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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林秀紅 Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要 本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長轉型領導與教師自我實現之現況,並探討兩者間的關聯性。研究中是以台北縣政府所屬67所縣立國民小學、1025位教師為施測樣本,以「校長領導行為與教師自我實現調查問卷」作為研究工具,將所蒐集的資料分別以「平均數」、「標準差」、「單因子變異數分析」、「t考驗」、「皮爾遜積差相關」、「多元逐步迴歸」等統計方法進行分析與討論。歸納有九項研究發現: 一、台北縣國民小學教師多數肯定校長的轉型領導行為。 二、台北縣國民小學教師普遍具高程度自我實現之表現。 三、不同學校環境變項,教師知覺的校長轉型領導行為並無顯著差異。 四、不同校長屬性變項,教師知覺的校長轉型領導行為並無顯著差異。 五、不同學校環境變項,教師自我實現程度並無顯著差異。 六、不同教師屬性變項,教師自我實現程度並無顯著差異。 七、校長與教師所知覺的校長轉型領導行為有顯著差異。 八、校長轉型領導行為與教師自我實現程度有顯著相關。 九、校長轉型領導行為各層面對整體教師自我實現具有預測效果。 依據上述研究發現提出建議,以提供教育行政機關、國小校長、教師以及未來研究者之參考,期使有助於學校教育之進步與發展。


林英哲, Lin, Ying-Zhe Unknown Date (has links)
資本利得課稅的問題,在各國間一直被猛烈的爭論著,或以失之過寬,或以失之過嚴 ,立場各異,見解自殊。然而,經濟在進步,觀念在改變,稅制亦隨之革新,本文乃 以客觀立場,對有關問題,加以多面的探討。 全文分為六章十八節及附錄一則,合成一冊,近六萬言。 第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機與全文結構。第二章,由資本利得的本質;應否課稅 ;應輕稅或重稅,來探討資本利得課稅在理論上的一些爭議。第三章,分別就資產流 通、投資結構、消費與儲蓄、所得分配、經濟成長等因素,探討資本利得課稅在經濟 上的影響。第四章,探討資本利得稅有關的三個重要觀念--資本利得額、實現率、 有效稅率。第五章,就我國行資本利得課稅制度加以詳盡分析與檢討。第六章,本文 結論及建議的提出。另外,附錄一則,利用各種數學上的證明,驗證Jerry R. Green 及Eytan Sheshinski兩位教授所提出的各種最適資本利得課稅方法的可行性。


龍嘉安, Long, Jia-An Unknown Date (has links)
會計是對經濟資料的認定、衡量與溝通的過程,因而會計認定係為會計基本項目之一 。於今損益表重心之時代,為使報表期間之損益明確表達,對於損益表基礎之損益認 定,實不容忽視。本文就其性質,對財務報表品質之影響及收入費用認定時間之各家 立論提出說明,並列舉闡述。 本文重點在討論損益認定時間之實現原則及配合原則,及其在實務上之運用。由於其 非具體之觀念,故在運用上,不若稅法之統一明確,而仰賴會計人員之專業判斷,易 造成偏差,此乃會計界應尋求改進之方向。本文分六章二十四節,約六萬余言,各章 內容如下: 第一章:緒論 第二章:損益認定之性質概說 第三章:損益認定時間與財務報表品質 第四章:損益認定時間之實現及配合觀念 第五章:損益認定之時間 第六章:結論及建議

縮小股價升降單位對實現波動率之影響 / Tick Size Reduction and Realized Volatility on the Taiwan Stock Exchange

張皓雯, Chang, Hao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以日內資料研究台灣證券交易所於2005年3月1日實施股價升降單位新制後,市場交易因子與股價報酬波動率的變化;延伸討論市場參與者對新訊息之反應,進而評估實施股價升降單位新制之成效。本文首先比較四種常用來衡量報酬波動率的方法,並從中挑選出最穩健的測度方式;接著藉此分析股價日報酬波動率與市場交易因子之間的關係;最後,由於日內股價報酬波動的軌跡呈現U型曲線,為突顯波動較劇烈之時段股價報酬波動率是否亦隨股價升降單位縮小而趨緩,故著眼交易日開盤後一小時及收盤前一小時,再次檢驗上述關係。實證結果支持股價升降單位縮小使實現波動率大幅降低且交易筆數密切影響股價報酬波動率,且不論在日資料與日內資料都呈現相似結論;並發現愈接近開、收盤的時間點,股價報酬波動率降低比例亦愈大,顯示升降單位新制達成政策目的。 / In this study, we address the impact of the tick size reduction on the Taiwan Stock Exchange on March 1, 2005. We propose to investigate the variations of trading activities and return volatility, discuss investors' behaviors to the new information and evaluate the tick size reduction by analyzing intraday data. First, we select the most robust volatility measure for our study from four commonly used ones. Second, we examine the relationship between daily return volatility and trading activities. Eventually, due to the commonly observed U-shaped pattern of intraday return volatility, we re-examine the intraday relation between return volatility and trading activities. Our empirical results based on the robust realized volatility confirm that both daily and intraday return volatility decline significantly after the tick size reduction, and number of trades is a prominent trading factor in explaining realized volatility. More interestingly, we observe that the percentage decrease in realized volatility is most pronounced for trading sessions near the beginning or the ending of each trading day. Overall, our empirical findings support the arguments for tick size reduction intended by policymakers.

澳門大學生自我概念與家庭系統之相關研究 / Studies on the correlation between the self-concept of Macau college students and their family systems

何歡歡 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門80、90後青少年的抗逆力之探討 / Investigation on the adversity tolerance of the post-80's and 90's generation of Macau

陳燕儀 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

以實現波動率估計投資組合風險值 / Value at Risk of Portfolio with Realized Volatility

李承儒 Unknown Date (has links)


張心怡, CHANG, HSIN-YI Unknown Date (has links)
在效率市場支配財務理論數十年後,市場上發現許多違反傳統訂價理論與理性假設的現象,以心理學為基礎的行為財務學因而掘起,將投資人之主觀行為及心理因素納入決策分析之考量。本研究便是以台灣股票型共同基金為研究對象,探討行為財務學中的錯置效果,了解是否台灣之股票型共同基金存在“急售利得,惜售損失”的現象。 / 本研究首先以Odean模型之概念,計算基金投資之已實現利得比率與已實現損失比率,再用兩者之差形成錯置效果之代理變數:Disposition Spread (DISP),當DISP為正時,表示樣本基金存在錯置效果傾向,偏好實現利得。接著計算基金之Jensen’s Alpha,用以代表基金績效,利用迴歸模型觀察基金績效與錯置效果間之關聯性。最後再進一步透過DISP分成五級,觀察錯置效果是否存在持續性。 / 研究結果發現,台灣的股票型共同基金不存在錯置效果之傾向,不論是整體基金而言,或是分類觀察之,皆不存在錯置效果之傾向。但是總樣本觀察值中,有33%的比例出現正的DISP值,因此無法斷言共同基金完全不受錯置效果之影響。而錯置效果與基金績效間,則是存在顯著的負相關,即錯置效果越明顯者,其績效表現越差。普遍而言,台灣股票型共同基金錯置效果不存在顯著的持續性,每一期的基金DISP在各分級變動機率均約在20%上下。 / For several decades, financial literature was dominated by the idea of efficient market. However, we can find many phenomena which violate traditional pricing model or the hypothesis of rational investors. That’s why behavioral finance arises. Behavioral finance takes investors’ subjective and mental factors into account while talking about their decision making process. Based on behavioral finance, this study examines the disposition effect of Taiwan equity mutual funds. We want to know if Taiwan equity mutual funds appear to realize gains more readily than losses. / This study follows Odean model analyzing disposition effect by first calculating proportion of gains realized (PGR) and proportion of losses realized (PLR) of equity mutual funds. Then form the disposition effect proxy, Disposition Spread (DISP), by measuring the difference between PGR and PLR. While positive DISP existed means that sample funds exhibit a propensity to sell their winning stocks and hold on to their losers. Furthermore, we want to know whether the disposition effect influences the performance of mutual funds. Finally, separating samples in to five groups by DISP, we want to figure out if funds exists consistency in disposition ranking. / On average, mutual funds appear to realize losses more readily than gains. However, about 33% of the sample observations exhibit disposition effect. The disposition effect is negatively related to fund performance. Generally speaking, Taiwan equity mutual funds do not have consistency in disposition ranking.

論台灣華語中的限定與非限定子句的區分 / Defending the Finite vs. Non-finite Distinction in Taiwan Mandarin

何郁瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 提 要 研究所別:語言學研究所 論文名稱:論台灣華語中的限定與非限定子句的區分 指導教授:何萬順 博士 研究生:何郁瑩 論文提要內容:〈共一冊,20013字,分七章〉 本篇論文藉由三段邏輯論證法推翻漢語沒有限定與非限定子句之分的論證;反之,支持此區分在台灣華語中的有效性。鑑於「時式」的普遍性,表現在構詞方面的限定與非限定區分在綜合型語言當中是顯而易見的。雖然台灣華語缺乏明顯的構詞標記,但此限定與非限定的區分透過句法類目以及句法現象的限制依然成立。此外,我們亦將次劃分子句為補語的動詞進ㄧ步區分為三類─限定補語動詞、非限定補語動詞、雙類動詞。限定補語動詞可同時次劃分有明顯主語的限定子句以及經由代詞刪略現象後無主語的限定子句,而非限定補語動詞僅能次劃分不帶主語的非限定子句。至於雙類動詞,一類從舊有文獻中劃分出來的新類動詞,擁有同時次劃分限定子句與非限定子句的能力。當雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語時,有兩個條件必須被滿足:一是情狀動詞的出現,此為必要條件;二是明顯主語的出現,此為充分條件。再者,子句主語的出現與否端視於主要句謂語與子句謂語間的緩衝詞是否出現。在詞彙功能語法的架構之下,情狀動詞的出現之所以為雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語的必要條件是由於雙類動詞要求其子句補語擁有「非實現貌」的元素,而此元素便是由情狀動詞所提供。基於本篇論文中強而有力的論述,我們強烈主張此限定與非限定子句的區分在台灣華語中是存在的,甚至普及於全人類的語言。 / This thesis provides robust argumentation via syllogisms so as to deny the argument that the distinction between finiteness and non-finiteness does not exist in Mandarin Chinese; on the contrary, to defend the proposition that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin. In virtue of the universality of the category tense, the finite vs. non-finite distinction, morphologically manifested in synthetic languages, is taken for granted. Opaque as it is in Taiwan Mandarin, there still exist other ways for distinction, such as constraints on syntactic categories and operations. Furthermore, we re-classify verbs subcategorizing sentential complements into three types—finite-complement verb (FC verb), non-finite-complement verb (NC verb), dual-listing verb (DL verb). FC verbs can subcategorize not only finite clauses with overt subjects, but also those with covert counterparts left after pro-drop processes, while NC verbs can only subcategorize non-finite clauses as sentential complement. As for DL verbs, a neonatal one extracted from the so-called persuade-type verbs in the literature, has the capability of subcategorizing dual sentential complements, namely, finite clauses and non-finite clauses. When DL verbs subcategorize finite clauses as complement, two conditions must be satisfied to ensure the grammaticality. They are the presence of modals and the presence of overt subjects. The former is a necessary condition; the latter is a sufficient condition. Moreover, the presence of embedded overt subjects hinges on the presence of proper buffers between main predicates and embedded overt subjects. In LFG’s framework, the reason for the presence of modals being the necessary condition is that DL verbs require their sentential complements to have the value IRREALIS, which is denoted by modals obviously. On account of the tenable criteria mentioned in this thesis, we assert with confidence that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin and that this distinction is considered universal.


洪兆承 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文名為中性行為與幫助犯,然論文的主題並不是兩個不相關的概念,而是想藉由分析刑法上中性行為問題的起源與脈絡,進一步的去觀察中性行為問題在幫助犯概念上的定位。藉由本文的探討可以發現,我國學說在討論幫助犯的構成要件時,長期以來欠缺歸責論的思考。故在幫助犯的構成要件適用上產生了中性行為問題,反之如果能注重這方面的問題,則中性行為問題自然迎刃而解,故本論文名稱雖包含兩個主題,其實重點在後者,亦即幫助犯的構成要件。 本文在第二章介紹我國幫助犯概念討論的現狀與問題。於第三到五章則介紹外國實務學說,於第六章則提出自己的見解,先檢討外國學說的迷思,與探討中性行為問題在幫助犯的定位,之後借助刑法上客觀歸責的階層,區分為製造風險與實現風險兩個要件提出自己的見解,最後討論主觀故意的範圍後,歸結出本文對於中性行為問題的看法,與幫助犯的要件,並使用至今的討論成果來回頭解決我國實務與學說上的問題。

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