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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


羅亦斯 Unknown Date (has links)
DSL是寬頻上網的方式之一。以技術而言,不論是在寬頻滲透率、寬頻總使用人口數、寬頻成長率,DSL領先其他替代性科技。但是,DSL的研究除了顧問公司定期收集各國產品及分析市場規模外,很少有研究對不同國家的DSL進行比較,並且找出差異性,其原因在於資料過於分散,且要對各國的市場有深入觀察。本研究即嘗試克服上述困難,以橫斷面研究為起始點,並收集美國、英國、台灣三國資料,由兩種角度分析DSL的訂價:首先是透過產品特色觀點,也就是快樂訂價法,將DSL價格,拆解成基本元件再組合,以找出影響價格的主要特色,並比較三國主要特色異同。第二個觀點起源於DSL販售價格常有價格長期不變,但內容大幅度變動的情況;而且隨著IPTV、衛星電視、VoIP的技術成熟,ISP的獲利來源,逐漸朝加值服務轉移,但這種現象並未同時出現於DSL普及率高的國家。有部份原因是各國的區域迴路政策,區域迴路開放程度落後的國家,其DSL銷售內容以基礎特色為賣點;區域迴路開放度高的國家,其DSL販售內容除了基礎特色外,加值服務(搭售)也成為DSL銷售內容的主力。 此外,本研究結果也顯示區域迴路販售所導致的加值服務差異化,其時間優勢無法持續太久,因為擁有線路所有權的電信業者會在有限時間內,迎頭趕上。但是區域迴路開放有助於DSL加值服務的引進與多元化已在本研究取得支持性證據。 / DSL is one of primary broadband technologies to household users, and it is also in significant in terms of global broadband penetration rate, the number of subscribers, and the growth rate. Except for commercial institutes’ research periodically collecting data and analyzing the trend of market, there are few studies comparing cross-country DSL services since data are scattered on numerous ISPs’ web pages, and a comparison standard is not easy to establish. This study attempts to settle the problem of cross-country comparison. Initially, based on three representative countries’ data, DSL service price is disassembled into fundamental service characteristics in terms of hedonic pricing, and the primary service characteristics for specific country are located. But the primary characteristics have not been unchanged for years, even DSL service price remains stable, and with emergence of new broadband applications, such as IPTV, satellite TV, and voice over IP, ISPs’ profit profile has shifted from fundamental service characteristics, like speed and the number of IP address, to value-added service. However, this change on ISPs’ profit profile does not apply to each country with high DSL penetration rate. Our finding reveals that policy determines the focus of DSL service marketing. For those countries that ignore local loop unbundling policy, their DSL service marketing simply centers on fundamental characteristics; for those countries that emphasize local loop unbundling policy, their DSL service marketing focus on both fundamental characteristics and value-added services. This study also indicates that the advantage of first mover for ISPs without wires benefited from local loop unbundling policy will not remain since incumbent telecoms also operate ISPs will soon catch up in a period from six months to one year. However, this study has demonstrated that local loop unbundling policy could facilitate the introduction and diversification of value-added service on DSL offering.


陳秉澤 Unknown Date (has links)
快樂丸文化已是台灣社會中不可忽視的一項次文化,它的使用者遍及多個人口學變項,並且具備異於它類藥物的文化特性。如今,為了理解這麼一個特殊的用藥文化,論者無法再光以青少年問題或社會偏差名之,傳播媒介也不該一味地採納主流的醫學、犯罪學觀點或狹隘的道德化論述來框架我們對快樂丸文化的想像。 為求一個面向事實的觀照視野,本文主張研究者必須主觀涉入快樂丸文化,在田野探訪的過程中實踐「現象學還原」的哲學態度,基於理性的直觀對藥物文化進行描述、體驗與闡述,藉此反思常民之見,揭櫫嗑藥的神秘面紗,同時驅散縈繞在用藥文化周遭的論述迷霧。 對快樂丸文化長達兩年的考察是一次民族誌的洗禮也是身體的迷幻現象學之旅。正因如此,筆者脫離了單純的文獻爬梳,穿梭多個藥物文化場合,融入他人的視域,遭逢無數個「活生生」的用藥者,更在親身的迷幻經驗中覺察身體與意識的質變,並從中發掘可資與身體哲學對話的經驗與料。 本研究認為,藥物文化身後隱藏著兩大主題:身體與藥物。除了身體問題之外,藥物與人類之間長達上萬年的古老情誼實也不容忽視,藥物在人類世界所造成的糾葛與兩難古今皆然,人類只能思忖對策應付之,而不宜以論述或懲罰等規訓暴力鏟除之。本文發現,即便是娛樂性格濃厚的快樂丸、K他命、大麻等藥物,在某些使用脈絡下也蘊涵程度不一的啟迪性質。 然而,藥物終究是柄雙面刃,它在對人透露存有的秘密之際也能戕害人安身立命的理性基礎。換言之,在藥物經驗中,身心損害與精神啟蒙是並肩走來的,而隨著施用次數的增長,前者將凌駕後者。這暗示著,任何關於藥物解放的基進主張與主張禁絕的主流論述一樣,皆必須對於既定社會脈絡下的事實有所體悟,才能進一步思索處理藥物問題的應對之道。 本研究是一份筆者自身揮別「迷幻異域」的告別作,也是一次連結迷幻經驗與身體哲學的粗淺刺探,更可以是一趟老掉牙的、灑狗血式自我追尋;當然,若要說它是份用藥者的自白,筆者認為其實也不為過。


林家琪 Unknown Date (has links)
具有跨產業消費性能的聯合積點卡,已是未來卡片運用功能的依歸,也是國內各家業者爭相投資的方向,目前國內雖然已經有國泰集團、統一集團、新光集團等大企業爭相宣佈有跨足聯合積點產業的訊息,但因為步伐的不同與評估標準的差異,目前仍處規劃期,由遠東集團投資鼎鼎聯合行銷所領軍的「快樂購聯合積點卡」94年率先以領頭羊之姿,成功的打入台灣消費市場,並以發卡量四百三十萬的驚人數字(2006, 鼎鼎聯合行銷),坐穩聯合積點卡龍頭的位置。 本研究僅以「快樂購聯合積點卡」為研究對象,並以關係管理觀點去分析聯合積點卡在台灣推行的現況與方式,分析此類卡片所提供的服務方式與顧客之間在忠誠度、滿意度的關係,進而提出建議改善方案。 為探討聯合積點卡的優缺點與使用狀況,研究分別使用了深度訪談法與問卷調查法,並以鼎鼎聯合行銷各部門的專案負責人、及擁有快樂購卡片的卡友做研究調查對象,問卷總計發出346份,有效問卷為330份,回收率達97%,資料分析採用Cronbach’s σ 信度分析、描述性分析、相關性分析、及卡友的生活型態因素分析。 研究結果顯示,大部分的卡友對聯合積點卡的整體忠誠度與滿意度是高的,且申辦使用快樂購卡的卡友,並沒有明顯的年齡、教育、職業、收入等分別,卡友對快樂購聯合積點卡,多持正面的回應與肯定,支持卡友持續使用快樂購聯合積點卡的主因為快樂購卡可跨通路消費及紅利累點的服務機制。 / The function of united point-collection is a future trend with cross-industry consuming performance. It is also the direction of investment among enterprises in the whole country. Although the famous enterprises such as Cathay Group, Uni-President Group and SKIS Group have been released the message of united point-collection, it is still in the planning stage due to difference in evaluation standard. DDIM (DingDing Integrated Marketing Service Co.), which is founded by Far Eastern Group, issued “HAPPYGO” card successfully to occupy consuming market in Taiwan during 2005. Now the total amount of cards is about 4.3 million (2006, DDIM), and it is also the number one in this field. This research focus on the “HAPPYGO” card as the study case, and analysis the status and promotion methods of the united point-collection card in Taiwan through the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) view. The main idea is to analysis the relationships between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in this sort of card, then make the recommendations to improve the program. To discovery the usage condition and pros and cons of HAPPYGO card, the research used deep interview and questionnaires as the method, and it includes project managers in DDIM and HAPPYGO cardholders as the interview samples. 346 questionnaires were collected, and 330 questionnaires were valid. The valid response rate is 97%. The data analysis adapted Cronbach’s α reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and cardholder VALS to verify the research. The result of the research indicates that most of the cardholders are satisfy with the HAPPYGO card loyalty program. For HAPPYGO card applicants, there is no obvious difference in age, education, occupation and salary level. Research found that cardholders have positive responses and attitudes with HAPPYGO card. The main reason for cardholders to use HAPPYGO card continuously is that it provides collecting and accumulating cross-industry point services.

混合利得與混合損失對處分效果的影響 / Mixed Gain and Mixed Loss affects the Disposition Effect

劉淑華 Unknown Date (has links)
We try to provide reasonable explanations for the equity premium puzzle by the mental account, prospect theory, disposition effect and hedonic editing. This study examine how do investor trade in relation to their holding portfolio gains and losses? The empirical evidence suggests that investor are more likely to segregated gains and integrated losses, in accordance with disposition effect and hedonic edition. In other words, investor are more likely to longer holding losing trade than winning trade, because selling at losing trades would cause great suffering. We find that investor tend to longer holding mixed gains than mixed big losses. In face of mixed big losses, they are relatively rational, inconsistent disposition effect. Our empirical find that highest wealth level‘s traders and experienced traders suffer loss, they are relatively rational.

快樂與房屋的關聯性 / The relationship between happiness and housing

陳聖勳, Chen, Sheng Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心華人家庭研究第十五年計畫 (RR2014)的資料,實證模型採用Ordered Probit Model,檢驗全體樣本中個人特性變數、房屋類型變數、房屋特性變數對快樂程度的影響。 全體樣本實證結果顯示,在個人特性變數中,所受教育年數愈長、有伴侶、自認健康狀況良好、對目前生活感到滿意,對快樂程度有顯著正向的影響,而男性、有從事道教活動者對快樂程度有顯著負向的影響。而在房屋類型變數中,居住別墅、透天或居住大樓者相對於居住公寓者在快樂程度上有顯著正向的影響。在房屋特性變數中,花在家具和耐久財設備的金額越多、每人平均坪數越大、住宅有做工廠的用途,對快樂程度有顯著正向的影響,而住宅有做商店用途者對快樂程度有顯著負向的影響。 / This paper empirically investigates the effect of housing on happiness. Using the data of Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PFSD) based on RR2014, our estimation results obtained from Ordered Probit Model show that personal characteristics, housing type, and housing characteristics are significantly associated with happiness. Among these variables, Education, marriage, health status, life satisfaction, residing in villa, residing in townhouse, residing in building, consumption of durables, the average square footage per person, and the house with factory use have positive impact on happiness. On the other hand, gender, religious, and the house with store use have negative impact on happiness.

日本大學初級華語教材分析與研究 / An Analysis of Chinese Teaching Materials in Beginner level for Japanese Students of University

吳昱錡 Unknown Date (has links)
由於學華語的風潮興起,將華語列為外語能力選擇的人與日俱增。據教育部統計,來臺學華語人數及其國別,日本來臺人數幾乎是逐年穩定成長,人數總量排名總名列前茅,這突顯對日華語教學市場的重要性與發展性。   近年因各國學華語人數日益增加,學者開始致力推廣華語教材國別化,希望藉著加強教材針對性以提高學生學習效果。但目前臺灣所使用的華語教材仍以通用性教材為主,或較多針對具英語背景國家的華語學習者而寫的教材,就日本學生而言,其實無法符合其需求。另在相關研究方面,臺灣針對華語教材的研究亦不多,有鑒於此,本研究首就編寫原則評析日本當地華語教材,對象為日本具代表性之早稻田大學漢語課程初級華語教材,以及日本當地大學所使用的市售華語教材郁文堂《ゆうゆう中國語》與好文出版社《初級中國語課本》。並與目前臺灣華語教材《當代中文課程》第一冊及《これで大丈夫! 中国語--日常生活で使える中国語》比照分析,評析其優缺及特點,並以此結果設計教材,最後再以問卷調查及自評表評析自編教材,以期提供臺灣發展對日華語教材編寫些許參考,希冀對臺灣在國別化華語教材領域的發展上有一貢獻。

快樂編輯與投資人類型 / Hedonic editing and trader types

朱孝宗 Unknown Date (has links)
Hedonic Editing is a theory of behavioral finance based on prospect theory, attempting to predict whether individuals would segregate or integrate multiple outcomes to achieve to highest perceived value. We test the theory by an actual market data in Taiwan Futures Exchange. If the hypothesis holds, we should observe that investors would integrate losses more frequently than gains and integrate smaller losses with larger gains rather than the other way around. However, results do not support the hypotheses totally. We further test the theory by different trader types. Results show that domestic individuals exhibit the strongest biases of hedonic editing, followed by domestic corporations, and foreign institutions.


黃琬芯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中教師建設性思考、人際智慧與其需求困擾及快樂之關係。本研究以台北縣市兩個地區的國中教師為研究對象,有效樣本共計366人。本研究所採用之研究工具包括「建設性思考量表」、「教師人際智慧量表」、「教師需求困擾量表」、「教師快樂量表」。資料分析採取之統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、單因子單變量變異數分析、典型相關分析及全部進入法多元迴歸分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、建設性思考能力較佳之國中教師,其需求困擾程度較低。 二、國中教師的建設性思考指標與其需求困擾指標有相關。建設性思考 中的「行為的因應」、「情緒的因應」、「迷信的思考」及「絕對的 思考」與需求困擾呈現顯著負相關。 三、建設性思考能力較佳之國中教師,在快樂感受、快樂條件及快樂活動 的得分均較高。 四、國中教師的建設性思考指標與其快樂三個向度的指標有相關。建設性 思考中的「行為的因應」及「情緒的因應」與快樂感受有顯著正相 關;建設性思考中的「絕對的思考」及「行為的因應」與快樂條件有 顯著正相關;建設性思考「絕對的思考」、「行為的因應」與快樂活 動有顯著正相關。 五、人際智慧能力較佳之國中教師,其需求困擾程度較低。 六、國中教師的人際智慧指標與其需求困擾指標有相關。人際智慧中的 「溝通表達」、「人際覺察」與需求困擾中的「人際與隸屬」、「能 力與自信」有顯著負相關。 七、人際智慧能力較佳之國中教師,在快樂感受、快樂條件及快樂活動的 得分均較高。 八、國中教師的人際智慧指標與其快樂三個向度的指標有相關。「社交彈 性」、「溝通表達」與快樂感受有顯著正相關;「溝通表達」、「人 際覺察」、「社交彈性」與快樂條件有顯著正相關;「溝通表達」、 「人際覺察」與快樂活動有顯著正相關。 九、需求困擾程度較低的國中教師,在快樂感受、快樂條件及快樂活動的 得分均較高。 十、國中教師的需求困擾的指標與其快樂三個向度的指標有相關。「人際 與隸屬」、「能力與自信」與快樂感受有顯著負相關;「人際與隸 屬」及「經濟與生活」與快樂條件有顯著負相關;「人際與隸屬」與 快樂活動有顯著負相關。 十一、國中教師的建設性思考、人際智慧與需求困擾能有效聯合預測其快 樂感受、快樂條件及快樂活動。人際智慧是快樂感受的主要預測變 項;人際智慧與需求困擾是快樂條件的主要預測變項;建設性思考是 快樂活動的主要預測變項。 最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以供相關單位人員在教育 及學術研究上作為參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among constructive thinking, interpersonal intelligence, need problems and happiness of junior high school teachers.The participants included 366 junior high school teachers in Taipei City and Taipei County. The employed instruments were The Constructive Thinking Inventory, The Teachers’ Interpersonal Intelligence Inventory, The Teachers’ Need Problems Inventory, and The Teachers’ Happiness Inventory. The applied analysis methods were Descriptives, One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, One-way Univariate Analysis of Variance, Canonical Correlation, and Multiple Regression. The main findings in this study were as follows: 1. Constructive thinking had negative influences on the teachers’ need problems. 2. The indices of constructive thinking and those of need problems were significantly correlated. More specifically, the constructive thinking of behavioral coping, emotional coping, superstitious thinking, and categorical thinking had significant negative correlations with the teachers’ need problems. 3. Constructive thinking had positive influences on the teachers’ happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and happiness activities. 4. The indices of constructive thinking and those of happiness were significantly correlated. More specifically, the constructive thinking of behavioral coping and emotional coping had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness feelings, that of categorical thinking and behavioral coping had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness conditions, and finally, that of categorical thinking and behavioral coping had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness activities. 5. Interpersonal intelligence had negative influences on the teachers’ need problems. 6. The indices of interpersonal intelligence and those of need problems were significantly correlated. More specifically, the interpersonal intelligence of communicating and expressing as well as interpersonal awareness had significant negative correlations with the teachers’ need problems of interpersonal and belongingness as well as abilities and confidence. 7. Interpersonal intelligence had positive influences on the teachers’ happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and happiness activities. 8. The indices of interpersonal intelligence and those of happiness were significantly correlated. More specifically, the interpersonal intelligence of social flexibility as well as communicating and expressing had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness feelings; that of communicating and expressing, interpersonal awareness, and social flexibility had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness conditions; and finally, that of communicating and expressing as well as interpersonal awareness had significant positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness activities. 9. Need problems had negative influences on the teachers’ happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and happiness activities. 10. The indices of need problems and those of happiness were significantly correlated. More specifically, the need problems of interpersonal and belongingness as well as abilities and confidence had significant negative correlations with the teachers’ happiness feelings, those of interpersonal and belongingness as well as economical and life had significant negative correlations with the teachers’ happiness conditions, and finally, those of interpersonal and belongingness had significant negative correlations with the teachers’ happiness activities. 11. The teachers’ constructive thinking, interpersonal intelligence, and need problems could effectively predict their happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and happiness activities. Among the predictors, the most powerful predictor of the teachers’ happiness feelings was interpersonal intelligence, that of happiness activities was constructive thinking. Moreover, the most powerful predictors of the teachers’ happiness conditions were interpersonal intelligence and need problems.

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