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光纖寬頻世代台灣網通廠商整併策略之研究 / The M&A strategy study of Taiwan telecommunication industry toward optical broadband era婁道生, Lou, Tao Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
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DSL訂價之探討:由產品特性觀點及政策觀點羅亦斯 Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究結果也顯示區域迴路販售所導致的加值服務差異化,其時間優勢無法持續太久,因為擁有線路所有權的電信業者會在有限時間內,迎頭趕上。但是區域迴路開放有助於DSL加值服務的引進與多元化已在本研究取得支持性證據。 / DSL is one of primary broadband technologies to household users, and it is also in significant in terms of global broadband penetration rate, the number of subscribers, and the growth rate. Except for commercial institutes’ research periodically collecting data and analyzing the trend of market, there are few studies comparing cross-country DSL services since data are scattered on numerous ISPs’ web pages, and a comparison standard is not easy to establish. This study attempts to settle the problem of cross-country comparison. Initially, based on three representative countries’ data, DSL service price is disassembled into fundamental service characteristics in terms of hedonic pricing, and the primary service characteristics for specific country are located. But the primary characteristics have not been unchanged for years, even DSL service price remains stable, and with emergence of new broadband applications, such as IPTV, satellite TV, and voice over IP, ISPs’ profit profile has shifted from fundamental service characteristics, like speed and the number of IP address, to value-added service. However, this change on ISPs’ profit profile does not apply to each country with high DSL penetration rate. Our finding reveals that policy determines the focus of DSL service marketing. For those countries that ignore local loop unbundling policy, their DSL service marketing simply centers on fundamental characteristics; for those countries that emphasize local loop unbundling policy, their DSL service marketing focus on both fundamental characteristics and value-added services.
This study also indicates that the advantage of first mover for ISPs without wires benefited from local loop unbundling policy will not remain since incumbent telecoms also operate ISPs will soon catch up in a period from six months to one year. However, this study has demonstrated that local loop unbundling policy could facilitate the introduction and diversification of value-added service on DSL offering.
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從創新擴散理論分階段探討國家寬頻發展影響因素 / Identifying Key Determinants of Broadband Diffusion by Stage Based on Innovation Diffusion Theory林茂雄, Lin, Mao Shong Unknown Date (has links)
寬頻擴散可促進國家之生產力、就業、經濟成長及國家競爭力等,若能精準找出促進寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,將有利於政府集中資源有效率地推動寬頻發展。本研究提出研究問題與假說,以Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出影響創新擴散速率之社經因素、採用成本、採用效益、網路效應、資訊及不確定性及產業環境等6大因素面向為基礎,蒐集OECD國家及台灣等31國家相關資料,挑選Gompertz模型進行固定寬頻擴散Panel資料迴歸分析,發現各因素在全期及不同擴散階段有不同之顯著性與影響程度,表示分階段分析有其必要性。擴散初期之關鍵影響因素為收入、教育水準、平台競爭程度、人口密度及實施LLU累積年度等5項,而擴散後期之關鍵影響因素為寬頻價格、網際網路內容、決定採用時固定寬頻用戶比例、撥接用戶比例及擁有PC家庭比例等5項,可作為政府及業者於不同擴散階段精準投入資源以有效推動寬頻擴散之參考。
總之,本研究不同於過去文獻,以創新擴散理論為基礎,以國家層級資料量化分析與探討寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,除分別提供政策及管理建議供政府及業者參考外,亦補強Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出創新擴散理論未釐清與比較創新擴散影響因素在不同擴散階段影響之不足。 / Broadband diffusion may enhance innovation, productivity, employment, economic growth, and, ultimately, national competitiveness. If key determinants for broadband diffusion are identified, governments can align its resources with them to effectively promote the diffusion. Based on the determinants of the diffusion rate identified by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), this research compiled data available about OECD countries as well as Taiwan to implement overall and staged panel regressions on fixed broadband diffusion by adopting Gompertz model. The findings indicate that the significance of the determinants varies between overall and staged analysis, which consequently justifies the necessity of a staged analysis. The key determinants in the early stage are income, education level, platform competition, population density, and the accumulated years of implementing LLU policy; however, in the late stage they are broadband price, Internet content, network effect, the penetration of dial-up users, and percentage of household with computer. Governments may more accurately promote broadband diffusion according to different key determinants in different stages.
This research further compared the real fixed broadband diffusion of Japan, South Korea, USA, Denmark, Switzerland, and Taiwan based on the previous analysis results. The findings generally justify the choice of key determinants in the previous analysis. In the early stage, Taiwan had the advantage of high population density. If the government could have promoted fixed broad banded services and market competition earlier, the penetration would have grown much faster. In the late stage, since the broadband price was too high in Taiwan, its international ranking of fixed broadband penetration declined. Therefore, in order to further promote the diffusion of fixed broadband, the government should have ensured that the price was low enough to convince the potential adoptors to purchase broadband services.
Finally, this research adopted the same approach as that of previous fixed broadband to analyze the diffusion of FTTX and mobile broadband, respectively. Education level, broadband price, network effect of FTTX, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, percentage of household with computer, and the penetration of fixed VOIP users have significant effect on FTTX diffusion. However, income, broadband price, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, and percentage of household with computer have significant effect on mobile broadband diffusion. Therefore, governments or operators should tailor their policies or strategies for specific services. The effects of broadband price, Internet content, network effect, and percentage of household with computer are similar in both FTTX and mobile broadband, and they are also similar to the key determinants of fixed broadband diffusion in the late stage. Therefore, even though a new service with better quality or function is introduced in an existing market, its key determinants are more similar to those of the existing service depending on its diffusion stage.
In conclusion, different from previous research, this one applied national-level data to quantatively analyzed and explore the key determinants of broadband diffusion based on innovation diffusion theory. The research findings not only propose policy and management suggestions to governments and service providers, but also supplement the the theory proposed by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), which did not identify and compare the determinants of innovation in different diffusion stages.
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有線寬頻服務產業競爭策略分析林茂陽, Lin, Mao-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
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資訊社會中寬頻普及服務政策之探討 / A research on broadband universal service policy in the information society吳品彥, Wu, Pin-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,資訊社會的典型現象紛紛浮現,資訊量爆炸對於人類在經濟、政治與文化等生活各層面上的重大影響性,皆促使人類對於網路頻寬和傳輸速度的渴求程度越來越強烈。於是,窄頻網路已無法再滿足龐大且多元的資訊傳輸,取而代之的是寬頻網路的應用。在許多國家陸續推動寬頻網路建置與接取政策的同時,也重新關注普及服務的定位以及其所能發揮的功能,開始思考是否可運用普及服務機制以達到寬頻網路普及接取的目標。OECD早在2003年就曾探討將寬頻網路接取制定為普及服務義務的先決條件。歐盟自2005年起也開始正式討論是否要修改普及服務指令以將寬頻網路的接取納入普及服務的義務當中。瑞士、芬蘭、英國和美國則已經陸續開始推行寬頻普及服務的相關政策。而我國國家通訊傳播委員會則於2007年開始相繼推動「村村有寬頻」與「部落(鄰)有寬頻」政策,要求普及服務提供者提供偏遠地區居民2 Mbps的寬頻網路接取服務。
本研究歸納我國目前數據普及服務與寬頻政策之間的關係,並依據國外推動寬頻普及接取政策的綜合經驗,對於我國未來推動寬頻普及服務的政策提出以下研究建議:(一)確立我國寬頻普及服務的政策目標,政府應該將寬頻普及接取的目標納入「數位匯流發展方案」,確立在2012年之前可以讓我國所有家庭都能接取基本的寬頻網路服務;(二)整合各部會資源,由NICI負責統籌與協調各部會的力量與資源,最重要的是要求各部會配合以達到資源整合的效果;(三)政府與業者合力推動寬頻普及服務,數據普及服務提供者負責建置寬頻網路,政府則負責電腦設備或是網路教育訓練等的後續補助;(四)整合有線與無線技術達成目標;(五)考量是否挹注公共經費以促進寬頻建置的目標。 / With the advent of information society, people become eager for the greatest degree of bandwidth and highest transmission rate on the Internet. Obviously since narrow bandwidth can neither meet the service demands of the masses, nor transmit all data efficiently, broadband has taken on ever greater importance. When implementing policies in regard to broadband infrastructure and access, many countries start to pay their attention again to the role and function of universal service and the feasibility of promoting universal broadband access by universal service mechanism. Starting in 2003, OECD has debated the preconditions for widening the scope of universal service obligation to include broadband. The EU also began in 2005 the formal public consultation to discuss the possibility of revising Universal Service Directive to include broadband as part of universal service obligation.
However, redefinition of the scope of universal service to include broadband now faces many challenges. Among them, whether broadband is an essential telecommunications service necessary for information society has become the most crucial issue. Therefore, this study aims to explore the role of universal service in policies of promoting broadband infrastructure and access, as well as current approaches to accelerate implementation of universal broadband access in different countries. Relevant issues include determination of data transmission rate, involvement of government and service providers, sources of funding, among other issues yet to be resolved.
By comparison of the approaches among foreign governments with that of Taiwan, this study suggests the following: (1) The Government should include the goal of universal broadband access into its “Digital Convergence Development Plan,” providing every household in Taiwan access to basic broadband service by 2012. (2) NICI should take charge of coordinating resources among Governmental Departments so as to make effective use of all resources. (3) The Government and telecommunications operators should cooperate closely and strive to deliver broadband universal service. (4) Both wireline and wireless technologies should be fully utilized. (5) The role of public funding for this goal should be highly considered.
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「寬頻進接」市場形貌變化對我國寬頻網路服務發展影響與競爭策略形成關係之研究李椿源, Albert Lee, C. Y. Unknown Date (has links)
電信產業的本質是知識社會資訊流通的神經中樞,將成為所有其他事業發展的基礎產業。除了電信政策朝自由開放方向發展外,網際網路的盛行,正大幅地改變傳統電信產業的經營模式,也促使整個電信事業經營的策略徹底轉變。為滿足迅速傳輸大量資訊的需求,寬頻網路系統的應用成為必要,架構在寬頻網路上的通訊服務內容也因傳輸載具系統的演進而產生本質上改變,虛擬網路社會因而形成,所有經濟活動將發生巨幅質變。本研究以寬頻進接網路(Broadband Access Network)架構的演進為切入點,認為在提供寬頻服務的過程中,網路塞車的瓶頸問題將出現在「進接」這一段價值活動。探討的議題將著重在如何藉由寬頻技術解決原本藉由傳統電話線路撥接上網的瓶頸?寬頻進接網路的市場結構是否仍具自然獨佔特性?
本研究發現,電信服務由傳統骨幹網路為核心(Core)出發的思考邏輯將被「端對端連結服務」(End-to-End Connection Services)的觀念所取代,原本最被電信業者漠視的「最後一哩」(Last-mile,即進接網路),將變為最接近終端顧客的「第一哩」(First-mile)。該「第一哩」價值將表現於寬頻入口處的服務平台上,擁有寬頻入口處的業者將在競爭中呈現「大者愈大」的優勢,而與其他寬頻內容提供者共同合作,形成數個提供整合性寬頻服務的廠商聚落,在此滿足消費者對寬頻服務一次購足的需求。
預期未來寬頻服務的市場活動,在寬頻進接市場與寬頻服務提供者兩股力量的交互影響下,將出現許多寬頻入口處(Broadband Portals)。個人化、寬頻化的網路服務入口可做為個人通訊服務選擇(Personal Communications Service Selection)的依據點,網路業者透過整合式服務平台的提供,與各種寬頻內容提供業者合作,輔以顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)、資料庫行銷等經營工具,在寬頻入口處以最有效率的網路資源運用,提供整合性寬頻服務。
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行動寬頻技術標準及授權法律分析 / Standard setting and license issues in the wireless industry沈佩霖 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以2G以來,各個通訊世代所生之授權紛爭為例,分析通訊標準制訂過程將會面臨的問題。並在最後檢視我國通訊產業之結構,就此特性來分析我國通訊業者之優勢與列勢。在行動通訊產業這種具有高度「贏者全拿(Winner takes all)」的領域中,我國業者究竟應如何在此種高度競爭的領域中生存,進而與國際接軌,當為我國政府與通訊業者須認真思考之議題。
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無線多媒體傳輸技術發展對無線影音產業價值鏈的影響以歐特斯科技公司為例葛葆華, Edward Ko Unknown Date (has links)
無線寬頻網路(Mobile Internet Broadband Network)的出現對於無線通訊產業、傳播媒體產業與影音內容產業產生了相當程度的影響,而數位化的科技發展更帶來通訊、傳播及平面媒體產業融合的可能性,無線寬頻影音串流(Mobile Internet Video Streaming)是一架構在此無線通訊媒體匯流後的新產物,透過觀察和分析它的演進發展,可以說明和解釋網路新媒體匯流造成傳統影音產業價值鏈的改變。
吾人將以無線通訊之影音播放技術之演進與發展,以及相對最先發生變化之影音產業經營環境,產生之影響,做產業價值鏈分析研究,進而了解產業經營環境之改變,新的價值創造流程及技術平台的關聯性。並藉由日本NTT DOCOMO之經驗,及對其供應商之觀察,了解台灣產業發展之可能趨勢,及策略建議藍圖。
本研究採P.W. Bane、S.P. Bradley & D.J. Collis (1998)三人提出之寬頻產業五層模式作為分析工具。五層模式分為內容(content)、包裝(package)、傳輸網路(transmission)、操作(manipulation) 及終端設備(terminal)五層架構。主要目的為以整體網路頻寬及技術演進的觀點進行分析五層間價值消長之關係,及整體網路之價值之改變。
我們發現,新的技術導入市場,需要事先將價值鏈重新定義,整合出可行之新的商業模式,再依據新的價值鏈,新的服務流程去整合新的操作平台,投入服務後,由於是消費者導向的服務設計,可以降低消費者對新科技及新服務的學習門檻及進入障礙,而獲得市場認同。 / “Unlimited boundary & Ubiquitous content”
Because of the improving the bandwidth & compression technology of mobile Internet, there are a very extremely industrial convergency in communication, broadcasting, & video audio content industry. There are several new technology including streaming, MPEG, multi media message, 3G which push the whole world going to a new Ubiquitous environment & totally change the old value chain of video audio industry, but we still have no ideal where it should go & what will happen next.
We will try to research the technical evolution of video broadcasting which really influence our movie, TV industry. It will change the customer behavior of watching TV, or going to the movie. We especially want to find out where is the new value in the mobile Internet multi media industry.
We will use the 5 liars analysis model of broadband industry (P.W. Bane、S.P. Bradley & D.J. Collis (1998))as our basic methodology to find out how the three vertical industries became a new 5 horizontal industries, which are content, package, transmission, manipulation, & terminal. We also want to know how they work internally & externally.
We find that the video audio manipulation platform will become the key solution for this value chain, because of its network externality & network effect. The content providers also very important to provide the quality of contents to service the end customers.
How to consolidate a new valuable services process & user friendly interface is the big issue here for whom will invest a large of money to creat the new mobile internet portal & new audio vedio manipulation platform. They must think not only the user interface of handset, but also the mechanism of profit sharing between these different providers who never work together in the history.
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從選擇與集中之思維探討寬頻網路IA時代台灣個案IT企業集團之投資購併策略林瑞晶 Unknown Date (has links)
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寬頻影音網站不當內容管制之探討林合清, Lin , H. C. Unknown Date (has links)
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