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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


郭人誌 Unknown Date (has links)
1998下半年,上市公司的交叉持股行為引發台灣自發的金融危機。知名企業接連跳票,資本市場發生違約交割,一時之間,股市投資人售出地雷公司股票唯恐不及,金融機構因握有地雷公司債權而損失慘重。 交叉持股所引發的公司財務危機迥異於過往。危機爆發之前,公司營運狀況與一般公司無異,唯公司的業外投資活動異常活躍,特別是權益證券的投資。具決策經營權的大股東熱衷於運用高財務槓桿進行交叉持股,並且隱藏資金用途,傳統的財務分析方式與財務危機警示指標因而失效。債權人、投資人因而措手不及,蒙受重大損失。 本研究主要在研究上市公司交叉持股行為之特性。先探討交叉持股的行為特質及經濟意涵;再由上市公司的財務報表資料,篩選出代表交叉持股公司與非交叉持股公司母體的樣本,以實證的方式驗證兩組公司的財務性質。除了可以更加確定交叉持股公司的財務性質以作為財務分析的依據之外,對於有意針對這一類財務危機發展警示制度的研究當具有其參考價值。

“企業市值與銷售額比” 選股策略投資績效之研究 - 以台灣電子業為研究對象

董迺閎, Dung, Nai-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的是想了解當台灣之電子公司,在面臨到企業價值與銷售額比(EV/Sales)為近三年最低點時,如果採用EV/Sales 做為選股依據,持有一年或是二年,其超額報酬為何。是否有關鍵因子可以加強選股績效,資料分為樣本內(1995Q1 - 2002Q4) 和樣本外(2003Q1 - 2006Q4)。其實証結論如下: • 實證上於樣本外公司之中,若使用EV/Sales為選股依據,組成對沖投資組合,持有期間為一年,其平均超額報酬績效為51%。 • 實證上於樣本外公司之中,使用EV/Sales為選股依據組成對沖投資組合,持有期間為二年,其平均超額報酬績效為13%。若用關鍵因子加上EV/Sales為選股依據,持有期間為二年,其平均超額報酬績效大為32%,表示關鍵因子在投資期限較長之交易策略下,確實具有提升EV/Sales之選股能力。 • 本研究透過ANOVA檢定和相關性檢定,找出選股的關鍵因子,為投入資本報酬率,EBITDA利潤率,毛利率,以及營業利潤率。 / The purpose of this paper is to study the List high-tech Companies in Taiwan, when their EV/Sales ratio become the lowest in recent 3 years, whether if EV/Sales is a good tool to identify the companies are a super stock or not. Or, we should use other financial ratios as auxiliary tool to enhance the effective of screening tool, increasing the return of investment performance. The results are summary as below: • In the out-of-sample companies, if we use the EV/Sales as screening tool, the top 10% to composite as short portfolio, and bottom 10% to composite long portfolio, the holding period is one year; annualized abnormal return is 51%. • In the out-of-sample companies, if we use the EV/Sales as screening tool, the top 10% to composite as short portfolio, and bottom 10% to composite long portfolio, the holding period is two year, annualized return is 13%. If we add the auxiliary key financial ratios, the annualized abnormal return is 32%. • We use the ANOVA and correlation analysis, to identify the key financial ratios to enhanced investment return is Gross margin, EBITDA margin, operating margin, and ROIC.


黃能俊, Huang, Neng- Chun Unknown Date (has links)
觀察國內資本市場多年來之發展,民國八十七年『金融風暴』,有超過四十餘家上市櫃公司陸續發生財務危機,對當時傳統產業造成非常重大之衝擊;而近年來『地雷股』、『禿鷹集團』等事件,則有近二十家上市櫃公司陸續發生財務危機,不僅讓投資人不安、對資本市場產生信任危機,也讓企業主感受到莫大之經營壓力;而在探討上述財務危機公司之案例中,本研究深刻體認到,以代工為主之台灣產業而言,若企業僅有追求營收成長之策略,將難逃『利潤微薄化』之宿命;故當時雖然企業主可以利用每月營業額資訊,傳遞營收大幅成長或成長可期之訊息,加上『增資、擴廠』題材發布,可以得到市場一時之掌聲;但是,企業主疏忽經營核心競爭力之發展下,最後終將自食企業價值降低之惡果。 分析宏達科、洪氏英、陞技及勁永等四家公司,發現上述公司在出事前半年,每月營業額不僅無惡化之跡象,部分公司持續創新高,但股價已現疲乏且融券餘額逐漸增加,而觀察上述公司每季揭露之應收款項、存貨變化趨勢,或進而分析該公司之毛利、稅前損益變化情形;不難發現,亮麗之營收資訊往往僅是假象而已。而彙整個案研究之共同特徵為:企業主追求月營收之成長、資源之錯誤配置、短期績效決策優於長期企業價值經營;故不僅疏忽核心價值之建立,且往往造成市場削價競爭與產業結構之惡化;可見禿鷹集團、地雷股等事件,並非股市生態中之偶然,乃是目前生態下之必然發展。 綜上本研究認為,相較於全球主要資本市場每三個月面臨一次獲利報告及營收成長之壓力,我國公布月營業額之規定,更是企業主無比沉重之負擔;而實證說明每月營業額強制公告規定,不僅不足以保護善良投資人,甚至成為特定人士進行內線交易之幫凶。基於上述理由,本研究建議主管機關應全面檢討上述規定,並規劃相關配套措施,例如:改以自願性營收揭露之方式、鼓勵企業公佈合併營收資訊、舉辦法人說明會及加強投資人關係等;其次,提高會計師、承銷商、律師等專家之法律責任;並引導資本市場建置專業之資訊服務機制與獨立之資訊評鑑機制等,藉由外部市場之機制,強化企業資訊揭露之品質與內涵。最後,建議企業管理當局應專注於其核心競爭力之經營,並積極進行投資人間之溝通、維持資訊正確性與可信度,以獲得較佳之財務透明度與企業評價。 總而言之,資訊之揭露與傳遞,對於企業價值與股東權益間存有密切之關係,故改善我國定期公開資訊體系中每月營業額公布之規定,強化企業資訊之品質與內涵,相信不僅有助於保護投資者及引導企業價值創造,並可達到『發展經濟、保障投資』之證券管理目的。

戰爭遺留問題對美國對越南政策之影響(1975-2012) / The Legacy of War and Its Impact on U.S. Foreign Policy to Vietnam (1975-2012)

黃子揚, Huang, Zi Yang Unknown Date (has links)


彭玉明 Unknown Date (has links)
武裝衝突法已成為各交戰國(方)爭取國際支持之重要手段,軍隊執行作戰任務,必須遵守武裝衝突法及國際法的相關規範,始可確保作戰行動的合法性及正當性。陸戰法規是一系列戰爭法規則和慣例的重要歷史淵源,為武裝衝突法之主體。隨著以規範交戰規則為主的海牙法體系與規範人道保護規則為主的日內瓦法體系逐漸整合,陸戰法規除規範作戰使用武器的規則外,其他有關交戰者、敵對行為及軍事佔領等規則均納入1949年日內瓦公約及1977年的兩項附加議定書。 觀察國際社會對陸戰法規實踐的面向,除可從戰史例證中得到驗證外,尚可從童兵、地雷、武裝衝突遺留爆炸物處理及文化資產保護等議題,得以進一步瞭解陸戰法規實踐的全貌。要禁止利用童兵的行為,除了國家行為者應負履約義務外,對非國家行為者侵犯兒童權利行為的制止是當務之急,國際刑事法院應扮演更積極的角色。2003年波灣戰爭中,《禁雷公約》雖未能阻止伊拉克使用人員殺傷雷,但已顯示該公約對非締約國產生的隱性約束力,禁用人員殺傷雷的規範雖未完全實現,但已為多數國家認同,未來可能成為一項習慣國際法。《戰爭遺留爆炸物議定書》雖可為解決武裝衝突結束後平民所面臨的主要威脅提供一項法律制度,但因條約內容強制性不足,成效尚難顯現。目前對文化資深保護的重點在於免遭武裝衝突毀損為主要議題,因武裝衝突而流落異域之文化資產回復或返還,可能成為未來發展之主要議題。 / The Law of Armed Conflict has become one of the important means to win the international support for all belligerent. The army must comply with the Law of Armed Conflict in combat, in order to ensure the legitimacy of military operation. The law of war on land has its historical origins for regulations and customary of the Law of War, and also has codified as the main body of the Law of Armed Conflict. The Law of The Hague and the Law of Geneva have been gradually integrated. All these regulations of the law of war on land about combatant, hostilities and military occupation were included in the “Geneva Conventions of 1949” and two “Additional Protocols of 1977”, except the regulations of the use of the weapon. Observing the different aspects of the law of war on land in the international community from the cases above, furthermore, the issues of “Child Soldier”, “Landmine”, “Explosive Remnants of Armed Conflict” and “Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, can help to understand the full view of the practice of the law of war on land. For stopping the use of child soldiers, the obligation of convention should be executed by the state actors, the task of top priority should prevent the infringements of the right of child of the non-state actors, and the International Criminal Court should play a more positive role. In the “Gulf War 2003”, the rule, “Convention on Prohibition of Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Landmines and on Their Destruction”, although it has not prevent Iraq from the use of anti-personnel landmine, had showed the indistinct effect of the convention to the powers in the conflict that may not be parties to the convention. Although the rule of prohibition of use of anti-personnel mines has not completely realized, it had already been approved by most states, and may become one of the international customary in the future. The “Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War annexed to the “Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War (Protocol V to the 1980 Convention)” provided a legal protection for the civilian after the armed conflict. Its effect was still too difficult to manifest, because the force of provisions of the protocol were insufficient. The protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict focuses on exempting from the damage of cultural property at present, but the issue like how to recover the cultural properties which were pillaged in armed conflicts, would become the main theme in the foreseeable future.

以分類樣本偵測地雷股-新財務危機預警模型 / using divided samples to detect financial-distress company--new financial distress forcasting model

鄧志豪, Teng, Chi-Hau Unknown Date (has links)

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