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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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遷移轉型-搬家原因的變遷 / Migration transformation : the changes to the reasons for residential relocation

毛瑋祺, Mao, Wei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Clark(1986)、Attias-Donfut(2004)、Kulu and Milewski(2007)和Reed, Andrzejewski and White(2005)認為在不同生命階段中,搬家者會因為不同的原因而搬家,然而回顧國內遷移或搬家相關文獻,鮮少有研究者以生命歷程的微觀視角探討生命階段與搬家原因間的關係。 對於台灣民眾生命歷程和搬家行為間的種種現象,目前尚無一套完整且具說服力的相關論述,有鑑於此,本研究試圖以生命歷程觀點探討國人搬家原因的樣貌及變遷情形、補充國內以生命歷程探討搬家原因相關研究之不足,並提供一初探型資訊用以後續建立屬於台灣的在地化論述。 根據相關研究結果得知,隨時代變遷,國人的生命歷程產生顯著改變(遲婚、遲育、高教擴張),在此前提下,本文以民國68-96年國內遷徙調查分析搬家者的生命歷程與搬家原因間的關係,結果發現,不同性別、教育程度與婚姻狀態的搬家者除了擁有不同生命歷程外,其不同生命階段的搬家原因也有所差異,更重要的是,即便不同世代的搬家者身處相同生命階段,搬家者的搬家原因會因時代變遷而有所分歧。


易漢亭, Yi, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在過去社會中,女性的生命歷程中,最重要的階段就是步入婚姻之中,而照顧家庭、養兒育女就是女性最大的責任,但在社會的變遷之下,許多傳統價值規範亦不同於以往,家庭模式與婚姻型態開始有了改變。身處不同時代的台灣地區女性所經歷的生命歷程必定會有所差異,而身處同一時代中的台灣地區女性,其生命歷程也將產生異質性。 本研究藉由女性婚姻經驗實證資料做為基礎,模擬出台灣地區祖母、母親以及女兒三代女性的婚姻史。分析結果發現,隨著時代的推移,從祖母的世代到母親的世代,再到女兒的世代,台灣地區女性的初婚年齡延後許多,女性結婚的可能性也有所降低,雖然女性步入中年後初婚的可能性提高,但整體看來初婚可能性仍然偏低。而女性的離婚可能性則大體呈現上升的趨勢,但女性離婚後再婚的可能性卻是先下降然後再次上升,處於中年階段之女性離婚的可能性雖然較高,但其離婚後經歷再婚的可能性卻是下降的。這些結果顯示出從祖母到母親再到女兒的世代,台灣地區的婚姻關係意涵漸漸產生了改變,婚姻中的家庭意義與陪伴意義的比重開始出現拉扯。 透過此次的研究,發現到女性的婚姻生命歷程變遷是循序漸進的,我們深入了解了祖母、母親與女兒這三個緊密結合卻又截然不同的世代,在進行生命與生活經驗的傳承中,漸漸產生的婚姻經驗與生命歷程的差異。


陳盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
個人對事物的認識將影響著後續的情緒及行為反應—個人依此認識作出判斷,並進而產生情緒及行動。此認識佔據的位置是如此重要,以至於讓個人憤怒、痛苦、悲傷、或者喜悅;讓個人決意地選擇這個、撇棄那個,讓個人有所堅持、有所排拒。 然而雖則個人深刻地相信著,是外在的事物讓他們這樣做、是外在的事物讓他們痛苦悲傷、因著外在事物的有別,故而讓他們堅守著非如何不可,他們卻很少能夠反省到是什麼讓他們認為外在事物如此這般。 在本篇論文中,討論到個人對事物的理解與解釋,與真正事物之間所存在的差距,從而讓我們了解個人對事物的認識,總是只能以片面性的方式來把握,而讓人容易忽略其中存在的許多可能性。然而,又是哪些因素影響著個人對事物的認識? 本篇論文認為,個人自出生後開始辨識事物以來,即積累了各種概念或刺激對自身的特定意含,因而個人即靠著此意含的繼續拓展而能夠更加詳備的認識事物與預測事物。因此個人對事物的認識,既表示著個人對於對象本身所辨識出的元素,以及那些元素在個人舊有的概念中意味的總合。若非那些元素在個人的認知系統中具有其意含,個人將無法辨識出它們,因而對象物本身也將不具備那些特殊意味。 人自渾沌而來,在朦朧中發展出對事物的認識,也構築著自身的認知建構系統。此系統在最初時總是具彈性及開放性,然而或者由於社會文化的固定化解釋、或者由於個人太習慣的使用認知建構系統的某種解釋,而使得它越穩固而不易動搖、或者由於創傷性事件造成個人的固著性解釋;凡此種種,都將使得個人越來越用窄化、僵固的方式來形成對事物的認知,因而容易跳入循環性的情緒或行為反應,此時個人將再難以看清外界事物的原貌,而易於落入個人對類似刺激的相同解釋。 因而,什麼樣的解釋系統屬於成熟的認知型態,在本篇論文中再次肯定對變異的開放,以及具彈性的認知系統,唯有如此,個人才能不受限於自身大腦中的框架、不自我束縛,而在更能夠認清外界事物的同時,也才能讓自己獲得更多的自由。

永不止助!五位老人醫院志工 之生命故事 / Keep helping! Life stories of five elder hospital volunteers

蔡旻真, Tsai, Min Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由生命歷程觀點的特殊性,同時從鉅視層面的社會結構與歷史脈絡,以及微視層面的個人經驗,檢視老人志願服務的動態參與過程。 本研究採質性研究針對五位老人醫院志願服務者,以生命史的方式呈現其志願服務參與的過程是如何隨著生命歷程的發展而持續或變動,並陳述其變動的因素,同時以生命歷程的五個觀點(1)生命幅度發展原則、(2)行動力的原則、(3)時間與空間的原則、(4)時機原則,以及(5)連結關係原則,作為檢視每個位受訪者是如何受到鉅觀層次¬-社會脈絡、歷史事件以及用人單位的制度變革;微觀層次-個人的生命幅度、生命事件衍生的各種角色之間的競合關係;中介層次¬-志工與其他志工、工作者所產生的互動等等,此三個面向的交互作用而持續的參與志願服務。研究結果發現: 一、老人志願服務參與經驗: 首先在投入時數與服務類型部分,五位受訪者中有三位志願服務者曾參與過其他類型的志願服務,但目前僅一位受訪者持續參與其他類型的志願服務,其他兩位受訪者則僅參與醫院志願服務。其志願服務工作類型的選擇,往往受到參與動機與參與契機的影響;參與時數則受到參與單位對於時數的要求,至少每位一週都參與3個小時。其次,在參與動機部分,發現五位受訪者參與志願服務的動機主要為自我取向與人際取向的因素,且其參與動機是多元且異質的,隨著經歷不同的生命經驗,而影響其持續參與的動力。第三,在參與獲益部分,與過去研究相似,包括結交志同道合的朋友、肯定自我價值、替代性的社會角色等。最後,在而參與條件部分,本研究的受訪者不論是個人能力條件、經濟狀況或時間運用條件皆有所差異,但他們卻皆在志願服務的服務經驗中,找到展現自我價值的地方,並且獲得持續參與的動力。 二、生命歷程觀點看志願服務參與經驗: 從老人在志願服務參與經驗中,可以發現他們的參與經驗是同時受到微觀層面、鉅觀層面、人際層面三個層面的影響。且發現無論在生命中的哪個階段,都是一直持續處於動態的過程,志工會調和每個不同生活場域中的角色,讓自己在經歷生命階段的改變、角色競合的衝突時,利用各種資源與自己的能力,在自主安排之下,持續的參與至今。 / This study aims at looking for the dynamic process of the experiences of elder volunteers, and is from both macro levels: social structure and historical context, and micro level: self-experience. This study adopts qualitative research, and presents life histories of five elder hospital volunteers. The author tried to figure out what happened within the developing of their life courses and the reasons of keeping or transforming their volunteer works. The author discusses how five principles interact with interviewees in different dimensions of them and their volunteer works. The five principles are: (1) the principle of life-span development, (2) the principle of agency, (3) the principle of time and place, (4) the principle of timing, and (5) the principle of linked lives, as the view of each interviewees’ volunteer experience, Following is the discussion: 1. Participation experience of elder volunteers: Three of the five interviewees had participated in more that one type of volunteer works. However, only one of the three continues to participate in more than one volunteer works, and the other two interviewees involved in hospital volunteer work only. The author also found that there exists basic requirement for the volunteer working hours. The basic working hours, which are defined by the working units, are at least three hours a week. Secondly, the motivations of all the interviewee can be divided into self-oriented factors and interpersonal orientation factors. The motivations are diverging and continually affect the interviewees with different life experiences. Third, benefits of participation, similar to previous studies, are including the make like-minded friends, certainly self-value, and alternative social role. Although the ability, economic status, and free time of all interviewees are different from one another. All interviewees can still find their self-value and be motivated form their volunteer works. 2. The life course perspective in volunteering experience: From their participation in the volunteer experiences, the readers can find that their experiences are the composed of micro level, macro level, interpersonal level, and the impact of three levels. The readers can also found that no matter what stage in life, are continued in a dynamic process, volunteers will reconcile each of the different role of the field of life, and continue to participate until now.

影響日本與台灣代間財務交換類型的因素: 居住型態、生命循環和性別 / The factors of intergenerational financial exchanges in Japan and Taiwan :living arrangement,life cycle and gender

黃瀞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
孝道文化是長久被視為理解東亞代間關係的特色,居住安排、生命歷程、性別皆是在孝道規範的脈絡下影響代間中的交換關係。在當代的東亞社會劇烈的社會結構和文化變遷下,三種因素在控制了孝道規範的社會文化因素後,仍然產生其對代間關係中的獨立影響。 另一方面,過去孝道研究是以子女為主的財務支持為依賴變項,忽略了父母方在代間交換關係中的行動。故本研究以2006年的東亞社會調查(East Asian Social Survey EASS)中,日本和台灣的樣本做為研究對象,並比較兩國受試者和父母之間的財務支持往來關係。我們依照比較的結果,將各種交換關係予以類型化,依據各種交換關係的特徵命名,並以多元邏輯斯迴歸 (multinomial logistic regression model)的方式,在控制孝道意識後,理解三種因素對代間關係的影響。 研究結果發現,日本的同住之下並未出現特定的交換關係,而台灣方面,同住讓代間關係呈現以父母為提供者受惠式代間關係;在生命歷程上,日本的未婚者和已婚有未成年後代的受試者皆會與父母保持受惠式代間關係,台灣未婚者和已婚有未成年後代則是與父母保持平衡代間關係;然而,我們亦發現,部分的台灣未婚者亦如同日本社會的未婚者般,接受父母的支持多過於自己的給予。在性別上,兩國的男性仍是主要的財務支持提供者,然而,兩國父母對於提供子女資源上仍有性別的差異。由於日本女性在勞動力市場的劣勢,故日本的父母傾向提供給日本女性,而台灣的父母則提供與男性。故台灣家庭對同住者的支持和給予男性支持的結果,反映台灣社會中,孝道的文化仍存有一定的影響。另一方面,本研究亦針對兩國各生命階段的女性進行研究,並發現日本女性仍在已婚無子的階段為原生家庭提供財務支持,而台灣女性在各生命階段,皆會提供原生家庭支持。故本文提供三種因素在受到在孝道文化以外,對代間關係的影響方式,並進一步以實證的方式指出近年來日台兩國的因家庭結構變遷而帶來的各種社會問題。

命中注定會成癮?:由玩家的線上遊戲生命歷程探討遊戲「成癮」 / Destined to be Addicted?: Understanding Game "Addiction" through Gamers' Online Gaming Life Story

李宜家, Lee, I Chia Unknown Date (has links)
玩大型多人角色扮演線上遊戲(MMORPGs)的行為在國內日漸普遍,但是許多人玩線上遊戲的現象卻經常被社會大眾和媒體報導認為是一種負面社會問題,並將玩遊戲與遊戲成癮作直接的連結。許多成癮研究也強化了「持續玩線上遊戲的行為,最終容易導致病態行為成癮的結果」之因果邏輯。但是,事實上許多玩家經常自行決定進入、持續玩,和退出一款線上遊戲,並非最終都會走向遊戲成癮的宿命。因此,本研究的主要目的即在於透過遊戲玩家的個人線上遊戲生命歷程,重新檢視遊戲「成癮」以及「玩線上遊戲便注定導致病態成癮」的邏輯。 運用深度訪談和參與觀察方法,描繪出線上遊戲玩家的長期線上遊戲生命歷程,再試圖詮釋他們離開、持續玩、退出遊戲這些投入程度的變化是受到哪些因素影響,以及在什麼脈絡之下做出的決定。本研究發現許多玩家曾經意識到自己「成癮」於玩線上遊戲,但是只是階段性的反常狀態,甚至是可以接受的一種生活方式。玩家們不只是受到線上遊戲設計的被動牽引而長時間持續投入大量心力玩遊戲,他們在玩遊戲的過程中,受到遊戲設計、玩家社群、生活脈絡和個人對於這些因素的價值判斷等多元因素的影響,持續調整和監控自己的遊戲行為和投入程度,從中協調出最能夠滿足他們的多元愉悅感。另外,當他們對於自己玩遊戲的投入程度感到疑惑時,傾向於尋求玩家社群的協助。因此,本研究認為玩線上遊戲導致病態成癮的論述須要被重新檢視,因為許多被認定為病態成癮的現象只是線上遊戲玩家生命過程中的片段現象。 / Playing massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs) has become a popular activity in Taiwan, but it has often been regarded as a social problem, linking to game addiction, by the mass media and the public. Many addiction researches have also enforced the logic that “pathological game addiction is the most likely result of continuous online gaming activity”. However, many gamers in fact often begin, continue, and quit playing an online game according to their own will, instead of ending up as a pathologic game addict. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to re-approach game “addiction” and the logic of “online gamers are destined to be addicted” through gamers' online gaming life story. Using methods of depth interview and participant observation to depict gamers’ long-term online gaming life story, this research tries to interpret under what social context and influencing factors, do gamers change their attitude and effort to playing online games. Findings of this research tells us that many online gamers claim to have been “addicted” to online gaming some time in the past, but the “addiction” is only a certain stage in their long-term gaming life, and even regarded as a life-style by some. Online gamers do not continuously put a lot of effort to playing games just because they are attracted by the features of online game design. During the course of game play, they are persistently influenced by game design, gaming community, social context, and their own judgment of values. Also, they often self-monitor and re-adjust their gaming styles and effort, in order to meet their needs of multiple pleasures. Moreover, when gamers become confused of how they should re-adjust their gaming activities, they tend to search for assistance from the gaming community. Therefore, this research believes that the problematic logic of pathological game addiction being the final destined result of gaming should be reconsidered and understood from other perspectives, because many phenomenon currently considered pathologic addiction, may only be a short period or segment of gamers’ normal long-term online gaming life.

兒童安置教養機構離院生之親職經驗探究:生命歷程理論觀點 / The parenting experiences of the care leavers from children's homes:A life course theory perspective.

鄒玫馨 Unknown Date (has links)
國內相關兒童安置教養機構離院生之文獻多聚焦於離院生離開安置機構後之自立生活經驗與感受,對於已養兒育女的離院生則未獲相對關注,關於其親職狀況亦尚未有學術研究予以探究。因此,本研究立基於生命歷程理論的個人研究途徑,以質性訪談方式進行資料蒐集,共成功訪談8名目前育有學齡前子女之離院生,對於離院生之親職圖像進行初步之描繪。 研究發現成為親職角色為離院生們帶來了特別的生命意義,離院生們從中體會到「家」的感受,滿足了對於完整家庭的渴望,並找到自我生命的存在感與努力的目標,生命經驗更為豐富與完整。如同多數初為人父母者,親職角色同時也對離院生的個人心理、生活及家人關係都帶來了不少正向或負向的衝擊,離院生之配偶、配偶家人以及朋友在育兒過程中給予的不同支持都對於離院生之親職有所助益,而原生家庭則依然缺席,甚至充滿問題。此外,離院生們早期的生命經驗在其為人父母後仍潛移默化地影響著其親職行為與價值觀,離院生無不希望能給予孩子一個完整的家庭,以父母為借鏡,不願複製父母不理想的親職行為,機構保育員則成為其親職角色之學習模範,安置機構的成長經驗亦使其格外重視子女生活自理能力的培養及良好品格的養成。研究也發現離院生的個人「動能」為決定其親職表現的關鍵因素,離院生們皆選擇積極面對育兒過程中的所有挑戰,努力扮演好自我親職角色,克盡親職,開創了不同於自己父母的親職軌道與生命歷程。另「生育時機」也決定了不同的親職經驗,本研究成年生育離院生之親職經驗明顯較文獻中未成年生育之離院生理想許多,幾乎與一般家庭中成長者之親職經驗相差無幾。依據研究結果與發現,採用生命歷程理論觀點,結合Belsky(1984)親職決定因素過程模式之架構,繪製「離院生生命歷程親職決定因素過程模式」,以對於離院生之親職經驗脈絡能有更綜觀與系統性之理解。 最後,針對研究結果及發現分別就實務工作及未來研究提出相關之建議。 / Current literature on the care leavers from children’s homes focuses mostly on their experiences and feelings about independent life. This study is carried out based on life course theory. In depth interview was employed with eight young adults who had been in residential care for significant periods and who has preschool children . Their parenting image will be represented in this research. The result of this study shows that roles of parents generate a special meaning for the care leavers. As stated in the research, the care leavers experienced the “Family Feeling”, satisfied their yearning for an intact family and found out main purposes of self-existence and the meaning of life. Because of this, their life experience became more enriched and complete. Just as other new parents, the role of parents does make both negative and positive impacts on the care leavers’ individual mentality, their life and their family relationship. During their child rearing, the spouse, family members of the spouse and friends of the care leavers offered advantageous support for their role of parents. Nonetheless, their family-of-origin are still absent, or even lead to other problems. Besides, care leavers’ early life experience still imperceptibly influences their parenting behaviour and values after they became parents. Every one of them would like to give their children an intact family. They don’t want to repeat what their parents have done, so instead, care-taker in the children’s home became their role model. Thanks to having a growing-up experience in the children’s home, they pay more attention to their children the ability of independent life and cultivate great characters. This research also found out that care leavers’ personal ”agency” is the key to parenting demonstration. All the care leavers chose to actively face challenges during child rearing and to play well their own role of parents. In this way, they explored and went through a totally different way of life course than their own parents. In addition, “timing of birth” also decides a variety of parenting experiences. This researcher, by adopting the life course theory perspective, combining Belsky’s(1984) structure of “the process model of the determinants of parenting”, sketches “the life course process model of the determinants of parenting for the care leavers” in a more systematic way. Finally, the research and practice implications are provided.

社會價值與人口變遷之經驗研究:以台灣女性為案例 / A Study of Social Values and Demographic Change: Empirical Evidence and the Implications for Taiwanese Women

紀小薇, Torie Gervais Unknown Date (has links)
儒家思想長期影響了臺灣的性別角色以及家庭價值觀。然而儘管儒家思想持續影響, 生育率仍下降至低於人口替代率,晚婚或不婚,男性與女性就讀大學的百分比幾乎相等而職場上與公家機關的女性比例亦有提升。其中一個解釋的角度便是台灣也正跟隨歐洲的腳步,歷經第二次人口轉型。如果台灣的人口轉型是與歐陸價值體系的轉型有所關連,那麼台灣女性勢必可以從中得到更大的自由去選擇他們的人生道路以及達到性別平等。本研究的目的便是企圖找到與此論點相關的證據以及探討這種人口轉型對於女性有什麼意義。我將運用「多元邏輯式回歸方法」(multinomial logistic regression)來分析1985到2015年之間問卷的交叉數據(cross-sectional data)以及2011年由中研院主導的台灣社會變遷調查計畫中所做的家庭調查,試圖在價值導向與家庭型態當中找出潛在關聯性。在回歸分析法當中,證據不足以顯示台灣正在歷經第二次人口轉型,然則,這些證據卻足以證明台灣社會當中的價值轉變。除了數據分析,本論文也試圖融合對台灣女性的深入訪談進行研究,探討伴侶型態與不同生命歷程選擇的成因和影響。訪問數據顯示一部份的社群確實正在經歷人口轉型,其餘則不然。再者,這些女性描述了在追求自我的路途上,職場與家庭之間做出平衡的困難。最後,本研究總結台灣的性別平等之路仍須更多努力。 / Confucianism has long influenced gender roles and family values in Taiwan. Yet despite Confucianism’s continued influence, fertility rates have dropped below replacement level, marriage is being postponed or rejected, percentages of men and women attending university are roughly equal, and women’s participation in the workforce and the government has increased. One proposed explanation is that Taiwan is following in the footsteps of Europe and undergoing the Second Demographic Transition. If Taiwan’s demographic changes were connected to similar value shifts as in Europe, women in Taiwan would benefit from greater freedom to choose their own life course and greater gender equality. This research sought to determine if there is evidence to support that Taiwan is undergoing the Second Demographic Transition and what the implications are for women. Cross-sectional data from 1985 and 2015 general questionnaires and the 2011 family questionnaire of the Taiwan Social Change Survey was analyzed for a potential link between value orientation and household type using multinomial logistic regression. In regression analyses, evidence did not support that Taiwanese society as a whole is experiencing the SDT, though evidence did support value shift over time. Survey data was supplemented with in-depth interviews with Taiwanese women to determine the reasons behind and impact of their union formation and life course choices. Interview data suggested that some sectors of society are undergoing the SDT while others are not. Furthermore, women reported gender equality and difficulty balancing their work and family life as barriers to following their desired life courses. Finally, this research concludes that further efforts are required to attain women’s freedom and equality in Taiwan.

軍人退伍轉銜與生命歷程之研究 / A Study on Military Career Transition and Life Course

邱保龍 Unknown Date (has links)
軍人退伍後工作一直是國家政策與研究關注的議題。既有研究多從「經濟-工作」角度來觀察軍人退伍生涯的議題與困境,容易忽略軍人退伍轉銜歷程與生活各面向連結的複雜性。因此,本研究的目的在於從生命歷程和老化的政治經濟觀點,理解男性選擇進入和離開軍人職業,以及此種進入、離開軍人職業和再工作歷程的關係,期能對軍人退伍轉銜歷程有動態性的理解。 據此,以制度性分析與傳記式的生命歷程取徑為方法。前者,透過國軍檔案與相關文獻進行檢視;後者,透過生命故事訪談(13位男性,出生於1957-1964年,平均年齡57歲)。 在制度分析的研究發現:國軍退輔制度演進可區分三個時期:歷史時期一「人口治理思維下的集中化管理與安置(1949-1969)」;歷史時期二「解嚴及民主浪潮下的間接安置(1970-1999)」;歷史時期三「軍事專業化後的『退輔制度變革-積極性與規範性的就業整合措施』(2000-迄今)」。其次,歷史時期(退伍時所處的歷史時期)和個人時期(個人生命階段何時退伍)深受個人所經歷的退輔制度之影響,進而決定個人在退伍時所擁有的經濟資源與生活條件。 在傳記式的生命歷程研究發現:「從軍」是故事主角在歷史、經濟、家庭等多重關係擠壓下的一個決定。從軍讓個人經濟上得以溫飽,可以繼續接受教育,個人與原生家庭的分立,形成另一個空間的情感連結與歸屬,而軍隊環境讓個人有身分認同感,使他們漂泊的生命暫時靠岸。軍隊服務期間,個人在工作環境的洞察與選擇,涉及「歸屬」與「自主」兩個議題。至於退伍後,軍職工作與退伍後第一個工作的過渡、連結、轉換,是具高度複雜性與重要性。「工作選擇」背後所指涉的是個人在不同文化場域的穿越,並隨著個人在退伍前的早期家庭經驗與軍隊環境,至退伍後面臨社會經濟環境、部落文化、工作環境、家庭環境以及個人生命發展等因素變化,個人在面臨不同情境,從服役時的「我們」狀態變成不同層次「我」的樣貌。此外,隨著生命歷程發展,個人工作選擇有不同的核心議題,工作對他們的意義也隨之改變,其中經濟資源、健康與社會支持扮演關鍵角色。據此,研究針對上述發現進一步提出「階級化退伍轉銜歷程」理論模式,亦即,軍人退伍轉銜呈現「持續向上型」、「後續穩定型」、「中途停滯型」等三類,而資源在其中因不同時機而產生不同程度的強化、替代與風險作用。 最後,針對軍隊社會工作制度與退輔制度,回應個人在退伍轉銜與生命歷程所面臨家庭、軍隊、社會文化與制度面向的議題,提供政策與實務上建議。 / Transitioning from military to civilian life has been a topical subject for national policy and studies. Existing researches mostly observe the issue and conundrums from the economy-career perspective, which tend to overlook the complexity of the linkage among military transition and all aspects of their lives. Therefore, this study aims to probe why male soldiers choose to enter and exit the military, and the correlation among the entrance, exit and reemployment, hoping to obtain a dynamic understanding of military career transition. Accordingly, the approaches used here are institutional analysis and biographic life course theory. The former is done through military records, files and pertinent literature while the latter is through interviews with 13 males (born 1957-1964 with an average age of 57). The institutional analysis found that the evolution of the ROC’s Institution of Veteran Service can be divided into: Phase I, the centralized management and placement under the ideology of demographic-management (1949-1969), Phase II, the indirect placement under the backdrop of abolishment of martial law and democratization (1970-1999), and Phase III , a reform in the institution of veteran service after military professionalization—a proactive and normative employment integration (2000-preesent). Also, the historical period (the period when one retires) and individual period (the life stage when one retires) are profoundly influenced by the institution of veteran service that one faces which determines the financial resources and living conditions one obtains when one retires and thus affects one’s aging and life adaptation. Furthermore, intertwined with the institution of veteran service are education and military ranks, which interact and are relevant to the career path after one’s retirement. The biographic life course theory found that “enlistment” is a decision made under multiple pressures from history, personal economic situation and family. Joining the army would bring financial support and continued education. The separation of individuals from their families of origin forms an emotional bond and attachment. The military gives them a sense of identity and a place for their drifting lives. During their service, their perception and choices interrelate with attachment and autonomy. The relations between what kind of military job they did and the transition, connection and transformation of their first employment after they retire are highly complicated and critical. Behind employment choices are different cultural backgrounds, which vary with experiences of their original family and the military as well as factors such as social-economic environment, community, work places, family and individual development. Facing different situations, the “We” during the military life became different levels of “Me”. In addition, along with the development of one’s life course, there are varied core issues about their employment choices and the meaning of jobs to them also changes while economic resources, health and social support play important roles. As a result, this study further proposes a “hierarchical military transition” model. They are: continuous improvement, later stabilization, and midway stagnation. And several resources generate varying degree of reinforcement, substitution, and risks effects in different times.

臺灣地區婚姻狀態別預期壽命變遷 / Change of marital status life expectancy in Taiwan

蔣侃學, Chiang ,Kan Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣地區近五十年來的人口結構,在婚姻組成上有著相當大的變化。婚姻組成的改變,除了一方面作為瞭解過去社會變遷的重要指標外,對於未來的生育率、勞動力及人口結構等重要事件,都會產生根本性的影響,是瞭解社會變遷的重要指標之一。此外,婚姻組成的改變,背後蘊含的,是臺灣社會對於婚姻的想像及態度的變遷。由於婚姻生活對於個人生命歷程,有著絕對關鍵性的影響,故而,對於婚姻的態度,也直接改變了人們對於自身生命歷程的想像。也正因為如此,對於婚姻組成狀態以及婚姻生命歷程的分析與理解,是作為瞭解臺灣社會變遷的重要參考指標,也正是構成本論文研究的核心議題。 前輩學者在討論類似議題時,採用的方法,乃是透過估算各婚姻狀態(未婚、離婚、有偶、喪偶、死亡)間的轉移率,建構多重狀態遞增遞減婚姻生命表,以理解婚姻的生命歷程變化。 然而,此一方法雖然可以提供我們相當多關於婚姻生命歷程變遷的訊息,卻由於資料的難以取得,使得在估算的結果上,各學者間莫衷一是、無有定論。有鑑於此,在探討此一問題時,本研究不採取上述的路徑,而是採用目前在學界公認較為穩定的估算方法--「蘇立文法」。此法雖然透露的訊息,不如多重狀態遞增遞減婚姻生命表來得豐富,卻可以提供我們對於各婚姻狀態別預期壽命相對穩定且可靠的訊息。 在上述討論的脈絡下,本研究以「蘇立文法」,透過1956、1966 、1980、1990、2000年五次的普查資料,配合相對應年度的「國民生命表」,建構這五個年度的「年齡別婚姻生命表」,企圖勾勒臺灣地區近五十年來婚姻生命歷程的變遷。 本論文研究的結果發現,隨著預期壽命的不斷延長,臺灣地區人口處於未婚的預期時間不斷增加,未婚佔其一生壽命的比例也持續上升。同時,離婚的預期時間增加,喪偶的預期時間減少,顯示人們一生中處於鰥寡狀態的比例下降。而可能造成婚姻解組的主要風險,從過去的「喪偶」轉變為「離婚」。另外值得注意的是,雖然未婚、離婚的預期時間增加,生命中總共處於有偶狀態的比例,卻幾乎沒有下降。顯見未婚時間的延長,代表的不是人們不進入婚姻,而是「延後進入婚姻」;離婚時間延長,不是人們從此處於單身,而是很可能透過再婚,再次進入婚姻狀態。 承上所述,本研究發現,由於晚婚、離婚、不婚、再婚等等現象的盛行,過去集中且單一的適婚年齡,開始變得分散、延後。人們可能進入婚姻的時間,不僅僅限於過去的「三十大關」,而是整個的延後。同時,婚姻的歷程,不再如過去單一且穩定的「未婚-有偶-(喪偶)-死亡」,而是像「未婚-(有偶)-(離婚)—(再婚)-(喪偶)-(有偶)-(喪偶)-死亡」一般,呈現相對多元、複雜的婚姻生命歷程。

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