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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

由實境學習觀點探討英語課堂中的電影配音活動 / Toward an Understanding of the Use of Film Dubbing Activities in the EFL Classroom through Situated Learning Perspectives

李路得, Lee, Lu De Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討以實境學習觀點來培訓技職校院學生英語口語溝通能力的教學設計與實施。由於技職校院學生英語程度較弱,乃根據實境學習理論中的認知學徒見習期 (cognitive apprenticeship)的二個階段:觀察期(observation)及實作期(practice)來設計教學。在觀察期階段中,藉由觀賞英文電影讓學生觀察英語母語使用者之真實口語溝通情境及技巧;在實作期階段中,則指導學生為電影片段配音,目的在以影片做為前導與幫助(scaffold),使學生在真實語言情境中建立英語口語溝通能力。本研究設計採用設計型研究(Design-based research)探討學生在此電影教學中的知覺及反應,研究結果顯示學生對電影配音活動的反應良好,例如能在其中觀摩英語母語使用者之口語技巧,較容易記得影片中英文單字及句子,以及建立開口說英語的自信與勇氣。 / This study is a design-based research focusing on the application of situated learning perspectives to the EFL classroom for the development of English oral communicative competence. Situated learning theory features cognitive apprenticeship, a learning process in which an apprentice learns a skill or knowledge from a master through the observation of expert process and practice with scaffolds (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In this study, a teaching project based on film dubbing activities was designed and implemented to 39 vocational college students, who were classified as lower-level EFL learners due to their limited English proficiency, with the purpose of developing their English oral communicative competence through cognitive apprenticeship. Film clips were viewed and instructed in class to provide the students with access to the social context of oral communication by native English speakers. After the students observed the expert process in the film clips, they were instructed to execute film dubbing tasks, in which they practiced oral skills with the scaffolds of the audio-visual presentation in the film clips. As a qualitative case study, the purpose of this study is to explore the students’ learning experiences, including their perceptions and reactions, in the teaching project. The research results reveal the students’ overall positive reactions to the film dubbing activities; for example, they were impressed by the opportunities to make close observation of real English use by native English speakers; they found it easier to remember English vocabulary and sentences through film dubbing activities; and they became more confident in speaking English.

標竿學習理論與實務之研究 / Benchmarking -- The Study of Theory and Practice

陳衍宏, Chen, Yen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討標竿學習,分別自理論基礎與運作實務兩大面向探討,進而建構一套標竿學習的模型。 就理論部分而言,本研究針對幾種與標竿學習最為相關的管理技術或工具,作基本的探究,試圖從其中找尋標竿學習的脈絡,俾以為其理論奠基。經過文獻的研究與分析,本研究提出標竿學習的三項核心價值,分別為「全面品質觀」、「學習觀」與「流程觀」,並藉由「價值鍊」的概念,促使此三觀得以整合並相互助益。 「全面品質觀」係脫胎自全面品質管理的原則,以顧客滿意為依歸的基本信念為其價值,而更強調指標的建立或標竿的選擇亦應採取如是觀點;「學習觀」則為「組織學習」概念的延伸,並在標竿學習的論點上,使學習概念更為廣博。「學習觀」是標竿學習極為重要卻常忽略的觀點。學習是具有嚴謹架構與邏輯的思考面向,包含向他人學習與自我學習、超越等,在標竿學習中更因具有層次性,而能使標竿學習之學習概念趨於完備。「流程觀」則指組織運作之流程,為標竿學習之主要對象,包括對方組織與自身組織的流程。此外,流程觀亦同時指出標竿學習成功與否的關鍵之一乃在其計畫推動程序能否落實良善。此三項核心價值分別代表標竿學習的基本命題:「學什麼」——流程觀;「怎麼學」——學習觀;「指標意義」——全面品質觀。正因為此三者分別代表不同領域之整合,故由「價值鍊」貫穿三者以求整合,名之為「標竿學習之三環連鎖」,此即為標竿學習的理論基礎、核心價值。 就實務而言,標竿學習的類型、設計相關計畫步驟之先後,本研究以為,制定合於時宜的方案,遠勝制度法則之移植(此觀點與「全面品質觀」同),故介紹幾種基本型態,必須強調的是,切莫自限於此,還是要從理論部分談起,完整的建構與釐清,將有助於指導實務之運作。

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