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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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史正宜, Shih, Cheng-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要 財務會計準則公報第十八號的實施,將企業退休金費用之認列與退休基金之提撥分別處理,企業應依精算退休金成本認列退休金費用,不以退休金之提撥為基準,故企業之退休金提撥決策受退休金費用認列之影響較以往大幅降低。在第十八號公報實施之後,若企業持續不足額提撥退休基金,則原先提撥率偏低且以提撥額認列退休金費用的企業會面臨退休金費用及退休金負債鉅額上升的情況。改善此窘境的方法之一,便是增加退休基金的提撥水準,以降低退休金負債及未來的退休金費用。由於國內普遍存在退休金提撥偏低的情況,故本研究試圖探究第十八號公報的實施,是否會造成上市公司退休金提撥率因而變動,並探究在現況之下,退休金提撥率與財務因素之間的關係。 經實證結果,本研究獲致的結論如下: 一、第十八號公報的實施,與退休金提撥率成顯著正相關,顯示上市公司會因第十八號公報的實施,而提高其退休金提撥率。 二、第十八號公報實施之後,企業的退休金提撥率與財務因素之間的關係如下: 1. 以(提撥金額/已付薪資總額)衡量退休金提撥率時: (1)流動比率與退休金提撥率成顯著正相關,顯示當企業資金較充裕時,會增加其退休金提撥率。 (2)總資產報酬率與退休金提撥率成顯著負相關,顯示當企業本身之總資產報酬率較高時,會減少其退休金提撥率。 (3)長期負債比率與退休金提撥率成顯著負相關,顯示企業會藉由減少對退休基金的提撥,以內部負債融通資金,而減少對外舉債。 2. 以(提撥金額/淨退休金成本)衡量退休金提撥率時: (1)總資產報酬率與退休金提撥率成顯著負相關,顯示當企業本身之總資產報酬率較高時,會減少其退休金提撥率。 (2)長期負債比率與退休金提撥率成顯著負相關,顯示企業會藉由減少對退休基金的提撥,以內部負債融通資金,而減少對外負債。 (3)退休金提撥不足程度與退休金提撥率成顯著負相關,顯示以往提撥不足的企業,其退休金提撥率仍然較低,並未藉由增加對退休金的提撥改善其提撥不足的狀況。


朱紓葶 Unknown Date (has links)
本文延續Huang(2004, 2008)的研究,將單期與多期挹注資金的資產負債管理議題專化於DC確定提撥退休金制度上,其研究將問題化成二次函數,以一般化最小平方法(Generalized least square, GLS)求出具有唯一解特性的決策變數,利用的軟體求解速度相當快,能有效率地一次找出多項資產配置比例。 本研究引入三種投資模型及其薪資模型,分別是Wilkie(1995)模型、MacDonald and Cairns(2007)模型、Huang and Cairns(2006)及Li(2009),以蒙地卡羅模型模擬出各投資標的年報酬率與薪資水準,並利用這些預期的模擬值在負債目標控制為隨機成長或固定比例成長下,找出最適投資比例、每期挹注的額度與提撥比例。 最適配置為了解決下方風險(downside risk)問題,在允許限定風險容忍度下去最大化投資績效,本研究將目標函數加入衡量報酬項,依據員工希望的報酬,討論此項權重如何最適。亦加入交易成本項以反映實務情況,此投資總交易成本為權重的函數,於足夠支付交易成本的前提下找出權重最小值。 / In this study, the simulation of the return for each investment and wage pattern is via introduction of three investment model and their wage model, namely, Wilkie (1995) model, MacDonald and Cairns (2007) model, Huang and Cairns (2006) model and Li (2009), by using Monte Carlo simulation. The optimal contribution rate of investments, the amount of injection of each period, and income replacement ratio are determined when simulation is targeted in the balance control for the random growth or growth under a fixed rate of liabilities. The asset-liability management of single-period and multi-period injection of funds is specialized in the Defined contribution plan (DC), which is the extension of Huang’s (2004, 2008) study. Huang’s research transforming his argument into a quadratic function to generalized least squares method (GLS) having a unique solution to derive the decision-making variables. This method can efficiently find a set of allocation by software at a fairly rapid speed. The optimal allocation is to maximize investment performance subject to a limited risk had to tolerance for deal with downside risk. This study ameliorates the objective function by adding a constant term, which does not affect the investment decision-making variable. This new generalized least squares method use a constant represented as a weight, which is based on the desire asset of the employee. This study also takes transaction costs into consideration to reflect the practical situation. The total transaction costs are the function of the weight introduced into the new objective function. The minimum of weight can be reached when the goal is set to be sufficient to cover the transaction costs

隨機控制理論應用於退休基金之研究 / Applications of Stochastic Control Theory in Pension Fund Management

何嘉綺 Unknown Date (has links)
提撥原則是固定給付退休基金所必須特別重視的經營策略,提撥率為基金贊助者定期提撥於未來成員退休給付的準備金。過高的提撥率會造成基金管理上的財務壓力,退休金計劃採行相對提撥方式,將同時加重基金贊助者與基金成員的財務負擔,而過低的提撥率則會造成退休給付的準備金不足,將使退休基金未來面臨無力清償成員退休給付的困境,因此適當且長期穩定的提撥原則成為退休基金決策者的經營目標,而必須特別重視基金的財務風險管理。 本研究著重於探討如何數量化退休基金經營的穩定性與安全性,陳述隨機控制理論的觀點,應用動態規劃的發展結果,建立基金於離散時間的動態回饋控制模型,仔細探討並說明Haberman與Sung (1994)及Chang (1999a)所定義基金管理者的風險測度,使退休基金最主要的兩種經營風險,亦即提撥穩定性的風險(contribution rate risk)和財務清償的風險(solvency risk)能夠於基金財務規劃的期限內達到最小值,風險測度可提供決策者客觀衡量基金經營時的風險指標,表達有別於會計帳面之財務數字外有效的財務資訊。利用最適化的概念與給定參數及遞迴條件的限制下,計算基金於財務規劃期間內的最適提撥金額。 最後,我們以台灣公務人員退撫基金為研究對象進行數值分析,由實例分析的流程我們詳細探討最適化理論與實際財務評估的應用過程,且最適的結果可以提供退休基金決策者更詳盡且及時的財務資訊,輔助退休基金管理者於多期決策的擬定過程。 / Funding policy is the crucial management decision in the defined benefit pension schemes. The plan sponsor is required to calculate the contribution rate and accumulate in advance as he reserve for the future contingent retirement and ancillary obligations for the plan members. High contribution results an accelerating financial burden for the plan sponsor, while low contribution might endanger the financial solvency of the plan. The appropriate and stable contributions become the goal of the plan manager in setting up his funding policy. Hence financial risk management in attaining the goal is especially vital to be examined. The study emphasizes on quantifying the mismanage risks in pension valuation. The stability and solvency issues are included in our financial risk management. Stochastic control is also reviewed and the methodology of the dynamic programming is explored. The performance measure proposed in Haberman and Sung (1994) and Chang (1999a) are employed to scrutinize the contribution rate risk and solvency risk. The risk measurement can provide extra information in disclosing the risk index for the plan sponsor. The results gain operative information besides the traditional accounting reporting. The optimal contribution based on managerial consideration can be implemented through dynamic mechanisms under the given demographic and economic parameters and the plan recursive constraints. Finally, Taiwan public employees retirement system (Tai-PERS) is illustrated to investigate the optimal results and funding levels through the proposed model. The optimal results can response the updated financial information and assist the plan manager in policy making under the multi-frameworks.

資產負債管理的隨機規劃模型在退休基金上的應用 / A stochastic programming model for asset liability management with an application of pension fund

陳煌林 Unknown Date (has links)

政府單位退休金提撥原則與精算資訊揭露之研究 / The Study of Funding Policy and Actuarial Disclosure For Government Employees Pension Scheme

劉鼎先, Sam Liu Unknown Date (has links)
政府為雇主之公務人員退休撫卹計劃,依據現行退撫法規設立公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會及監理委員會負責業務執行,屬於雇主〈即政府〉責任之退休基金提撥政策依法由公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會釐定,定期依照精算評估報告規劃年度提撥率與基金負債,由於公務人員退休撫卹制度之健全與否攸關國家行政效能,依歐美先進國家之作法,均依據精算原理擬定合適之退休金提撥原則,並將財務資訊透過政府單位之財務報導予以認列與揭露,本研究鑑於公務人員退休撫卹計劃之特殊性與重要性,以美國政府會計準則第27號公報為參考依據,探討政府採用退休金提撥原則之合理性,如何正確揭露於相關之財務報導,適度認列公務人員退休基金之負債,同時清楚呈現基金之提撥歷程,建立完整之精算揭露準則與方法。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機和目的 第二節 研究範圍和限制 第三節 研究架構和內容 第二章 公務人員退休撫卹計劃 第一節 退休撫卹計劃的類型 第二節 公務人員退休撫卹計劃之角色 第三章 退休基金之提撥原則 第一節 前言 第二節 確立提撥所依據的精算負債 第三節 確立基金提撥的方法與目標 第四節 建立財務分析模式 第五節 確定目標成本提撥的穩定度 第六節 檢驗基金提撥是否符合法律與會計規範 第四章 公務人員退休撫卹計劃之財務報導 第一節 不同退撫計劃財務報導之差異 第二節 我國公務人員退撫計劃之種類 第三節 公務人員退撫計劃財務報導之基本概念 第四節 公務人員退撫計劃資訊之揭露 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 第三節 後續研究之建議 附錄一 名詞解釋 附錄二 各種精算成本法之數學公式及說明 附錄三 公務人員退撫計劃退休金相關精算資訊財務報導之範例說明 附錄四 中華民國精算學會「退休辦法一般公認精算評估準則」 附錄五 財務會計準則公報第十八號精算評估中針對具有共同性精算假設所應採用之基礎 參考書目 / According to enact public employees pension regulations, the Taiwan public employee management board and supervisory board was established to perform the administration for the government employees pension plan. The management board is required by law to set up the funding policy and disclose the plan liabilities to the plan members annually. Since the financial soundness and compensation suitability of the pension scheme is directly related to the government productivity and competency, the funding schedule need to be guided carefully based on the sounded actuarial principle. In this study, statement No.27 of the government standard accounting board (GASB) employed in United States is examined to investigate the substantive funding policy and financial reporting. The financial reporting of the funding schedule for the public and the accrued liabilities disclosed in the balance sheet of the pevsion fund are also scrutinized. Finally explicit requirements for actuarial reporting and general actuarial principle for government employees pension plan are proposed.

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