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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


高鴻怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在評估一所公立國中目前的「學生學習權環境」,發現其亟待改進的學生學習權問題,了解問題形成的原因及教育生態、學校歷史背景的影響,分析變革的有利及不利因素,找出改進問題的的可行方向,並期在個殊的現象中,發現普遍性的通則,以供其他公立國中參考。 研究依「教育的公平與正義」、「對學生主體性的尊重」、「教育的品質與適切」三個面向為主軸,採先「量」後「質」的方法,先經由文獻探討形成初步研究構念,編製「學生學習權環境評估問卷」,對個案學校師生進行問卷調查,繼之根據調查統計結果研擬題綱,進行深度訪談。 研究發現,該校亟待改進的學生學習權問題有人情班、升學輔導學習機會的不公平、老師對待學生態度與作法的落差、藝能科被借課、學生無法依興趣參加社團、無法適性化教學評量與作業設計、不適任教師、教學方法與教學內容少有創新、傳統的輔導管教方式、教師情感疏離無法合作、學習意願低落的學生妨礙其他學生學習、大班大校不利學生學習等十二項,依序分析,並系統化整合各項問題,以完成研究之目的。 根據研究發現作出以下結論:1.升學主義乃是國民中學學生學習權不彰的根本原因。2.教師文化品質和教學效能對學生學習權同具影響力。3.行政領導者的理念和風格影響教師團隊活力與效能。4.學習權的精神在於教師對班後段學生的心態與處遇。5.教師便宜行事的粗糙作法製造更多課堂管理的困境。6.切合時代脈動與未來發展的教學才符合學生的需求。7.悖理的紀律會扼殺學生創意思考和自主學習的動機。8.精進每一位教師課堂教學能力是最根本實在的作法。9.提昇教學信念與教學效能有賴教師自覺反思的能力。10.學生有社會階級複製的可能學校人權教育尚待加強。 根據研究結論,分別對個案學校校長及行政團隊、教師、學生、所有國中教育工作者、主管教育行政機關及後續相關研究提出建議。 關鍵字:學習權、學生學習權環境、受教權、教育人權

國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效關係之研究 / A Study on Relationship among the Principals’ Space Leadership, Teacher Community Operation and Student Learning Outcomes in Taiwan’s Elementary School

鐘巧如, Chung, Chiao Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效的關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教育人員為對象,總共發出1,064份問卷,回收1,008份問卷,回收率為94.74%,而有效問卷回收率則為92.20%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲得以下八項結論,分述如下: 一、 國民小學校長空間領導各層面達到高程度表現,在「建構教育空間」、「形塑空間願景」層面表現最突出。 二、 國民小學教師社群運作各層面表現達到高程度表現,以「情感投入」層面最獲肯定。 三、 國民小學學生學習成效各層面表現達到中高程度表現,其中以「學生行為表現」層面最獲認同。 四、 不同背景變項在國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效之差異有其脈絡因素存在。 五、 國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效三者間具有正向關聯。 六、 國民小學校長空間領導及教師社群運作的分層面能預測學生學習成效。 七、 國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效的結構方程模式之適配度評鑑良好,能解釋主要變項間的關係。 八、 國民小學校長空間領導可直接影響學生學習成效,更可間接透過教師社群運作的中介機制,對學生學習成效產生正向影響。 最後,根據研究結論,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政主管機關、學校設施規劃設計、學校單位以及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation, and student learning outcomes in Taiwan elementary school. The researcher adopted survey as the main research method. The subjects have been public elementary school educators in Taiwan. 1,064 school staffs were selected to complete the questionnaire, where 1,008 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 94.74% and the valid rate was 92.20%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise regression, and Structural Equation Modeling. Based on the result of the current study, eight research conclusions were generated as follows: 1. The level of space leadership of principals in the elementary schools is high, and the performance in “constructing educational space” and “molding space vision” are outstanding. 2. The level of teacher community operation is high, and “affective engagement” is certainly the most eligible in the elementary schools. 3. The level of student learning outcomes is medium-performance, and “student behavior” acquired the most recognition in the elementary schools. 4. The differences of the background of principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation, and student learning outcomes have the context factors. 5. The relationships among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation and student learning outcomes have positive correlations. 6. The sub-level of the principals’ space leadership and teacher community operation can apparently predict the student learning outcomes. 7. The proper fit of structural equation model among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation and student learning outcomes is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. 8. The principals’ space leadership can affect student learning outcomes directly, and which can also affect student learning outcomes positively through teacher community operation. Eventually, according to the above conclusions, the research is to provide some recommendations as future references for the educational administration authority, school planners, and elementary schools.

都市原住民族父母教育期望、學生學習動機與學生學業成就關係之研究 / Urban aboriginal parents' education expectation, a study of the relationship among learning motivation and academic performation of Jjunior high school students

劉台光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討都市原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學生學業成就的現況,並探討不同背景變項間的差異情形,分析都市原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學業成就的相關情形,最後並探究父母教育期望及學生學習動機對學生學業成就之回歸預測分析。 本研究採問卷調查法,以臺北縣六所國民中學原住民族重點學校的學生為研究對象,共計595人,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後比較、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究得到以下的主要發現: 一、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學生學業成就均為中上程度。 二、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學生學業成就,因背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 三、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機與學生學業成就有顯著的低度正相關。 四、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望和學生學習動機有顯著的中度正相關。 五、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機對學生學業成就具有顯著的預測力。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the relationships among parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urban aboriginal junior high school students. Survey method is used in this research. By purposeful sampling, 595 valid samples were acquired. The instruments used in the research are included Parent Education Expectation Scale and Learning Motivation Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way anova, Scheffé method, pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis . The conclusions of major were as follows: 1. Parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urban aboriginal Junior high school students were in medium-high range. 2. There were significant differences of parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urabn aboriginal Junior high school students. 3. The correlations among parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic performance were positively significant. 4. The correlations between parent education expectation and learning motivation were positively significant. 5. Urban aboriginal junior high school students’ parent education expectation and learning motivation, could significantly predict their academic performance.

國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan

林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學基本學力測驗(簡稱「基測」)英語科屬高代價之語言測驗,測驗結果攸關每年三十萬左右國中畢業生的升學依據,影響層面甚廣,測驗對教學的影響即語言測驗文獻中所探討之回沖效應。 本研究旨在探討基測英語科對台灣北部地區九年級學生英語學習的回沖效應,以問卷調查台灣北部地區(基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣)九年級學生,從以下四個面向探討基測英語科所造成的回沖效應:(1)學生對基測英語科試題的了解及看法;(2)學生的學習目的;(3)學生的學習方式;(4)課堂活動。本研究以四個行政層級(直轄市、市、鎮、鄉)作為抽樣依據,共計發出1,490份問卷。 研究主要結果如下: 一、大多數學生了解基測英語科之題型及測驗目的。僅有半數學生認為試題簡單,進一步分析顯示,比較了解題型及目的的學生認為試題簡單。 二、學生學習目的與《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》英語課程目標一致。不以基測作為主要英語學習目標的學生英語成績較好。 三、學生最常從事的學習活動是聽英語歌曲、看英語影片或節目,也會學習千字表之外的字詞。大部分的學生沒有藉由參考書、參加校內課後輔導或校外補習來準備基測英語科。 四、最常見的課堂活動是老師帶唸課文或單字、文法練習,及寫測驗卷或聽老師檢討內容。相較之下,口說聽力的教學活動較少。 結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test. 2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning. 3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school. 4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching. Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.

桃園市高中職校長學術樂觀與 教師教學成效關係之研究 / Research on Principal’s Academic Optimism and Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness in Seiner and Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan City

黃挹芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園市高中職校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效的現況,藉由分析不同背景變項與學校變項之教師在知覺校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效的差異情形;進而探討校長學術樂觀對教師教學成效,最後根據研究提出結論。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園市33所公私立高中職之教師兼主任、教師兼組長(含科主任)、教師兼導師與專任教師為研究對象,採隨機抽樣方式,寄發問卷440份,回收有效問卷412份,有效回收率為93.6 %。問卷所得資料採用IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0統計軟體進行資料分析,獲得以下結論: 一、高中職現職教師在年齡與任教年資的差異上,顯現出對校長學術樂觀有不同之知覺傾向 二、高中職兼任導師之現職教師對校長學術樂觀知覺較低 三、公立高中職之現職教師對校長學術樂觀知覺呈現正相關 四、高中職現職教師在年齡與任教年資的差異上,顯現出對教師教學成效有不同之知覺傾向 五、高中職兼任導師之現職教師對教師教學成效知覺較低 六、高中職之現職教師對校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效具中度顯著關係,但在「班級氣氛」層面呈現低度顯著 七、高中職現職教師在「校長學術樂觀」的「信任教師、學生、家長」與「重視學生學習」對「教師教學成效」具有較高之預測力 / This study was designed to investigate the current status of high school principal’s academic optimism, teacher’s teaching effectiveness and their relationship in Taoyuan. Base on the result of analyzing the difference of teaching effectiveness of teachers from different backgrounds and different schools, and of school principal’s academic optimism, and on the result of exploring the influence of principal’s academic optimism on the effectiveness of teacher’s teaching, the conclusion is made. To achieve the above purpose, the research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the grand total provides 440 questionnaires randomly to teachers who are in different positions, either homeroom teachers, full time teachers, section chief or directors in 33 public or private high schools in Taoyuan, recycling effective questionnaires 412, the effective questionnaire recycling a rate 93.6%. The data obtained from questionnaires has been analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.00 obtain the following a conclusion: 1. When high school teachers’ age and the length of teaching year vary, their perception of principal’s academic optimism differs. 2. High school teachers’ perception of principal’s academic optimism is weak if they are homeroom teachers. 3. Public high school teachers have stronger perception of principal’s academic optimism. 4. Teachers with different ages and different length of teaching years have different perception of teaching effectiveness. 5. Current teachers who are homeroom teachers have weak perception of teaching effectiveness. 6. Academic optimism of high school principals is moderate significantly correlated to teachers’ teaching effectiveness, but weak correlated to classroom climate. 7. Two parts of measurement of principal’s academic optimism, faculty trust in students and parents and the school’s academic emphasis are highly predictable to teacher’s teaching effectiveness of current high school teachers.

臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫之新移民子女分析研究 / Study of the Analysis of Immigrant Children in Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement

謝進昌, Hsieh, Jin-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在分析臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)之新移民子女學習成就、心理、背景特質表現,及與本土子女進行比較。研究中自描述新移民族群的歷史演變、發展、可能遭遇困境與相關的研究中,進而,再搭配現行既有評量架構,以決定針對國小(四、六年級)新移民子女之數學成就、性別、家庭結構、家庭語言環境、家庭社經地位、家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略、學習偏好、能力歸因、數學能力自我概念、內在動機、家庭作業、課業補習、課外活動等十多項心理、背景特質進行分析,而在詮釋其理論、實徵研究基礎後,運用測量不變性、多元潛在迴歸分析等技術以進行本研究各項議題之探討,希冀能就分析結果,提供未來研究之參考。 綜整分析後,可發現以下幾點結論: 一、在針對數學成就進行族群間之比較時,研究中在單向度假設與Rasch模式適配度檢定符合下,進而於排除顯著差異試題功能測量指標後,是運用多元潛在迴歸分析以進行本土與新移民子女數學成就之比較,分析結果顯示,在國小六年級內,並未存在顯著的族群差異,但是於國小四年級中,則是以本土子女的表現平均優於新移民子女,其差異效果為0.36,約屬Cohen(1992)認為介於中等至小的效果量,而接續於分析是否存在其它因素影響時,分析結果是顯示在先天消極的族群因素外,族群間家庭社經地位的不均衡才是真正影響之主因。 二、有關族群間之心理與背景特質比較方面,研究中在經採用測量不變性以確立工具品質,並伴隨著卡方獨立性考驗、獨立樣本t檢定之運用後,其分析結果大致顯示出新移民子女是較本土子女,在家中手足數僅有1位、位居老大或獨子女、繼親家庭與身處雙語環境等現況具有相對的多數,但是在學生認知家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略運用、學習偏好以至課業補習、課外活動時間分派等,整體而言,則多是未具顯著的差異或屬Cohen(1992)所認為小的差異效果量範圍內。另一方面,研究中更突顯出的是族群間家庭社經地位的不平衡,確實占有極大的比重,是具備Cohen認為之中等至小的差異效果。 三、在分析心理、背景特質與數學成就關聯時,研究中在經採多元潛在迴歸分析後,其結果大致顯示:就族群與變項間之交互作用而言,國小四年級學生所認知之自我教育期望、內在動機等,相較於新移民子女,是對本土子女之數學成就有較高的影響力,但是國小六年級學生的家中手足數、家庭社經地位、記憶、控制策略運用與外控能力歸因的認知上,則是相對在新移民子女之數學成就上有較深厚的影響,而至於其它變項之分析,則多未存在族群的差異。進而,在排除族群的干擾,僅就各特質與數學成就關聯之主要效果而言,研究結果顯示除性別、家庭子女的出生序、家庭作業與課業補習分派時間等,存在不顯著或僅部份年級具備顯著效果外,其餘特質皆能符合本研究理論所預測之傾向,大致是以具備過多家中手足數或持過度的外控數學能力歸因者,是會對學生數學成就產生負面的影響,而其餘如來自完整家庭、身處主流語言環境、具備高家庭社經地位、教育期望、和諧親子關係、良好學校適應與擁有高度學習策略、偏好、動機等,則皆能正向的影響數學成就。 最後,研究中是就新移民子女定義、抽樣架構、測量指標等面向,提出對新移民子女學習成長資料庫之建立及與其它實務、研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze neo-immigrant children’s achievement, performance in psychological traits and compare these with native children. Starting from the description of development, challenge and related researches of immigrant children in the past, we found the assessment frame of Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) just corresponded to the purpose we expect. Therefore, based on TASA , we decided to analyze the status and performance of neo-immigrant children in math, gender, family structure, language environment, socio-economic status, parents and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy, learning preference, ability attribution, academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation, time assignment of homework, school cramming, and extracurricular activity etc. Following the support of the theoretical and empirical evidences, we used the technique of measurement invariance and multiple latent regression to discover the different topics in the thesis. In sum, some conclusions are proposed. 1. In the comparison of math achievement between neo-immigrant and native children, we use the technique of multiple latent regression to test the difference after exclusion some items with significant differential item functioning. The result indicates that there is no significant difference between these two races in the sixth grade, but in the fourth grade the native children perform better than neo-immigrant children. The effect size is 0.36, and it is between medium and small degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. Depended on this result, several following analyses are implemented. It shows the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the main cause instead of the race people belong to. 2. In the comparison of psychological traits between neo-immigrant and native children, we not only use the technique of measurement invariance to ensure the qualities of assessment tools but also adopt chi-square test and independent samples t-test to examine the differences. The results indicate that the neo-immigrant children have more chances belonging to the categories of being eldest among siblings or only one child in his family, living in step-parents family, and involvement in bilingual environment. But there is almost no or just little difference between the two races in the perception of parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy application, learning preference, and the time assignment of school cramming and extracurricular activity. Besides, we found the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the most different. The effect sizes range approximately from small to medium degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. 3. In this study, we used the technique of multiple latent regression to analyze the relationship between different psychological traits and math achievement. The results indicate that as far as the interaction effects are concerned, the perception of self expectation and intrinsic motivation has greater impacts on native children’s math achievement than neo-immigrant’s in the fourth grade, but in the sixth grade the family size, family socio-economic status, the usage of memorization and control strategy, external ability attribution have greater impacts on neo-immigrant children’s math achievement than native children’s. Besides, there are no interaction effects on the remaining variables. Furthermore, as far as the main effect is concerned, the result shows that except no or just little relationship between gender, birth order, the time assignment of homework, school cramming and math achievement, the remaining variables have the similar relationships toward math achievement as we expect. That is that having too many siblings, external attribution of math ability may have negative influence on students’ achievement, but students who belong to intact family, involve in the mainstream of language environment, have higher family socio-economic status, and perceive better parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment etc. may have positive influence on their math achievement. Finally, some suggestions about the definition of neo-immigrant children, the way of sampling and qualities of measurement indicators are proposed. We expect they may do a greater help in the construct of the database of Prospect of Neo-Immigrant Children Learning and future usage.

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