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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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利用神經心理作業初探臺灣地區海洛因戒治者之認知功能研究 / The cognitive function research of the abstinent heroin users in Taiwan by using neuropsychological task

黃華妮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是利用國內的海洛因戒治者,透過神經心理作業探討長期使用海洛因對於個體在注意力偏誤、轉換彈性和抑制能力上的影響。 根據Robinson和Berridge(1993, 2003)的理論認為成癮嚴重度越高,藥物相關線索的注意力偏誤越明顯;然而,根據Di Chiara(2000)提出關於整合誘因和習慣的觀點,認為成癮的注意力偏誤和趨向行為會受到不同的成癮嚴重度(輕度或重度成癮)或成癮階段(早期或習慣化後期)而有不同的結果,另外,以往的執行功能損害也支持Robinson和Berridge(1993, 2003)成癮嚴重度的觀點,因此本研究企圖同時檢驗上述兩者觀點。 本研究篩選111名台中戒治所和看守所的海洛因戒治者,分別根據不同的成癮嚴重程度分類方式分組(依賴嚴重度量表、不同頻率、施用方式),加上29名健康對照組,共140名受試均需完成自陳氏量表、紙筆測驗和各項神經心理測驗(Stroop叫色作業、威斯康辛卡片分類測驗、Go/No Go作業)。 研究結果指出海洛因戒治者相較對照組確實在注意力偏誤、認知彈性轉換、以及反應抑制能力有損害的趨勢,而且似乎較符合Di Chiara(2000)提出整合誘因和習慣的觀點,認為成癮者的認知功能會與成癮嚴重度成負向關係。

海洛因成癮者的決策判斷與抑制控制缺損探討 / The impairment of decision making and inhibitory control in heroin addicts

鍾昀蓁, Chung, Yun Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的主要在探討海洛因成癮者是否具有決策判斷的問題與抑制控制能力缺損,利用數理認知模型的參數值檢驗受試者在新式Go/No-Go作業的表現,該作業結合IGT與原先Go/No-Go作業的特性,並將作業刺激改為中性與海洛因相關的圖片,探討海洛因成癮者在此作業的決策歷程與抑制反應功能,並與控制組作比較。另者,根據誘發─敏感化理論 ( Robinson & Berridge, 1993 ) 與誘發─習慣化模式 ( Di Chiara, 2000 ) 的預測,前者認為成癮越嚴重者的抑制缺損情形會越嚴重,對藥物相關刺激的注意力偏誤也越明顯;後者則認為藥物依賴階段的初期會發生較嚴重的注意力偏誤情形,但隨著依賴程度增加而對藥物相關刺激已習慣化,尋求藥物行為也已變成自動化反應,故注意力偏誤的情形反而會減少。因此,本研究試圖在加入藥物相關刺激的Go/No-Go作業中驗證這兩種理論的預測。 本研究以48位一般控制組、88位海洛因受戒治人為樣本,利用Go/No-Go作業與線索依賴學習模式 ( CD model ) 分析受試者對酬賞或處罰的注意力 ( w參數 )、學習率 ( 參數 )、反應一致性 ( c參數 )、以及海洛因圖片價值的影響 ( I_Heroin參數 ),結果發現,比起控制組,海洛因成癮者對酬賞的注意力較低、受到藥物相關刺激影響較明顯。另外,將戒治組分為物質高依賴組與低依賴組時,比起控制組,高依賴組對酬賞的注意力較低;而低依賴組受到海洛因圖片價值影響較明顯。結果證實當面對同時具有中性與藥物相關刺激時的情況下,海洛因成癮者與過去古柯鹼成癮者在決策作業上的表現不同,不僅受到酬賞或處罰的影響,藥物相關刺激本身亦帶有某種價值,影響成癮者的決策與抑制能力;另外,結果部分支持誘發─習慣化的預測。 / The purpose of present study was to investigate the decision making and inhibitory problem in heroin addicts, and to use the mathematics cognitive model parameters to examine performance in a new Go/No-Go Task of subjects. The task combined the characteristics of IGT and original Go/No-Go Task. We changed the task’s stimuli to neural and heroin related pictures, to explore the decision making and inhibitory reactive function in the task, and compared with control group. On the other hands, according to Incentive-sensitization theory (Robinson & Berridge, 1993) and ‘Incentive ─ habit’ model (Di Chiara, 2000), the incentive-sensitization thoery thought that people with increasing severity of addiction get more inhibitory problems and attentional bias toward drug related cues, but the incentive-habit model suggests that attentional bias for drug cues will be more severe in the early stage of drug dependence., but with the increase in dependence and habit to drug cues, drug-seeking behavior has become automatic reaction, so attentional bias will be attenuated when abusers get more dependence. Therefore, this study attempted to verify the prediction of two theories in the Go / No-Go Task with drug-related stimuli. This research was based on the data collected from the 48 normals and 88 heroin addicts, using Go/No-Go Task and Cue-dependence learning model ( CD model ) analysis their attention to reward or punishment ( parameter w ), learning rate ( ), reactive consistence ( c ), and valence of heroin pictures ( I_Heroin). The result revealed that compare to controls, heroin addicts had fewer attention to rewards, and more obvious influenced by drug related stimuli. Otherwise, to divided addicts group into high dependence group and low dependence group, compared to control group, the high dependence addicts had lower attention to reward, and the lower dependence addicts was higher influenced by drug related stimuli. It confirm that when heroin abusers faced to neural and drug related stimili, their performance in decision making task was different from cocaine abusers, it’s not only influenced from reward or punishment, but also from the valence of drug related cues. In addition, the result partially support the prediction of the incentive-habit model.

命中注定會成癮?:由玩家的線上遊戲生命歷程探討遊戲「成癮」 / Destined to be Addicted?: Understanding Game "Addiction" through Gamers' Online Gaming Life Story

李宜家, Lee, I Chia Unknown Date (has links)
玩大型多人角色扮演線上遊戲(MMORPGs)的行為在國內日漸普遍,但是許多人玩線上遊戲的現象卻經常被社會大眾和媒體報導認為是一種負面社會問題,並將玩遊戲與遊戲成癮作直接的連結。許多成癮研究也強化了「持續玩線上遊戲的行為,最終容易導致病態行為成癮的結果」之因果邏輯。但是,事實上許多玩家經常自行決定進入、持續玩,和退出一款線上遊戲,並非最終都會走向遊戲成癮的宿命。因此,本研究的主要目的即在於透過遊戲玩家的個人線上遊戲生命歷程,重新檢視遊戲「成癮」以及「玩線上遊戲便注定導致病態成癮」的邏輯。 運用深度訪談和參與觀察方法,描繪出線上遊戲玩家的長期線上遊戲生命歷程,再試圖詮釋他們離開、持續玩、退出遊戲這些投入程度的變化是受到哪些因素影響,以及在什麼脈絡之下做出的決定。本研究發現許多玩家曾經意識到自己「成癮」於玩線上遊戲,但是只是階段性的反常狀態,甚至是可以接受的一種生活方式。玩家們不只是受到線上遊戲設計的被動牽引而長時間持續投入大量心力玩遊戲,他們在玩遊戲的過程中,受到遊戲設計、玩家社群、生活脈絡和個人對於這些因素的價值判斷等多元因素的影響,持續調整和監控自己的遊戲行為和投入程度,從中協調出最能夠滿足他們的多元愉悅感。另外,當他們對於自己玩遊戲的投入程度感到疑惑時,傾向於尋求玩家社群的協助。因此,本研究認為玩線上遊戲導致病態成癮的論述須要被重新檢視,因為許多被認定為病態成癮的現象只是線上遊戲玩家生命過程中的片段現象。 / Playing massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs) has become a popular activity in Taiwan, but it has often been regarded as a social problem, linking to game addiction, by the mass media and the public. Many addiction researches have also enforced the logic that “pathological game addiction is the most likely result of continuous online gaming activity”. However, many gamers in fact often begin, continue, and quit playing an online game according to their own will, instead of ending up as a pathologic game addict. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to re-approach game “addiction” and the logic of “online gamers are destined to be addicted” through gamers' online gaming life story. Using methods of depth interview and participant observation to depict gamers’ long-term online gaming life story, this research tries to interpret under what social context and influencing factors, do gamers change their attitude and effort to playing online games. Findings of this research tells us that many online gamers claim to have been “addicted” to online gaming some time in the past, but the “addiction” is only a certain stage in their long-term gaming life, and even regarded as a life-style by some. Online gamers do not continuously put a lot of effort to playing games just because they are attracted by the features of online game design. During the course of game play, they are persistently influenced by game design, gaming community, social context, and their own judgment of values. Also, they often self-monitor and re-adjust their gaming styles and effort, in order to meet their needs of multiple pleasures. Moreover, when gamers become confused of how they should re-adjust their gaming activities, they tend to search for assistance from the gaming community. Therefore, this research believes that the problematic logic of pathological game addiction being the final destined result of gaming should be reconsidered and understood from other perspectives, because many phenomenon currently considered pathologic addiction, may only be a short period or segment of gamers’ normal long-term online gaming life.

Facebook社群遊戲與社會連結的關係: 反思遊戲成癮之人格特質 / The relationship between social game and social connectedness: a reflection on game addictive personality

洪嘉蓮, Hung, Chia Lien Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook在台灣的流行及使用習慣皆與社群遊戲功能息息相關,社群遊戲整合、複製真實人際網絡至線上,藉由遊戲互動增強線下的人際關係,社群遊戲使用行為與社會連結的關係,「真實與虛擬人際關係的相互增強」成為本研究關注的焦點。基於社群遊戲的特殊性質,使用者是否透過遊戲行為同時滿足社交需求,以及給予「沉迷」於線上遊戲者大多疏於發展真實人際網絡此刻板印象翻轉的契機,藉本研究一探其互動關係。 本研究以網路問卷調查的方式於PTT的熱門版發放,問卷發放日期自2012年5月9日至5月18日,為期十天,回收問卷共計666份。研究結果發現: (1)使用社群遊戲可滿足「娛樂」與「社交」需求,並且可實際提升與朋友之間的「親密感」,藉由社群遊戲的互動,使用者會更了解他們原本不是很熟的朋友,社群遊戲對於發展「弱繫」的人際關係有顯著的功能。(2)「過與不及」的社群遊戲使用行為,對於增強社會連結不會產生實質幫助。社群遊戲使用者若長時間投入於遊戲使用行為,對於發展實質社交關係並沒有幫助,導致社會連結程度下降;但若是每天持續使用社群遊戲,將其當作一種與朋友聯繫感情的社交工具,而非沉迷於遊戲中,則對「主動建立關係」仍有實質幫助。(3)人格特質「嚴謹性」程度較低者與「神經質」程度越高者,較容易產生社群遊戲成癮;人格特質「外傾性」特質愈明顯者,愈傾向社群遊戲「習慣成癮」。 Facebook社群遊戲的使用有助於發展社交網絡,達到社會連結的調節作用,積極、主動與他人建立關係,若從中得到社交滿足感,便會持續地使用社群遊戲,強化人格特質、遊戲行為與社會連結的相互作用關係,但使用者若過度沉迷其中則會達到反效果。 / The popularity of Facebook in Taiwan is said to be closely linked with social games features. Because social games carry certain characteristics, users may meet their social needs by playing social games. Also wonder if the assumption of online game players who addicted to playing games may neglect to develop the interpersonal relationship in real world. Social games integrate and copy the interpersonal networks in real world to online games. Furthermore, the interaction in social games may enhance the offline relationships. This study adopted online questionnaire survey via the Facebook board on PTT. With a total of 666 valid questionnaires, the results showed that (1) playing social games could not only satisfy the needs for entertaining and social contact, but also increase the sense of intimacy with friends. Through interactions via social games, users could understand more about the acquaintances. Therefore, playing social games will help develop weak ties;(2)an excessive use of social games makes little differences on enhancing the relationships, in terms of social connectedness. However, instead of addicting to the social games, if players use social game as a tool for communicating with others, then the social games can be seen as constructive on relationship building; and(3)users who have lower degree of conscientiousness or higher degree of neuroticism of personality trait may be more likely to be addicted to social games. People with higher degrees of extraversion are more likely to addict habitually to social games. Playing social games shows an impact on developing people’s social network. If players meet their social needs, it would reinforce the relations between personality, game use and social connectedness. In conclusion, the social game on Facebook can still contribute to the development of social network, but over-indulgence may cause the opposite effect.

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