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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國推動性別主流化發展之研究:從參與式民主觀點探討 / The Development of Gender mainstreaming in Taiwan Based on the Viewpoint of Participation Democracy

魏美娟, Wei, Meichuan Unknown Date (has links)
性別主流化的概念,從1995年在北京被提出,經過了15年,性別議題逐漸在國際組織中獲得重視,各國對於性別主流化的推動與實施不遺餘力。台灣從2003年推動性別主流化至今,約七年的時間,對照起聯合國在2010年三月在紐約所召開的北京+15會議,台灣僅僅用了一半時間,發展出屬於台灣本土性別主流化經驗。 由於行政院婦權會具有「參與式民主」「公私合作」的特質,尤其來自民間的婦權委員,試圖在我國推動性別主流化的發展過程中,建立各種不同的參與機制與平台,將不同的個人與團體串連起來。換言之是一種參與式政府的體現,性別主流化過程中強調授與員工權力(性別聯絡人設置)與能力(性別培訓制度),試將政府組織內的個人納入決策過程,亦即是以體制內的「公務人員」作為參與式民主的主體,運用性別聯絡人制度、性別平等工作小組,以及性別培訓制度等擴大參與的制度,試圖將個別公務人員納入性別主流化推動過程中。此種體制內擴大參與的模式,改變了以社會中公民為主體的參與民主模式,進行體制內參與式民主發展的可能。 同時,婦權基金會所建立的婦女團體溝通平台亦是參與式民主機制的建立,婦女溝通平台不僅有助於政府部門與民間團體的溝通與對話,能夠使民間團體瞭解政府部門的各項施政與發展,也助於行政部門傾聽婦女團體對於個別議題的想法,以及婦女團體間對於議題的溝通與交流。在國際參與機制,婦權基金會透過每年補助民間團體與專家學者的機制,讓許多團體與個人,透過參加聯合國與各國際組織會議,將國際社會中關注的性別議題帶回台灣社會。 / Gender mainstreaming had been formally raised in the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. It has become one of the main strategies for fulfilling gender equality in international community. Gender mainstream is not only regarding female separately. Furthermore, it isn't only making some policies or allocating budgets for female affairs, but also putting gender views in all of the legislations, policies, schemes and budgets so that governments can evaluate and make concrete schemes and priority. Currently, some problems have been generated when countries are putting efforts on gender mainstreaming. For instance, public servants have vague cognitive concepts and poor knowledge in this field. This situation also makes the gender concerns can’t deeply influence policies, schemes and legislations. It only appears occasionally in some processes of policies, but it can’t have comprehensive outlooks. However, it might have a window of opportunity for developing gender mainstreaming if we facilitate participatory democracy in domestic societ. In terms of domestic development, governments, experts and general public can get the opportunities of participation and dialogue via participatory democracy. It will also make the gender concerns get involved with the discussion and planning of policies.

星空下的玻璃天花板現象─以警政單位女性警官升遷為例 / Glass ceiling effect among female police officers

林祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣女性勞動參與率逐年提高,越來越多的女性勞動力進入就業市場,然而,女性晉升至中高階層職位之人數並無明顯增加。顯然女性的職涯發展似乎受到一定程度的限制,此限制即為玻璃天花板現象。玻璃天花板現象存在於各行各業中,但於警界之程度更為嚴重。此現象之原因乃警界人為與體制上的排除女警官人數,導致整個警界中的女性人數稀少,更遑論通往高階之女性所遇之玻璃天花板現象更甚一般企業或公務體系人員。因此本研究透過質性訪談方式,藉此試圖探討警政中、高層女性所占比例極低的原因何在,其中人為或非人為因素為何?   本研究發現警界升遷制度隱性侷限女警升遷發展,以績效導向為主導致功獎多寡牽制著積分排名順序,而主管評分比重過高亦會影響女警官升遷;再者由於警察組織性別化的工作指派,在偏好男性的外勤工作能夠快速與大量的累積分數之下,女警官敘獎機會較少,相對不容易累積積分;此外警界必須運用交際應酬的手段維繫良好的人際關係,但女警官不擅進入男性應酬圈,男性網絡之官場文化間接造影響女警官們的升遷發展;最後女性被賦予養兒育女之母職天性,家庭責任之重擔落在女性身上,一但女警官走入婚姻,即必須在工作與家庭上做取捨,工作與家庭實為難以兼顧。   因此建議國家應放寬警大入學名額的性別設限並推動國家照顧工作;對於警界之職務分派勿侷限性別,重視女警人才,並且減少組織內外勤工作差異,再者建議主官建立公平的考核原則,破除性別刻板印象之成見,以及建立兩性平等的教育訓練;建議女警官破除自我設限的迷思,並強化女警官之人際網絡;以及女警官人力資本之維持。 / The female labor participation rate has gradually increased in Taiwan, more and more Female labor force has been entered the labor market. However, the number of female senior positions who is not increases significantly. Women's career advancement has seemed to be limited to a certain extent; this restriction shall be the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling exists in all walks of life; particularly the police are more serious than the general business and public service system. The reason is artificial and institutional exclusion, not to mention the number of women with the senior positions. Therefore, this study through qualitative interviews so as to explore the low proportion of women in senior positions. The study found that promotion system limited women's career advancement, the performance-oriented approach the award amount in order to contain the standings, while the chief rates with a high proportion will also affect female police officer promotion; Furthermore, due to the gender-based assignment of work in police organizations, female police officers award fewer opportunities that is not easy to accumulate points; In addition to maintain good interpersonal relationships in police, female police officers is hard to enter the male entertainment circle; the last is that women has the nature of motherhood, so family responsibilities falls on women which must be choice between work and family. The government should be relax the gender-based retractions of Central Police University and to promote the care work of the state; the Police should not limit the duties assigned in gender and to value the talent of female police officers ,also it should reduce the differences in the police work of the organization .Moreover the chief should set the fair principal on assessment, and break the gender stereotypes with the prejudices. Also it should be establish the gender equality in education and training; finally suggesting that female police officers should get rid of the myth of self-handicapping, and to strengthen the interpersonal networks of female police officers; as well as the maintenance of female police officers in human capital.

以社會網路分析方法探測多元性別族群意識傳遞之研究 / A research into the dissemination of the LGBTIQ community awareness by social network analysis

陳怡茹, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路資訊技術的進步,同時也建構了人與人之間知識傳遞與情感維繫的各種不同社會網路形式與空間,透過瞭解人際之間的社會網路運作,不僅關係個人是否能成功實現目標,亦可協助組織解決問題與意識傳遞及運行。加上近年來「性別主流化」(Gender mainstreaming)政策影響,從過往兩性到現今多元性別的轉變,希望建立尊重多元性別的態度及平等相處的互動。本研究試圖將多元性別族群意識傳遞與社會網路分析技術做結合,以社會網路分析方法,來描述網路上多元性別族群意識傳遞之社會活動的特徵與其意義,對多元性別族群網路使用者的網上集體行為進行剖析,以社會網路分析方法呈現,從人與人的互動分析中,探討多元性別族群意識如何傳遞。並延續看見尊重多元性別做努力,不僅瞭解性別的多樣差異,更重要的是結合資訊管理方式,營造一個資訊管理融合社會多元性別族群友善的環境與資源連結。 / With the advancement of Internet and information technology, various online social platforms have been constructed for interpersonal affiliation and knowledge dissemination. Understanding how the interpersonal social network works helps not only a person fulfill goals but an organization resolve problems and spread its ideas. In recent years, under the influences of the gender mainstreaming policy, the idea of two genders has shifted to the idea of various genders with the hope to encourage a tolerant attitude toward LGBTIQ community and promote equal interaction among all people. The study intends to combine the dissemination of LGBTIQ community awareness and social network analysis. The intention is to depict online dissemination of LBGT community awareness and to dissect the collective behaviors of LGBTIQ community with social network analysis. The analysis of interpersonal interaction is employed to see how the LGBTIQ community awareness has been disseminated. The result not only helps understand differences among genders but also gives insights to know that the most important is to combine LGBTIQ community awareness with information management with the purpose to create a friendlier environment for LBGTIQ community combined with information management.

女性警察人員性別意識及其適任勤務之研究─以內政部警政署保安警察第二總隊為例 / A study of gender ideology and job qualification for policewomen: A case study of the special police second headquarter, national police agency.

張雅雯 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 性別主流是近代各國都相當關注的議題,無論制訂各項公共政策或討論與婦女權益有關的各項議題,都致力將性別平權的觀念納入。無性別歧視是為現代社會潮流所趨,警察人員是整體社會的一份子,自無法置之度外,而我國現階段所面臨最大的衝擊,應屬「女警政策」取消警察人力招考之性別限制,其女警比例每年勢必會提高,對於警察勤、業務推展及治安維護工作勢必有不同情勢之改變。而長期以來,警察勤務都在警察應該是專屬男性的工作之性別意識下運作,在性別平等的潮流中,女警本身的性別意識是否會影響警察勤務之執行,以及人數的擴增,這些因素並涉及「女警政策」的發展,因此,此課題實值得深究。 本研究採深入訪談法,計訪談12位女警,以探討專業警察機關任職的女警之性別意識發展歷程與認知、執行警察勤務現況及對女警政策的看法與建議。研究結果發現: 一、經濟考量,女性從警主因 女性投入警察職場,主要以以取得工作保障、家庭經濟因素為考量,而男性親友鼓勵女性從警,也是基於女警的工作性質大多比較沒有危險性。 二、價值內化,傳統角色殘存 在社會文化所規範的男女性別角色之下,導致女性從事警察工作仍處於相對不利的處境,女性依舊擔負家庭主要責任,而這也造成女警工作的限制。 三、女警勤務,實際與認知不同 女警本身對勤務編排的認知,大多能接受以任務需要為主;但單位主管基於女警安全問題,在實際規劃或編排勤務時,仍有明顯的性別考量。 四、值班婦幼,女警服勤具信心 從我國女警發展的過程,以往在保護迷婦迷童,增進到家庭暴力案件的處理、性侵害防治,婦幼人身安全防護等工作,卓有績效;相較於男女員警一律執行外勤警察勤務,尚須時日調整、適應。 五、女警招生,限定比例為宜 諸多因素考量,本研究發現女警人數,無須增加且應限定女警招生比例。 最後,本研究並依據研究發現,提出幾項建議:(一)支持女性從警,增強成就動機;(二)提高人的尊重,超越性別束縛;(三)建構專屬平台,分享執勤經驗;(四)執勤經驗智慧,需要累積傳承;(五)調整勤務規劃,加強機動與支援;(六)團隊模式學習,完善過渡時期;(七)重視人格特質,擘畫長遠願景;(八)性別主流策略,理論結合實務;及(九)限制女警名額,務實招生說明。 / Gender ideology is an issue that has received much concern from countries around the year lately, and they have, no matter if it is the formulation of various public policies or discussions of various issues concerning women’s rights, worked with effort to put in the concept of gender equality. For now, freedom from sexual discrimination has become the trend of modern society, and since police is a part of the entire community there is no way that they can be excluded from it. As such, the greatest impact we will be confronted at the stage should be of “policy of woman policy” as it has canceled the restriction for the recruitment of police manpower, and the proportion of police women will, for sure, increase annually, which will render diverse changes to various scenarios of police duty and business promotion as well as the work of order maintenance. For quite a long period of time, police duty has, actually, been operated under gender consciousness that it is of specialized male work. Therefore, within the trend of gender equality issues as if the gender consciousness of police women will affect the execution of policy, and increase of population that involve with the development of “police women” are most worthy for investigation. This study has employed in-depth interview, and 12 police women are interviewed so as to explore the development and recognition of gender consciousness of police women currently working in professional police authorities, current status in execution of police duty, and their view and suggestion regarding policy of police women. It is found with the study results as follows: 1. Economic consideration as primary cause for woman to work as police: It is mainly to obtain work security and economic consideration of family for consideration as women devote themselves into work. As for male friends and relatives who encourage woman to work as police, it is mostly because the work nature of police women is relatively less risky. 2. Value internalized, with surviving residue of traditional role-play: With the role-play stipulated socially and culturally for male and female, it has led to woman who involves in work of police women situated in relatively inferior context as woman would still have to shoulder the primary responsibility of the family, ending up with constraint upon work of police women. 3. Duty of police women – Gap between actuality and recognition: For recognition of duty arrangement for police women, most of them find it comfortable mainly to take duty as assigned. However, authority executives have, based on the concern for safety of police women, shown prominent gender consideration in actual planning or duty arrangement. 4. Duty for woman and children service – police women are confident with their duty: from the process of development in our police women, the aspects of their work has developed from protection of woman and children who have lost way in the past, to the administration of family abuse, sexual abuse, and safety protection of women, and significant results are observed. In comparison to male and female police who are, unanimously, assigned to work at the field for police duty, it will, still, take sometime for adjustment and adaptation. 5. Recruitment of policewomen should be appropriately set with proportion: With consideration of these various factors, this study finds that there is no need to increase the population of police women, and the recruitment of police women should be set down with certain proportion. At the end, this study has, based its research, discovered following findings, and would like to put forth several suggestions: 1. support woman to join police work, and increase their motive of achievement; 2. enhance respect for man, and surpass gender bondage; 3. establish specialized platform, and share duty-execution experience; 4. wisdom and experience of duty-execution have to be accumulated and passed on; 5. adjust duty planning, and strengthen mobility and support; 6. group model learning, and render transition period comprehensive; 7. focus on personality trait, and program for long-term vision; 8. gender ideology strategy, combination of theory and practice; 9. restrict quota for recruitment of police women, and conduct recruitment presentation in realistic terms.

玻璃天花板效應:中央行政機關女性公務人員陞遷障礙因素之研究 / Glass Ceiling Effect:An Empirical Research on the Factors of Promotion Barriers of Female Public Officers in Central Government Agencies

廖捐惠, LIAO, JYUAN HUEI Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,人力素質的良窳是組織致勝關鍵因素,隨著社會經濟發展與教育水準的提昇,女性就業能力及意願亦隨之大幅提高,使得職場的性別議題亦愈顯重要。近年來,在兩性平權呼聲高漲的氛圍下,兩性在政治、經濟、社會地位的差距已隨著社會多元開放而日益縮小,女性逐漸能在各個領域嶄露頭角,然而,「玻璃天花板」(glass ceiling)現象卻普遍存在於公、私部門組織,使女性受到各種無形的﹑態度的或組織的偏差所造成的障礙,無法獲得公平機會與男性同儕競爭,而造成「男性職等高、女性職等低」的性別不平等現象。本研究希冀藉由玻璃天花板相關理論的探討及女性管理議題相關文獻的檢閱,了解目前女性公務人員所面臨的陞遷障礙因素及兩性間的差異情形,並依研究結果及發現研提具體可行建議,提供未來人事政策制定及執行的參考,期使女性公務人力資源運用效益極大化。 本研究以文獻探討法探究包含社會心理、系統結構及入性別主流化政策等三大面向,並以性別角色特質、工作與家庭衝突、師徒關係、社會網絡關係、性別主流化政策認知為次變項建立研究架構,以行政院暨所屬中央一級行政機關為研究範圍,針對行政院暨所屬部會處局署等37個機關薦(派)任級以上男、女公務人員進行問卷調查,以各機關人數、官等(薦任、簡任)及性別(男、女)比例作為抽樣分配數之依據,再以行政院人事行政局2009年5月編印之行政院暨所屬各機關職員錄作為抽樣架構,取得有效樣本數411人,包含男性218人及女性193人,再以SPSS for Windows 12.0中文版套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析,經歸納分析及假設驗證,獲得以下結論: 一、公務人員個人變項的不同,其在陞遷、社會心理、系統結構及性別主流化政策等構面認知上均有顯著差異 二、公務人員之社會心理因素(性別角色特質及工作與家庭衝突)與陞遷具有顯著相關 三、公務人員之系統結構因素(師徒關係及社會網絡關係)與陞遷具有顯著相關 四、公務人員之性別主流化政策看法(政策認知及政策認同)與陞遷具有顯著相關性

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