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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李沛錞 Unknown Date (has links)
iPod在全世界熱賣,但是其實當它剛剛推出時,全世界可是沒幾個人看好的,賈布斯是在整個電腦工業冷言冷語的環境裡,一步步堆起他的競爭壁壘。到了2004年底大勢明朗,各家公司要急起直追的時候,卻發現蘋果築起的競爭壁壘既高且深,業界也只能眼睜睜看著蘋果大鳴大放。 這不得不讓我們深想:賈布斯當年是如何在冷漠的世界中「相信自己」,他是如何產生強烈的自信,又如何能說服半信半疑的工程師,跟他去拼博這看似機率之外的運氣?如果不了解領導人身上的風格與氣質,便無法清楚解釋iPod的成功之處。 在蘋果電腦和賈布斯的各類企業傳記裡,找尋符合賈伯斯氣質的字眼,發現「偏執狂」(paranoia)這個字,最能形容像賈布斯這樣的創業家的精神氣質--他心中就是有一個世界的藍圖,而他,拼了命也要去實踐它。這樣的偏執,其實是嚴重背離傳統管理概念的。事實上,賈布斯搞砸的許多專案(例如1985年的「Lisa」、1995年的NExT)和他成功專案的數目幾乎一樣多,但弔詭的是:每科都得A+的長春藤大學MBA沒幾個當得成世界級的創業家,像賈布斯這樣的大學一年級退學生,卻能在商業世界裡大放光芒。倫敦皇家學院(Imperial College University of London)塔卡納商學院(Takana Business School)管理學教授珊卓•凡德默維(Sandra Vandermerwe)的一篇16000字研究論文〈iPod、iTunes、Steve Jobs:蘋果以科技帶動市場成長〉,為讀者從「企業經營模式轉型」的角度,探討時尚角度外的iPod衝擊;當一般人都由流行、時尚的角度看iPod,凡德默維教授則提醒:二十一世紀的蘋果,極有可能成為類似上世紀微軟般的新科技霸主,iPod的背後,是「硬體標準」和「軟體平台」的超級競爭,光從時尚流行的角度看,是小看了賈布斯的企圖。由公元兩千年到今天,當全世界科技公司找尋「再成長」的漫漫長夜裡,蘋果已經證明:它的「iLife」概念才是新主流,而iPod正是它主宰未來的訊號 寫作暢銷企管書《基業長青》(Built to Last)、《從A到A+》的前史丹福教授柯林斯(Jim Collins)稱賈布斯為「商場裡的貝多芬」(Beethoven of business),並且坦承再多的企管知識,也難以取代創意人用生命闖蕩的非理性力量。


趙鈞浩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的樣本資料來自2006年台灣地區第二次產業創新調查,以及後續追蹤調查所建立的資料庫。主要目的為探討政府資助廠商進行創新活動的政策,對於廠商的附加性程度。 在變數的選擇上,本研究以「在民國97-98年獲得政府資助」作為應變數,而以廠商創新能力、廠商技術來源以及前期(民國93-95年)是否曾獲得政府資助,作為本研究的三構面。本研究的分析分為兩階段,第一階段利用Probit迴歸模型,分析三個構面與政府資助之間的相關性,第二階段則是使用Multi-variate Probit模型,分析廠商在無政府資助情況下,對於其創新活動的因應措施。結合兩階段分析結果,定義出四種典型的情境。 實證結果發現: (1)廠商規模愈大、創新能力愈強、技術來源為自行研發或取得外部知識,具以上特質的廠商,與獲得政府資助具正向關係,且廠商規模對於獲得資助具有顯著正向影響。在無政府資助的情況下,具有以上四種特性的廠商較不會改變其創新活動的行為,因此資助政策之附加性低,屬於情境3:所補非人的情況。 (2)技術來源為購買機器設備則與獲得政府資助具有正向關係,當無政府資助時,會「選擇風險較低的創新活動」。代表政府資助對於此類型廠商具有附加性,屬於情境1:雪中送炭的情況。 (3)委外研發對於獲得政府資助具有顯著負向影響,且當無政府資助時,廠商不會「照原訂計畫進行創新活動」,因此資助政策能為此類廠商帶來較高的附加性,屬於情境4:嗷嗷待「補」的情形。 (4)前期獲得政府資助對於後期獲得政府資助並無顯著正向影響。而廠商在無政府資助時,較可能會改變其創新活動的行為,尤其對「縮小創新活動的資金規模」的選項為顯著正相關,因此政府資助對於此類型廠商存在附加性。 本研究著重於廠商成本面的考量,來詮釋補助政策之附加性,然而若要依此制定政策方向,僅以附加性為依據將顯得不足,為此,本研究最後依據建立的架構與實證模型結果,提出若干後續研究方向的建議。 / The study provides insights into the additionality of government subsidy on firms’ innovation activities. Previous research has focused on the relationship between government funding and private R&D input and output, but no consensus were made. Using a sample of 581 observations in the database of Taiwan Technology Innovation SurveyⅡ, the study contains a two-stage analysis. First, the Probit regression model is used, and the dependent variable is "whether a firm gaining government subsidy in 2008-2009 or not". The explanatory variables include firm size, innovation capacity, technology sources and subsidy history. In the second stage, we used the counterfactual scenario about what could happen if there existed no government-sponsored programs intervention. Firms could choose from four alternatives:1. Abandoning innovative activities. 2. Choosing projects which contain lower risk. 3. Downsizing the scale of capital and 4.Keeping the same project. If firms choose the first one, then the additionality of government subsidy is the highest. If firms choose the second or the third one, then the additionality is in the middle. If firms choose the fourth one, then the additionality is the lowest. In this stage, the Multi-variate Probit model is used. The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between firm size and gaining government subsidy, and a significant negative correlation between outsourcing R&D and gaining government subsidy. In the second stage, we find that subsidy toward the firms which "outsourcing R&D and "purchasing machines" have the highest additionality. Besides, subsidy toward firms which received subsidy in 2004-2006 has median additionality.

代工模式與創新能力關聯之研究--知識管理觀點 / The relationship between OEM model and innovation capability

卓秋季, Cho, Chiou-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
在電腦及其週邊產業,台灣是全球專業委託製造的重鎮。乍看之下毫不起眼的經營模式--代工,一直是台灣多數企業賴以為生的方式。從十多年前台灣的電腦工業萌芽以來,成本低、速度快,再加上產業結構完整,一直是委託製造的競爭優勢。以資訊硬體產業而言,近三年來代工所佔之比值為 66%、73 %、73.86%,且逐年增加中。近年來,台灣的 IC 產業亦走向晶圓代工之專業委託製造,所佔的比例亦佔 IC 產值 45% 以上,同時也不斷在提高。回顧整個台灣資訊電子產業之成長史,不難發現與代工息息相關。 為何我們能在成本快速的降低、不斷推出新產品呢?依據知識管理觀點,研究者認為台灣廠商必定在此建構了某種程度之專業與知識,如此才能在眾多的競爭者下脫穎而出。因此,本研究將以資訊電子及 IC 代工產業為主體,以知識管理觀點回答以下問題:代工類型分為那幾類?不同類型下之知識流通方式為何?累積之何種知識?以及對創新能力之影響?並希望能由台灣代工模式之發展歷程,提出其演化模式。 研究發現包括以下數點:1)代工模式除了以 OEM 及 ODM 劃分,可以由知識管理角度劃分為 「準整合型」、「合作型」、「寄生型」攻 「準買賣型」四種類型;2)代工買主之知識專精度及代工買主評估權重組合會影響代工之合作模式;3)代工合作是知識引入之重要來源之一;4)不同代工模式下,其知識流通介面及關係維持機制不同;5)不同代工模式下,因為知識流通方式不同,其蓄積知識類型不同;6)不同代工模式下,其蓄積知識類型不同;7)代工模式具有動態演化之現象。

供應鏈整合策略、創新能力對供應鏈績效之影響 / The impact of supply chain integration strategy and innovation capabilities on supply chain performance

盧永仁, Lu, Yung Ren Unknown Date (has links)
在全球競爭劇烈、市場迅速變化的環境下,企業能否在所屬產業的供應鏈中做適當且敏捷的調整,以維持創新與產品開發績效,成為影響企業競爭優勢的重要課題。一般供應鏈相關論文大多將供應鏈整合放入單一構面討論,較少研究能將其作進一步區分並探討構面內部可能的關係。本研究將供應鏈整合區分成企業內部與外部整合,且再將外部整合區分為供應商整合、顧客端整合,並根據相關文獻探討構面之間的關係。其中”整合”的意義有別於傳統的作業整合,強調在放眼中長期規劃的策略整合,進而形成供應鏈策略整合。依據資源基礎觀點,本研究探討供應鏈整合策略、創新能力對於企業供應鏈績效的影響。本研究資料來源為高績效工廠計畫 (High Performance Manufacturing,HPM),其中收集了歐、美、亞共八個國家,橫跨產業為高科技、機械、運輸三大製造業供應鏈訪查資料,本計畫總共訪問約238家廠商,其中有效問卷共199份。本研究計量方法採用近年逐漸被重視的偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares),並使用SmartPLS工具做衡量。 研究結果顯示,企業內部整合對供應商整合有正向顯著性影響; 企業內部整合對顧客端整合有正向顯著性影響;供應商整合對創新能力有正向顯著性影響; 顧客端整合對創新能力影響不顯著;創新能力對供應鏈績效有正向顯著性影響; 創新能力在供應商整合與供應鏈績效有中介效果;創新能力在內部整合與供應鏈績效間具有中介效果。最後我們將論述本研究相關的管理意涵。 / Under intense global competition and rapidly changing market environment. It is an important issue for a company that whether can properly adapt and agile supply chain in their respective industry. In previous studies, most of them put supply chain integration (SCI) into a single dimension for discussion, However, it causes too many sub-constructs and questions to distinguish actual cause effect in single dimension. In this case, we separate a supply chain integration from a single dimension into multiple dimensions, which are internal integration, customer integration and supplier inte- gration , and related reviews are discussed in this thesis. This study also focus on long term vision of strategy integration instead of tradition operational integration to form our supply chain integration strategy. From Resource Based View, we would like to discuss how supply chain integration strategy can generate a unique capability, which is innovative capability, and impact supply chain performance in a company. This study is based on the High Performance Manufacturing (HPM) project database collected from 238 manufacturing plants in eight countries and three representative industries (machinery, electronics and transportation components), using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) methods. In our research result indicate as following: Internal integration is positively related to supplier integration. Internal integration is positively related customer integration. Innovation capability is positively related to supply chain performance. Innovation capability has indirect effect between internal integration and supply chain performance. Innovative capability has indirect effect between supplier integration and supply chain performance.

知識網路定位、知識基礎與知識策略對創新能力的影響─台灣資訊電子業的實證研究 / The Influence of Knowledge Networking, Knowledge Base and Knowledge Strategy on Innovation Capability: An Empirical Research of Taiwan ICT Firms

洪新民, Hung, Hsin-Min Unknown Date (has links)
企業透過創新以積極回應環境變遷的要求。企業新產品或服務的創新程度應依環境的需求決定。面對環境變遷,顧客需求可能改寫,企業如何取得正確的顧客需求成為重要問題;相反的,身處顧客需求已知的環境,競爭的重點轉為產品的品質與成本,企業內部如何充分分享知識以提升產品品質與降低成本成為重要議題。成功創新的企業是「如何」採行知識網路定位獲取所需要的新顧客需求及產品品質與成本等創新驅動因素,提升知識基礎與知識策略並進而影響創新能力?知識網路定位、知識基礎與知識策略對於創新能力的影響「有多大」?台灣資訊電子業又是如何透過知識網路定位同時達成上述的知識處理過程,提升創新能力?本研究試圖回答這些問題。 企業回應環境變遷所採行的企業策略可分為積極回應環境的前瞻者〈Prospector〉、固守環境穩定的防衛者〈Defender〉以及兼具前二者部份特色、試圖極大化獲利機會並同時極小化風險的分析者〈Analyzer〉(Miles et al., 1978)。企業回應環境的創新能力從本身具備的技術基礎與滿足市場需求所需具備技術間的差異程度可區分為激進式創新以及漸進式創新。文獻中對於企業創新能力的探討,主要有知識策略以及知識基礎二大觀點,知識策略強調企業回應環境需求變遷程度,設定新產品或服務創新程度、所需的激進式或漸進式創新能力,進而決定投資資源於探索新知識以及運用既有知識專案的比例,經由探索策略以及運用策略,提升企業回應環境需求的創新能力;知識基礎則強調企業的人力資本、組織資本以及社會資本等知識存量是提升企業創新能力的關鍵因素。如何調和知識基礎與知識策略產生正向的交互作用是提升企業創新能力的重要議題 (Cook & Brown, 1999)。 本研究檢視上述相關文獻,指出社會資本與人力資本、組織資本特性上的差異。鑲嵌不同社會資本〈新市場機會及信任〉的不同知識網路定位〈相對創業型定位及相對緊密型網路〉在環境變遷中提供企業不同程度的取得新市場機會〈如相對創業型定位有助於企業了解新市場顧客需求〉,促進知識基礎與知識策略對於企業創新能力的提升。本研究並且進一步在分析者企業策略的框架下,提出創新能力為因變數、知識策略與知識基礎為自變數、知識網路定位為調節變數的研究假設模型。 接著,本研究進行質性及量化實證研究,質性研究是從個案研究資料庫找出研究個案數量相對多且品質佳的創新個案:1980年代製造業的昇陽二號以及1990年代服務業的亞馬遜網路書店,逐篇檢視找出對應相關變數及其間關係,以初步檢驗本研究的研究模型。接著,為一般化本研究模型的解釋力,從重要的量化實證文獻中找出衡量各變數的問項整理成問卷,以台灣資訊電子業上市企業共341家為母體樣本,寄發問卷給各家企業之經理人,共取得69份有效問卷〈有效回收率為20.23%〉,將這些問卷資料以淨最小平方法演算後分析發現,採行分析〈者〉企業策略的台灣資訊電子業上市企業的實證資料支持絕大部分研究假設。在著重漸進式創新、漸進式創新專案對於激進式創新專案人力資本有顯著排擠效果的設計製造代工思維下,企業的知識網路定位透過知識策略與知識基礎提升創新能力。 本研究基於實證結果,除在理論上以知識網路定位銜接知識基礎與知識策略顯著提升對於創新能力的解釋力以及從產業創新階段觀點解答目前文獻對於組織知識網路定位的矛盾:同時採行相對創業型定位及相對緊密型網路成效差 (e.g., Koka & Prescott, 2008) vs. 同時採行二種知識網路定位成效好 (e.g., Capaldo, 2007) 外,同時也對實務提出建言:經理人應觀察產業所處的創新階段決定所需要提升的創新能力〈激進式或漸進式〉,盤點知識基礎〈人力資源及組織資本〉,透過知識網路定位〈相對創業型定位或相對緊密型網路〉與知識策略〈相對知識探索或相對知識運用〉的搭配,提升所需的創新能力。 / Firms aggressively respond to environmental change through innovations. Radicalness of innovations should be guided by environmental demand, or customers’ requirement. When customers’ requirement changes or is unknown, how do firms explore customers’ requirement becomes a crucial question. Contrarily, when customers’ requirement is known or unchanged and competition emphasizes on product/service quality and cost, how do firms exploit knowledge to increase quality or/and to decrease cost becomes a crucial question (Abernathy & Utterback, 1978). How does an innovative firm successfully adopt a proper knowledge networking which acquires above drivers (i.e., new customer requirement, product quality/cost) and facilitates the firm’s knowledge base and knowledge strategy to increase innovation capability? To what extent of knowledge networking, knowledge bases and knowledge strategies combine to affect firm innovation capability? This study tries to answer these questions. According to firms’ responsive degree to environmental change, firms can be categorized into Prospectors, Analyzers, and Defenders from a corporate strategy perspective (Miles et al., 1978). ‘Prospectors’ aggressively respond environmental changes, ‘Defenders’ pursue a stable environment, ‘Analyzers’ attempt to minimize risk while they maximize profit. Corporate strategy directs how does a firm respond environmental change and pursue innovation capabilities (Koka & Prescott, 2008). According to discrepancy degree between market demand and firms’ existing technologies base, innovation capabilities which firms pursue can be categorized into radial innovation capability and incremental innovation capability. Two major schools argue different sources of innovation capability. Knowledge-based scholars (e.g., Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005) argue that innovation capability is from firms’ knowledge (e.g., human capital, organization capital and social capital) utilization and accumulation. Contrarily, knowledge strategy scholars (e.g., Atuahene-Gima, 2005) emphasize importance of adaption. Firms are required to adapting to environmental change, setup radicalness of new product or innovation capability, and deicide resources allocating on exploration projects or/and exploitation projects. Firms increase innovation capability through knowledge exploration strategy and knowledge exploitation strategy. Knowledge-base perspective indicates source of firms’ innovation capability. However, it assumes environment changes slowly or companies are able to dominate environmental change. Contrarily, knowledge strategy perspective indicates direction of firms’ innovation capability for adapting to environment. However, it assumes firms’ knowledge base is fruitful and can be utilized for strategy execution. How does a firm positively interplay knowledge base and knowledge strategy to increase innovation capability is a crucial question (Cook & Brown, 1999). I review literature and firstly indicate that social capital’s characteristic is different from human capital and organization capital. Different degrees of knowledge networking (relatively entrepreneurial positioning and relatively prominent networking) embedding different social capital (new opportunities and trust) facilitates firms’ new opportunities accessibility to increase innovation capability via knowledge base and knowledge strategy. This research deducts eight hypotheses and builds a model which includes innovation capability (dependent variable), knowledge base and knowledge strategy (independent variable), and knowledge networking (moderating variable). Further, I conduct a qualitative research and a quantitative research to test the model. I find Sun-2 workstation in 1980s and Amazon.com website innovation cases from databases and elucidate corresponding variables relationships. Then, I collect items which measure variables from premier journals’ articles to generate a survey questionnaire. I send questionnaires to 341 Taiwan ICT firms’ managers. The firms are listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange. Final 69 effective samples are received (return rate = 20.23%). I use PLS to analyze the data and find that most hypotheses are supported. This quantitative research finds that Taiwan ICT firms emphasize on incremental innovation capability, and incremental innovation projects cannibalize radical innovation projects in human capital, knowledge networking influences innovation capability via knowledge base and knowledge strategy. This research concludes that 1. knowledge networking bridges the gap between knowledge base and knowledge strategy and increases innovation capability, 2. Corresponding knowledge networking, knowledge base, knowledge strategy, and innovation capability on distinct stages of industrial innovation resolves knowledge networking dilemma: A firm which simultaneously adopts relatively entrepreneurial positioning and relatively prominent networking performs worse (e.g., Koka & Prescott, 2008) or better (e.g., Capaldo, 2007), 3. Managers should determine innovation capability portfolio (relatively more radical innovations or relatively more incremental innovations?) by product market’s stages of industrial innovation, check existing knowledge base (human capital and organization capital), adopt corresponding knowledge networking (relatively entrepreneurial positioning or relatively prominent networking), knowledge base and knowledge strategy (relatively exploring knowledge or exploiting knowledge) to increase determinative innovation capability.

智慧資本、中國區域創新能力與分析師預測行為 / Intellectual Capital, Regional Innovation Capability of China, and Analysts' Forecast Behavior

高郁婷, Kao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
區域技術創新能力是展現區域將知識轉化為經濟的能力,是區域競爭力的重要內容。由於區域創新能力是造成中國各區域經濟發展差距的主要原因之一。本研究採用中國之上市公司為研究對象,探討公司創新活動的揭露與中國各省(自治區、直轄市)創新能力對分析師預測行為及分析師預測跟隨人數之影響。由三個面向檢視區域創新能力:研究與試驗發展全時人員當量增長率(REGTH)、政府研發投入占GDP比例(GIGDP)、每百萬人平均發明專利授權數(AVPAT)。研究結果發現創新活動揭露越多之公司,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越高且能吸引越多分析師對公司做預測。區域創新能力指標REGTH越高地區,分析師預測跟隨人數越少;區域創新能力指標GIGDP越高地區,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越低、分析師預測跟隨人數越少;區域創新能力指標AVPAT越高地區,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越低、分析師預測跟隨人數越多。 / Regional innovation capability is an important competitive ability to improve the economic development in China. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies, this study investigates the extent to which innovation disclosure at the company level and regional innovation capabilities affect analysts’ forecast characteristics in terms of forecast error, and forecast dispersion, and the number of analysts’ following. The indicators of regional innovation capabilities are the growth rate of R&D full-time equivalent personnel (REGTH), regional government's investment in R&D per GDP (GIGDP), and average of innovation patent authorized per millions of people in one region (AVPAT). The results indicate that firms with more innovation disclosures improve analysts’ forecast error, and regions with higher GIGDP and AVPAT also improve analysts’ forecast error. For firms with more innovation disclosures increase analysts’ forecast dispersion, and for regions with lower GIGDP and AVPAT increase analysts’ forecast dispersion. I also find firms with more innovation disclosures attract more analysts’ following, and regions with higher REGTH and GIGDP have less analysts’ following, while regions with higher AVPAT attract more analysts’ following.


鄭景華 Unknown Date (has links)
在持續創新的需求下,跨公司合作已成為企業整合應用知識,創新求變的重要策略。本文融合知識基礎觀點和組織學習觀點,指出跨公司合作所帶來的組織創新績效,係因合作夥伴知識整合的結果。因此研究的目的除了要實證知識整合與組織創新績效的關係外,主要在發展一個理論架構,說明影響跨公司合作創新的因素,及這些因素之間的關係。在研究設計上,本文係以我國高科技產業、資訊服務業及金融服務業做為問卷調查的對象,將所收集的資料透過探索性分析與驗證性分析兩階段檢定本文所提出之量測模式與研究假說,結果得到下列結論: 1. 跨公司合作為企業所帶來的創新績效,可以用知識整合的觀點來解釋,當企業知識整合能力越好,跨公司合作創新績效會越好。 2. 知識整合能力受到企業知識吸收能力的影響,吸收能力係企業先前知識的蓄積量,以及應用這些知識的能力之綜合。 3. 知識整合能力亦受到企業與夥伴合作的能力之影響,合作能力包括企業與夥伴建立信任關係,以及溝通、協調的能力。 4. 知識特質受知識整合機制的中介而影響創新績效,跨公司合作所帶來組織的創新績效,主要不受合作所牽涉知識之外顯╱內隱與複雜性特質的影響,必須應知識特質的不同而採取適當的整合機制後,才能因知識整合而產生創新績效。 5. 吸收能力、合作能力與知識整合機制是相互影響的因素,三者形成企業知識整合創新能力的主要構面,是企業追求跨公司合作創新必須重視的要素。 / Inter-firm collaboration has been an important strategy for firms to integrate and apply knowledge among their partners in order to obtain innovation performance under uncertainty circumstances. This study combining the knowledge based view and the organizational learning perspective, considers the innovation performance improvement as the result of knowledge integration. Besides examining the relation between innovation performance and knowledge integration, the purpose of this study is to find the factors influencing inter-firm collaboration performance and the relationships among these factors. The data collecting from Taiwan’s high-tech, information service and finance industry were used in the exploratory and confirmatory phases to evaluate the instruments and test the hypotheses. The conclusions are listed as below: 1. The innovation performance gaining from inter-firm collaboration can be considered as the result of knowledge integration. While the knowledge integration capability of a firm is better, the firm’s innovation performance in inter-firm collaborations will be better too. 2. The knowledge integration capability of a firm is influenced by the absorptive capacity of the firm. And the firm’s absorptive capacity derives from the firm’s prior knowledge accumulation and the capability to apply their knowledge. 3. The knowledge integration capability of a firm is also influenced by their cooperative competency. The cooperative competency is composed of three interrelated facets: trust, communication and coordination. 4. Firm’s innovation performance in an inter-firm collaboration doesn’t directly influenced by the explicit/tacit and complexity characteristics of the knowledge which appeared in the collaboration. To produce innovation performance, knowledge with different characteristics should be integrated by suitable integration mechanisms. 5. Absorptive capacity, corporative competency and knowledge integration mechanism construct firm’s “knowledge integration and innovation capability”, which is important to firm’s innovation performance in inter-firm collaborations.

領導者才能對決策品質、團隊競爭力、與績效之影響-以Sternberg之WICS模式為例 / The effect of leaders’ skills on the quality of leaders’ decisions, team competitiveness and performance – Sternberg’s WICS model

陳力睿 Unknown Date (has links)
領導者之決策對於組織的影響甚大,不僅決定企業的獲利,更可能影響組織的存亡。在現今快速變遷的環境中,領導者經常面臨在時間壓力下需快速做出正確的決策,因此本研究著重於探討領導者才能對於領導者決策品質,以及團隊競爭力與績效之影響。具體而言,本研究從Sternberg所提出的WICS模式為出發點,探討「領導者智慧」、「領導者實用智力」、「領導者分析智力」及「領導者創新能力」對於「領導者決策品質」、「團隊競爭力與績效」之影響,並建構「領導者才能之競爭力模式」。至於領導者才能之競爭力模式,不僅可以做為後續相關研究之重要參考,亦可協助企業與領導者檢視其領導效能,進而做為改善競爭力與績效之重要依據。 本研究之問卷經嚴謹之程序編製,首先進行專家會議、信效度及因素分析之檢驗,之後再進行研究變項間之探討。研究樣本採立意取樣方式,以團隊為單位,每個團隊收集團隊領導者及其五位直屬部屬之調查問卷。本研究總計回收40位領導者與200位部屬之有效樣本,統計分析結果顯示,本研究所有量表皆具有良好之內部一致性信度(.754~.972)與效標關聯效度(.280~.820)。 此外,本研究根據結構方程模式驗證本研究之假設,綜合結果顯示:1. 領導者智慧、實用智力、分析智力及創新能力對於領導者決策品質具有顯著且正向之影響;2. 領導者決策品質對於團隊競爭力具有顯著且正向之影響;3. 團隊競爭力對於團隊績效具有顯著且正向之影響;4. 「領導者才能之競爭力模式」獲得實證支持。最後,研究者根據本研究結果,提出對未來學術研究與實務應用具體之建議。 / Leaders’ decisions have a great impact on organizations; they influence not only the revenue but also the survival of organizations. In this fast-changing environment, leaders always need to make fast and correct decisions under time pressure. Therefore, the focus of this study is the effect of leaders’ skills on the quality of leaders’ decisions so as to improve the competitiveness and performance of teams or organizations. The present study starts from WICS model which developed by Sternberg to examine the effect of leaders’ wisdom, practical intelligence, analytic intelligence, and creativity on the quality of leaders’ decisions, team competitiveness and performance, and to construct the competitiveness model of leaders’ skills. The development of competitiveness model of leaders’ skills could not only be used by following related studies, but also assist organizations and leaders to review leadership efficacy in order to improve the competitiveness and performance. The present study constructed the questionnaire through an expert committee, tests of reliability, validity, and factor analysis. The samples of team unit were collected using purposive sampling, and each unit included one leader and five immediate subordinates. A total of forty valid sample units which had forty leaders and two hundred immediate subordinates were collected. Through the statistical analysis, it shows the internal consistency reliability (.752-.972) and criterion-related validity (.280-.820) of all scales (leaders’ self-rating and subordinates’ other-rating) were excellent. Furthermore, according to the result of hypothesis testing and Structural Equation Modeling analysis, it shows: 1. Leaders’ wisdom, empirical intelligence, analytic intelligence, and creativity have a significant and positive influence on the quality of leaders’ decisions; 2. The quality of leaders’ decisions has a significant and positive influence on team competitiveness; 3. Team competitiveness has a significant and positive influence on team performance; 4. The constructed competitiveness model of leaders’ skills was supported. Finally, suggestions were proposed for further academic studies and practical application based on the result of the present study.

領導才能、決策品質、工作生活品質、身心健康、幸福感、組織競爭力與績效之相關研究 / The Research of Leaders’Competency, Quality of Decision, Quality of Work Life, Mental and Physical Health, Well-Being, Organizational Competitiveness and Performance.

王立璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於以Sternberg的WICS模式、以及Hamel與Prahalad的競爭大未來思維為出發點,探討當領導者具備智慧、實用智力、分析智力、創造力、以及競爭大未來思維時,是否能制定較佳的決策,進而影響到員工的工作生活品質、身心健康、與幸福感,最終則對於組織競爭力與組織績效產生影響。此外,本研究也檢驗「領導競爭力之整合模式」,以協助企業組織進行診斷與改善。 本研究以問卷蒐集資料,並採用便利取樣,共蒐集417位員工的有效樣本,與經過信度、效度、與因素分析的檢驗,再進行變項間的關係探討。統計分析結果顯示,本研究多數量表皆具有良好的內部一致性信度(.93~.97)與效標關聯效度(.14~.88)。此外,本研究以階層迴歸分析與結構方程模式驗證本研究假設,研究結果顯示:1. 領導者智慧、領導者智力、領導者創造力、與競爭大未來思維,對於領導者決策品質具有正向顯著影響;2. 領導者決策品質對員工工作生活品質具有正向顯著影響;3. 員工工作生活品質對於員工身心健康具有正向顯著影響;4. 員工身心健康對於員工幸福感具有正向顯著影響;5. 員工幸福感對於組織競爭力具有正向顯著影響;6. 組織競爭力對於組織績效具有正向顯著影響;7. 領導者智慧、領導者智力、領導者創造力、與競爭大未來思維,對於組織績效具有正向顯著影響;8. 本研究之領導競爭力整合模式獲得支持。 最後,本研究提出未來之研究建議,以期未來研究能以更完善的研究設計,獲得更完整的領導競爭力之全貌,同時,亦提出本研究之實務應用建議,以作為企業組織診斷與發展的重要參考。

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