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國小英語學習經驗對國中英語學習表現之影響周雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)英語技能層面:學生的初學年齡在英語閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,且初學年齡愈小,英語閱讀程度的表現愈佳;學習年數在英語聽力精熟程度、閱讀精熟程度以及寫作精熟程度上均有顯著差異,且學習年數愈長表現愈佳;授課教師則僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,授課教師為外國老師與中外聯合教學者顯著優於中國老師;學習感受亦僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習感受為有趣者在英語閱讀精熟程度上的表現較佳;學習地點則僅於口語精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習地點為家教式者在英語口語程度上的表現較佳。 / The study is based on the 1<sub>st</sub> grade students in junior high school, which are 7 municipal junior high schools among 63 ones in Taipei. The goal of this study is to explore the influence of elementary school's English learning experience includes not noly 'the learned' and 'unlearned', but also the 'starting age','learning years','teachers','feeling about learning','learning contents' and 'learning places'; as to English learning performance, it includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages. The main findings of this study list as below:
Ⅰ. The differences between the learned and unlearned students at elementary school period in cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are:
(i) English cognitive stage: the learned ones who use English cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies are superior to the unlearned.
(ii) English affective stage: the learned ones whose English learning attitude, English learning motivation and English learning anxiety are superior to the unlearned.
(iii) English psychomotor stage: the learned ones whose skills of English listening proficiency, reading proficiency, writing proficiency and oral proficiency are superior to the unlearned.
Ⅱ. The different experiences of the learned in Enlgish cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are:
(i) English cognitive stage: the starting 'age' and learning 'places' at elementary school period in English cognitive stage make no sighnificant difference. The loger 'years', the more interesting 'feeling' and more complete 'content'the students had the better cognitive performance they make. The 'teachers' who taught the students in childhood make no significant difference is using cognitive strategies, but the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher while the students use metacognitive strategies.
(ii) English affective stage: the learning 'places' at elementary school period make no significant difference on English affective stage. The loger 'years' and the more complete 'content' they learned the better performance the students make. The starting 'age' of learning English merely makes difference on English learning motivation-- the younger the learning age started the stronger motivation the students have. The 'teachers' only make significant difference in English learning anxiety-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' makes significant difference in Enlgish learnging attitude and motivation-- the more interesting they felt about calsses the better affective performance they make.
(iii) The psychomotor stage: the starting 'age' makes significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the younger the learning age started the better English reading proficiency the students make. The learning 'years' make significant difference in English listening, reading and writing proficiency-- the longer years the students learned the better performance they make. The 'teachers' merely make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the more interesting the students felt the better English reading proficiency they have. The learning 'places' make significant difference in English oral proficiency-- the tutor style makes better performance in English oral proficiency.
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考試導向的學習情境下試題預覽學習單對提升國中生英語學習動機與學習成就之效益 / The effect of the test-question preview worksheets on promoting junior high school students' English learning motivation and English achievement in a test-oriented learning context張琬琪, Chang, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
動機雖被認定為影響第二語言及外語學習的因素之一,然而如何在考試導向的學習環境下提升學生內在或自主性英語學習動機的相關研究並不多。本研究依據自我決定理論(the self-determination theory)來設計學習單,用以輔助學生學習學校的一般英語課程,來探討自我決定理論在現行教育環境下使用的效益。此外,學習單的使用是否能幫助學生的成就表現優於其他學生也一併研究。
習動機元素(autonomy, competence and relatedness)及英語成就表現的影響。
研究結果顯示高成就學生的主動性(autonomy)及中等成就學生的主動性(autonomy)、自我感知的英語能力(perceived competence)以及與同儕、老師間的相關性(relatedness)有提升。然而,低成就學生的三個英語學習動機元素則下降。另外,實驗組在該學校所舉辦的英語成就測驗的表現和對照組相比並無明顯差異。本研究最後對使用學習單提升學生內在或自主性學習動機在實際教學上的應用提供建議,以作為參考。 / Although motivation has been viewed as an important factor that affects second and foreign language acquisition, there isn’t much research investigating how to promote students’ intrinsic or more self-regulated motivation to learn English in test-oriented classroom settings. This study explores this area by complementing students’ regular English classes at school with the worksheets designed based on the self-determination theory. Furthermore, it also investigates whether students with the aid of the worksheets would outperform those not using the worksheets academically.
For this research purpose, two classes of 60 eighth-graders in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan took part in this study. The two classes with similar social background and English academic performances were randomly classified into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was given a chance to preview the test questions which were printed on the worksheets distributed to them as the complementary material before the tests. The control group, on the other hand, was given the tests directly without the chance to preview the test questions. The experiment lasted for seven weeks, and the data were collected through three instruments, a questionnaire, the worksheets, and a school administered-achievement test. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted to probe into the influence of the worksheets upon the participants’ three motivational components, namely autonomy, competence, and relatedness as well as their academic performance on the achievement test.
The study results indicate that the worksheets could help promote the high achievers’ autonomy and the middle achievers’ autonomy, competence perception and relatedness, but they did not exert positive effects on the low achievers. Furthermore, the experimental group didn’t outperform the control group on the school-administered achievement test. Some pedagogical implications were presented at the end of the thesis.
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國小新移民學童英語學習成就、學習態度及學習挑戰之研究 / A study on new immigrant children's English learning achievement, learning attitude and learning challenge in elementary school陳薇文, Chen, Wei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究對象為十四名五、六年級的新移民學童,並以六十名台灣學童做為比照。研究比較七十四名學童的英語成績,且所有七十四名學童完成一份英語學習態度量表。十四名新移民學童則參與一次訪談,兩名教學現場的英語教師也經歷一次訪談。研究所收集的資料經統計分析及質性分析後,所得的結果如下:(1)大部分新移民學童的英語學習成就不佳;(2)大部分新移民學童英語學習態度是正面的;(3) 新移民學童的英語學習成就與其英語學習態度並無相關性;(4)新移民學童面臨的英語學習挑戰不少,包括他們對不同英語老師的教學風格的適應能力、他們上英語課時產生的焦慮感及緊張感、他們不易牢記英語生字、他們不會寫英語作業、他們沒有辦法去上英語補習班等;(5)新移民學童大部分對自己的英語學習持樂觀看法;(6)英語教師對新移民學童的英語學習則持較悲觀看法。
根據本研究的發現,研究者在本研究報告最後提出數點建議及未來相關研究的研究方向。 / With the increasing of New Immigrant Children in elementary schools, studies to understand New Immigrant Children’s learning conditions become imperative. The purpose of this study was to investigate New Immigrant Children’s English learning conditions in an elementary school in central Taiwan. The study focused on exploring: (1) New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes; (3) The relationship between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children’s English learning challenges; (5) New Immigrant Children’s own perspectives about their English learning; (6) English teachers’ perspectives about New Immigrant Children’s English learning.
The participants in this study included 14 New Immigrant Children in fifth and sixth grades, with 60 Taiwanese Children working as comparison. These 74 children’s English scores were compared, and they all responded to an English learning attitude scale. The 14 New Immigrant Children then underwent a group interview. Two English teachers were also interviewed. The data collected were then analyzed with statistical and qualitative analyses. The following results were drawn: (1) Most New Immigrant Children were English low-achievers; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes were generally positive; (3) No correlation was found between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children faced several challenges in learning English, including their adaption to different English teachers’ teaching styles, their feelings of anxiety and nervosity during English classes, their problems to memorize new words and do English homework, their not being able to go to English cram-schools, etc.; (5) New Immigrant Children in general were optimistic about their English learning; (6) English teachers in general were pessimistic about New Immigrant Children’s English learning.
Based on the findings of this study, some implications were provided and several suggestions for further studies were offered at the end of the report.
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從小學英語:三位國中學生的英語學習經驗與態度改變過程之個案研究 / Growing up learning english: a case study on three junior high school students' experiences and attitude changes江采璘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質的研究方法,以基隆市3名公立國中九年級學生為研究對象。研究過程採取訪談、觀察等方式為主要資料收集來源。資料涵蓋的面向為:(1) 家庭背景;(2) 從小到大學習英語的經驗;(3) 同儕間的影響;(4) 未來對英語學習的規劃。經過這些資料,本研究討論四個問題:(1) 有哪些關鍵點影響學生學習發展? (2) 重要他人在學生學習經驗中的角色? (3) 學生的英語學習態度從小到現在有何改變?以及 (4) 身為在台灣學習英語的孩子,面臨的可能性與挑戰。
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國小學童幼兒時期英語學習經驗與國語學習之相關研究--以台北市文山區為例 / A Study of the Relationship between English Learning Experience in Early Childhood and Mandarin Learning Attitude and Achievement at the Stage of Elementary School︰the Case of Mucha Area趙月華, Chao, Yueh-hua Unknown Date (has links)
另外,本研究從學童、家長及教師之深度訪談中,彙整出如下意見:(一)雖然幼兒時期英語學習與國語學習在時間上會產生相互排擠的問題,然在學習過程中,二者關係可以為正向或負向,而家長及教師的態度是其主要的中介變項;(二)當英語學習年段早於國語,或太晚學習國語,學童之學習態度較可能受影響;(三)幼兒時期英語學習年數愈長的學童會傾向認為國語的學習較英語難;(四)幼兒時期每週學習英語時數愈多,學習年數愈長,即有可能影響國語學習態度;(五)幼兒時期每週學習英語時數愈多,學習國語的時間相對減少,因此在小學初期,其國語學習成就會較差。然而,此影響會隨著日後學習及使用國語越多(年級越高)而降低。最後,本研究並提出若干建議供教育主管單位、國小教師、幼稚園教師及家長參考。 / This study aims to explore the impact of English learning experience in early childhood on Mandarin learning attitude and achievement at the stage of elementary school. Variables ‘English-learning dummy’ ‘age of English learning’ ‘number of years of learning English’ ‘hours per week in English-learning’ are used as proxies for experience of English learning. Learning attitude in Mandarin is measured in three dimensions (cognition, affection, and behavior), and learning achievement in Mandarin is represented by ‘score’ on Verbal Ability Development Test Battery(VADTB) and ‘academic achievement’ of Mandarin in school(MAA).
Questionnaire survey and in-depth interview are concurrently used in this study. The Six hundred and eighty subjects were drawn from six elementary schools in Mucha Area of Taipei City. The other sample, used for in-depth interviews, includes 44 students, 45 parents, and 15 elementary school teachers.
The results show that no relationship exists between English learning experience in early childhood and learning attitude at the stage of elementary school. However, some evidence indicates that English learning in early childhood does help Mandarin study at the subsequent stage. Specifically, this study demonstrates that, for the 2nd grade student group, VADTB and MAA scores of students with early childhood’s English learning experience are significantly higher than those students without any childhood English learning experience. In addition, MAA score of students with 2-3 years’ English experience prior to elementary school is significantly higher than those without any English experience.
Moreover, the in-depth interviews with students, parents, and teachers indicate as follows: (1) there is a mixed outcomes when estimating the impact of early-childhood English learning on Mandarin learning, depending on teachers and parents’ attitude; (2) if students learn English before Mandarin, or learn Mandarin in later years, their attitude toward Mandarin learning will not be so positive; (3) the longer the students learn English in early childhood, the more they will prefer English. 4) Finally, suggestions are given in the end for policy making and people related.
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台南市國小高年級學童英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之研究 / A Study of Cram School Learning Experience and English Learning Attitude of Tainan City Fifth and Sixth Graders羅淑媛, Luo, Shu-Yuan January 1900 (has links)
一、 台南市國小高年級有七成學童參加英語補習,補習年數以3-4年者最多;
二、 台南市國小高年級學童在一般英語學習態度、學校英語課程學習態度、英語補習課程學習態度為普通偏中上。
興趣者優於於其他英語補習動機。 / This study aims to understand English cram status quo. cram school learning experience and English learning attitude of the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. Totally 443 participants are selected from the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The major research findings are as follows:
1.Seventy percent of elementary high graders in Tainan City go to English cram schools, and most of them go there at least three to four years. Besides, most of them take English lessons everyweek under four hours. The main motivation is to enter a higher school and have better academic performance.
2. High graders students’ English learning attitude are above the average.
3. Different high graders genders have partly different attitude. Female students are better than male ones.
4. High graders with different primary caregivers of education have no significant difference on three levels.
5. High graders with different attending cram school years have significant difference partly. One to two English learning years are better than those with three to four years and more than seven years.
6. High graders with different English learning hours every week on general English learning attitude have significant differences.Students who learn English in cram school for more than five hours are better than students who learn English in cram school for less than four hours.
7. Significant difference of different motivations were found among general English learning attitude and English courses of going to cram schools. High graders with different motivation on the English courses have significant differences partly. Students who are interested in going to cram school get better grades than the other motivations. / 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iii
目 次 iv
表 次 vi
圖 次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 國小英語教學與英語補習的現況 9
第二節 英語學習態度 22
第三節 英語補習經驗與英語學習態度 27
第四節 英語學習態度的相關研究 37
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第三節 研究工具 47
第四節 研究步驟 57
第五節 資料處理與分析 58
第四章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 受試學童基本資料、參加英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之分析 61
第二節 不同背景變項的學童在英語學習態度的差異分析 65
第三節 不同英語補習經驗之學童的英語學習態度之差異分析 69
第四節 綜合討論 78
第五章 結論與建議 83
第一節 結論 83
第二節 建議 84
參考文獻 86
附錄一 96
附錄二 100
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台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機比較 / A comparison of English learning motivations of junior high school students in Taipei and in Shanghai劉孟珠, Liu, Mengchu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機。本研究為質性研究,藉由兩地國中生以及他們的師長與家長的訪談,以理解兩地國中生的英語學習動機及影響學習動機的因素與結果。研究發現,台北市學生英語學習較趨以興趣為導向, 雖然他們仍須面對升學考試。而上海市學生面對人口競爭,學習壓力大,英語學習動機強烈。 / This study tried to investigate the different motivation in English learning and the elements that influence the student's motivation between the junior high school students in Shanghai and Taipei. This study is conducted through social observation and qualitative research approaches. The scope of this study focuses on the investigation in Taipei and Shanghai. The subjects of this research will be the junior high school students in Taipei and the junior high school students in Shanghai, and the graduated or elder students, and the students' teachers and parents as well. After the research, there are some findings. The overpopulated pressure lead students in China must study harder to enter top prestigious universities. The interviewers in this study revealed that Taiwanese students do not totally study due to external stress and English learning is based on interests. Parents in Taiwan hope their kids not only learn English for good grades but also develop their interests in English learning. In Shanghai, parents urge their children to study all the time. Parents concern the school grades very much. In Taipei, teachers are willing to be students’ friends. Differently, teachers in Shanghai are more authoritative than in Taipei. Teachers emphasize the accuracy on English learning. China’s accession to WTO affects the model of English learning. Globalization accelerates the trend to learn English. These years China runs some world-class convention and exhibition which attract more international business and tourists and encourage Chinese to learn English. In the process in this study, we found the English learning motivation of students in Shanghai is stronger than Taiwan's students.
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不同教學模式對於台中市國中生的聽力及閱讀理解之研究 / A study of the effects of different teaching modes on junior high school students' listening and reading comprehension張心瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討三種不同的教學模式對於92位較低成就的國中學生的聽力及閱讀理解的影響,採取量化及質性並行的研究。實驗的自變項為三種事前教學輔助,分別為:一、獨立回答學習單的問題;二、老師給予單字及背景知識的教學;三、學生分成小組回答問題,而依變項為學生在聽力及閱讀理解測驗所得的成績。本實驗除了以聽力及閱讀理解測驗驗證事前教學模式的功效,也以學習態度問卷收集相關的資料。教學流程為學生接受15分鐘的教學輔助,然後收聽30分鐘英語學習雜誌,學生接受10次教學,實驗進行十週。實驗結果發現三組學生經歷不同教學模式後,他們的閱讀成績有顯著的差異,其中「學生分成小組回答問題」對閱讀能力幫助最大,而「獨立回答學習單的問題」優於「老師給予單字及背景知識的教學」。另外,「學生分成小組回答問題」能有效提昇聽力及閱讀成績,「學生獨立回答學習單的問題」也對學生的聽力及閱讀有幫助,但未達顯著水準。本研究建議老師在教學前,將學生分為小組討論並回答學習內容相關的問題,以提升學生的學習及理解力。 / The present study aimed to examine the effects of three different kinds of teaching modes on the listening and reading comprehension of 92 less-proficient junior high school students in Taiwan. Comprehension tests and questionnaires were employed to collect related data, which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The independent variables were the three different kinds of teaching modes; the dependent variables were students’ scores on the listening and reading comprehension tests. There were three experimental classes learned in three kinds of modes for 15 minutes before they listened to a 30-minute English learning magazine’s teaching program. One class read a worksheet and finished the tasks on their own. Another received vocabulary and background knowledge instruction from the researcher. The other class discussed in small groups and answered pre-questions. The experiment took 10 class periods in 10 consecutive weeks. The results are found that the teaching mode including a) studying the handouts and completing the tasks in the individual mode, and b) small group discussion to answer pre-questions are beneficial to lower-proficient EFL junior high school students’ listening and reading comprehension. The latter pre-activity exalted reading comprehension to a significant level, and it also contributed to significant improvement in both listening and reading comprehension. However, receiving vocabulary and background knowledge instructions in a teacher-centered class did not effectively facilitate the participants’ performance. To sum up, the results showed that teachers could ask students to have small group discussion on pre-questions of extra-curriculum learning materials in regular class periods to enhance their listening and reading comprehension.
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探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質: 兩位英語教學所碩士生的個案研究 / Focusing on the dynamic nature of learner belief: a case study on two TESOL MA students洪郁閔, Hung, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質。研究對象為兩位北部英語教學所的碩士生,研究方法主要包含半結構式訪談和研究對象自己寫的英語學習歷程,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各個階段的語言學習信念。資料分析方式採用「整體—內容」的分析法。研究結果顯示研究對象的學習信念會依他們和其所在情境的互動關係而改變,而這樣的改變彰顯了學習信念並非固定不變。而是動態的。此外,研究結果發現學習信念和情境、自我、以及身分相關。值得點出的是,雖然學習信念會依情境而改變,但是重點並非情境本身,而是學習者如何看待和解讀情境。除了情境因素,本研究亦探討不同自我(理想自我和應該自我)與身份(核心身份和情境身份)如何影響學習者的語言信念。在所有階段,兩位研究對象都表示努力是語言學習的關鍵,而學習者和所學語言之間的關係會決定學習者願意投入多少心力在語言學習上。最後於文末提出教學和研究上的建議。 / The study aims to explore the dynamic nature of learner belief through investigating two Taiwanese MA-TESOL students' beliefs at different stages of their lives. The participants are two TESOL MA students in a graduate school in northern Taiwan. Data collection methods mainly include written narratives and semi-structured interviews. The data collected are further analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The results of the study show that the participants' beliefs shift in interaction with the context and thus reveal that the nature of learner belief is dynamic. Moreover, the study indicates that learner belief is connected with context, self, and identity. It is noted that what really matters is not the context itself but how learners perceive and interpret the context. Then, the conceptions of ideal self vs. ought-to self and core identity vs. situated identity are introduced to shed light on their relationship with learner belief. Across all stages, while both participants claimed that effort is critical to language learning, it is how they relate themselves to the target language that determine how much effort that they are willing to make into language learning. Finally, it is expected that the study can help educators as well as researchers better understand the dynamic nature of learner belief. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.
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探究小留學生經驗: 個案檢視小留學生橫跨各階段定位現象 / Toward an understanding of early study abroad experiences: a case study on positioning process before, during, and after study abroad experience陳德愷, Chen, Te Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在以學習者定位的角度切入,探討小留學生在求學各階段會遭遇到的優勢與挑戰。研究對象為兩位曾經於童年時期在加拿大求學的台灣小留學生,研究方法主要包含研究對象所撰寫之英語學習歷程、口述英語學習歷程與半結構式訪談,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各階段的經歷、自我定位與他者定位,透過「整體 — 內容」分析法,研究結果顯示小留學生在回到母國之後,經常受到他者的正向定位,因而獲得許多優勢,如獲得許多師長、同儕的讚揚、較多參與英語相關活動機會、英語課上獲得老師特別給予的自由、以及在面對大學與研究所課業上相對較少的負擔。而這些小留學生享有的特權也與台灣「英語瘋」的現象息息相關。不過這些小留學生也面臨許多挑戰,如在出國初期遭遇許多語言障礙產生的挫折、回台灣後相當不適應以考試為導向的教學、人際關係上遭遇挫折與國文科目的挑戰。同時交叉分析個案後,顯示出家長在確保小留學生未來學習順利與否,扮演相當關鍵的角色。最後於文末提出給予老師、家長與小留學生的建議,以及未來研究建議方向。 / This study aims to reveal the advantages and challenges that early study abroad students face through exploring the positioning of two Taiwanese students who studied abroad at a young age at different stages of their lives. The study adopts a qualitative research method with written narratives, oral narratives and semi-structured interviews as data and the data collected is analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The research findings indicate that the two early study abroad students positioned themselves and were positioned positively after they returned to their own country and enjoyed various privileges, such as peers’ admiration and teacher’s encouragement for their superior English skills, ample opportunities to participate in many English-related activities in school, freedom granted by teachers in English classes, and less schoolwork burden in university or graduate school. Nevertheless, the participants also face unique challenges. Both of the participants suffer from great frustration at the beginning of their study abroad experiences and were not used to the test-oriented English education after returning to Taiwan. In Jessica’s case, difficulties in learning the Chinese subject and troubled interpersonal relationships also existed. The findings also reveal the importance of parents’ role in facilitating these early study abroad students’ sustained English development. Suggestions for teachers, parents, early study abroad students and implications for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.
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