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林純祺 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係利用2003 年行政院衛生署國民健康局「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列研究」探討影響臺灣老年人居住安排之因素。文中共分為二個居住安排之相關議題,以Binomial Logit Model 分析影響老年人是否與子女同住之因素,而以Multinomial Logit Model 分析影響無伴侶及有伴侶老人各種居住安排之因素。所採用之解釋變數包含:老年人之個人特質、居住情況、身心狀態、工作與經濟狀況及子女個人特質。 研究中發現:台灣老人之傳統觀念仍舊深厚,老年人期望與子女同住之比率較高,而這些老年人實際與子女同住之機率亦相對較高。另外,居住地亦對老年人之居住安排有顯著之影響,尤其是都市化程度愈高之地區,老年人與子女同住之機率亦較高,反映了都市化所帶來住屋短缺、生活成本高昂之問題。另外,子女人數多寡亦會影響老年人之居住安排,在現今出生率逐年下降之時代,未來同住比率之下降係可預見。而子女有伴侶者將會降低同住機率,其因可能為代際間相處之問題,亦有可能為保有隱私,故選擇獨立居住。 然而台灣老人之經濟狀況並不影響其居住安排,且現代化之影響在本研究中僅獲得些微地支持,顯示台灣雖受到西方思潮之衝擊,但傳統家庭觀念仍然具有相當之影響力,亦即家庭仍舊扮演著照護老年人之重要角色。


曾瀝儀 Unknown Date (has links)
根據戶口普查資料顯示約六成的老人與子女同住,而這樣的比例日益下降,在華人社會中,老人與子女同住隱含著孝道的象徵,但隨著現代化社會的變遷,此現象逐漸轉變。過去老人居住安排的研究多著重於老人狀況之衡量與選擇,而未討論到子女的影響,因此本研究試圖從「兩代」的屬性探討老人居住安排選擇的影響因素。此外,「三代同鄰」的居住安排係兼顧兩代可以互相照顧且各自擁有自由和私密的居住空間,此課題在過去少有討論,本文亦將該居住方式獨立討論,以期能充分了解兩代的互動關係對於老人居住選擇之影響。 本文以多項羅吉特模型實證分析華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD)2004年的資料,選取主樣本為已婚子女之樣本。研究結果顯示:在老人的屬性中,喪偶、教育程度低以及無工作者會偏好與子女同住,尤其老年女性喪偶的影響效果最大,使其獨居的機率降低50%;在主樣本的屬性中,當住宅為父母所有、有學齡前小孩、主樣本教育程度高會使兩代同住機率增加。因此對於老人而言,同住是身心狀況下降的較佳選擇;然而對於子女而言,同住是基於「交換」勞務所產生的居住安排。最後,本文並發現「同鄰」者多為身心狀況良好的老人且多與已婚兒子相鄰而居的狀況,顯示父系傳統對於華人家庭的深刻影響。 / According to the census report of population and housing of Year 2000 in Taiwan, about sixty percent of the elderly live with their children, but this situation is decreasing. In Chinese society, the elderly living with their children symbolize the culture of filial piety. With the change of modern society, the phenomenon is changing. Previous researches about the elderly living arrangement pay much attention to the characteristics of the elderly, rather than the influences of children. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the influence factors of the living arrangement between the elderly and their children. Moreover, the “neighboring living arrangement” of the elderly and their children makes the two generations not only could take care of each other, but also possess free and private residential spaces by themselves. This issue wasn’t discussed in the past, so this study also discusses this living arrangement of the two generations in order to realize the influence of intergenerational interaction on the choices of the elderly living arrangement. This study uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the data of Panel Study of Family Dynamics(PSFD)in 2004. The empirical results shows, the widowed , with low education attainment and unemployed elderly prefer to live with their children. The widowed characteristic especially plays stronger marginal effect, which decreases the probability of living alone fifty percents for the elderly. Housing owned by parents, with under school- age grandchildren and highly educated children would increase the probability of co-residence of two generations. For the elderly, when he (she) is unhealthy or being single, co-residence with children is the better choice. However, for the children, co-residence is based on the “exchange” for elderly labor forces to take care of under school- age children. Finally, this study finds that the healthy elderly prefer to choose neighboring living arrangement with their children, and especially neighbor to their married son. It is implied that the influence of patriarchy culture on Chinese family.

台灣地區老人代間支持與居住安排之研究 / Generational Support and Elderly Living Arrangement

施妮婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在進入「高齡社會」之時,按理應是每個成年子女將擔負更多的老人照顧責任。依內政部老人狀況調查,目前台灣地區65歲以上高齡者居住安排,以與子女同住比率居多,其次為僅與配偶同住及獨居。與子女同住被視為不同生命調期之代際互惠的生活安排,除因反哺孝親傳統觀念外,協助哺育孫兒女、分擔家務也是代際共住的優點。然而這樣的比例日益下降,亦即老人獨居或僅與配偶同住的比例逐年增加,此現象逐漸轉,究竟透露了什麼樣的社會訊息,實在值得注意及研究。 在與子女同住的居住安排型態,依家戶內成員有意義上的差異,與已婚子女同住隱含著由子女奉養年老父母的現象,本研究也僅以已婚子女來討論老人的代間共居問題。有鑑於與子女同鄰兼具與子女同住以及獨居兩者之優點,本研究所指的代間共居行為,除與子女同住一戶外,也將納與子女同鄰部分作為對照。本研究採用二元邏輯斯特迴歸模型,除分析老人自身之社經背景探討影響其居住安排的因素及滿意度外,並試圖從兩代的屬性探討老人居住安排選擇的影響因素。茲將本研究結果臚列如下: 一、以老人擁有的資源分析居住安排的選擇時,傾向利他模型的假設:本研究的實證結果當老人所掌握資源較少、身體狀況較差、年紀越大或喪偶的情況下,會選擇於與子女同住,取得較佳的生活環境以達到安享晚年的目的。在台灣社會中仍然普遍保有傳統的孝道觀念,與子女同住的型態仍是台灣地區老人在面臨身心轉變下較適合的居住安排 。 二、老人居住安排選擇與過去對子女的投資有著密切關聯:實證結果當子女接受父母越多的投資,則會提供父母越多共住照顧。兩代間的「交換」行為似乎較偏向利他主義模式,世代間存在共同利益性與契約關係的跨時性。從子女的角度來看,較偏向以「利己」為出發點,與父母同住可能在條件交換下所形成,傳統的孝道觀念似乎為現實因素所取代。 三、子女對父母金錢的奉養與共住的照顧可能存在替換關係:在兩代金錢資源的互動上,實證結果子女可能藉由給予其父母生活費,使得與父母同住機會降低。Lee(1994)等人也指出子女之所得越高反而越不傾向與父母同住。因此推論子女或許會以金錢的支出換取平日的生活自由,並且避免因為兩代間的生活習慣與認知的差異所產生之摩擦。 四、同鄰為代間同住的延伸,未來可加強推廣:與子女同鄰的老人相較於同住者而言,健康狀況及經濟狀況較良好,有較佳的生活自理能力。同鄰亦可視為同住方式之延伸,在年老父母身心仍佳的情況下形成,雖然同鄰可以算是獨居與同住之折衷方式,並具有兩者之優點,然而同鄰的情形僅約同住的 1/5,比例不高,可能因為同鄰有著較高的住宅搜尋成本。現代社會老人的健康及經濟狀況相較於過去有著明顯的提高,同鄰對老人而言可能是比共住更好的居住選擇,未來應可加強推廣此種居住方式。

影響日本與台灣代間財務交換類型的因素: 居住型態、生命循環和性別 / The factors of intergenerational financial exchanges in Japan and Taiwan :living arrangement,life cycle and gender

黃瀞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
孝道文化是長久被視為理解東亞代間關係的特色,居住安排、生命歷程、性別皆是在孝道規範的脈絡下影響代間中的交換關係。在當代的東亞社會劇烈的社會結構和文化變遷下,三種因素在控制了孝道規範的社會文化因素後,仍然產生其對代間關係中的獨立影響。 另一方面,過去孝道研究是以子女為主的財務支持為依賴變項,忽略了父母方在代間交換關係中的行動。故本研究以2006年的東亞社會調查(East Asian Social Survey EASS)中,日本和台灣的樣本做為研究對象,並比較兩國受試者和父母之間的財務支持往來關係。我們依照比較的結果,將各種交換關係予以類型化,依據各種交換關係的特徵命名,並以多元邏輯斯迴歸 (multinomial logistic regression model)的方式,在控制孝道意識後,理解三種因素對代間關係的影響。 研究結果發現,日本的同住之下並未出現特定的交換關係,而台灣方面,同住讓代間關係呈現以父母為提供者受惠式代間關係;在生命歷程上,日本的未婚者和已婚有未成年後代的受試者皆會與父母保持受惠式代間關係,台灣未婚者和已婚有未成年後代則是與父母保持平衡代間關係;然而,我們亦發現,部分的台灣未婚者亦如同日本社會的未婚者般,接受父母的支持多過於自己的給予。在性別上,兩國的男性仍是主要的財務支持提供者,然而,兩國父母對於提供子女資源上仍有性別的差異。由於日本女性在勞動力市場的劣勢,故日本的父母傾向提供給日本女性,而台灣的父母則提供與男性。故台灣家庭對同住者的支持和給予男性支持的結果,反映台灣社會中,孝道的文化仍存有一定的影響。另一方面,本研究亦針對兩國各生命階段的女性進行研究,並發現日本女性仍在已婚無子的階段為原生家庭提供財務支持,而台灣女性在各生命階段,皆會提供原生家庭支持。故本文提供三種因素在受到在孝道文化以外,對代間關係的影響方式,並進一步以實證的方式指出近年來日台兩國的因家庭結構變遷而帶來的各種社會問題。

老人居住安排-居住安排轉換、年歲增長與居住安排、居住安排滿意改變之探討 / The Living Arrangements of the Elderly: An Analysis of Living Arrangement Transitions, Aging and Living Arrangement, and Changes in Satisfaction with Living Arrangements

張桂霖, Chang, Guey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先介紹臺灣老人的居住安排基本概況。接著,以交換理論與家庭價值觀,分析居住安排的轉換。同時,從經濟因素與需要因素的推拉作用以及家庭價值觀與交換理論,分析老人「移與子女居」和「子女回居」。再接著,應用相同樣本探討年歲增長與居住安排的關係,分析一群老人從初老經過中老到老老三個階段的居住安排。最後,以人與環境一致模式、基本生活需求滿足假說,分析老人居住安排滿意與否的改變。 以往討論老人居住安排的轉換,大多以家庭價值觀解釋,強調感情因素,當老人有最大需要時,例如,健康惡化或從有偶變成無偶,更可能發生轉換為與子女同住。但現代化社會,經濟因素轉趨重要,可能需要以交換理論補強。因此,本論文使用我國行政院衛生署與密西根大學合作之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」縱斷面調查資料,進行老人居住安排轉換的分析研究,觀察居住安排轉換行為,以檢視這兩種觀點對於居住安排轉換的解釋力。又,以往的相關研究大多以靜態變數為解釋變數,本論文貢獻主要在於以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的變化-為解釋變數,檢視其對老人居住安排轉換的影響。結果發現:以家庭價值觀或以交換理論解釋老人居住安排的轉換,都獲得部分支持;但沒有足夠的證據支持健康惡化或從有偶變無偶是影響老人轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素;相反地,與交換理論相關的重大經濟決策權的改變變得比較重要,造成更可能發生轉換為不與子女同住或與子女同住。隱含著家庭價值觀對老人居住安排轉換的影響逐漸式微,而交換理論的影響力則越來越強,可彌補以家庭價值觀解釋之不足。 本論文亦使用縱斷面調查資料,以相關變數前後期的變化為解釋變數,檢視臺灣老人從不與子女同住變成「移與子女居」及「子女回居」的影響因素。結果隱含老人正向經濟因素的轉變更可能發生「子女回居」,需要因素及負向經濟因素的轉變則更可能發生「移與子女居」,而且沒有證據足認健康狀況轉差是影響轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素。 有別於以往許多老人居住安排的文獻常將65歲以上的人當作一個群體,或有的橫斷面研究使用不同樣本,抑或即使以縱斷面研究亦使用不同樣本,進行老化研究,本論文利用相同樣本縱斷面研究分析老年人在初老、中老、老老階段的居住安排,回答「隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例是呈U型或直線下降的關係?」、「老化對居住安排有何影響?」的問題。研究結果顯示隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例呈直線下降。本論文發現一些因素在某階段有顯著影響,而在其他階段未發現有顯著影響,此即與老化有關;除此,對三個階段的居住安排均發生顯著影響的因素,其影響程度亦隨著年齡的增長而有不同,均為預測老人各階段居住安排決定的良好指標。 本論文為檢視究竟何因素影響老人居住安排滿意與否之改變,使用縱斷面調查資料,應用人與環境一致和基本生活需求滿足之理論基礎,以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的改變-為解釋變數,檢視其影響。結果發現:以人與環境一致或基本生活需求滿足,解釋居住安排滿意與否之改變,都獲得部分支持,同時,「愛屋及烏」假說亦獲得支持。顯示居住安排滿意與否之改變,主要歸因於環境與個體間之一致及合適與否。 總結而言,老人隨著年歲增長,居住安排從滿意變為不滿意者的比例增加,健康狀況亦呈直線下降,但不與子女同住的比例遞增,與子女同住的居住安排則呈直線下降,許多影響因素已顯示老人由家庭照護的傳統價值日漸式微。無論老人採行何種居住安排,理應以提高居住安排滿意度,提昇老人福祉為依歸。此際,除了由政府提出有效對策以為改善之外,老人宜自求多福,例如,改善居住環境、移居良好醫療環境,家庭重大決策放手由子女承擔,多多參與社交性或拜訪親友、鄰居的活動,快樂邁向成功老化。 / This dissertation, firstly, introduces the basic overview of living arrangements of the elderly in Taiwan. Then, it analyzes the transitions in living arrangements among elderly of family values and exchange theory, meanwhile, it also analyzes “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” from needs factors and economic factors as well as family values and exchange theory. Then, it uses a panel study to examine the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Finally, it applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content to analyze the changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. The value placed on family was often used to explain the influence on living arrangements transitions in previous literature. Yet economic factors have become important in modern society, therefore we need to use exchange theory to strengthen the explanation on transitions. This dissertation, therefore, attempts to compare these two explanations through analyzing transitions, and to examine the effects of these two viewpoints on transitions. Using a longitudinal data source, the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan, a binomial logit model is used to observe the behavior of transitions. The contribution of this dissertation mainly lies in taking the dynamic variables, the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the influence on the transitions. Empirical results show that both family value and exchange theory cause the living arrangements transitions, but lack evidence to prove that a senior’s health deterioration or the loss of a spouse was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Contrarily, transitions of living arrangements are more likely to occur when a senior changes her/his role as the economic decision-maker into the non economic decision-maker of the household or vice versa. That implies the influence of family values on transitions is decreasing, and the influence of exchange theory is increasing. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source and takes the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up as independent variables to examine what factors are associated with “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” among those living apart from children at baseline of Taiwanese seniors. Empirical results imply that “returning to the nest” is more likely to occur when a senior’s positive economic factors are changed; while “moving to be with children” is more likely to occur when a senior’s needs factors and negative economic factors are changed, and lacking evidence to prove that health deterioration was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This dissertation examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source, applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content, and takes the dynamic variables, the changes in related variables between the baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the determinants of changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. Empirical results indicate that both person-environment congruence and basic-needs content partially cause changes in satisfaction with living arrangements, and the “love me, love my dog” hypothesis is also fulfilled. This dissertation suggests that changes in satisfaction with living arrangements are mainly attributed to the congruence or fit between the environment and the individual. Summarily, the proportion of dissatisfaction with living arrangements increases as age increases, the condition of health worsened linearly and the proportion of living with children is decreased with increased age, many factors have been implied the influence of traditional values on family care is decreasing. No matter what kind of living arrangement the elderly adopted, they should improve the living arrangement satisfaction, and enhance the welfare. At this time, beyond the improvements through effective measures of the government, the elderly should fend for themselves by improving the living environment, moving to a good medical environment, transferring the power of decision-making to children, and more involving in sociability or visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. And then they achieve successful aging happily.

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