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台北市國民中學科學教育師資與設備概況之調查研究詹英美 Unknown Date (has links)
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新北市國民中學教師人力供需之研究 / The Research on Teachers’ Supply and Demand in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City林裕國, Lin,Yu Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
一、全國以及新北市國民中學103 學年至 107 學年國中新生預估減少率都維持3%至5%之降幅。新北市近年,總人口數有微幅增加的情形。但國中學生人數仍逐年減少,整體比率與全國大致相當。
三、預測未來新北市國民中學教師資供需量, 本研究用文件分析方式及灰預測GM(1,1)模式推估,結果雖略有差異,就大方向看,新北市教師供給量而言,近期內均呈逐年下降趨勢,而且會維持一段時間,趨勢可供師培機構以及教育主管機關做為參考
四、因應少子化新北市國民中學師資供需因應策略,政府可視財政政狀況就以下可行性方案:(一)調降班級人數方案,(二)調高每班級教師員額編制數,(三) 降低員額控管比率。做為調整國民中學師資供需方案。
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台灣與大陸地區師資培育制度之比較研究廖啟森 Unknown Date (has links)
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韓國中等學校職前師資培育制度韓舜南, Han, Sun-Nam Unknown Date (has links)
1. 建立完善的教師資格檢定制度。
2. 建立師資培育機構、學校、社區密切合作的制度。
3. 在韓國中等學校職前師資培育階段中應需較長之教育實習時間。
基於以上的研究對於教育行政機關、大學校院、及中等學校、未來後續研究提出建議,俾供兩國建構師資培育制度之參考。 / The purpose of this research was to study pre-service education system of Korean and secondary school Teachers.
The conclusions and implications of the present study are summarized below:
The training curricula for Korean teachers can be divided into two parts; One is the curricula for normal universities and the other is for non–normal universities. The courses for normal universities are separately designed for national normal universities and private normal universities. And those for non-normal universities are for general universities and the department of education and graduate institute of education. The diversity and open teacher educational system can suffice the need for teachers. However, as far as curriculum designing and curriculum management , it can only help students obtain teacher’s certificates. This even happens to students in normal universities.
The problem arise because the system is lacking in guiding students how to study education and optimize teaching methods. The system should enhance the quality of teacher training. The number of credit points one obtains serves as criterion for professional curriculum. Moreover, teachers in secondary education can gain two kinds of certificates. Teachers who have a master degree can receive “The firth grad teacher’s license ” and those who have a bachelor degree can obtain “The second grad teacher’s license ”.
Suggestion of some ideas to improve the teacher education areas follows:
1. To establish complete certain of the teachers rating system.
2. To establish teacher education system, the secondary schools and community which are closely related to one another.
3. More time is needed for practicing teachers in Korea.
According to the conclusion of this study, I hope it will be some help to the construct of secondary school teachers education system. Moreover, the study gives some suggestions to the educational administration, unive rsities , secondary schools, and the further study.
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少子化趨勢對國民教育師資供需影響與對策之研究鍾德馨 Unknown Date (has links)
(五)在統計方法方面,在師資供需預測方面可採以時間數列分析、模糊時間數列分析、類神經網路、多變量模糊時間數列等統計方法,藉以比較預測結果之統計差異。 / The low birth rate--the influence and strategy of the supply and demand of teacher in compulsory education
The purpose of this study was to analyze the policy of teacher education by the point view of population composition and probe into the state of teacher supply and demand, with its trend of development. The article analyze by percentage, cluster analysis, time series analysis, grey forecasting, and fuzzy Delphi method to realize the current situation, forecast and solving strategies of teacher supply and demand bring related solving strategies.
Marjor findings include the following:
1.The trend of students in compulsory education was to affect by the low birth rate. Every county in the low birth rate was different, especially the most influence were Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Keelung city, Taichung city, Chiayi city, and Tainan city.
2.The teacher supply and demand of different counties in elementary education were not the same, especially the most saturated membership of teachers were Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Miaoli county, Taichung county, Changhua county, Nantou county, Chiayi county, Tainan county, Kaohsiung county, Pingtung county, Hualien county, Keelung city, and Tainan city.
3. The teacher supply and demand of different counties in middle education were disorderly by the low birth rate influence, but these counties’ teachers development trend were cut down, including Taipei city, Chiayi county, Nantou county, Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Pingtung county, and Tainan county.
4.The ARIMA model and grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting the supply and demand of teacher were good methods, especially the grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting degree of accuracy exceeds 99 percent.
5.Elementary education is forecasted reducing rough 5,703 teachers in 95-100 session. Besides Taoyuan county, Taitung county, and Hsinchu city have growth of teachers, the others’ teachers have obvious reducing, especially Nantou county, Keelung city, Taipei county, and Penghu county reduce teachers exceeding 10 percent.
6.The earlier stage of Middle education is forecasted increase rough 118 teachers in 95-100 session. Among countries belong to the growth of teachers are Taitung county, Hsinchu county, Chiayi city, Taoyuan county, and Penghu county. However, Among countries belong to the reducing of teachers are Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Taipei city, and Pingtung county, which reducing percentage over 10 percent.
7. To solving the imbalance of teacher supply and demand must be started in teachers’ retirement and evaluation reform, and teacher membership of organization reform.
Based on the finding, several recommendations were made for the superior authorities, for the governments of education administration as well as for further research.
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以HRD的觀點論新制教育實習制度對實習教師影響之研究陳怡卉 Unknown Date (has links)
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職業訓練師資培訓制度之研究:以委外職業訓練為對象 / A study on the training institution for vocational training instructors in Taiwan: Case on contract-out vocational training林函瑩, Lin, Han Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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縫補專業行動的裂痕─探究兒童哲學在幼兒園實踐的形跡 / Do philosophy with children in the kindergarten連珮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以行動研究取向,探究一位經四年幼師專業培育、一年實習經驗的初任幼師(研究者自身)實踐兒童哲學的歷程,探究內涵包括:一、理解孩童藉語言所表達的思想,以試圖澄清自身對於「孩童圖像」之困惑;二、追索自身作為「幼師」在教育行動中的所思、所為及轉變。研究者以「故事」作為反身辨識經驗意義的入口,詮釋與12位五歲孩童以思考故事《貓人》為材料,進行思考故事討論的經驗。通過詮釋歷程,研究者逐漸獲得「對自身及對孩童的理解」,並形構對於「幼師培育」的疑慮及觀點,分別闡述出:一、自身「專業行動的裂痕與縫補」,解析理論與實務分隔、窄化為傳輸知識與訓練技能的師資培育,惟恐加深大學與專業實踐、理論與實務、思想與行動之間的裂痕,且此體制上的「難」亦將體現於幼師在專業行動中的困境。二、透過此研究「重構對『孩童』的理解」,論述孩童在實際生活中「做」哲學(do philosophy)的思考樣態,即體現了「兒童哲學」之本質,其「做哲學」的樣態歸納有以下特徵:(一)為自己思考且能把玩思想的孩童、(二)對生活做出純粹反省的孩童、(三)善於在「未知」中探尋意義的孩童、(四)自然展露思考技巧的孩童。最後,研究者再次從「兒童哲學」與「師資培育」兩個層面回觀以展望未來。
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從教師專業知能的觀點分析越南小學師資培育課程綱要 / Vietnamese elementary teacher education curriculum: based on the teacher professional competency perspective蔡玉鳳, Sai, Ngoc Phung Unknown Date (has links)
依據研究結果,提出對小學師資培育課程、政府訂定師資培育政策與未來研究之建議。 / The purposes of this study are to (1) explore the contents and ideas of curriculum design in Vietnamese elementary teacher education (2) investigate the practice of the elementary teacher education curriculum in Vietnam. Using content analysis methodology, this study has obtained some results as follows:
1. The curriculum intends to contain political ideology and socialism.
2. Special attention is paid to pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge.
3. The curriculum aims to foster the multiple competencies of elementary teachers.
4. The curriculum content is lack of the pedagogical methods and foundation theories of education knowledge.
5. The curriculum focuses on practical training and education study; however, it it does not contain complete supportive arrangements.
6. The professional courses in educational studies are still incomplete; the curriculum also lacks optional subjects.
Based on the results, the study provides some suggestions for the design of the elementary teacher education curriculum, the government policy of teacher education, and future research.
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行動取向的職前師資培育模式之研究--以國小國語科識字與寫字教學為例 / An Action Orientation Model for Preservice Teacher Education----An Example in Teaching Elementary School Students’ Chinese Vocabulary and Handwriting陳添球, Tien-Chiu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研首先透過文獻分析,探討行動取向師資培育模式的理論基礎,建構行動取向師資培育模式的知識、計畫、表現、省思和精熟等五大變項,再用「個案實驗研究法」,選擇花蓮師範學院大學部三年級兩位修習「教育實習」之師資生為樣本,分為實驗組和控制組,進行「知識輸入」實驗處理後,實施六回合計畫、表現、省思試教實驗。資料蒐集的方法有知識引出訪談、教學設計、放聲思考think aloud與轉譯、試教錄影與轉譯、省思錄影與轉譯及研究者實地觀察記錄。資料分析的方法有資料的持續比較、路徑發現分析、精熟情形分析、資料的次數分析、百分比分析等。本研究的重要發現有:
最後本研究針對師資培育方案規劃、課程發展、教學、督導、與評鑑,以及未來繼續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate an action-learning model for teacher education. In addition, the study intended to provide implications for the linking knowledge and action of teacher education. The current researcher reviewed literature to analyze the rationale of an action-learning model for teacher education and to construct the five variables of knowledge, design, performance, reflection and mastering for the model. The experiment method was used. The subject was two student teachers. One student teacher studied how to teach elementary school students’ Chinese vocabulary and handwriting from a videodisk. Both the two student teachers teach elementary school students’ Chinese vocabulary and handwriting for six sessions. Knowledge elicitation interview, instructional design, thinking aloud and video recoding were used for datd collection. The showing your work analysis, protocol analysis, constant comparison analysis, the pathfinder analysis, frequency analysis and percentage analysis were used for data analysis. The findings from this study are the following:
1.The pedagogical domain-specific knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge was blended by the knowledge of domain-general and the knowledge of specific-specific. In order to analyze the pedagogical domain-specific knowledge from instructional design, the knowledge of general-general is named of intra-general-general. The knowledge of domain-specific should be divided into inner-domain-general content, inner-lesson-specific content, inner-domain-general pedagogy, and inner-domain-general process.
2.The programmed knowledge learned from teacher education program and from experiment treatment were able to develop the representation of teaching action and teaching action. The two kinds of knowledge were useable.
3.Teaching elementary school students’ Chinese vocabulary and handwriting needs to blend the knowledge of intra--domain general and the knowledge of domain-specific(The knowledge of inner-domain-general content, inner-lesson-specific content, inner-domain-general pedagogy, inner-domain-general teaching process).
4.To design the teaching of elementary school students’ Chinese vocabulary and handwriting need to blend the knowledge of general-general and the knowledge of specific-specific. The more the knowledge of these two areas induces the more production of representation of teaching action.
5. The subjects had transferred 84% representation of teaching action into their teaching in the current study.
6.The more knowledge of intra-domain general and the knowledge of domain-specific could produce the more production of the representation of teaching action. The more production of the representation for teaching action could transfer the more performance in teaching. The more performance of teaching could induce the more reflection of teaching.
The current study not only provides implications for teacher education but also suggests directions for further research.
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