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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高等技職教育經營績效評估之實證研究-以北部某技術學院為例 / Performance Assessment of Higher Technological and Vocational Education:An Empirical Study of Academic Departments at an Institute of Technology

蔡佩樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),探討技術學院教學單位之經營效率與績效評估模式,並以個案為例,分析各系之辦學績效。 本研究對象為該技術學院7個系科單位,使用97至99學年度間之各系所填報之校務基本資料,採其平均數,本研究以資料包絡分析法的投入導向CCR及BCC模式分別探討三個構面(整體規劃、教學及研究)之經營績效,在整體規劃構面,選擇一個投入變數(教師數)及二個產出變數(學生人數及就業人數);在教學構面選擇二個投入變數(助理教授以上人數、每週授課時數)及一個產出變數(畢業生人數);在研究構面,選擇一個投入變數(專任助理教授以上人數)及二個產出變數(論文發表篇數及計畫申請件數)。分別衡量各系之整體效率、技術效率、規模效率、參考集合分析及差額變數分析,探討各系在各面向之相對經營效率。研究結果指出,財政稅務系表現最佳,資訊管理系及財務金融系在各面向上與其他單位相對不具效率,最後提出各受評單位之效率值與改善目標,並與教育部評鑑結果作比較,探討資料包絡分析法是否可作為教育部評鑑工具之一,提供具體的管理資訊,減少投入及增加產出,使受評估單位瞭解自我改善空間及方向,作為未來政策擬定之方針,並提供管理者客觀的決策及管理控制之資訊,以建立有效的經營管理評估機制,提高辦學績效。

實力之路:德國技職教育思維對我國之啟示 / Reforming vocational education for industrial advancement: What Taiwan can learn from Germany

林佑眞, Lin, Yu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
學歷是否為社會向上流動的必要條件,國內社會普遍認為出人頭地必須靠著學歷才能向上流動。然而,社會必須分工,如同身體臟器各有所司,人的專長亦有所不同,因而發展成社會中的各行各業,行行出狀元。如果學歷等於能力,那麼,德國的大學生比例僅佔三分之一,社會幾乎不流動,照樣能夠安居樂業、經濟實力聞名全球,並且吸引大量難民指名前往要求庇護,這種現象如何解釋學歷與社會地位、生活品質的關係。本研究使用個案研究、文獻分析以及深度訪談,探討德國與臺灣,對於文憑與技職之間所產生的各種矛盾情節。研究發現,德國與臺灣在教育提供的功能、社會流動的方式、進路選擇的排序以及國際接軌的程度均有不同,因此使德國的技職生有自信、專業強。研究建議找回技職的靈魂,讓技職成為社會流動的管道、以技術導向作為甄選內容、增加技術的不可取代性、找回巧匠善工的精神,將有助於提升我國社會對於技職人的形象與社會地位。 / It is believed that education is a means for upward mobility. It is particularly true in Taiwan where parents will do their best to send their children to colleges, instead of vocational schools, for a better chance of moving to upper social classes. In response, the educational administrators of this country turned most vocational schools to universities that gave up the training for skill proficiency. This, in turn, created the deficiency in the supply of technicians needed in this society. It is surprised to find out that such class division between labor and white-collar workers, and that the students in Germany enjoyed going to vocational school and fared pretty well after graduation. What lessons can we learn from German vocational education? This thesis compares the difference between two societies and tries to find out a possible solution for Taiwan’s deteriorating vocational education. Simply speaking, it is important to get the spirit of craftsman back to the professionals to earn respects from the society, which in turn would help to recruit students for vocational education.


龔文廣, Gong, Wen-Guang Unknown Date (has links)
研究緣起:目前職業訓練與技職教育鮮少溝通配合、各自發展,往往造成重複或浪 費現象,亟需統合,以謀求改進。 論文章節:第一章緒論分四節,第二章我國基層技術人力供需概況分四節;第三章 我國職業訓練現況分析分三節;第四章我國技術職業教育現況分析分三節;第五章 各國職業訓練與技職教育制度溝通配合實施概況及其綜合比較分四節;第六章我國 職業訓練與技職教育溝通配合之研究調查問卷分三節;第七章結論與建議分二節。 結論與建議摘要: 一、結論:1.重視企業界與教育界之合作;2.職業訓練與技職教育統合並進;3.技 職教育內容兼顧學理與經驗之貫通;4.職前訓練與在職訓練兼籌並重;5.職業教育 和訓練課程能適應社會和個人的需要;6.技術教育的實施未忽視倫理的價值;7.職 業訓練及證書考試與就業輔導配合。 二、建議:1.觀念與作法方面;2.制度配合方面;3.任務分工方面;4.人力資源交 流方面;5.設備相互支援方面。 #2810420 #2810420

我國建教合作制度及建教合作生勞動權益保障之探討 / A study on cooperative education and labor rights protection of participating students in Taiwan

趙健宇, Chao, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的環境下,經濟與科技的瞬息萬變已對各產業產生革命性的衝擊。在此情況下,人才的培育成為各國在全球化趨勢下,得以維持競爭優勢至關重要之因素。而面對全球化經濟、資本自由流動,我國政府對於推動人才培育政策亦不遺餘力,其中我國經濟建設的大幅成長即與技職教育的日益發展息息相關。而在技職教育體系中,又以建教合作制度最具有發展經濟及安定社會之功能,過去此制度亦培育許多優秀且不可或缺的基層勞動力。 本研究透過深度訪談之方式,訪談5位目前正參與建教合作之學生、3間目前正參與此制度之學校及3間目前正參與此制度之企業。根據本研究發現,建教合作生參與此制度之動機主要係以經濟因素之考量為主,其餘則係依據個人興趣及喜好而投入。至有關建教生勞動權益保障部分,研究發現,即便我國102年施行之《高級中等學校建教合作實施及建教生權益保障法》對於建教生勞動權益之保護已明訂且規範十分詳盡,惟我國建教生對於勞動意識仍相當薄弱,且對於事業機構之違法行為亦賦予合理化之解釋,另對於勞動基本權(如:團結權、團體協商權、爭議權)亦一無所知,究其理由應與我國勞動教育的不普及密切關聯,建教生無法明確區分「學習」與「勞動」。因此,本研究根據結論,分別提出給政府、學校、企業、學生及後續研究者相關建議,希冀能改善我國建教合作制度所面臨之問題,以協助建教合作生在企業訓練期間之勞動權益受到保障,並使建教合作制度得永續發展,使學生得透過此制度獲致相關職業技能。 / Under the circumstances of globalization, the rapid substantial change of economy and technology has had a revolutionary impact on various industries. As a result, the cultivation of manpower becomes the key factor for countries to maintain competitive advantages under the trend of globalization. In the face of the free flow of capital and economy, our government has also spared no efforts to promote the manpower cultivation plan. The development of the substantial growth of Taiwan's economy is also closely related to the technical and vocational education. As one of the technical and vocational education system, the cooperative education has the function of developing economy and stabilizing the society. In the past, the cooperative education indeed cultivated many excellent and indispensable human capital in Taiwan. In this study, depth interviews were used for data collection. The participants include 5 students who are currently engaged in cooperative education, 3 schools currently participating in the system, and 3 enterprises currently participating in the system. According to this research, the motivations of students to participate in this system are mainly due to the consideration of economic factors, while the rest are based on personal interests. In regards to the protection of participating students’ labor rights, the study also found that even though the 2013 " The Act of the Cooperative Education Implementation in Senior High Schools and the Protection of Student Participants’ Right " was legislated to protect students’ labor rights, while the labor consciousness of the participating students are still weak. In addition, the participating students also rationalize the enterprise’s illegal acts, and know nothing about the basic labor rights (eg. right to organize, right to bargain collectively, right to dispute). The reasons should be owing to Taiwan's labor education is not so widespread, so participating students can’t clearly distinguish between "learning" and "labor." In conclusion, recommendations for policy makers, schools, enterprises, students as well as the further research, hoping to improve the problems faced by Taiwan's cooperative education as well as to improve the students’ labor rights during the training. Hope that the cooperative education can be more sustainable so that students can get skills through this system.

我國國家資歷架構之建置及其可能之影響 / The establishment of national qualifications framework and its impact on higher education

于承平 Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣學生人數減少及大學校院產能過剩,導致大學正規教育面臨相當大的衝擊,而產業創新條例提出我國必須訂定產業人才職能基準及核發能力鑑定證明,及東協-中國自由貿易區、東協-澳洲-紐西蘭自由貿易區(協定)強調區內自然人移動,若我國未積極建立與該自由貿易區銜接之國家資歷架構,將無法促成高等教育輸出、資歷對照及人才流動。 故為協助大學校院面對此項影響,有關建立前學習認證(Recognition of Prior Learning, RPL)、我國國家資歷架構(National Qualifications Framework, NQF)及生涯歷程檔案(Career Portfolio)之整合銜接體系,實為我國高等及技職教育發展及人才培育之迫切任務。本文藉由文獻分析探討香港、英國、澳洲及歐盟資歷架構相關之發展背景、政策分析、各級學校與高等及技職教育學制發展特色;透過瞭解香港、英國、澳洲及歐盟高等及技職教育之發展,除建構我國資歷架構(Taiwan Qualifications Framework, TQF)參考模式外,並可作為高等及技職教育發展之配套措施。 本研究將以「深度訪談法」(in-depth interview)為蒐集資料的主要方法;而在資料的分析部份,則採用「紮根理論」(grounded theory),最後則歸納結論及提出建議。其中包括「建立國家資歷架構方法、程序及注意事項」、「實施資歷架構對國家發展可獲致之助益」、「實施資歷架構可能遭遇之困難」、「實施資歷架構應有之配套措施」、「先前學習認證之內涵定義及實施注意事項」、「實施先前學習認證對於教育及訓練之助益」、「政府實施先前學習認證應有之配套措施」、「實施生涯歷程檔案之關鍵成功因素及注意事項」、「生涯歷程檔案對於大學校院招生具有助益,對就業市場則助益不大」、「生涯歷程檔案有助於個人生涯發展」、「運用資歷架構進行大學校院評鑑仍有其限制」、「大學經營應該具備多元彈性、延後分流及橫向縱向策略聯盟」、「陸生來台招生政策無法解決高等教育招生困境,應朝向將高等教育資源運用至大陸辦學」、「大學應建立多元學生來源之彈性經營方式,並應從教育產業觀點,增進大學經營效益」等14項研究結論。 本研究並依據文獻探討、資料蒐集與研究分析歸納,提出國家歷程檔案參考模式,生涯歷程檔案通用模式,及前學習認證、國家資歷架構及生涯歷程檔案之交互整合模型。並提出中央政府機關、教育學術機關及大學校院推動實施國家資歷架構整合模型之建議。 / With the number of students on the wane in Taiwan and schools unable to fill their quotas, the educational system in universities and colleges on the island is facing a serious crisis. At the same time, the Industrial Innovation Act states that Taiwan needs to establish professional standards and determine verification standards for qualification even as free trade agreements between China and ASEAN and between China and Australia and New Zealand emphasize freer movement of people within those areas. In light of these developments, if Taiwan does not strive to set up a National Qualifications Network it will be impossible to carry out high level education exports, record checks and personnel exchanges as a result. In order to help universities and colleges cope with these factors, we hereby propose the establishment of a system for Recognition of Previous Learning (RPL) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and a Career Portfolio to consolidate and connect development of higher education and technical training in Taiwan. This article is based on analysis of written reports and in-depth studies of the backgrounds, policies, types of schools and special characteristics of higher education and technical training institutions in Hong Kong, England and Australia. Understanding the development of higher education and technical training in Hong Kong, England, Australia and the European Union is intended as a reference for setting up a Taiwan Qualifications Framework or TQF and can serve as a complement in the development of higher education and technical training in Taiwan. The principal method used to collect information in this study was the in-depth interview, and grounded theory was used to analyze the data. The final step was to reach conclusions and offer suggestions. There were a total of 14 such articles including “Methods, Procedures and Cautions in Setting Up a National Qualifications Framework”; “Setting Up a Qualifications Network Can Be an Aid to National Development”; “Potential Problems in Setting Up a Qualifications Framework”; “Complementary Measures Needed to Carry Out a Qualifications Framework”; “Inherent Definition of Recognition of Prior Learning and Points to be Noted in Implementing RPL”; “The Benefits of Recognition of Prior Learning in Education and Training”; “Points to Note when a Government Implements Recognition of Prior Learning”; “Keys to Success in Putting together a Career Portfolio Program and Related Concerns”; “Career Portfolios Are Helpful to Universities and Colleges in Attracting Students but Have Limited Use in Seeking Employment”; “Career Portfolios Can Be Useful in Personal Career Development”; “A Qualifications Framework Is of Limited Use in Evaluating Universities and Colleges”; “Universities Need Flexible Resources, Extended Interchanges and Both Lateral and Vertical Strategic Alliances in Their Operations”; “Failure to Devise a Policy for Students from China to Get into Universities and Colleges Is Causing Problems in Higher Education in Taiwan; Higher Education Assets Should Be Used More in China”; and “Universities Should Set Up Flexible Models to Draw Students from a Wider Variety of Sources and Should Pursue Their Operating Benefits from the Standpoint of Being an Educational Business”. This research is also based on a systematic analysis of other written reports and analyses gathered in the process of research and includes a model for a National Qualifications Framework, an applied model for a Career Portfolio, and interactive models for the RPL, NQF and Career Portfolio. Finally, there are suggestions and a comprehensive model for use by Central Government agencies, educational agencies and universities and colleges.

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