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應用Wi-Fi與GPS技術於室外定位之研究 / Study on Outdoor Positioning With Wi-Fi/GPS郭清智 Unknown Date (has links)
由於可攜式行動裝置近年來快速成長,隨著行動裝置與地理資訊的結合發展出的適地性服務 (Location-Based Service, LBS),也呈現越來越多的應用方式。LBS最基本的功能為定位,定位精度好壞也影響著LBS的應用面,越高的定位精度應用面越廣。常見的定位方式便是用GPS導航定位,但是在都會地區越是繁榮的地方往往過多的建物使衛星訊號被阻擋,導致GPS的定位會受到影響,造成平面誤差量會在15公尺以上,或是無法定位。利用都市區域有Wi-Fi訊號分布的特性,藉由區分不同的Wi-Fi訊號來源與接收強度,做出定位判斷,可以使原本GPS無法定位的區域,也可以利用Wi-Fi訊號來做定位。本研究嘗試使用高感度GPS接收器,在建物周邊定位,及在GPS無法運作時使用Wi-Fi訊號來做定位依據,提高整體的定位成功率,並嘗試利用Wi-Fi定位與GPS協同運作來提高整體精度。Wi-Fi定位採用訊號紋辨識法,欲使用訊號紋辨識法必先建立Wi-Fi訊號資料庫,包含地理坐標與對應的訊號來源與強度分布。實驗區為政治大學山下校區綜合院館四周面積約1.76公頃區域,模擬被遮蔽狀況下的GPS導航定位精度,配合Wi-Fi定位來輔助GPS定位結果。結果顯示利用兩種定位系統,可使平面平均定位誤差小於10公尺,高程平均定位誤差小於1.5公尺。 / The positioning accuracy is an important issue for Location-Based Service (LBS). LBS has many products, and its applications are usually based on Global Positioning System (GPS), because GPS navigation has been very mature. GPS has a typical outdoor positioning error of up to 15 meters for civilian users. Hence it has become a viable method for civilian to carry out coarse positioning. However, it has its shortcomings. GPS is available only in outdoors with a clear view of the sky. Since Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) has become another positioning technology which is capable of performing positioning in indoor environments and urban canyons. Wi-Fi positioning is using fingerprinting in this study. This study is desirable to integrate GPS and Wi-Fi positioning technologies for ubiquitous positioning. The related issues of Wi-Fi/GPS technologies, such as database quality, analysis of algorithms, and database processing procedures were studied. Test data sets from National Chengchi University (NCCU) campus will be used to test the proposed algorithms. By using those two positioning system , it is revealed that the positioning accuracy made at the test sites resulted that the 2D coordinate average error is less than 10 meters, elevation positioning average error is less than 1.5 meters.
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宗教節目與觀眾之接收和反應~以大愛電視《人間菩提》證嚴法師開示為例 / Religious Programs and the Reception and Reaction of the Audience~Case of “Life Wisdom”on DaAi TV, Master Cheng Yen’s Practical Interpretations葉育鎏, Yeh, Yu Liu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,《人間菩提》節目對觀眾而言,確實具有其宗教價值與行善助人雙重元素,但不會讓觀眾認為它是傳統印象中的宗教節目,反倒能連結至受眾個人的情感與生活體驗,帶動出一股慈善力量的動能。 / In Taiwan, there are seven local religious channels, DaAi TV is owned by the Tzuchi Foundation. DaAi TV was established in 1998. Through satellite broadcasting, it has already become the second largest television station among the global Chinese population. (next to the Central Committee Television in the mainland China). The Tzu Chi Foundation is a volunteer-based, nonprofit, spiritual and welfare organization that was founded in 1966 by Dharma Master Cheng Yen. For over 40 years, the Foundation has been contributing to improved social and community services, medical care, education, and humanism in Taiwan. Tzu Chi is an international organization with over 5 million supporters. Today, Master Cheng Yen's influence on the world is revealed through inspiring stories. There are four different programs about Master Cheng Yen on DaAi TV. The change Cheng Yen attempts to initiate in society begins with the individual.
Among the four programs, the content of “Life Wisdom" is the most direct. Master Cheng Yen provides “living wisdom" daily for 12 minutes. The wisdom is a record of actual events and it is updated daily.
This research adopts reception analysis, thorough interviews to understand how the audience watches this type of religious program. Further, it studies the manner in which the audience interprets the content and applies it in their daily lives, in order to construct a perspective of the real world. The present research also examines the reactions of the audience upon watching the program and the manner in which the act of watching Life Wisdom influences the larger community to work toward the betterment of society.
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「全球化廣告」的接收分析–影響閱聽人解讀型態之因素研究 / Reception Analysis of Global Advertising–A Study of The Factors of Influencing The Audience's Interpretation Patterns謝炫達, Hsieh, Hsuan-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,閱聽人對不同類型全球化廣告的認知程度愈深,愈容易對全球化廣告採取優勢型的解讀型態;閱聽人對電視的依賴程度愈高,愈容易對全球化廣告採取優勢型的解讀型態;閱聽人所知覺到的品牌形象愈趨近於正向,愈容易對全球化廣告採取優勢型的解讀型態;閱聽人的開放性人格特質程度愈高,愈容易對全球化廣告採取優勢型的解讀型態。 / With more and more global corporation widespread in the world﹐global marketing becomes necessary. Advertising is an essential part of marketing﹐therefore﹐the globalization of advertising have to be imperative. In recent years﹐the situation of global corporation in Taiwan uses global advertising becoming universal﹐no matter what type of global advertising they used﹐the most important thing is the viewpoint of audience.
Therefore﹐the material of this study are different types of global advertising. In accordance with six different definitions of global advertising from foreign researchers and I selected four types from them﹐they are“Fully Standardized.”、“Semi–Standardized.”、“Varying Standard Executional Elements.”﹐and “Act Global﹐Think Local.”The study started with the approach of“Reception Analysis.”To investigate how the audience interpret different types of global advertising. Meanwhile﹐try to recognize how the audience’s personality trait of openness﹐degree of media dependency﹐cognition of brand image of global corporation﹐and the different types of global advertising itself influences the audience’s interpretation pattern.
The present study uses“Semiology”to analyze the content of different types of global advertising﹐simultaneously﹐using the research design of“on–the–spot questionnaire”to collect the respondents’ data﹐in order to understand the relationship between the different types of global advertising and the audience﹐and try to examine the variable causality.
The results of the study are﹕when the audience have deeper cognition of different types of global advertising﹐their interpretation pattern of global advertising tend to be more dominant. When the audience’s degree of media dependency is higher﹐they well take the dominant interpretation pattern of global advertising easier﹒When the audience’s cognition of brand image is more positive﹐their interpretation pattern of global advertising incline to be more dominant﹒When the audience’s degree of personality trait of openness is higher﹐they well adopt the dominant interpretation pattern of global advertising easier.
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終戰初期臺灣煙酒專賣事業之研究 / A Study on the Tobacco and Wine Monopoly in Early Post-war Taiwan, 1945-1947葉彥邦, Yap, Gan-Bang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖結合當年有限的史料,以及解嚴後陸續出土的官方檔案文獻與民間研究成果,期能以較為寬闊而多元的視野,重新呈現臺灣煙酒專賣事業在終戰初期的樣貌,俾補綴這一段現已鮮為人知或疏忽遺漏的臺灣現代史,甚且充實現階段「臺灣研究」的內涵。 / The monopoly of tobacco and wine in Taiwan has been a major source of revenue for the Japanese Colonial Government since the middle period of its occupation. After Japan ceded Taiwan to the Nationalist Government of China in October 1945, it continued to be the policy of the new ruling power, the result of which greatly redounded to the new government’s fiscal income, especially during the early post-war years. As the monopoly policy has left a deep imprint on Taiwan’s economics, it should have been the focus of much attention. Nevertheless, due to the ruins ravaged by the war and the ineptitude of the government, a lot of historical documents concerning Taiwanese society and economic development were lost, leaving a blank of the history of the monopoly policy.
This dissertation aims to survey the history of tobacco and wine monopoly in Taiwan. Starting with the Japanese Colonial Government which laid down a good foundation of the monopoly policy, my research would then focus on the policy of the Nationalist Government toward Taiwan after reclaiming its territory, the way the new government took over the monopoly business and kept it running, the kind of problem it confronted, and the significance of the monopoly business in its contribution to the government’s revenue. The author would also examine the political incident related to the monopoly business, arguing that the real cause of the February 28 Incident(known in Chinese as the “2-2-8 Incident”), though triggered by an anti-smuggling crackdown on February 27, 1947, was Taiwanese refusal to accede to the peremptory policies set by Kuomintang(Nationalist Party or KMT) Government.
This research is done based on the limited first-hand documents and the newly released governmental archives, besides some non-governmental documents. Efforts have been made to reconstruct the history of the tobacco and wine monopoly business in the early post-war years with a view to enriching the Taiwan Studies.
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全球電視、科技與觀眾接收:年輕世代的多國電視劇收視初探 / Global TV, technology and audience reception: The preliminary study of younger generations' multinational drama viewing林韋葳 Unknown Date (has links)
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