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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多一些察覺,少一點壓力? 創傷識讀如何幫助記者感知因採訪而得的創傷經驗 / More awareness, less stress? How trauma literacy helps journalists perceive their traumatic experience in covering trauma news

宋思潔, Sung, Sz Jie Unknown Date (has links)
新聞記者因為報導重大創傷事件或社會悲劇,常常需要暴露在充滿創傷的環境如災難現場、事故現場;接觸身心受創傷的人及採訪敘述他人的創傷記憶。這些對創傷的接觸都使新聞記者不斷目睹他人的傷痛並感到身心俱疲,甚至在採訪傷痛經驗後同樣感到「受傷」。 近年國外一些媒體組織和大學新聞系所已開始發展與創傷識讀有關的訓練,幫助記者認識創傷是什麼、受害人在經歷悲慘事件後的創傷反應、採訪創傷新聞可能會帶給記者本身什麼影響、怎麼處理不同類型的創傷新聞及如何調適採訪悲劇後的情緒衝擊,但在台灣這樣的訓練並未成型。 本研究協助於2010年底在台東舉辦一個關於創傷識讀的工作坊給當地記者,並透過深度訪談來討論:創傷識讀對參與的台東駐地記者的影響為何?記者在感知因採訪而得的創傷經驗上有沒有什麼改變?創傷識讀有沒有影響記者採訪創傷新聞的方式? 為了確切討論記者在增加創傷識讀後的改變,本研究用Antonovsky提出的統合感 (Sense of Coherence)中的三大向度,周延理解性(Comprehensibility)、因應管理度(Manageability)及意義性(Meaningfulness)為框架發展訪談問題並分析訪談資料,討論記者參與創傷識讀工作坊後在這三方面的改變。 關鍵字:台東記者、創傷新聞、創傷察覺、創傷識讀、創傷訓練 / The nature of news is that journalists are often required to report traumatic events. As journalists are also the first responders to some trauma memories of people, they may see and be affected by other people's distress and grief. Trainings about trauma have emerged in media organizations or some journalism educational institutes. These trauma training stressed journalists should take more concerns about trauma on others and on self during covering traumatic events. Held a simple workshop about trauma to Taitung journalists and used in-depth interviews to analyze if raising journalists awareness about the possible trauma from covering tragedies, what has changed on their perceptions of their traumatic experience from covering trauma news? Also what has changed on their covering about trauma news when they get more awareness about trauma? The thesis used the concept of sense of coherence to discuss the change on journalists’ comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness about covering trauma news. Key words: Taitung journalists, Trauma news, Traumatic awareness, Trauma literacy, Trauma training

一個不可說的故事:摩里森《寵兒》中的創傷敘述 / An Unspeakable Story: Trauma Narrative in Toni Morrison’s Beloved

許智偉, Hsu,Chih-wei Unknown Date (has links)
《寵兒》(Beloved, 1987)是美國作家童妮‧摩里森(Toni Morrison)的第五本小說。如同她的前四本小說,《寵兒》關注的主題是黑人族群生活在美國所面臨的困境,探討非裔美國人如何在種族歧視的壓迫下求生存。與前四本小說不同的是,《寵兒》所敘述的故事發生在奴隸制度廢除之際,是摩里森第一次直接處理黑人在奴隸制度中遭受虐待的歷史事實。《寵兒》的主角是一群被解放的黑奴,摩里森藉著他們對過去的回憶來訴說奴隸制度對黑人族群所造成的集體創傷。受創的角色活在有關創傷的回憶中。他們不願去回想痛苦的過去,卻又被揮之不去的創傷記憶所纏繞。他們試著彼此扶持,並企圖走出受創的陰霾,找尋一個新的生活。 《寵兒》的故事以女主角柴特(Sethe)弒嬰的秘密為中心,加上其他黑奴的創傷記憶編織而成。既然小說本身是一個有關創傷的故事,批評家對《寵兒》的研究也就常涉及小說中的記憶、創傷與敘事風格。不過這些有關記憶、創傷與敘事的討論總是以種族或性別等議題為出發點,很少批評家純粹分析記憶、創傷與敘事在《寵兒》中的互動關係。有別於以往的研究,本論文試著以「創傷敘述」(trauma narrative)為主軸,採用佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)與赫曼(Judith Herman)的創傷理論來分析《寵兒》中記憶、創傷與敘事如何互相影響。首先,本論文探討創傷如何影響記憶的形成與敘事,以及創傷記憶為何是「一個不可說的故事」(an unspeakable story)。其次,本論文將創傷敘述的特色與《寵兒》中複雜難解的敘事風格相比較,討論摩里森如何運用創傷敘述的特色來再現小說中主角們難以啟齒的創傷記憶。最後,本論文討論創傷敘述與創傷治療(trauma healing)之間的關係,說明創傷敘述如何成為創傷治療過程中不可或缺的一環。 / Beloved (1987) is Toni Morrison’s fifth novel. Like her first four novels, Beloved centers on the social injustice which the black people are confronted with in their lives, depicting how African Americans struggle to survive under the oppression of racism. What renders Beloved different is its subject—the history of slavery, which was never dealt with in Morrison’s novels. The main characters in Beloved are ex-slaves who have undergone the atrocities of slavery. By recounting the characters’ experiences, the novel represents the horrors of slavery and the atrocities traumatizing the black people. In their post-traumatic lives, the characters are trapped in their traumatic memory. Although they show reluctance to recall the painful past, the traumatized characters are haunted by their indelible memories. However, the story is not completely tragic since, in the end, the characters are not defeated by their trauma. They endeavor to support each other, trying to rid themselves of traumatic memory and to rebuild a new life. The story of Beloved, which revolves around Sethe’s secret of infanticide, is constructed from the characters’ traumatic memory. Since the story is closely related to trauma, most critics explore Beloved in terms of memory, trauma, and its narrative style. However, critics often discuss only one or two topics of the above three. There are some critics analyzing the interrelation of memory, trauma and narrative in Beloved but their discussions are often the portions pertaining to the more extensive explorations based on the topic of history, race, or gender. Differing from these critical approaches, the present thesis adopts the concept of trauma narrative, using Sigmund Freud and Judith Herman’s trauma theories to analyze the interplay of trauma, memory, and narrative in Beloved. Firstly, the thesis discusses how the traumatic event affects the formation and narration of memory. The discussion also demonstrates why the traumatic memory is “an unspeakable story.” Secondly, the thesis compares the characteristics of trauma narrative with the intricate narrative of Beloved. The discussion centers on how Morrison adopts the characteristic of trauma narrative to represent a story of trauma. Lastly, the thesis explores the interrelation between trauma narrative and trauma healing. The discussion intends to clarify how trauma narrative becomes a prerequisite for trauma healing.

「社會支持」模式於新聞從業人員採訪創傷新聞事件後壓力調適之關係初探 / The relationship between the “social support mechanism” and traumatic stress journalists bear after covering trauma news events or traumatized victims

王靜嬋, Wang, Ching Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為探討國內新聞從業人員在採訪創傷新聞事件後,是否亦間接地受到創傷壓力所影響;又,社會支持與記者的創傷壓力調適有何關聯;而至今國內新聞界在記者創傷議題這部分的認知與作法處於何種階段。在研究方法上,採用質化的深度訪談法,訪談了包括文字記者、攝影記者以及主管職位等13位國內電視新聞從業人員。研究結果發現,普遍而言,國內電視新聞從業人員所承受身心壓力都較一般人來得高,而部分曾經採訪過重大創傷事件或創傷受害者的記者,更可能經歷深層的創傷壓力徵狀,包括侵入性回憶、逃避、高度警覺等。另外,部分受訪記者對創傷新聞事件的反應冷靜,可能源自記者良好的心理建設,但仍有記者是因為同儕壓力、尋求榮譽感或生計壓力等原因,而必須表現勇敢、甚至漠然,此亦可能為創傷壓力反應的一種。容易造成記者創傷壓力的新聞事件主要包括兩類,一為重大災難,一為看似平常、但可能對個別記者影響深刻的普通新聞事件;而易造成創傷壓力之新聞事件特性包括事件本身的嚴重度、記者深入了解新聞故事、與記者關係密切的人成為新聞主角、具情感張力的畫面。最後,個性、性別、路線、職位、電視台定位等變項可能影響記者是否容易面對創傷事件並受創傷壓力所影響。 接著,研究發現記者主要以「自我調適」與「尋求社會支持」兩種方式來應對可能承受的創傷壓力。在自我調適的部分,受訪記者以「娛樂」以及「重新定義生命或工作價值」的方式,來調整自己的狀態。在尋求社會支持的部分,首先,不若國外文獻對同儕支持的全面推崇,國內記者認為同儕支持主要能夠滿足資訊層面,但對同儕支持所提供的情緒支持仍有遲疑,可能與國內新聞圈的競爭激烈有關;第二,記者認為新聞組織能夠、也必須提供全面的物質支持與資訊支持,但由於現今不論是第一線記者或新聞主管,對記者創傷議題仍不熟悉,因此大部分受訪記者對組織是否能提供情緒支持採保留態度;第三,國內電視記者已不排斥尋求專業支持,但這方面的資訊相當缺乏;第四,雖然記者在擔心傷害家人的情況下,對家庭較不提及自身所承受的創傷壓力,但家庭仍提供了記者深層的情緒支持;第五,宗教支持為國內記者能夠舒服地吐露自身壓力的管道,提供了全然的情緒支持,此為國內新聞脈絡較特殊之處。 再者,國內新聞界雖已開始對記者創傷議題開始有初步的認知與作法,但整體的普及度與實行度仍不高。本研究在理解國內情況與參考國外各新聞組織的作法後,對國內新聞界在記者創傷議題可能能夠努力的方向,提出了若干建議。最後,亦在思考研究發現與研究限制後,對未來學術研究提出幾點建議。 / This study investigated trauma experiences of journalists in Taiwan after covering disaster, crime and justice news or interviewing traumatized victims, and how social support mechanism plays a buffering role in their trauma-stress coping. This thesis also explored news rooms’ attention and response toward this issue. This study adapted the semi-structured interview and the grounded theory methodology to analyze in-depth interview data of 13 TV journalists inTaiwan, including script journalists, photojournalists, local journalists and managers. This study found that the interviewed journalists live under physical and mental pressure. Some of those who have covered traumatic news experienced traumatic symptoms, including intrusion, avoidance, and hyperarousal. Although some journalists keep calm when they confront traumatic stress events, we still couldn’t overlook the potential traumatic effect since journalists may suppress their authentic feelings because of peer pressure, sense of honor, or bread and butter. In addition, the interviewed journalists employed “self-adjustment” and “seeking social support” to deal with the traumatic stress. First, the journalists relieved their pressure by means of entertainment, and redefining the value of job and the priorities of life. As for social support, the journalists thought that peer support could satisfy the need of information, but may not necessarily offer fully emotional support because of the flaming competitions between journalists and news organizations. As for news rooms, the journalists asked for tangible support, namely resources and informational support, but were suspicious of the emotional support. Then, this study found that the journalists are willing to seek professional support, but seldom seek support from family because of the worry of horrifying their family members. However, it does not mean that the emotional support from family is not important, and being there is the best support for journalists. Finally, religion support is the main channel from which the journalists could feel safe, peace and calm, which is a unique phenomenon in the Taiwan media settings. In the end, after understanding the Taiwan media situations and consulting the practices of foreign news organizations, this study recommended some suggestions and implications for future studies and news rooms accordingly.

初探記者採訪報導創傷受害者的社會智能 / A preliminary study of reporter's social intelligence in covering traumatic victims

吳佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖以社會智能之觀點切入,初探記者採訪、報導創傷受害者所運用的社會認知、知識及行為技巧,聚焦於記者如何運用社會智能去平衡人際、工作任務及情境等面向,以順利和創傷受害者互動、同時完成工作任務。本研究採質性研究之視角,透過深入訪談的方式訪談 15 位國內記者,對象同時包含電子/平面、文字/攝影、都會/駐地記者等。研究結果發現,在工作過程中,記者確實運用社會智能去解決採訪、報導創傷受害者所遭遇到的問題;且其社會認知及技巧的展現是相當豐富且細緻的,這是傳統的新聞學說(如:客觀的專業意理)難以詮釋及涵蓋的。此外,由於創傷情境之特殊性,因此記者於工作過程中會產生許多複雜的情緒感受,如無力感、挫折感等,且為了順利完成工作任務,記者還必須加以管理、運用自己的情緒感受,如:隔離自我的情緒感受,但仍運用同理心去理解創傷受害者。最終,在記者社會智能的職涯變化方面,訪談資料顯示,記者的社會智能實為一不斷修正、演化的能力,會隨著記者個人的生命經驗或工作經驗的刺激而不斷學習、演進。

從虞山到桂林──瞿式耜殉國敘事之研究 / 無

范雅琇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討明清之際的殉國忠臣瞿式耜 (1590-1650) 如何在鼎革之際成為忠臣典範,不但被時人賦予「今之文信國」之美譽,其相關記載並形成了一種以「忠臣殉國」為主題的「敘事話語」,一路自清初流傳至清末、民國。建立思考路徑與耙梳理論脈絡為緒論之大要。欲論「今之文信國」之意義,需回歸到明末清初的歷史語境,探索此敘事話語最初形成的過程。關於瞿式耜殉國故事的文本創作和流衍,筆者採取海登‧懷特 (Hayden White) 「新歷史主義」觀點作為研究方法,而「創傷記憶」與「詩史」的理論及相關研究,是筆者理解明清之際文人創作的重要參照系。 考辨瞿式耜殉國的敘事話語之來源,具有「瞿式耜自述」、「常熟瞿氏家族」、「明清之際時人」三個脈絡。第二章為「瞿式耜殉國敘事的啟動」,析論瞿式耜的臨難詩文與其殉難前的「行為儀式化」。第一節為1648-1650年南明朝廷與桂林局勢之鋪陳,第二、三節著重在瞿式耜詩文〈臨難遺表〉、《浩氣吟》的分析。第三章筆者論述瞿氏家族的敘事立場與觀點,指出他們致力於建構「忠孝兩全」的家族聲望。瞿式耜之孫瞿昌文的「萬里省親」和「負骨還鄉」,為瞿式耜故事增添了新頁。第四章,筆者探討明清之際時人如何傳述瞿式耜殉國事件,以錢澄之《所知錄》為例。《所知錄》是一部詩文兼容並蓄的南明史書。錢澄之記載瞿式耜殉國事件的筆法特殊,適可分析「記事」與「詩歌」的「敘事模式」之別。第五章,筆者論明清之際時人的悼詠瞿式耜殉國是一種「創傷書寫」的體現。瞿式耜的殉國與瞿昌文的萬里尋親成為一樁「忠孝兩全」的美談,與常熟地方文人以及瞿家交遊網絡關係匪淺,本章以錢謙益〈哭稼軒相公一百十韻〉為例。 筆者研究指出:瞿式耜的殉國並非全由時人、後人單方面來記錄、定義與評價,而是雙向的形構──「今之文信國」也是瞿式耜對自我的認同與期許。生命將盡,瞿式耜透過臨難詩文和忠臣行為的儀式化,為自己的死留下意義和線索。也因瞿式耜的自我期許與明清時人對瞿式耜的評價具有高度一致性,「今之文信國」的美譽才得以輝耀不朽。


陳盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
個人對事物的認識將影響著後續的情緒及行為反應—個人依此認識作出判斷,並進而產生情緒及行動。此認識佔據的位置是如此重要,以至於讓個人憤怒、痛苦、悲傷、或者喜悅;讓個人決意地選擇這個、撇棄那個,讓個人有所堅持、有所排拒。 然而雖則個人深刻地相信著,是外在的事物讓他們這樣做、是外在的事物讓他們痛苦悲傷、因著外在事物的有別,故而讓他們堅守著非如何不可,他們卻很少能夠反省到是什麼讓他們認為外在事物如此這般。 在本篇論文中,討論到個人對事物的理解與解釋,與真正事物之間所存在的差距,從而讓我們了解個人對事物的認識,總是只能以片面性的方式來把握,而讓人容易忽略其中存在的許多可能性。然而,又是哪些因素影響著個人對事物的認識? 本篇論文認為,個人自出生後開始辨識事物以來,即積累了各種概念或刺激對自身的特定意含,因而個人即靠著此意含的繼續拓展而能夠更加詳備的認識事物與預測事物。因此個人對事物的認識,既表示著個人對於對象本身所辨識出的元素,以及那些元素在個人舊有的概念中意味的總合。若非那些元素在個人的認知系統中具有其意含,個人將無法辨識出它們,因而對象物本身也將不具備那些特殊意味。 人自渾沌而來,在朦朧中發展出對事物的認識,也構築著自身的認知建構系統。此系統在最初時總是具彈性及開放性,然而或者由於社會文化的固定化解釋、或者由於個人太習慣的使用認知建構系統的某種解釋,而使得它越穩固而不易動搖、或者由於創傷性事件造成個人的固著性解釋;凡此種種,都將使得個人越來越用窄化、僵固的方式來形成對事物的認知,因而容易跳入循環性的情緒或行為反應,此時個人將再難以看清外界事物的原貌,而易於落入個人對類似刺激的相同解釋。 因而,什麼樣的解釋系統屬於成熟的認知型態,在本篇論文中再次肯定對變異的開放,以及具彈性的認知系統,唯有如此,個人才能不受限於自身大腦中的框架、不自我束縛,而在更能夠認清外界事物的同時,也才能讓自己獲得更多的自由。

自我的詮釋,再現的自我:新世紀台灣自傳體小說潮流研究 (2000—2005) / The self-interpretation and self-representation : the study on the trend of roman autobiographique in Taiwan in the new century (2000—2005)

簡乃韶 Unknown Date (has links)

復語:《使女故事》中的創傷敘事 / Reclaiming Language: Trauma Narrative in The Handmaid's Tale

許齡文, Hsu, Ling Wen Unknown Date (has links)
透過主角兼敘事者奧芙弗雷德 (Offred) 的信件書寫,愛特伍 (Margaret Atwood)《使女故事》(The Handmaid's Tale, 1986) 一書回憶並訴說過往的故事。奧芙弗雷德的敘事打破順時性,呈現了斷裂與曖昧難解的狀況,點出了敘事者對於其所訴說的過去缺乏完整的理解。本論文從創傷敘事的角度分析《使女故事》,試圖探究奧芙弗雷德敘事中缺乏連貫的起因。 本論文分成五章來探討奧芙弗雷德的敘事,以期完整呈現小說中創傷敘事與語言、書信模式所交織成的複雜關係。第一章介紹《使女故事》的梗概與相關評論,並說明本論文所使用的理論架構。第二章以傅柯 (Michel Foucault) 的語言理論,探討語言與權力統治的關係與其在「反烏托邦」(dystopia) 世界中所承擔的角色,進而分析奧芙弗雷德如何一步步地取回了原本被禁用的語言,透過敘事釋放潛藏的溝通慾望。第三章則透過佛洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 的創傷理論與後續發展的創傷敘事研究,檢視奧芙弗雷德令人困惑的敘事。第四章藉由巴赫汀 (Mikhail Bakhtin) 的對話論 (dialogism) 分析書信模式在奧芙弗雷德敘事 (narration)/重構 (reconstruction) 中的影響與作用。最後,第五章討論愛特伍在文本末章〈史料〉("Historical Notes") 呈現對書信編輯一角的翻轉,並點出奧芙弗雷德對於敘事的堅持來自於她對於溝通與生存的期望。 / Through the narrator-protagonist Offred's letter-composition, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid’s Tale (1986) unfolds as Offred recalls her past to tell the story. Offred's narrative is not chronological, but elusive and fragmentary. The scattered narrative fragments indicate Offred's incomplete understanding of the past. The present thesis seeks to explore the intricate cause of Offred’s narrative fragments by reading The Handmaid's Tale as a trauma narrative. To gain a full picture of Offred's trauma narrative, the thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter I introduces The Handmaid's Tale and its literature reviews and explicates the theoretical approaches used in the thesis. With the introduction of Foucauldian discourse on language, Chapter II focuses on the role of language in relation to power in dystopia. In addition, the chapter illustrates the process of Offred's gradual regaining of the denied language and embarking on her narrative expedition, seeking to communicate. Meanwhile, Chapter III focuses on Offred’s puzzle-like narrative, inspecting her narrative through the lens of the Freudian trauma theory and trauma narrative. Chapter IV analyzes the function of the epistolary form in Offred's reconstruction of the past with the Bakhtinian dialogism. Finally, Chapter V discusses Atwood's revision of the role of the editor demonstrated in the epilogue "Historical Notes" of The Handmaid's Tale and concludes with Offred's longing for communication and survival that propels her act of storytelling.

年輕乳癌患者的人我處境與未來感: 心理經驗轉化現象探討 / Exploring the transformative felt experiences of interpersonal situatedness and future temporality of young breast cancer patients: The phenomenological psychology approach

楊子慧, Yang, Tzu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
目的:本研究探討乳癌患者從受苦到經驗正向改變的轉化,以王韋婷(2014)研究為基礎進行探討。該研究於術後一日、三個月、六個月與一年,追蹤測量乳癌患者的創傷後成長(PTG),並依量表分數變化將參與者分為四種軌跡發展組別,分別為高穩定組、中間組、上升組與下降組。本研究以訪談方式進行後續追蹤。 方法:研究採取雙盲設計,抽取王韋婷(2014)研究參與者樣本,共有五位參與者,平均罹癌年齡35.6歲,接受單次訪談。資料分析以現象學心理學方法進行,並對應其受創傷成長發展軌跡組別(分別為高穩定組三位、中間組兩位),進行討論。 結果與討論:研究結果發現,參與者的主題置身結構包括:「癌症療程是溢出常態的受苦經驗」、「受苦經驗中的照顧倫理行動」、「反求諸己的受苦意涵」、「在世牽掛的流變」,並由此帶出「生活是日常與非日常的背景-前景辯證歷程」。本研究顯示PTG高穩定組的參與者,從焦慮過渡到操煩,朝向生活世界的歷程,是打開此在與生活世界、社會的交往。PTG中間組的兩位參與者,試圖領會身體限制的存在意義,仍在尋求身體的安居。只有身體的返家意識,在安居中獲得熟悉感,才能夠出發朝向世界,因此在未來的時間流變中,仍有持續邁向成長的可能性。 結論:PTG高維持組受訪者以釋放控制,帶出了「朝死而生」的本真活動,是「在己生命」開展了生活世界。PTG中間組以固守控制,將現今未能解除的困境寄望未來,是他人束縛下求全的「為己生命」。最後,提出研究限制與未來研究建議。 / Objectives: The study aims to explore how the young breast cancer survivors perceived psychological growth since operation treatment, focusing on their transformative experiences of interpersonal situatedness and sense of future temporality. Methods: Based on the dissertation by Wang (2014), the participants are recruited from Wang’s research the subjects were divided into four groups (stable high, middle stable, low increasing, and sharp decreasing) by the patterns of their posttraumatic growth(PTG) scores assessed at 1day, 3, 6, 12 months after surgery. There are five participants whose mean age 35.6 at diagnosis were interviewed and data transcribed, and analyzed by phenomenological psychology approach. Results: Four themes emerged from the data analysis, including: (1) Enduring suffering out of daily order under cancer treatment. (2) Ethical act to care for suffering experiencing. (3) Meaning transformation of the suffering. (4) Different solicitude modes of being-in-the-world. Participants belonging to stable high group turn their state of mind from anxiety (Angst) into care (Sorge), facing the life situation and engage in life world. Participants belonging to middle stable group try to realize existential meaning and the sense of uncanny body, seeking for the dwelling of the habitual body. The ill life is an unhomelike being-in-the-world in which the lived body, the central vehicle of this being-in of Da-sein, takes on alien and uncanny qualities. Health, in contrast to this frustrating unhomelikeness, is a homelike being-in-the-world in which the lived body in most cases has a transparent quality as the point of access to the world in understanding activities. Conclusion: Participants belonging to stable high group carry on limited lifetime and take authentic mode of being toward death, illustrating ‘being-in-itself’, and the experience of illness underlines our homeless predicament, but it can also serve as a springboard to addressing and living with existential uncertainty in a more authentic way. Participants belonging to middle stable group hold on limited lifetime and take future temporality as a hope to leave the predicament, illustrating ‘being-for-itself’, and it projects the possibilities of the future, on the basis of the care pattern of meaning constituting its past, as a means of constructing its present. In Heidegger’s words, ‘‘The totality of being of Dasein as care means: ahead-of-itself-already-being-in (a world) as being-together-with beings encountered in the world”. The outcome implication and further research agenda are discussed.


劉瑞華 Unknown Date (has links)
災難是一項重大的創傷事件,常帶給人長久而深遠的影響。然而,多數的研究所關注的焦點都只在與創傷後壓力疾患(PTSD)有關的症狀反應上。本研究以羅夏克測驗作為研究工具,以了解921地震受災的居民內在的人格結構,並進一步探討PTSD與羅夏克測驗反應型態的關係。最後共收集32名在地震發生一年十個月後仍居住在組合屋的災民為樣本,比較他們的羅夏克測驗結果與常模的差異,結果發現當中有高比例的人呈現出逃避型的問題解決風格,普遍來說是壓抑情緒的,有著較低的現實機能(reality testing)與壓力耐受度;此外,他們有著較低的自尊與自我認同感,並且對人的關係是疏離的。此外,本研究根據災民們的創傷後壓力症狀篩選出3名符合PTSD診斷的災民,結果發現在13項與PTSD有關的指標中,3人都達到標準的只有2項(低Afr與T = 0),2人達到標準的則有2項(低X+%與高X-%),只有1人達到標準的有4項(矛盾型或逃避型EB、CF+C > FC、V > 0、pure H < 3),3人都未達到標準的有5項(m > 1、Y > 1、D Sscore < 0、Dd > 2、MOR > 1),整體而言並不支持PTSD的羅夏克測驗反應型態。根據本研究的結果,筆者認為應多關注災民在創傷後壓力症狀之外所受到的影響。此外,在使用羅夏克測驗衡鑑災民的心理狀態時,應避免當為鑑別診斷的決定性資料,而把焦點放在一般的適應功能上。

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