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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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董維真 Unknown Date (has links)
過去台灣正式教育體制內,從中小學的基礎教育,直至高等教育階段,長期缺乏整全的宗教教育課程,整個社會對於宗教教育的內涵也缺乏清楚認知與認同,以致影響到宗教學教育的發展。相較於歐美或日本宗教學教育的發展,台灣整體宗教教育受到政治、社會、文化等因素影響,在發展上多受限制,故以宗教系所的發展為指標,以探究現今宗教學教育的現況、困境與未來發展的趨勢。 本文作為一初探性的研究,嘗試藉由文獻分析、半結構訪談、敘述統計等方法,實地瞭解台灣各宗教系所的創設歷程、整體的現況特色與發展困境,最後以台灣宗教學教育的建構者∼各宗教系所專任教師之意見為依據,歸結與分析台灣宗教學教育的現況與未來展望。 從資料分析總結,宗教系所當前面臨的前三大困境分別為:「就業市場有限」、「學生學習意願不高」與「現有師資不足」。其中,「學生就業市場」是普遍宗教系所專任教師主觀意識到的系所發展最大困境。宗教系所成立年限多半在五年之內,卻普遍出現對畢業生就業問題憂慮,對處於正建構中的新興學系而言,成為未來發展的重要考量。 宗教系所的課程發展,是相當複雜的過程,從經驗資料發現,以宗教系所為主體出發,台灣宗教系所的課程發展,會受到外部教育主管機關的規範、學術市場的競爭壓力、學校傳統,以及囿於內部的教師結構與學生背景而有所調整變動。 最後以「所多於系」的現象,來探討宗教系所的體系發展,與其教育意涵。發現是由於台灣整體教育環境長年不開放宗教教育,導致社會對宗教教育與宗教就業的不理解,影響宗教系學生的入學意願和學習動機,產生宗教系所體系有「所多系少」的偏向。故未來建議以開放台灣教育環境為前提,俾能使宗教學得到整體社會的接納,並在更多就業市場與人才的需求下,宗教系所方能更順利地「向上延伸」與「向下扎根」,繼續發展全方位的宗教學教育。

宗教與世俗教育的衝突與妥協~以聖約翰科技大學為例 / Conflict and Compromise between Religion and Secular Education~ a Case Study on the establishment of St. John's University

陳玉海, Chen,Y.H.Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的大學院校中,有近十分之一的學校具有基督宗教的傳統,他們或由宗教團體創辦,或由基督徒個人所辦理,這些具有宗教背景的院校在創辦過程中因台灣社會的特殊政經情勢,而面臨不同的挑戰,聖約翰科技大學(前新埔工專)亦為其中一所,該校於一九六七年創辦,當時為這些教會學校中唯一的工業專科學校,至今仍為科技導向的唯一大學,因此本文乃以社會學家韋伯(Weber,Max )論及《宗教拒世的階段與方向》中,宗教與世俗世界的衝突的本質性分析,探討該校在創辦歷程中,所遭遇的挑戰,以理解宗教與政治、經濟、知性在教育的場域中,所呈現的衝突與妥協的關係,以及行動者以如何的行動倫理承擔宗教與世俗之間的張力。 該校乃由台灣聖公會主導創辦,並由上海聖約翰大學、聖瑪利亞女校在台校友協助辦理,本文先追溯聖公會在中國大陸的教育事業發展,後詳述該校從倡議至創建後五年為止的過程,以及該校所形塑的學生人格教育、教學特色與宗教教育發展,最後論及創辦該校對台灣聖公會的影響,以上資料均由歷史文獻及與相關人士訪談蒐集之。 研究顯示,宗教團體透過教育機構來宣揚教義與接觸民眾,是基於知性的認知活動與宗教的內在意義上有相當的相似性而起,但教育機構自成立後,就會發展出自行運作的法則,追求有利於自身發展的知性追求與組織架構,不斷生產出擁護世俗價值的校友與由校友獲取的現世利益,並且回饋到學校自身,且宗教團體辦校因威脅民族自尊與神格化的政治領袖,而國家也試圖透過軍訓管理的手段掌控教育機構,宗教遂成為政治的競爭者。由於學校成為獲利並強化世俗價值的工具,違背了宗教遠離世俗財富的原則,學校經費來源逐漸依賴於學費與校友的捐款,也讓學校以基於供需原則的經濟理性為思考,以上均取代了宗教的建立普遍性同胞愛關係的原則,於是產生衝突。 然而教育機構自成立後,便透過校友的回饋形成自給自足的固有法則,為延續其生命而努力,而宗教面臨以暴力為後盾的政治力量也必須歸順之,同時若沒有配合政府的經濟發展的需要及校友的資金投入,宗教團體也無法繼續擁有一個穩定的宣教場域,因此宗教必須妥協於教育、政治、經濟的力量,才得以存活。 / About one-tenth of universities in Taiwan have a Christianity background; they are established by religious groups or individuals. These religious schools face different challenges at founding due to the distinctive social, economical and political status of Taiwan. St. John’s University (Former Hsin-Pu College of Technology) is one of these schools. It was founded in 1967 and till now it is still the only university of technology founded by religious groups. With the basis of the sociologist, Weber, Max’s theory and “Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions", this article inspects the obstacles this school has met at its founding stage due to the conflicts between politics and religion, In order to find out the conflict and compromise relationship of religious, political, economic, and cognitive aspects in the education field and how action takers bear religious and secular based tensions by taking ethical actions. Hsin-Pu College of Technology was founded by Taiwan Episcopal Church with the assistance of Shanghai St. John’s University and St. Mary’s collage alumni in Taiwan. This article first discusses Episcopal Church’s effort in school founding in China, then investigates general and religious education of St. John’s University. Finally, this article probes into the effects of St. John’s establishment on Taiwan Episcopal Church. Data is collected through historical literatures and interviews with related individuals. Research indicates that religious groups, through ways of educational institutions establishment, aims to propagate religion. However, the establishment of education institutions will aid in the development of self-operating principles while in search for cognitive and organization structures beneficial for self-developments. Alumnae that support the secular values continue to be cultivated. Alumnae acquires spiritual or material benefits in this world will also contribute to the school. Moreover, religious groups that have established schools are often viewed as threats to national pride and godhood of political leaders, the government often attempts to monitor education institutions through military management. Religion therefore becomes a rival of politics. Schools become tools of profit and drift away from their original aim to promote religion because they need to meet economical needs which rely on tuitions and donations. After establishment, these religious educational institutions rely on alumni recompense. Also, in order to survive, these religious educational institutions often have to submit to the brute force from the politics. Religious groups cannot ensure stable preaching environments without cooperating with the government’s economic development needs, and funding from alumnae. Thus, religion must find a way to compromise with the force of education, politics, and economy for survival.

穆斯林婦女宗教意識的自覺與社會互動─以當代臨夏的宗教女校為例 / Muslim women religious self-awereness and its social intercourse : a study of women's quranic school in modern linxia

嫣然 Unknown Date (has links)
伊斯蘭教興起至今已有一千三百多年的歷史,在最初期即從阿拉伯傳入中國的兩條支系,一條是絲綢之路,另一條是從絲綢之路延伸出來的海上絲綢之路。它們在歷史悠久的過程中產生了精彩的文化現象。宗教教育自從明代開始發展,對於居住在中國的不同穆斯林社群影響極廣。早在明清之際在中原地區更創辦了傳授伊斯蘭教知識的「女學」,創立具有豐富歷史、文化內涵的宗教與社會現象,而逐漸普及到中國其他穆斯林地區。   本文針對「女學」傳統所呈現的伊斯蘭「女校」來研究在西北臨夏地區的現狀,及其對穆斯林女性宗教意識與社會互動的影響。就內容設計而言,本文首先論述婦女宗教教育在伊斯蘭教中的地位以及中國伊斯蘭教的女性宗教教育在歷史中的變遷,繼而以臨夏女校為例,探討西北地區穆斯林婦女宗教教育的狀況,特別重視其所提供的兩個空間,亦即教室與禮拜堂在宗教育社會上的功能與涵義。

我國宗教憲法之研究 / Research of religious issues under the ROC Constitution

黃雅琪 Unknown Date (has links)
宗教憲法因宗教本質上之先驗性與著重探討形而上之概念,故在概念定義上即有其困難。特別是我國宗教型態屬於普化、綜攝式之風貌與特殊之「游宗」宗教行為模式,且華人信仰態度屬多元包容型態,其信仰與世俗社會緊密結合,承襲傳統之價值理念與生活模式,呈現出一種遊走於寺院宮闕,著重信仰本質,忽略宗教形式,與宗教較無組織上聯繫,而僅有信仰上的來往,經由宗教儀式之操作來各取所需。由於多元、特殊之本土宗教型態,導致宗教定義更形困難,在宗教難以明確定義與宗教本質之超驗性、無法以科學理性論證特質之情況下,宗教自由之內涵界定與國家世俗法所生之扞格,國家行為之介入係屬侵害與否,此等議題相較於其他基本權而言則更形困難與難解。 我國宗教憲法的論述往往略過宗教學與社會學文獻之分析角度,僅單純直接從外國法的引進及法學層面的探討,忽略我國宗教型態面貌與外國宗教之差異性,反應在詮釋我國宗教憲法時,必須在本土宗教文化脈絡下討論,當援引國外學說案例之時,亦應做不同的法律解釋。 因此,本文嘗試從憲法學、宗教學、社會學三面向,來研究我國的宗教憲法內涵。從最根本屬於我國宗教風貌的瞭解,探討出符合我國宗教定義之解釋,再從比較法上觀察宗教自由的內涵與相關憲法案例的論證,再推導出我國宗教憲法之內涵,更進一步,去探討我國宗教平等、宗教寬容、宗教教育、政教分離等在憲法上所呈現的問題,與比較法上是否容有比附援引之處。最後,則檢視目前現行法規是否有背離憲法所保障的宗教自由之虞,並於文末對宗教團體立法提出些微建議。

台灣宗教教育之合憲性研究-國民教育之分析 / On Constitutionality of Taiwanese Religious Education--An Analysis of the Civil Education

張源泉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探究的主題為宗教教育之合憲性,這個主題在本論文中包含三個子題:一、公立學校可否實施具有宗教信仰內涵的生命教育?二、國家可否禁止私立中小學開設宗教教育?三、憲法是否賦予新約教徒有權拒絕接受牴觸其宗教信仰之教育,而選擇在家教育的權利?針對這些問題,本論文首先從歷史分析的角度,探討宗教教育之發展。其次,闡釋宗教教育之合憲性基礎。最後,基於上述的研究基礎,再進一步判斷宗教教育之合憲性。   在公立學校之宗教教育方面。若依據政教分離之限定分離說觀點,生命教育的實施,如果能對於各種宗教信仰廣為介紹,保障學校成為一個以學生自我實現為核心之多元、開放、中立而寬容之場域,尚不至於違憲;但若只提供某一特定宗教信仰的內涵,使學生沒有選擇的可能性,將會違反政教分離原則。若從徹底分離說的觀點,生命教育的教材內容,如果其內容蘊含一特定宗教信仰內涵時,將會違反憲法之政教分離原則。   在私立學校之宗教教育方面。在公立學校以外的宗教教育,由於並不涉及政教分離原則,而為憲法宗教自由之保障對象;而且,私立學校基於其辦學之目的,得自由選擇教師及學生,且已事先告知其應接受之宗教教育課程,故私立學校得自由開設宗教教育課程;因此,我國禁止私立學校開設宗教教育課程,實已違反憲法對於宗教自由的保障。   在新約教會之案例方面。當父母之宗教信仰與學校之價值體系有衝突時,為保障父母之宗教自由,應承認父母享有入學義務拒絕權,而可以主張在家教育;但為了保障子女之受教育權,此種取代學校教育之在家教育,必須除了宗教內容之課程外,也必須提供相當於一般公、私立學校所實施之國民教育內容及程度,使其子女享有與一般學校學生同值之教育。 / The motif of the thesis is to investigate the constitutionality of the religious education. This thesis includes three sub-thesis: 1. could the public schools enforce the education of the life with the significance of the religion?2. could the state forbid the private primary and junior high schools to establish the religious education? 3.does the constitution authorize the Xinyue Protestants to decline the general education which offends against their religious beliefs and choose to be educated at home? Aiming at these problems, this thesis sets out from the stance of the historical analysis to inquire into the development of the religious education. Then, the thesis explicates the foundation of the constitutionality of the religious education. Finally, basing upon the aforesaid results, then further discuss the constitutionality of the religious education.   With the respect of religious education in the public schools, if according to the standpoint of the separation of church and state, the enforcement of the life education should spread various religions, secure the schools to provide a place for targeting the self-realization of the students and for the diversified, broadminded, neutralism and tolerance sphere, the aforesaid religious education is unlikely to unconstitutionality. But if the schools provide the one and only religious education, make the students have no selective possibility, and then these schools have acted against the principle of the separation of church and state . If from the standpoint of thorough split, the content of the teaching materials of the life education includes the courses of the one and only religion, then it acts against the constitutionality of the principle of the separation of church and state .   With the respect of religious education in the private schools, because the schools don’t involve the principle of the separation of church and state , therefore, they are targets of protection under the constitution for religious freedom; furthermore, the private schools may depend on its own purpose of establishment to freely select instructors and students and because being notified them about the required courses of religious education in advance, they may freely set up religious courses; our country forbids their setting religious courses have violated constitution.   With the respect of the case study of Xinyue Protestants, when the parents’ religious beliefs and the value system of the schools generate the conflicts, to protect the parents’ religious freedom the state should acknowledge that the parents have the right to decline the registration of their children for the required schooling education and may have right to educate their children at home; while to protect the rights of children for education as well, the substitute schooling education at home should provide similar content and standard of the general civil education as offered by the public and private schools in general in addition to the courses of religious education to let their children may also accept the equivalent education in the general schools.


山内, 由賀 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21852号 / 人博第881号 / 新制||人||211(附属図書館) / 2018||人博||881(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 小山 静子, 教授 倉石 一郎, 教授 多賀 茂 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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