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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


趙鈞浩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的樣本資料來自2006年台灣地區第二次產業創新調查,以及後續追蹤調查所建立的資料庫。主要目的為探討政府資助廠商進行創新活動的政策,對於廠商的附加性程度。 在變數的選擇上,本研究以「在民國97-98年獲得政府資助」作為應變數,而以廠商創新能力、廠商技術來源以及前期(民國93-95年)是否曾獲得政府資助,作為本研究的三構面。本研究的分析分為兩階段,第一階段利用Probit迴歸模型,分析三個構面與政府資助之間的相關性,第二階段則是使用Multi-variate Probit模型,分析廠商在無政府資助情況下,對於其創新活動的因應措施。結合兩階段分析結果,定義出四種典型的情境。 實證結果發現: (1)廠商規模愈大、創新能力愈強、技術來源為自行研發或取得外部知識,具以上特質的廠商,與獲得政府資助具正向關係,且廠商規模對於獲得資助具有顯著正向影響。在無政府資助的情況下,具有以上四種特性的廠商較不會改變其創新活動的行為,因此資助政策之附加性低,屬於情境3:所補非人的情況。 (2)技術來源為購買機器設備則與獲得政府資助具有正向關係,當無政府資助時,會「選擇風險較低的創新活動」。代表政府資助對於此類型廠商具有附加性,屬於情境1:雪中送炭的情況。 (3)委外研發對於獲得政府資助具有顯著負向影響,且當無政府資助時,廠商不會「照原訂計畫進行創新活動」,因此資助政策能為此類廠商帶來較高的附加性,屬於情境4:嗷嗷待「補」的情形。 (4)前期獲得政府資助對於後期獲得政府資助並無顯著正向影響。而廠商在無政府資助時,較可能會改變其創新活動的行為,尤其對「縮小創新活動的資金規模」的選項為顯著正相關,因此政府資助對於此類型廠商存在附加性。 本研究著重於廠商成本面的考量,來詮釋補助政策之附加性,然而若要依此制定政策方向,僅以附加性為依據將顯得不足,為此,本研究最後依據建立的架構與實證模型結果,提出若干後續研究方向的建議。 / The study provides insights into the additionality of government subsidy on firms’ innovation activities. Previous research has focused on the relationship between government funding and private R&D input and output, but no consensus were made. Using a sample of 581 observations in the database of Taiwan Technology Innovation SurveyⅡ, the study contains a two-stage analysis. First, the Probit regression model is used, and the dependent variable is "whether a firm gaining government subsidy in 2008-2009 or not". The explanatory variables include firm size, innovation capacity, technology sources and subsidy history. In the second stage, we used the counterfactual scenario about what could happen if there existed no government-sponsored programs intervention. Firms could choose from four alternatives:1. Abandoning innovative activities. 2. Choosing projects which contain lower risk. 3. Downsizing the scale of capital and 4.Keeping the same project. If firms choose the first one, then the additionality of government subsidy is the highest. If firms choose the second or the third one, then the additionality is in the middle. If firms choose the fourth one, then the additionality is the lowest. In this stage, the Multi-variate Probit model is used. The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between firm size and gaining government subsidy, and a significant negative correlation between outsourcing R&D and gaining government subsidy. In the second stage, we find that subsidy toward the firms which "outsourcing R&D and "purchasing machines" have the highest additionality. Besides, subsidy toward firms which received subsidy in 2004-2006 has median additionality.

影響海外事業技術來源的決定因素 / The determinants of sources of overseas technology in Taiwan FDI manufacturing Firms

張榮政 Unknown Date (has links)

海外子公司技術來源對臺灣海外投資廠商研發配置之影響 / The Effects of Sources of Subsidiary Technology Acquisition on Research & Development Allocation in Taiwan FDI Manufacturing Industry

鄭寶珠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經貿全球化與自由化,各項商業活動漸無國界概念,跨國企業遊走各國,善用全球生產要素,但資源有限,企業永續經營與成長,不能只靠有限的土地、勞動力與資本等傳統生產要素,創新研發與知識累積能力成為比傳統生產要素更重要的關鍵,研發國際化更是全球經貿發展不可逆的趨勢。 本研究以2007年臺灣1,770家製造業廠商為對象,運用Probit及Tobit二種模型,分別探討在不同技術來源下,海外投資廠商決定投入海外研發以及投入資源多寡的決定因素。研究結果發現,「廠商規模」、「行業別」、「進入模式」、「國際化深度」、「投資地區」、「市場考量」以及「母國提供技術」為臺灣對外投資廠商決定投入海外研發與否之重要影響因素。一旦決定投入海外研發後,研發資源投入多寡的決定因素則有所變化,廠商規模大小與投資行業、獨資或合夥、市場夠不夠大等重要性降低成不顯著,相對的盈利與否影響性提升,但卻是負向影響關係。同時,本研究參考社會心理學領域的「調節變數」概念,探討「技術來源」是否具有調節效果,實證結果也證實不同的技術來源,確實會影響解釋變數與被解釋變數(海外研發配置)之間的因果關係,具備調節效果,這也表示技術來源對於海外研發配置確實扮演重要的關鍵角色。 / Along with globalization and liberalization, the trade goes around the world borderlessly. In order to take advantage of relatively cheap land and labor, multinational corporations extend business worldwide. However, due to the limitation of natural endowments and human resource, Innovation becomes the key factor, which plays a more-important-than-ever role for business sustainable development. This paper examines the determinants of overseas R&D of Taiwanese multinationals; including whether to invest in R&D and how to allocate. Our empirical results indicate that the firm size, IT industry, entry mode, internationalization level, investment location, market motivations and technology acquisition are the determinants of overseas R&D investment. Furthermore, whether above determinants remain significant when Dependent Variable turns to be overseas R&D allocation? The empirical results suggest that firm size, industry category, entry mode and market motivations are no more significant. Instead, profitability becomes significant with negative affect. Besides, we also found the strong effect of technology acquisition on overseas R&D investment and allocation. Different technology source acquired does play a moderating role in the relationship between independent variables and overseas R&D.

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