Elementary School︰the Case of Mucha Area

趙月華, Chao, Yueh-hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討幼兒時期「英語學習經驗」對國小階段「國語學習態度」與「國語學習成就表現」之影響性。研究中分別以「有/無學習英語」、「學習起始年段」、「學習年數」及「每週學習時數」作為幼兒時期英語學習經驗之代理變數;「國語學習態度」的評量包括認知、情感及行為三個成分;而「國語學習成就表現」係採用國語能力測驗分數與在校國語成績作為評量。 本研究採用問卷調查及深度訪談法,問卷調查方面,係以台北市文山區市立國小二年級339名學童及四年級341名學童為研究對象。訪談方面,共訪談44名學童、45位家長、以及15位國小教師。 本研究結果顯示,雖然幼兒時期英語學習經驗對學童國小階段的國語學習態度不具有顯著的影響性,但本研究獲得若干證據支持幼兒時期英語學習經驗有助於學童國小初期的國語學習成就表現。具體的研究結果指出:(一)幼兒時期「有學習英語」的學童,其小學二年級的平均國語能力測驗與國語學年成績優於幼兒時期「無學習英語」的學童;(二)幼兒時期「有學習英語」與「無學習英語」的學童,其小學四年級的平均國語學習成就表現無明顯差異。 另外,本研究從學童、家長及教師之深度訪談中,彙整出如下意見:(一)雖然幼兒時期英語學習與國語學習在時間上會產生相互排擠的問題,然在學習過程中,二者關係可以為正向或負向,而家長及教師的態度是其主要的中介變項;(二)當英語學習年段早於國語,或太晚學習國語,學童之學習態度較可能受影響;(三)幼兒時期英語學習年數愈長的學童會傾向認為國語的學習較英語難;(四)幼兒時期每週學習英語時數愈多,學習年數愈長,即有可能影響國語學習態度;(五)幼兒時期每週學習英語時數愈多,學習國語的時間相對減少,因此在小學初期,其國語學習成就會較差。然而,此影響會隨著日後學習及使用國語越多(年級越高)而降低。最後,本研究並提出若干建議供教育主管單位、國小教師、幼稚園教師及家長參考。 / This study aims to explore the impact of English learning experience in early childhood on Mandarin learning attitude and achievement at the stage of elementary school. Variables ‘English-learning dummy’ ‘age of English learning’ ‘number of years of learning English’ ‘hours per week in English-learning’ are used as proxies for experience of English learning. Learning attitude in Mandarin is measured in three dimensions (cognition, affection, and behavior), and learning achievement in Mandarin is represented by ‘score’ on Verbal Ability Development Test Battery(VADTB) and ‘academic achievement’ of Mandarin in school(MAA). Questionnaire survey and in-depth interview are concurrently used in this study. The Six hundred and eighty subjects were drawn from six elementary schools in Mucha Area of Taipei City. The other sample, used for in-depth interviews, includes 44 students, 45 parents, and 15 elementary school teachers. The results show that no relationship exists between English learning experience in early childhood and learning attitude at the stage of elementary school. However, some evidence indicates that English learning in early childhood does help Mandarin study at the subsequent stage. Specifically, this study demonstrates that, for the 2nd grade student group, VADTB and MAA scores of students with early childhood’s English learning experience are significantly higher than those students without any childhood English learning experience. In addition, MAA score of students with 2-3 years’ English experience prior to elementary school is significantly higher than those without any English experience. Moreover, the in-depth interviews with students, parents, and teachers indicate as follows: (1) there is a mixed outcomes when estimating the impact of early-childhood English learning on Mandarin learning, depending on teachers and parents’ attitude; (2) if students learn English before Mandarin, or learn Mandarin in later years, their attitude toward Mandarin learning will not be so positive; (3) the longer the students learn English in early childhood, the more they will prefer English. 4) Finally, suggestions are given in the end for policy making and people related.


黃宏銘, Huang,Hung-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
整合行銷傳播(IMC)發展十多年來,雖然其價值倍受肯定,但由於市場環境變遷與理論的限制,使得IMC在實際執行上的成效並不彰顯。因此,IMC正面臨發展的瓶頸。 本研究整理各家學者對IMC的論述,重新審視IMC之架構,將IMC依投入–產出的系統分為「要素投入」、「執行過程」、「績效產出」三大部份,並再細分為八大面向,說明如下: 一、要素投入:分為「組織架構面」、「人員知識面」與「企劃流程面」三大面向,檢視企業投入IMC的要素與投入IMC要素時所遇到的障礙。 二、執行過程:分為「執行層級面」與「執行內容面」二大面向,確認企業執行整合的層級與程度,並檢視企業執行IMC的內容是否符合IMC的四大特性,也就是協調性、一致性、互動性與互補性。 三、績效產出:分為「綜效評估面」與「系統回饋面」二大面向。綜效評估面又可分為「知覺導向」、「關係導向」與「行為導向」,企業應視其行銷需求設立評估績效的標準。在系統回饋面上,則表示企業應回頭檢視IMC在投入與執行的過程中是否符合IMC的要求。 綜合各家IMC之論述後,本研究建立出IMC之概念性架構,做為學界與業界在研究與實施IMC的基礎。 唱片產業近年來面臨不景氣與盜版的雙重打擊,加上數位科技的進步與消費習慣的改變,過去銷售唱片的價值模式已無法支持唱片產業。因此大部份唱片公司亟力尋求異業資源與多角化經營,將有限度的資源整合在一起做最大效益的發揮,非常符合IMC的精神,因此極具IMC的研究價值。 本研究以「個案比較研究法」,選取本土與外資各一家唱片公司為個案研究對象,研究其實施IMC的情形。其中本土唱片公司以「華研國際音樂」為代表,外資唱片公司以「環球國際唱片」為代表,結果發現: 一、IMC的投入部份 1.兩唱片公司在組織架構面上適合發展IMC。 2.兩唱片公司在企劃流程面上滿足IMC的規劃。 3.兩唱片公司在人員知識面上對IMC的了解較為不足。 4.兩唱片公司在人員知識面上並未使用資料庫行銷。 二、IMC的執行部份 1.本研究個案唱片執行整合內容符合IMC四大特性。 2.本研究個案唱片執行整合達「部份利害關係人整合」之整合層級。 三、IMC的產出部份 1.唱片公司需建立公平客觀的IMC績效評估系統。 2.唱片公司應重視IMC的回饋,提昇組織效率與效能。 四、本土唱片與外資唱片的比較部份 1.華研較環球在IMC投入要素高,阻礙較小。 2.環球台灣子公司以區域為市場,個別市場整合程度較不足。 3.環球台灣子公司在資源整合的權限較具限制。


林瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
老品牌往往能夠創造夢想來滿足消費者的夢想,且能長時間保持一致性,獲得消費者的信賴,如此老品牌方能長青。 品牌經營者不能完全仰仗老品牌的知名度而不做任何革新,否則當銷售量下跌、成長率衰退的時候,老品牌的原有支持者逐漸年老,新的客群又未能接續支持老品牌,此時光環退色,當年風光不再,徒留懷舊與感慨的傷情。 為避免危機臨頭,能長期創造佳績,永保金字招牌閃亮,品牌經營者應不時在目標顧客中注入新生命,創造令人印象深刻的復甦,重新恢復品牌地位。 「國語日報」從1948年創刊,六十年來的執著,推行國語文教育不懈,在語文教育與兒童文學領域,均創建輝煌佳績,六十年來堅持以教育理念辦報及關心社會公益,在讀者心目中建立多面向的良好品牌印象。 本研究從品牌再造觀點出發,供給面透過「國語日報」內部高層深入訪談來研究,需求面透過針對國語日報的讀者──學童、家長及教師,舉辦焦點團體討論,整理出由消費者需求角度切入的觀點,重新定義「國語日報」的品牌定位,加以品牌創新,讓國語日報經由品牌再造在未來可以繼續發光發熱六十年。 / Old brands are often able to create dreams that satisfy what consumers yearn for, and remain consistent over a long period of time, winning consumers’ trust and loyalty. Brand operators should not fully rely on established name recognition without making any change. Otherwise, when sales drop and growth decline, and original supporters of an old brand gradually age and new customers do not fill the gap left behind, the brand would lose its luster, leaving only reminiscence and much regret. To prevent an impending crisis, and deliver brilliant performance in the long term and maintain an unshakable status forever, brand operators should constantly inject new life into target customers, creating a revival that leaves a deep impression and restoring brand status. Since its establishment in 1948, the Mandarin Daily News has for 60 years commit itself to the promotion of Mandarin education, showing splendid performance in language education and children’s literature. For 60 years, the newspaper has built its business on the concept of education and has contributed greatly to social welfare, establishing an excellent, multi-faceted brand image amongst readers. By compiling opinions from the perspective of consumers’ requirements through in-depth interview with the Mandarin Daily News’ top level management and the newspaper’s readers, including students, parents and teachers, the Study, taking the approach of brand reengineering, seeks to redefine the brand positioning of the Mandarin Daily News and achieve brand innovation that would allow the newspaper to continue shining in the next 60 years.

台灣廣告使用外國符碼之初探研究 / A Study of Foreign Symbols Used in Taiwanese Advertisings

陳招束, Chen, Chao-Su Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

國小教科書對兒童的職業社會化──以國語和社會教科書為分析藍本 / 無

曹方綺 Unknown Date (has links)
職業不僅是一項工作,更是一種生活方式、一種社會行為,它擁有個人性與社會性的特質,對職業的認識,被視為是有用的工具,亦是成為社會人的重要起點,因此我們更不可忽視自年幼時期,與職業的互動、獲得職業相關知識的情形,而職業有許多面向可以探討,本研究關注於職業工作內容、職業社會階層、職業社會分工、職業性別角色、職業與年齡等與職業相關之面向。 兒童期、早期社會化是人生歷程裡重要的階段,此階段開始對職業有初步的了解與模仿行為,透過社會化的過程,習得有關職業的社會知識。國小是兒童時期最重要的社會化機構之一,是兒童接收價值觀念、多元教育的關鍵場所,其中,教科書成為國小此一社會化機構的重要代理人,教科書不僅是老師教學的工具,也是學生接觸最頻繁的學習來源。 因此本研究欲透過內容分析法,檢視國小國語、社會教科書,每一課之文字內容與圖像,整理與詮釋有關職業社會化的訊息與意涵。研究對象主要包括兩時間點所出版之教科書,即國立編譯館依六十四年公布之《國民小學課程標準》編輯之國語、社會教科書,以及翰林出版社依九十二年公布之《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》編輯之國語、社會教科書,以此做為統編本與審定本依據不同標準編輯的兩時代教科書代表,整理、分析國編版、課綱版之教科書內容,在職業社會化相關面向上的呈現差異,是否有特定認知、形象或意識型態,從中觀察與歸納職業社會化意涵如何變遷,以探究我國兒童由教科書所接收之職業社會化知識。

標準語音與日常語音的距離─以台灣華語為例 / The difference between standard pronunciation and ordinary pronunciation: the case of Taiwan Mandarin

胡維庭 Unknown Date (has links)
華語由中國大陸引入台灣數十年後,因為政治上的阻隔、語言接觸的影響和語言實踐的結果,已經產生了顯著的變化。在發音、詞彙和語法等各個層面上,無論和引入台灣之前於中國大陸訂定的「標準國語」或是中國現行的「普通話」相比,都具有明顯的差異,語言學界將目前台灣通行的華語稱為「台灣華語」(Taiwan Mandarin) 「台灣華語」這一華語的變體是絕大多數台灣人日常生活時所採用的語言,作為華語中獨立的分支也是語言學界公認的事實,然而台灣的華語教學界鮮少將「台灣華語」的發音視為學習標的。華語教師教學時所使用的語言和台灣人民日常使用的語言存在顯著斷裂。 本研究檢視華語從一方之言到演變到「國語」的建構歷程以及華語在台灣的發展史,發現華語在台灣的發展和民族主義與國族認同的建構具有密切的關連。在回顧相關文獻與制度規章並佐以與現任華語教師的訪談結果後,發現台灣的對外華語教學界也普遍受到這種影響。教學的內容除了語言教學的專業考量外,尙存在著以往以獨尊華語、壓迫台灣其它語言的觀念及做法,認為「台灣華語」乃受「方言」污染而不純淨的語言,並以「華語」發源地的北京口音為嚮往對象。 最後,本研究從大眾傳媒的角度切入,探討「台灣華語」的最大公約數。認為「台灣華語」中許多成份已趨穩固,為絕大多數的台灣人所接受,也對全世界的華語人口具有相當的影響力。「台灣華語」的發音和繁體字、台灣式的辭彙與注音符號一樣應可視為「台灣華語」的重要成份,而能夠進入教學殿堂,作為外籍學生學習的對象。 / This study discusses the role of 'Taiwan Mandarin' in the field of teaching Mandarin as a second language. Results of the study indicate that Taiwan Mandarin is commonly disregarded, due to its association with other Taiwanese languages and the method in which it was introduced to the Taiwanese community. Decades after its introduction to Taiwan, Mandarin has evolved as a result of political and geographical separation from its origin in China, language contact, and local usage. This new variant, known as ‘Taiwan Mandarin’, has marked differences in terms of phonology, lexicon and syntax, and is viewed as a independent variant, different from ‘Guoyu’ or 'Putonghua' by many linguists. Although Taiwan Mandarin is, in practice, the most commonly used language by the Taiwanese people, it has been rejected by many language teachers and those who compile teaching materials for foreign learners. Language teachers are expected to teach an accent that is different from that of most Taiwan Mandarin speakers. This study investigates the standardization of modern Mandarin, and how it has developed in Taiwan. It shows that the enforcement of Chinese nationalism and identity is closely related to the popularaization of Mandarin in Taiwan. After reviewing related studies, regulation of teaching proficiency tests, and interviewing language teachers, it has been demonstrated that Chinese nationalism has also influenced the teaching of Mandarin as a second language in Taiwan. Taiwanese Mandarin phonology is commonly associated with the result contaminated by other Taiwanese languages such as Holo and Hakka by language teachers, and hence only the Beijing dialect is considered standard and desirable. Based on the findings of previous studies and interviews, this study suggests that the commonly accepted Taiwan Mandarin phonology can be gained through the language used in Taiwanese media, due to its steadiness and popular standing amongst Mandarin speakers world wide. Its unique phonology should be considered an important feature of Taiwan Mandarin, along with traditional characters, Taiwanese lexicon and phonetic symbols (注音符號), and it should be accepted in teaching methodology.

台灣理想家庭圖像的變遷:國小一年級國語教科書的內容分析 / Changes of ideal family portraits in Taiwan: A content analysis of Chinese textbooks in first grade elementary schools

曾秀雲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試從「家的外部圖像與內部邊界」、「家庭成員與家人關係」與「親職角色」三部份進行提問。研究者藉由回顧相關法律制定與修訂記錄、官方統計資料、政府出版品、當時報章雜誌、學術研究期刊論文的文獻討論等,對照政治、法律、經濟、教育與社會政策制定與家庭型態的變遷,並以內容分析法依據10次修改課程編修內容長時段地考察國小一年級國語教科書。一方面藉此瞭解不同社會時期,勾勒出教科書中家庭圖像的動態變遷;另一方面,預期可作為未來教師教學與國小教科書編輯的參考。 本研究發現國小一年級國語教科書理想家庭圖像在戰後重建的1950年代、加強民族教育並強調「反共復國」的1960年代、經濟起飛的1970-1980年代、社會改革百花齊放的1990年代,以及2000年以後多元價值並存等五個階段有所不同。隨著政治、經濟、教育與社會變遷、人口轉型、性別平權意識抬頭、個體化發展,以及後現代、多元、異質家庭變遷,突顯出教科書理想家庭圖像更新速度並非完全反映台灣婚姻與家庭變遷,而是執政者政策制定與知識生產的機制在不同時期國家階段性任務。即從農村到都市,從家族集體經驗到個體化,從單一到多元,呈現出有所「變」、有所「不變」的變遷基調。最後研究者進一步對於教科書編輯、家庭教育與後續研究提出幾點建議 / This study explored the elementary textbooks from the following three aspects, “the outer portraits and the inner boundary of family”, “the relationships between family members”, and “parenting role”. By means of reviewing the records and processes of law making; officially statistics data, government publications, newspapers and magazines; and academic journals, researches and literatures, researchers compared different aspects of politics, law, economy, education, social policies and family changes. The content analysis, based on the previous process of compilation, was adopted to analyze the first-grade textbooks in the elementary school. By doing so, I illustrated different changes of ideal family portraits during different social periods of time; on the other hand, I aimed to present the analytical result as a reference for the compilation of the elementary school textbooks in the future. This research found that ideal family portraits shift over time. In different periods of time, government has different foci: during 1950s, after World War II, it focused on reconstruction; in 1960s, it emphasized national education and Anti-China Policy; from 1970s to 1980s, it focused on the acceleration of economy; in 1990s, it reflected the springing up of social evolution; and in 2000s, it revealed the existence of multi-values. Owing to the social changes of politics, economy, and education systems, concerning the demographic transition and the awareness of gender equity, reflecting the characteristics of post-modernization: individualization, multi-values and heterogeneous of family structure, the ideal family portraits from textbooks failed to represent the current family and marriage situations in Taiwan. They are compiled with neither the reality of Taiwan’s marriage nor family. They are compiled with the mechanism which the ruling authority legitimatized their periodical policies. In other words, from rural to urban, from family collective experience to individualization, and from singularity to pluralism, the base between changing and unchanging was indicated. Then, the researcher further offered some suggestions for textbook compilation, family education, and future studies.

學校圖書館利用與學童國語文能力之關聯性: 以新北市國小為例 / The Relationship between library instruction and student's literate ability:a study of elementary school in New Taipei City

張馨云, Chang, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之動機,起於發現參與圖書館閱讀活動頻率高的學童,其國語文能力會較頻率低的學童來得好,同時國語文能力好的學童在其他領域方面的學習都要比國語文能力差的學童有較好的表現。 然而,學校決策單位掌握了學校圖書館資源分配、管理和組織的實權,因此,學校行政單位對於圖書館經營、以及圖書館影響學童國語文能力的功效等看法,將會影響圖書館資源分配以及未來發展。如果學校行政單位認為圖書館的存在對於學童國語文能力表現不相關,則很容易犧牲圖書館應有的發展與利用。 因此,本研究之宗旨在於探討瞭解新北市的國小行政單位如何看待圖書館利用與推廣活動與學童國語文能力表現之關係,藉由問卷調查的方式,瞭解目前國小圖書館利用與學童國語文能力提昇之關聯性,從而探討如何透過圖書館利用教育與閱讀推廣活動相互結合,得以改善目前新北市國小圖書館經營的方式,以求獲得幫助學童提昇國語文能力表現之具體落實方案,進而提高學生國語文能力。 本研究所得之國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績關聯性表格,從關聯性的有效意義值(Correlation significant)可以歸納出11個有影響力且具意義的具體落實方案,明顯可以提升國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績: (1) 擴增國小圖書館平均館藏冊數; (2) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱人次; (3) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱冊數; (4) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀興趣」的培養; (5) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀動機」的培養; (6) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀意志」的培養; (7) 增加圖書館空間規劃:圖書館功能區的數目; (8) 增加圖書館開放服務時間:圖書館平日與假日開放時段的數目; (9) 學校應積極推展多元閱讀活動-例如:晨讀十分鐘、班級巡迴書箱、讀報教育、班級讀書會、親子共讀、愛的書庫、午間廣播劇、影片欣賞、戲劇展演等; (10) 圖書館應積極辦理宣傳行銷活動-例如:櫥窗展示定期更新、張貼學生自製書籍介紹海報、票選好書、選舉小小館長、圖書館命名票選 、館徽logo設計票選、好書交換、推廣4/23世界閱讀日、每年12月辦理「圖書館週」系列活動等; (11) 圖書館應多多結合社會資源辦理活動-例如:與作家有約講座、參觀公共圖書館 、與書商或出版社合作辦理書展。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between library instruction and students’ literate ability. Students who are highly involved in library reading activity are believed to have better literate ability than other students. Meanwhile, students with high literate ability have better academic performance than students with low literate ability. Students should be encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. However, the school is in charge of the distribution, management, and organization of the library. How the school values the influence of the library on students’ literate ability would decide the amount of library recourses and its future development. Therefore, questionnaires were used to find out how the administrators of elementary schools at New Taipei City view the relationship between the use of the library and students’ literate ability. The results may help us to combine education with library activities, improve the management of the school libraries at New Taipei City, and provide some specific plans to promote students’ literate ability. The results of this study show a significant positive correlation between students’ use of library and their literate ability. Therefore, we provide 11 influential and meaningful suggestions, which can significantly promote the literate ability of elementary school students in their junior and senior years. 1. Increase the general collections of books 2. Increase users of school libraries 3. Increase the number of borrowed items 4. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading appetite 5. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading motivation 6. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading willingness 7. Better space arrangement: the number of library divisions 8. Increase library service hours: weekdays and holidays 9. Schools should actively encourage various reading activities, including ten-minute morning reading, in-class book fair, newspaper-reading education, class study group, book collection, noon broadcast drama, film watching, drama exhibitions, and so on. 10. Libraries should actively hold activities to promote library functions, for example, regularly renew window exhibitions, put up student-made posters, introduce good books, elect little library director, name the library, design library logo, exchange good books, promote World Book & Copyright Day, and so on. 11. Libraries should combine social resources to hold activities, such as invite famous writers, visit public libraries, hold book fairs with publishers, and so on.

國語閩南口音中的單元音化與擦音卸解 / Monophthongization and Fricative Reconfiguration in the Taiwanese Accent of Mandarin

吳耿彰, Wu, Keng-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文觀察台灣地區國語閩南口音,也就是俗稱的「台灣國語」中展現的單元音化以及擦音卸解現象,建立「台灣國語語料庫」作為本論文分析的基礎,並且從優選理論的觀點探討這些台灣國語音韻現象。 根據「台灣國語語料庫」的數據顯示,韻核後介音 /j/ 以及 /w/ 容易被語者刪除,韻核前介音 /j/ 以及 /w/ 則傾向被語者保留。輕擦音 /f/ 在台灣國語中常被卸解為 /hw/。 本文的分析認為,國語閩南口音是一種方言的變異,反映了閩南語以及國語的部份制約排序。當語者表現出明顯的閩南語口音時,反映出閩南語的部份制約排序;而語者的閩南語口音較不明顯時,則反映了國語的部份制約排序。 / This thesis investigates monophthongization and fricative reconfiguration in the Taiwanese Accent of Mandarin (TM), and establishes the TM corpus as the base of phonological analysis. The Optimality Theory approach is adopted to account for the phonological phenomenon of TM. As indicated by the TM corpus, the postnuclear glides /j/ and /w/ tend to be deleted in TM; the prenuclear glides /j/ and /w/ tend to be preserved in TM; and the fricative /f/ tend to reconfigurate as /hw/ in TM. Our analysis considers that TM is a dialectal variation which reflects the subgrammars of Taiwanese and Mandarin. When the speaker shows a clear Taiwanese accent, the partially ordered ranking of Taiwanese is reflected; and when the speaker shows no obvious Taiwanese accent, the partially ordered ranking of Mandarin is reflected.

以優選理論分析國語中的法語借字 / An OT analysis of French loanwords in Mandarin Chinese

洪聖瑋, Hung, Sheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討法語借詞進入國語音韻系統時所採取的音韻調整策略,並從優選理論和語料庫的角度來分析借詞現象,主軸為法語子音和鼻母音的調整模式。 本研究建置一個法語借詞語料庫,並統計音段保留、替代、或刪除的趨向。研究發現,音段保留與調整為主要的轉譯策略,唯有韻尾子音[ʁ]傾向於刪除。數據分析顯示法語借詞中的語言變異(variation)極為普遍,此現象說明國語中的法語借詞尚未完全詞彙化 (lexicalization),而是仍在持續進行。因此本論文採用ROE模型 (rank-ordering model of EVAL, Coetzee 2006)來解釋法語借詞轉譯的變異現象。 法語音段的調整現象和變異情形可訴諸於制約的排序與互動。根據ROE模型,制約係以中界線(cut-off line)加以區隔,違反中界線以上的候選值會直接淘汰,而僅違反中界線以下的候選值皆可成為優選值。本研究發現,中界線以上的制約包含結構制約、信實制約、以及聯合制約(conjoined constraint);中界線以下的制約則多為信實制約。音韻表徵(phonological features)如[labial]與[nasal]在轉譯的過程中必須保留,而是否違反[voice]與[spread glottis]等表徵僅會造成語言變異。 制約的交錯排序、互動,以及中界線的位置對於法語借詞的現象提出了解釋。借詞音韻並非自成一個系統,而是反映了借入語和普遍語法皆存在的制約。 / This thesis investigates the phonological adaptations of French loanwords in Mandarin. The focus is on the loanword adjustment of French consonants and nasal vowels. A loanword corpus is established. Based on the statistical analysis, the adaptation pattern of each foreign segment is provided. The thesis observes that preservation and adaptation are the major strategies in loanword adaptation. The only exception is [ʁ] in the coda position, which has segment deletion as the major substitute. Variant substitutes are common in French loanwords, which suggest that the loanword adaptation of French is an ongoing process in Mandarin. Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004) is the major framework in this thesis. To account for variations, Coetzee’s (2006) rank-ordering model of EVAL (ROE) is also used for analysis. A critical cut-off line divides the constraints into two parts: constraints above the cut-off line, and constraints below the cut-off line. Violations of the former are fatal, while violations of the latter lead to variations. The fatal constraints place restrictions on illicit segments, segment combinations, and prosodic preferences. These crucial constraints include markedness constraints, faithfulness constraints, or even the conjunction of the two. Constraints below the cut-off line are mostly IDENT constraints. Violations of IDENT features such as [voice] and [spread glottis] bring only variations. This is contrary to the violations of IDENT [nasal] and IDENT [labial], which result in ill-formedness. Based on the constraint ranking and the position of the cut-off line, the thesis shows that loanword phonology does not form an idiosyncratic grammar. Instead, it includes the constraints that are latent in L1 and reflects universal grammar.

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