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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公共托育服務對女性家庭照顧與就業之影響 / Public Child Care Service and Its Impact on Female Employment and Domestic Child Care Responsibility.

戴淑卿 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會經濟環境的變遷、教育程度提高、性別平等工作的推動,女性投入職場就業的比例逐年增加,而女性所面對的家庭與工作兩頭燒的壓力,卻日漸沉重。女性的就業選擇往往受到家庭照顧責任及社會文化規範等結構性因素的干擾。國家在提倡與促進女性就業的同時,能否提供更友善的家庭照顧資源與社會支持系統,使就業女性能兼顧家庭與工作,並且維持良好的生活品質,是值得深入探究的議題。 近幾年,新北市政府建立多所公共托育中心提供兒童托育服務。本研究目的在探討新北市的公共托育服務,相較於家庭的非正式托育、經濟市場所提供的私人托育服務,其對於女性在家庭照顧與就業面向上所產生的變化與影響,並針對公共托育政策提出反思與建議。 本研究透過深度訪談法,訪談10位使用新北市公共托育服務之女性,研究發現當國家提供平價、優質且穩定的公共托育服務,協助家庭照顧三歲以下的嬰幼兒,對於女性家庭照顧與就業情形皆有正面的影響。在家庭照顧方面,使用公共托育服務可以降低家庭育兒經濟負擔、降低女性的兒童照顧壓力、建立家庭的共同照顧價值、增進家長親職知能及擴大家庭生活圈、增加生育意願等。在就業方面,公共托育服務可以降低女性所面對的家庭與工作的衝突、支持與促進女性就業、提升女性就業品質,以及有利於女性職涯規劃與發展。 最後,針對公共托育服務政策,提出以下幾點建議:1.國家應積極促進托育服務公共化,以提供人民近便、平價且優質的托育服務、2.建立托育資源整合平台,提供托育相關資訊與協助,以利女性育兒與就業規劃、3.家庭育兒政策與充分就業政策結合,促進女性就業且提升女性生活品質。

企業托兒福利、工作與家庭平衡及員工工作績效之研究 / Research on corporate child care service, work-family balance and employee job performance

康傑弘 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著女性大量投入勞動就業市場,家庭結構的轉變,核心家庭中的雙薪家庭盛行,兒童照護將不再是女性責任。托兒問題加上少子女化的現況,也已成為目前國家安全的重要課題。 本研究之研究途徑採用「行為研究途徑」,研究方法係採文獻探討法及問卷調查法,樣本來源以北、中、南勞工密集的工業區或科學園區鄰近的12家托育機構為主,總共發出500份問卷,回收443份問卷,刪除無效問卷42份,問卷有效回收率80.2%,分別以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元迴歸分析等統計方法來探討各變項間之關係。 本研究結果發現: 一、企業提供彈性工時(地點)、托育津貼、員工親職教育活動、員工優質托育機構與資訊的選擇、組成員工托育的成長團體或支持團體對於「工作與家庭平衡」結果顯示有差異,另外,企業提供托兒福利措施中,「產假(陪產假)」對於「員工工作績效」結果顯示沒有差異。 二、企業托兒福利使用程度對於工作與家庭平衡與員工工作績效有顯著相關,並且有預測力。 三、工作與家庭平衡對於員工工作績效有顯著相關,並且有預測力。 四、工作與家庭平衡在企業托兒福利使用程度與員工工作績效之間產生中介效果。 / Nowadays, the structure of family has been changed because the huge numbers of woman are working in labor market. There are many dual-earner household among of nuclear family. Taking care of children is no longer the responsibility of woman, therefore, the current situation of childcare and low fertility have been the most important issues of national security. Behavioral research approach and the method of literature review and structural questionnaire method have been used in this study. The targets of samples included 12 child care institutions which are located in the work-intensive industrial or the neighboring science park among the area of north, middle and south of Taiwan. A total of 500 questionnaires were issued, 443 questionnaires have been recovered, 42 questionnaires are invalid which have been deleted. The effective rate of questionnaire is 80.2%. To find out the relationship among these materials, the method of Descriptive Statistics, t Test, One Way Analysis of Variance, Pearson, Product Moment the Correlation, Multiple Regression have been used in this study. The results showed that: 1. It affects work-family balance if the enterprise provides: flexible working hours (location), child care allowance, the activities of staff parenting education , the information of choosing a quality child care institution and the growth or support group composed of staff. In addition, the result shows that there is no difference if the enterprise provides "maternity leave, (paternity leave)" which is one of the measures of child care welfare. 2. It will affect and predict work-family balance and job performance if the enterprise provides corporate child care. 3. It exists remarkable relationship between work-family balance and job performance. The relationship is also predictable. 4. Work-family balance has become the mediation role of corporate child care and job performance.
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單親家長工作與家庭平衡之研究─檢視正式與非正式支持系統之性別差異 / A study of single parents’ work and family balance─The gender difference between formal and informal support system

葉歆伶, Yeh, Hsin Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討單親就業家長所面臨之工作與家庭平衡問題,並就性別觀點,針對男女單親家長所具有之正式與非正式支持系統差異進行檢視,以進一步探究影響支持其工作與家庭角色平衡之因素。本研究之方法,係以育有未滿18歲未成年子女之十一位單親就業家長為研究對象,包含五位男性與六位女性,採用深度訪談法進行質化資料分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、工作與家庭平衡概況方面:無論男女單親家長均面臨較高的工作與家庭平衡困境,但女性單親家長因家庭角色影響工作角色之程度較男性單親為高,而男性單親家長因工作角色影響家庭角色之程度則較女性單親為高。 二、工作與家庭平衡支持方面:非正式系統中,男性單親獲得工作與家庭角色平衡支持的程度較女性單親為高;正式系統中,男性單親在企業職場獲得較高工作角色支持,而女性單親則是在政府社會服務與結構性非正式系統中獲得較高的工作與家庭平衡支持。 三、工作與家庭平衡能力之影響因素方面:托顧服務及請休假制度均有助於單親家長取得家庭角色之平衡,工作彈性化措施則有助於單親家長取得工作角色之平衡;此外,傳統父系社會觀念直接影響男女單親家長取得非正式系統對支持家庭角色平衡之性別差異,職業取向則間接影響男女單親家長取得企業職場支持工作角色平衡之性別差異。   最後,根據上述研究結果,本文參考歐美先進國家之友善單親相關政策與方案,嘗試對政府之社會與勞動部門、非營利之單親服務機構及企業組織,就政策面與實務面分別提出相關改善建議,以供未來研究政策規劃與執行之參考。 關鍵詞:單親家長、工作與家庭平衡、友善家庭政策、社會支持系統、性別差異 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the work and family balance challenges of employed single parents in Taiwan. From the gender perspective, this study also examines the differences between single fathers and single mothers in formal and informal support systems. Further, this thesis explores the impact of the factors which support the single parents to balance their work and family roles. Adopting in-depth interview, this study interviews employed single parents who raise children under 18, including five fathers and six mothers. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. Both single fathers and mothers face higher work-family balance difficulties, but single mothers’ family-work conflicts are higher than single fathers, while single fathers’ work-family conflicts are higher than single mothers. 2. Single fathers have more informal support resources to the balance of work and family roles than single mothers, and also get more support on job than single mothers from companies. Instead, single mothers get more resources from government’s social services and structured informal system to balance work and family roles than single fathers. 3. Family care service and leave program are both useful to help single parents to obtain the balances between work and family, and the measures of work flexibility are helpful for single parents to balance their job roles. In addition, under the informal systems, the patriarchal concept of traditional Chinese society affects gender differences directly in terms of single parents’ balance of family roles. On the other side, career orientation affects gender differences indirectly to obtain the balance of job roles in companies. According to the study, this thesis makes some suggestions on policy planning and implementation for government's social and labor departments, nonprofit organizations as well as companies. Keywords: single parent, work and family balance, family-friendly policies, social support system, gender difference
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