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中國期貨市場發展現況與市場開放 / China's futures market and its market access趙坤信 Unknown Date (has links)
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開放保險市場對我國產險業經營效率之影響張宸睿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用資料包絡分析法計算效率值,並使用「大邊界」的觀念建構出單一效率邊界,探討我國產險公司在開放保險市場前後的效率變動情形。本研究的主要結果如下:1.根據單變量無母數統計分析,整體產險業與開放前本國舊產險公司,其純技術效率值在開放後均大於開放前且達到顯著水準;其規模效率值在開放後則小於開放前且達到顯著性,表示市場的開放對我國產險業確實有影響。2.新產險公司的整體技術效率值、純技術效率值與規模效率值均顯著高於舊產險公司,顯示這些新進入的外商產險公司其全球化的經驗較我國舊產險公司更成熟。3.在控制相關公司特性後,Tobit迴歸分析的結果發現,市場開放與產險業之經營效率呈現負向關係,顯示單純的市場開放並無法增加產險業者之經營效率。本研究結果說明在市場開放後,產險業者欲增加經營效率,必須在產品創新,通路流暢下功夫才能增加經營效率。 / Since 1980s, all over the world has been emerging a trend of deregulation and liberalization of financial insurance industry. At the same time, Taiwan also started to open the property-liability insurance market gradually. First, in 1986, Taiwan treated the US insurers as the local company; then, in 1992, opening the market for the new local insurers, and in 1994, Taiwan fully deregulated the property-liability insurance industry.
This research applied Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure efficiency scores, and applied Grand Frontier to measure the trend of efficiency change before and after deregulation. The major findings of this research are as follows:(1) base on the univariate statistic analysis, the overall property-liability insurance industry and the incumbent insurers reveal a higher pure technology efficiency score in the post-deregulation than that of before-deregulation; however, the scale efficiency score was denoted the opposite situation in post and before deregulation ear, and both of the statistical results are significant. The findings support deregulation has some effect on the efficiency of property-liability insurance industry. (2) The new entries have a higher efficiency score in both overall technology efficiency and pure technology than the incumbents; the result implies that those foreign property-liability insurers with their global experience do perform better efficient management than those of local incumbents. (3) After controlling the characteristics of the insurers and some other variables, Tobit regression analysis illustrated a negative relationship between deregulation and efficiencies. The finding implies that deregulation itself won’t increase the efficiency of the industry. Therefore, the implication of this research suggests that the insurers should compete with others in product innovations and distribution facilitations in order to increase the efficiencies.
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降低關稅、開放市場與中美貿易之研究葉宜玲, YE, YI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
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WTO政府採購協定市場開放談判之進展與前景 / The development and future of the market access negotiation of the agreement on government procurement under the WTO曾大川 Unknown Date (has links)
WTO政府採購協定(Agreement on Government Procurement, GPA)之談判進展深受各界關注,依據GPA第24條第7項(b)(c)款之規定,各會員自1997年展開內建談判,其中包括協定文字之修正與市場開放談判兩大層面。本文以市場開放談判為主要觀察面向,透過談判資料之整理,發現自2004年談判正式展開以來,會員之間針對談判定位與方向始終難以凝聚共識,使整體談判停滯不前;此外,本文以美國與加拿大為個案,分析其在談判過程提出之要求與回應清單,發現其新增適用GPA之內容相當有限,佐證談判停滯之現象。本文認為談判裹足不前的原因可能有三方面,分別是政府採購協定之談判利益與其他WTO協定之優惠無法互換、GPA會員未開放足夠誘因之新市場、各會員普遍受到保護產業政策與政治因素之掣肘。
今(2010)年2月份,美國與加拿大雙方簽署政府採購協定,互惠開放部分政府採購市場納入協定適用範圍內,使WTO秘書長與許多會員期盼其對整體談判動能有所助益。本文檢視該協定後認為其對GPA市場開放談判可能無法產生實質幫助,不過其所彰顯之指標性意義卻不容忽視。市場開放談判以達成多邊化為目標之一,然而面對談判之阻礙,本文最後提出鼓勵會員重行推動透明化協定之談判,或許對於達成GPA的多邊化仍有其價值。 / The “built in” negotiation of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), pursuant to Article XXIV:7 (b) & (c) of the GPA, includes two folds of negotiations: amendment of the text of the GPA and market access negotiation/coverage negotiation. This thesis mainly observes market access negotiation and concludes from relevant material that it is stalled due to absent consensus among members of the GPA on goals and directions of the negotiation. The thesis further demonstrates the impasse of the negotiation from limited expansion of coverage committed by the United States of America and Canada under the GPA. The thesis suggests three reasons behind the stalled market access negotiation: the coverage committed under the GPA cannot exchange for concessions under other WTO agreements; no substantial coverage has been expanded by existing members to motivate overall expansion of the GPA; the burden of protective industry policies and associated political pressures within each members of the GPA.
The Unites States and Canada has concluded an Agreement on Government Procurement earlier this year (2010) in which it allows further expansion of coverage under the GPA on a reciprocal basis. After the conclusion of such Agreement, several members of the GPA and the Director-General of the WTO welcomed such development and expected new momentum of the negotiation shall be aroused. However, in view of the coverage committed in the Agreement, the thesis suggests it could be of little help to the negotiation in a substantial way, but the emblematic effect it might have on other members of the GPA is still worth noticing. In light of the current situation, the thesis finally provides that there might be merit to encourage members of the GPA to re-negotiate Transparency Agreement on Government Procurement in order to multilateralize the GPA.
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論國內規章對技師服務貿易自由化之影響-以資格驗證及認許為中心張宗盛, Chang, Tsung-sheng Unknown Date (has links)
在世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)之服務貿易總協定下(General Agreement on Trade in Services),WTO會員基於自願性之基礎對各項服務部門之市場開放提出承諾,技師服務屬於專業服務之範疇,亦包含於會員可能提出開放承諾之範圍內。由於各會員國內規章之規定並不須納入會員服務貿易特定承諾表內,因此若欲了解技師服務貿易自由化之情形,除須檢視各國對於技師服務所為之開放承諾外,亦應瞭解國內規章對於技師服務貿易所造成之限制。
本文以技師資格相關之國內規章為出發點,探討國內規章對於技師服務貿易自由化所產生之影響,並針對目前國際間有關技師資格之相互認許進行討論,最後對於未來技師服務貿易自由化提出建議。 / Engineering services, with high professional specialty and technical background, plays an essential role in national infrastructure and is fatal to public security. To ensure the quality of the services provided, national governments usually implement the license regulation on engineering services. Only those who obtain the engineer qualification and acquire the license can practice their own specialty. The requirement for engineer qualification and license issuing, containing in the domestic regulations, will definitely have the impact on trades of engineering services.
Under the General Agreement on Trade in Services of the World Trade Organization (hereinafter the “WTO”), WTO members make market-access commitments on a number of service sectors on the basis of voluntary. Since engineering services belongs to the category of professional services, it may also be the subject included in the commitments made by members. Since members have no obligations to inscribe domestic regulations in their schedules of specific commitments, with the purpose to understand the practical trade liberalization of engineering services, we should not simply focus on the commitments made by members, the limitation to trade of engineering services caused by domestic regulations should also be taken into consideration.
This thesis initiates with the relevant domestic regulations of engineer qualification, observing how those regulations would affect the trade liberalization of engineering services. It accordingly discusses the nowadays international mutual recognition system of engineer qualification, and ends with some suggestions and thoughts regarding the future trade liberalization of engineering services.
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