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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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市地重劃對土地交易之影響-以台中市第十二期重劃區為例 / The impact of land readjustment on land transaction-case of the 12th land readjustment area in Taichung City

蔡鎰齋 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃為台灣常使用的土地開發方式,此政策的規劃將影響該地區的土地市場。本文以台中市第十二期重劃區為例,探討重劃後土地交易與後續開發的情況,將給定重劃後新建的公共設施以及目前已有的既存設施,研究該土地的空間特徵是否會影響土地的交易情況,而其中參與的角色包含了土地所有權人、投資者與建設商。此外,過往的房地產研究中多著重於土地價格的分析,然而卻缺乏「量」之研究,本文將以土地交易次數作為被解釋變數,使用零膨脹卜瓦松模型,觀察重劃後交易的活絡程度。另一方面本文也將重劃完成後的開發分成兩階段,分別為初期土地間分割整合、買賣的階段,以及建商開發成建案的階段,將使用存活分析研究兩個階段的相距時間與空間特徵之關聯。本研究成果中發現,離新建設施與既有設施的距離對於土地交易量有不同影響,其中距離既有設施愈近,其交易量愈少。另外,某些既存設施的周圍也發現建商有養地之情形,使得周遭的土地並無獲得合適的利用。 / Land readjustment is commonly used in Taiwan for land development and the policy has a big impact on the local land market. This paper focuses on the case of the 12th land readjustment area in Taichung City and examines the land transaction in that area after land readjustment. This paper looks into the spatial characters of lands such as distance from new-built or existing facilities and analyzes the influence the spatial characters have on land transaction. The three parties of land transaction, namely the developers, investors, and the land owners, will be thoroughly discussed in this paper. In addition, most previous studies in real estate concentrate on analyzing the price of land instead of the numbers of the land transactions made. This paper uses the numbers of land transactions as dependent variable and zero-inflated Poisson model to analyze the activity in land market after land readjustment. Besides, the study will separate the development of land after readjustment into two stages: one is the phase when the land is divided, assembled, purchased or sold and the other is the phase when the buildings are constructed. This paper use survival analysis to study the relations between time and land transaction. The result of this research shows that the distance between existing facilities and lands does influence the frequency of land transactions: the closer a land is to existing facilities, the less land transactions are made. The study also discovers that the closer a land is to the existing facilities, the less likely developers are to develop that area.


李惠如, Lee, Hui Ju Unknown Date (has links)
一個國家的土地政策攸關人民權益甚鉅,小至個人安身立命,大至社會財富分配;而與土地相關的課稅政策及租稅效果之影響,輕至租稅公平,重至經濟發展,實為稅政之重要議題! 我國對於土地交易之增值所得課徵土地增值稅,且為避免重複課稅,所得稅法規定個人及營利事業出售土地之所得免稅,營業稅法亦規定出售土地免徵營業稅。在實施兩稅合一後,雖消弭營利事業所得稅與綜合所得稅間重複課稅之問題,但在土地增值稅與所得稅間的重複課稅問題尚未完全解決,主要原因在於實質之出售土地交易被以非土地所得之不同名目計入綜合所得稅中造成重複課稅。本研究重點乃在探討出售土地交易所得之相關課稅問題,個人綜合所得稅為最終之稅負,土地交易所得歸屬至個人時能否不應因交易型態或課稅主體不同而有不同之租稅負擔,並整理其中致使重複課稅或對課稅見解有異之相關規定,研究避免重複課稅之可能方案。 本研究首先就我國土地交易所得課稅制度進行介紹及檢討,整理相關法令規章及解釋函令之課稅規範;再者,探討實務上與土地交易有關之稅務訴訟實例,並對相關案例進行整理;最後就目前實務上稅務爭議議題進行探討,並建議解決重複課稅之方法,以供日後土地交易所得課稅政策擬定之可行參考做法。 關鍵字: 土地交易所得、土地增值稅、兩稅合一、土地稅制

土地增值稅減半徵收對公司土地交易之影響 / The impacts of Land Value Increment Tax cut on corporate land transactions

徐有德, Hsu,Yo-Teh Unknown Date (has links)
土地增值稅自民國九十一年二月一日起兩年內減徵百分之五十(民國九十三年一月又延長一年至九十四年一月三十一日止)。以往研究發現,當稅制改變時,股市會反應稅制變動所帶來的影響,但鮮少有研究探討稅制變動是否帶來公司實際交易改變之影響。本研究針對土地增值稅減半徵收對我國上市櫃公司土地交易的影響進行實證分析。研究結果發現(1)在減徵政策宣布之後,但實際生效之前,我國上市櫃公司傾向延後處分所持有的土地(2)整體統計資料顯示,土地增值稅減徵政策有助於刺激上市櫃公司進行土地交易以及處分具有較高未實現持有利得之土地之現象,但實證迴歸的結果並不支持。(3)本文實證迴歸結果顯示,營業虧損的公司以及擁有較多出售用土地的公司較會在土地增值稅減徵期間進行土地交易。 基於上述實證結果,本文推論,在減徵正式實施後所增加的土地交易,其背後的動機多為彌補本業虧損或藉由在減徵期間進行土地交易,墊高土地成本以降低未來租稅負擔。因此,由我國上市櫃公司土地交易情形觀之,此次土地增值稅減徵對於欲達到刺激經濟成長的目標,成效並不顯著。 / The Land Value Increment Tax (LVIT) has been halved for two years from Feb. 1, 2002. (The tax cut policy has been extended from two years previously to three years until Jan. 31, 2005). Prior studies found that the impacts of change in tax rate will be reflected on company stock prices, but fewer studies were aimed at the impacts of change in tax rate on real transactions. This study examines the impacts of LVIT cut on Taiwan’s listed and OTC companies land transactions. It is found that (1) According to the empirical results, listed and OTC companies deferred their land transactions after the announcement of the tax cut policy. (2) Based on the descriptive statistics results, it is found that the tax cut policy induces listed and OTC companies to sell land in the implementation period and to postpone selling land with higher holding gains during the announcement period to gather greater disposal gains. However, the regression results do not support the same conclusions. (3) The empirical results of this study provides evidence that higher Land-for-sale and Operating loss are important motives behind increased land transactions by listed and OTC companies in response to the tax cut policy. Based on the above-mentioned empirical results, this study infers that, as a result of the LVIT cut, the motives behind increased land transactions conducted by listed and OTC companies are for the purpose of reducing tax burden in the future or covering loss from operating activities. Consequently, this tax cut policy contributes little to efforts to stimulate economic upturn, since most of the listed and OTC companies only take advantage of the policy to gather tax benefit or to cover loss -- a development that is not beneficial for overall economic growth.

論實質課稅原則之界線-以土地交易所得課稅爭議為例 / The Study on the Demarcation of Substance-Over-Form Principle-The Case of Dispute in Land Capital Gain

黃協興 Unknown Date (has links)
憲法第19條規定:「人民有依法納稅之義務」,明示租稅法律主義應以法律明訂,針對未規定之租稅項目,原則上不得比照、援引或類推適用其他法令之規定,租稅法律主義成為稅法之基本重要原則。隨著經濟水平的提升,個人與企業租稅負擔增加幅度急速上升,錯綜複雜之交易型態層出不窮,納稅義務人往往透過規避稅捐,使其獲得租稅優惠之條件或達到免除租稅負擔之目的。為確保租稅公平,民國98年5月13日修正公布稅捐稽徵法第12條之1,明訂課稅事實認定之原則,其認定之構成要件應以實質經濟事實關係及其所生實質經濟利益之歸屬與享有為依據,然其適用範圍亦未明確,對於納稅義務人之侵害自然無所規範。其中與人民息息相關之稅捐法體系當中尤以土地交易爭議之衝突甚為明顯。 本研究以租稅法律主義及實質課稅原則為主軸,輔以探討土地改革之歷史發展及土地交易所得本身性質,並以相關稅務行政救濟案例,針對不同判決見解進行分析及常見爭議,發現其爭議在於當前土地增值稅之規定與漲價歸公之理念無法並駕齊驅,尤其公告現值與真正出售之價值相去甚遠,導致「窮者欲窮、富者欲富」。探討其精神核心,無論是憲法、土地增值稅、實質課稅原則,無非達到租稅公平原則,依此核心思考,本研究試圖針對憲法與法律兩層面提出建議解決方案以貫徹租稅公平原則: 1. 憲法層次:將土地增值稅予以廢除,改徵土地交易所得稅。 2. 法律層次: (1) 將土地交易所得納入「最低稅負制」,修正所得稅額基本條例第12條。 (2) 改採實價課稅並增訂商業會計法第42-1條,將處分土地資產之溢價收入納入資本公積,恢復其資本公積增減資免稅之規定。 / Article 19 of the Constitution provides that the people shall have the duty of paying taxes in accordance with law. This means that when the State imposes a tax or provides a preferential tax deduction or exemption treatment for its people, this must be based on laws or regulations clearly authorized by law, prescribing the constituent conditions of the tax such as the subject, subject matter, tax base, tax rates, methods of payment and period of payment. The interpretation of relevant laws by the competent authority within its competence shall abide by the principles of the Constitution and the meaning and purpose of the relevant laws, and comply with the general rules of legal interpretation. Any interpretation that exceeds the bounds of legal interpretation of law and that creates tax duties not provided for under the law is not permitted by the Principle of Statutory Taxpaying under Article 19 of the Constitution. With the rapid economy, the taxpayers pursue the profit maximization by means of tax avoidance. To maintain the tax equity, the officials decided to amend the “Tax Levy Act” to provide clear definition for “Substance-Over-Form Principle ”, and then the newly-added Article 12-1 of Tax Levy Act was published on 13th May 2009.However, it has not embodied in “Substance-Over-Form Principle ”,so that the conflicts are still obvious in tax system ,especially in Land Capital Gain. The study focuses on conflict between the Principle of Statutory Taxpaying and Substance-Over-Form Principle, with the investigation of historical development and nature of taxation in Land Capital Gain. Besides, the administrative remedy should take into consideration in practice under the study. The regulation in Land Value Increment Tax currently is not put in range with land appreciation belong to the public, especially in Current Land Value. To understand the legislative purposes, we can find the “tax equality ” is the top priority between constitution and regulation. The following are suggestions we provide: 1. Constitution: Abolish the Land Value Increment Tax and promulgate Land Capital Gain Tax. 2. Regulation: (1) The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) includes the land capital gain, with amendment article 12 in AMT. (2) Additional Paid-In Capital contains the land capital gain and amend the article 42-1 of commercial account law ,with real-estate tax policy based on actual market price.Simuntanously, capital increase and decrease out of capital reverse exempted from income tax.

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